Tokyo becoming a god starts from the bathroom

Chapter 213 Zhang Yushen's coquettish operation!

Chapter 213 Zhang Yushen's coquettish operation! (23 more)
It should be that the matter of saving the world is so attractive to the girls, that the witches who remember to go home on time before going out to punish evil and promote good, have completely forgotten the time.

As a result, the witches who were discussing the fate of the bad guys scattered like birds and beasts in an instant, and they all went back to their homes immediately.

As for coming home so late, whether they were blamed by their parents, and how they dealt with it, only they themselves know.

But in short, the next morning, even though a few witches were so anxious that they didn't even put on their makeup, they all gathered on time.

On the contrary, the delinquents, when "school is over" at [-] o'clock in the evening, there are still a bunch of people who are still thinking about it, so that the gang of delinquents see that it has ended so early, and they still want to make an appointment with each other, and then go to have a meeting at night Party, have a drink or something.

In this regard, He Chen decisively added an early bedtime task, which echoed the early wake up task that had been set long ago.

Although the unscrupulous believers immediately screamed in pain under He Chen's nose, but it should not be said, in fact, He Chen's arrangement is really not to torture them, but to help them.

The task arrangement for getting up early has been set long ago. No matter what time they make trouble today, the system will punish them on time at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

Now let them go back to sleep immediately, so that they will feel better when they wake up tomorrow.

As for whether they can sleep or not, it depends on their luck.

Anyway, the system will let them get up on time tomorrow and go out on time.

"By the way, is the Yakuza's system given to them now? They will also need to get up early tomorrow to maintain order and give lessons to the bad guys."

"Well, forget it, let's use them as a labor force for another day, and give them the system after tomorrow's business is over."

In short, the first day's affairs passed in the midst of the noise, and everyone, including Yakuza, went home to sleep.

Except He Chen.

After all, He Chen didn't need to sleep.

At night, instead of watching anime with his little believer in his arms, He Chen prayed to the believer in his mind, looking for the loopholes in the system that had been sent out one by one, and fixed each small problem.

Then, according to "Learning Leifeng System" and "Prodigal Son Turning Back System", the system of evil believers mixed among the ordinary believers who had prepared before was trimmed.

And it also re-planned the whole situation of believers' good and evil afterwards.

It can be said that he spent most of the night on this, which was really hard work.

That is to say, the system has created a countdown timer. If there is no countdown timer, or if the countdown time is not so urgent, He Chen will never work continuously for such a long time!
"What the hell, you have to work overtime in the middle of the night when you become a god, don't you need to sleep at night just so you can handle things at night?!"

"This system is really underwhelming! Treat me like a college student who just graduated?!"

"After this matter is settled, if I continue to work overtime like this, I will be a dog!"

He Chen, who was so dedicated and busy until four o'clock in the morning, felt a sense of satisfaction for a moment after seeing so many things he had accomplished, and then felt that he was at a disadvantage, and there was nothing he could do.

This feeling is almost the same as the feeling of being asked to work overtime by the boss in the previous life, and not paying overtime.

As a god, being prostituted by the system for nothing really made He Chen quite aggrieved.

"Hey, why don't you take advantage of this time to try [Mysterious Authority] and get a system to prostitute it for nothing?"

Now until dawn, there is still more than an hour, enough time to try it out.

If a system can really be created, then He Chen will be a big step closer to being the real "God of the System"!

Hmm. Maybe.

[God's Bias] Speaking of it, it feels more like a matter of propaganda, as long as the believers believe it, it doesn't matter whether He Chen has relevant abilities or not.

In this way, whether or not a real system has been created does not actually affect anything?
So, do you still try?

"Done! It's worth it even if you just have a good time!"

Count the ball!When you are a god, the most important thing is to be happy!Now that He Chen wants to do it, let's do it!God does whatever he wants!
He Chen closed and opened his eyes, all the magical skills, all the blessings and curses he has mastered so far, were all invoked at this moment!
The surging divine power, with the effects of various attributes, gathered in front of him in unison!

[Mysterious authority], activate!
The feeling of using this magical skill is completely different from other magical skills.

Just after activating [Mysterious Authority], He Chen felt that he had gained an extra level of control over all the divine powers and skills out of thin air!

If he had 120% control over divine power and skills before, it has instantly become [-]% now.

Originally, even if mixed together, the divine powers that were clearly distinct now seem to be


Following He Chen's shout, the divine power in front of him really merged with his thoughts, and instantly became a kind of divine power revealing colorful light in the chaos!
This is the power of the system?
Yes, this is the power of the system!

Moreover, because this is the fusion of various divine skills represented by various priesthoods, the divine power of this fusion system is even one level higher than He Chen's own divine power level!
Seeing the flashy divine power in front of him, He Chen was so shocked that he froze for several seconds.

"Fuck, isn't this thing too advanced? I don't know how to use it at all!"

How does the power of the system create a system?It's useless at all, no!
Give it a try?

Or, pass a divine sense in?
But it just doesn't feel right!
"Why don't you inject all the systems I rubbed into it?"

Seeing that most of the mysteries in [Mysterious Powers] had been used up, He Chen gritted his teeth and directly instilled the contents of the previous systems into the supernatural power of the system in his hand!


And what the hell, the mystery is running out!

If he doesn't use up this pile of divine power, his [mysterious authority] will be invalidated!

"It's the dog's day!"

He Chen gritted his teeth, full of regret in his heart, but at the same time, he was frantically thinking about a solution in his mind.

Throw it to your little believer?No, no, it's too dangerous. I don't know what to do with this divine power. If something goes wrong, it's over.

In the same way, you can't throw it on your own witch!

Bad and bad believers are still children, and it doesn't work!

"What's the name of the boss of the Yakuza organization? Shingo Aso? It's just you!"

"Go! Department. Well, one-fifth of the system's divine power!"

(End of this chapter)

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