Tokyo becoming a god starts from the bathroom

Chapter 238 Complete the choice, a weird concept!

Chapter 238 Complete the choice, a weird concept!

"Tsk, the time is still too tight, 5 minutes, not even enough time to think about God's name!"

Seeing that the deadline was approaching, He Chen regretfully stopped choosing the name of the god, and instead added all the priesthoods except the game to the queue of auxiliary priesthoods.

I don't know how many god names other gods generally have, but, through the nine priesthoods at hand in this short 5 minutes, He Chen abruptly added more than 70 god names to himself.

Among them, from the tall [God of Destiny], [God of Destruction], [God of Water], etc., to the relatively less tall [God of Cleanliness], [God of Bathing], [God of Medical Insurance] Wait, He Chen added it all to himself.

Although the name of the god itself does not bring power, it seems that it is really just a simple name, and the name of the god will not even be directly communicated to the believers.

However, the old saying goes well: Anyway, no money
Looking at the list of god names, He Chen directly chose to confirm.

In an instant, a brand new feeling poured into his heart!
【Ding!The god name setting is complete, and each god name will automatically match with the god! 】

【Ding!The setting of the main priesthood is completed, and the height of the priesthood will automatically increase by one level! 】

【Ding!Auxiliary priesthood setup completed]

【Ding!When the god enters the infancy stage, the god's observation ability will automatically evolve! 】

A series of system prompts ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding like iron, from the baby of the gods to the infancy, He Chen has obtained all-round changes.

Previously, He Chen could only see what the believers were doing [God's Inspection], which automatically became the ability to allow He Chen to teleport himself everywhere!

As for the improvement of the main priesthood
Although the divine skills produced by the [game] priesthood have not changed for the time being, he can feel that it is only because after transferring a considerable part of the progress to the two [god bias], the progress of the [game] priesthood is too low to be The changes are just manifested.

As long as the believers have more beliefs, then other abilities related to [games] will follow the trend!

Looking at the system panel that didn't seem to have changed much but seemed to be turned upside down, He Chen thought for a while, then suddenly remembered:
"By the way, I haven't received the mission reward yet!"

Previously, the believer system was revised every day, and various tasks were assigned to allow believers to do good deeds to correct their own good and evil. It can be said that He Chen had the busiest few days after he came to this world.

Don't forget the rewards for this hard-working system task!

"Receive award!"

He Chen took it decisively!

【Ding!The gods complete the time-limited tasks, and special rewards for magical skills and strange detection!Complete the task more than half of the time ahead of time, and you will be rewarded with additional magical skills related to the main priesthood! 】

Obtained two magical skills at once, and another one is actually related to the main priesthood!

With a smile on his face, He Chen wanted to check out the new magical ability.

However, the moment he read the prompt, a new system prompt popped up immediately:

[The gods have entered the infancy stage and received task rewards, and the consciousness of the plane has begun to relax the suppression of some weirdness.Based on the degree of goodness and evil of the gods, and the behavior style of the gods, the corresponding weirdness will be released randomly! 】

[The weirdness will start to affect the believers of the gods and even the gods themselves. Please solve the weirdness in time and reduce the damage caused by the weirdness! 】

[Click here to view weird details]

My good fellow, there is really no time for God to rest.

He Chen hadn't even celebrated yet, and when he came up with such a reminder, his mood suddenly changed from relaxed to tense.

"I don't know what kind of weird style it will be. Japanese words. Ghost doll Hanako? Midnight bell?"

After clicking on the introduction about the weirdness, He Chen looked at it, his face became obviously pale, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.


"No wonder, it's called weird instead of ghost. No wonder, the consciousness of the plane chooses to suppress rather than kill."

The system introduced in detail what the strangeness of plane suppression is, and what form it will be presented in.

It was different from the ghosts or spirits transformed from dead people into He Chen's previous imagination.

Although Weird also has individual individuals, they are not ghosts who kill or do something by their own bravery.

Even the source of the weirdness is not just transformed by a certain person.

The weirdness comes from the obsession or resentment that each group produces together under certain circumstances. It is precisely because of this that the weirdness will also affect individuals in similar groups.

If the weirdness is not suppressed by the plane consciousness, then the weirdness will continue to grow under the common thoughts of people, continuously increase the scope of influence, and increase the control over the affected individuals.

For example, if the weirdness related to tyranny is not controlled, then the individual affected by the weirdness at the beginning will continue to inflict tyranny on other individuals, and other people who have been subjected to tyranny will also inflict tyranny on others under the influence of the weirdness.

Then, people who see the violence will also be affected by the strange, violence to others, and even those who hear the violence will start to violence to others and so on.

"It's not so much a ghost, it seems more like a rule? No, it's not a rule, it should be said."

While reading, He Chen's expression became more serious.

At the same time, a sense of sight also emerges.

This strange influence and change, he seems to have seen something similar somewhere.

Is it a ghost movie you've seen before?horror story?
It seems a bit similar, but He Chen thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is not the source of the sense of sight.


Because the way of harming people is similar?

No, as the system explained, weirdness doesn't always kill people, and it doesn't even necessarily cause people to be traumatized.

The weirdness of obsession, many of them just change the affected people in a specific direction, and then continuously strengthen the effect of the change.

This is a form of expression that affects a certain aspect and continuously expands the spatial scope and conceptual scope of the influence through the behavior of the affected person.

He Chen's complexion instantly became ugly:
"Or, an impersonal god?"

It suddenly occurred to him that excluding the surreal part, isn't this a kind of belief spreading, or thought spreading!

Tyrannical people become more and more tyrannical, and contagiously make others more tyrannical; greedy people become more and more greedy, and continue to influence, so that more people become twisted and greedy
This kind of weirdness is clearly a mental ghost!
Or, an ideological contagion? !

He originally thought that he could create a system, train believers, and be able to surround and kill the weird He Chen casually, but at this moment, his expression was more ugly than ever.

"No wonder, it needs plane consciousness to suppress it, no wonder, it must be dealt with by gods."

"But what the hell, can I handle this kind of thing?!"

(End of this chapter)

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