Tokyo becoming a god starts from the bathroom

Chapter 220 Knowing Mistakes Can Be Corrected, My Lord God

Chapter 220 If you know your mistakes, you can correct them, my lord (33 more, complete!)
Following He Chen's more than an hour of corrections, the most urgent and most influential part of the bug has been completely corrected.

Most of the remaining large numbers of bugs are indeed bugs, and they really need to be modified, but they can be fooled if they are not modified for the time being.

So, after thinking about it, He Chen came up with an excellent solution based on the various information he learned in his previous life.

That is, give these bugs to certain believers and let them oversaturate them!
First, send these questions to the minds of the witches, and assign each question to three witches.

At that time, if the conclusions given by the three witches are the same, then they will act according to their ideas. If there is a difference, the problem will be assigned to all the witches. After collecting the ideas of all of them, hand them over to their superiors. Decide.

For example, Xingnan Songzhi.

Then in this process, witches who often have problems will be disqualified, and at the same time, they will continue to recruit people from among the believers to help make decisions.

In this way, a cycle for solving bugs can be established.

He Chen himself didn't need to do anything other than looking for bugs and confirming the final results!
And if this system works properly, it can continue to expand in due course.

For example, at that time, different questions will be directly distributed to all believers except the questioner, and then the problem of solving bugs will be disguised as a questionnaire or a test of the ability of believers.

As long as this system is established, any problems encountered by He Chen's hand rubbing system can be solved immediately!

Ahem, by the way, this method is based on the recognition of characters in ancient books by a foreign search software.

Many verification codes that look vague are actually a certain song using netizens to identify letters.

【"Little believer, how about it, isn't this method quite suitable!"】

["For the slogan, I will also announce at that time that the reason why believers are allowed to solve the problems in the system is to make the system of believers more suitable for their lives! Well, this is doing system localization transformation !”]

He Chen told the whole plan to the young believers.

The reason why he told her was not that He Chen told the little believers everything, but that Xingnan Songzhi was the one he had chosen to review the answers and resolve conflicts.

At that time, there will be quite a lot of workload for Xingnan Matsuori!

After listening, Xingnan Matsuori was silent for a while, and asked a question:
'Well, my lord, didn't you say that the number of your believers has been locked at 1 now, so with the transformation of believers, the number of evil believers who need to be reformed will only decrease.So your workload will gradually become less and less starting from today? '

'Since you can perfectly solve the situation with the largest workload today, why do you need to make this system?Is it purely for laziness? '


Very good, as expected of a smart little believer.

What's the matter, I discovered this problem all at once.

So, after being silent for a while, He Chen responded with a hearty smile:
【"Little believer, look at you, you are still the same! Hahahaha, I asked you how the method is, why are you thinking about it and digressed again hahaha!"]

【"Come on, now, tell me, how is this method?! Isn't it very good?! If your answer satisfies me, I won't punish you~ Are you happy?"]


Alright, the silence turned into Annan Matsuori.


In short, under He Chen's friendly discussion, the pope, Xingnan Matsuori, happily took over this important task, and said that he would definitely assist other witches to complete the tasks assigned by the gods.

He Chen also praised the Pope's attitude, saying that the [God of the Bathroom] Church is able to grow even more vigorously because of active workers like her.

This solution to the problem started working fairly smoothly.

【"Okay, okay, don't be so angry, let's go out and play next, okay?"】

【"I'm going to wait for the unscrupulous believers to finish their morning class, and then let them and the Yakuza believers go out to do good deeds, and then you priests will go out with them~"】

Seeing the number of bugs automatically summed up by the rubbing system in his mind continue to decrease, He Chen smiled and comforted his little believer.

'ah?My lord, you only teach for half a day, and let the bad guys go out and do good deeds?Will they not do well? '

The little believer was naturally distracted by He Chen's words.

【"It's okay, I let them try to do good deeds on the way to the teaching building, and the effect is quite good. Except for those who were not helped by them, the other people who were helped I am very grateful to them.”]

【"And didn't you say that the Yakuza believers will also be released together, just let the Yakuza believers bring along some bad believers!"】

What He Chen thought before was to use teaching to tame and influence bad believers, and then allocate the time for class and good deeds according to the results.

But under the temptation of the system and various rewards on the system, the bad guys have already tamed themselves to be like that.

As for the influence, it's true that He Chen didn't think carefully enough. It can't be said that the effect is not great, it can only be said that it is basically useless.

After all, the "teachers" responsible for teaching the bad to be kind are all Yakuza in the Yakuza organization!

Their good and evil lines are so black like something, except that the content according to the script is still reliable, but if it is extended a little, it will become a sharing of hey skills.

For now, unless the witches teach bad guys, otherwise, it is really unrealistic to rely on lectures to make bad guys go astray.

In fact, when the bad guys listened to the Yakuzas honestly and learned what kindness is, what the fuck is kindness, those loose believers have already made their good and evil bars white by doing good deeds up.

In the good and evil strip, each record undoubtedly shows the benefits of doing good deeds.

Therefore, He Chen resolutely named the task of going out to do good deeds as "Learning and learning from time to time", and then decided to let the bad guys reform themselves by finding good deeds to do on the road.

【"Let's go on for another two hours. I will issue a task at 10:30 and ask them to form a team and go out to do good things."】

【"Discuss with the witches how to allocate manpower and territory at that time. I'm not familiar with Tokyo, so I'll leave the allocation to you!"]


Two hours later, as the system prompts sounded in the minds of Bad and Yakuza, the era of doing good has officially arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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