I can't be an NPC

Chapter 91 Bold Ideas

Chapter 91 Bold Ideas


But it didn't work.

Helen knew that these monsters were just a phenomenon that the corrupted moon was gradually approaching criticality, not its essence.

No matter how many people are killed, there is no way to prevent the coming of the Corruption Moon.

Otherwise, eight legendary professionals would be enough to plow these monsters back and forth several times.

"Come on! Let's go!"

Helen shook her head, "We still have something to do, so we won't fight."


Both she and Lauren ventured into the space of the Moon of Corruption, taking a huge risk.

She didn't know why, these Chosen Ones seemed to be completely unaffected by some kind of rules.

But in the short time she came in, she had seen some frightening images out of the corner of her eye.

From the corner of her eye, she seemed to be able to see her hands melting like burning candles.

However, what melted into it was some kind of black fluid... just like the slime on the surface of those monsters.

In the ears, there will be some kind of weird humming-"La la la~ la la la~"

The voice is ethereal and majestic, just like the unison singing of the coming of the saints.

Helen could see that she was becoming one with this space, gradually dissolving in a certain silent warmth.

What was even more frightening was that she actually felt the warmth of this embrace, like a mother's womb.

In the blissful bliss of ignorance, he finally became a monster-like existence.

There was a huge conflict between feeling and reason, and the longer the time spent in the space of the corrupted moon, the more reason fell into a disadvantage.

Without legendary resistance, most of the aborigines could not resist the erosion and assimilation of the Corruption Moon.

Protection from good and evil can help the Chosen Ones resist damage from the environment of the Corruption Moon, but it cannot help the aboriginals resist the erosion of the Corruption Moon.

Taking advantage of her reason still controlling her will, Helen felt that she needed to evacuate quickly.

Seeing the figures of the two "hunting hunters" get out of the portal again, the player leading the way opened his mouth in astonishment.


What's the matter?Just come and leave?Didn't you say it's good to kill indiscriminately?
The two Helens who left did not attract the attention of too many players queuing outside.

Players are not all dead, after all, every 5 times of death, 50% of the upgraded soul energy will be lost, and most players who feel that the state is not right will take the initiative to leave.

Stepping aside, Helen took a last look at the Chosen Ones lining up and the two apostles beside the portal.

Shaking his head, he turned and left.

The assimilation of the month of corruption is a kind of assimilation of rules.

However, the optimism and detachment of these Chosen Ones are also a kind of spiritual assimilation.

Always full of energy and vitality.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the Moon of Corruption cannot assimilate them...


With the great development of the players, there was a steady stream of news about the interior of the Moon of Corruption space, which was reported to Li Wen by the inner ghost Azhi in detail.

"The location in the Moon of Corruption space is different every time the portal is opened, and there is no fixed point of connection between the two planes."

"In the corrupted moon space that I went to, there are remains of human buildings in some places, but they are seriously weathered."

"The monsters don't exist all the time. As more people enter the space of the corrupted moon and the longer the activity time, the monsters will gradually condense out of some kind of black fluid."

"Protection from good and evil can greatly reduce the debuff deduction brought by environmental factors, and the higher the charisma save, the better the protection effect. When the charm save reaches +2, blood loss is already very slow, reaching +5 It can be completely immune to the influence of the environment at a certain level."

"Every time you enter, it seems to be marked by the month of corruption. Individuals can only enter at most twice in each natural day."

In addition to this, it is more about how the Moon of Corruption looks to players.

[? ? ? (Inner voice): Ahhh!Why are they again!I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored! 】

[? ? ? (Inner Voice): Die, die, die!All dead!Don't come again, okay? 】


Every time Li Wen saw the voice of Corruption Moon, he seemed to see a delicate and beautiful girl surrounded by big men and abused.

so weird~
"My World Destroyer Demon King Can't Be This Cute"?
Time passed day by day, and under the tireless development of the players, the information about the strategy of the month of corruption gradually improved.

"The so-called corruption moon space that I went to is actually not the body of the corruption moon. The body of the corruption moon should be the gray-black moon that hangs in the sky as if it will be suppressed at any time. And the players actually The land you set foot on may... be the Gaia continent in another dimension?"

Li Wen squinted his eyes and made an irresponsible guess.

During the few days when the critical door was opened, Julian dutifully became a copy gatekeeper, and Li Wen was not idle.

The pioneering actions of the players are just pioneering, providing Li Wen with more information that he could not have obtained originally.

But obviously, players who only have second-level strength and can only fight mobs can't really solve this incident.

In this regard, a bold idea was born in Li Wen's heart.

In order to verify this bold idea, Li Wen needs to think about his own life first.

The last time I made a move for Qin, I had a lot of buffs stacked on me.

This time Li Wen's level is higher, so naturally there are more choices available.

Third Circle Spell—Protection from Energy Damage (Protection): A willing creature you touch is resistant to one of the following damage types you designate for the duration of the spell: acid, eclipse, freezing, fire, lightning, thunder .Release time: 0.5 seconds.Cooldown: 1 hour.Duration: Up to 1 hour, requires sustained concentration.Casting distance: Limit yourself.

Third Circle Spell—Protection Circle (Conjuration): Specify a point on the ground that you can see within the casting range, and create a 10-foot-radius, 20-foot-high column of magical energy there.Glittering runes appear on places or other surfaces that hold the pillars of energy.

Specify one or more of the following creature types: celestial, elemental, fey, daemon, undead.The circle will have the following effects on creatures of the specified type:

([-]): This type of creature cannot actively enter the columnar area by non-magical means.If such a creature attempts to use teleportation or plane travel to enter the area, it must first make a Charisma saving throw to see if it succeeds.

([-]): This type of creature has disadvantages when attacking creatures in the columnar area.

([-]): Targets within the columnar area are not charmed, feared or possessed by such creatures.

When casting this spell, you can choose to have the magic act in the opposite direction to prevent certain kinds of creatures from leaving the column, protecting targets outside the area.


Only when there are enough buffs stacked, can Li Wen feel a little more at ease.

Because, he plans to enter it in person!
(End of this chapter)

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