Tokyo becoming a god starts from the bathroom

Chapter 252 Revenge, beautiful girl!

Chapter 252 Revenge, beautiful girl!
Simply get rid of these Yakuza, of course simple.

He Chen, who has become even more powerful now, can send all these dogs away with a casual burst of divine power.

However, since it was the completion of the matter, since the Yakuzas had done such an inhuman act, how could He Chen let this matter be completed so easily? !

"For things like revenge, of course it's best for the avengers to do it themselves!"


A loud bang came from the hand of the Yakuza who was in charge of filming!

The camera fell, and the silvery smile on Yakuza's face immediately turned into distorted pain.

The pictures behind are not suitable for being photographed!

【"Ding! Sensing that the host is in danger and reloading, the beautiful girl's revenge system is activated!"】

【"The host will receive temporary full-body recovery and strength blessings. After confirming that you have received the power, please call out to transform into a beautiful girl!"】

Two majestic and clear voices sounded in the shivering shivering heart of Shiratori Huali.

And at the moment when the voice sounded, Shiratori Huali suddenly found that the world in front of her eyes became clearer and clearer. At the same time, her usual breathing, which was like pressing on a big rock, became extremely comfortable in an instant!

Bai Niao Huali was stunned, but she was immediately sobered up by the scene in front of her.

She couldn't see clearly when she opened the door before, but now she realizes that the men she let in all look fierce and have colorful hair. They are not good people at first sight!

【"Ding! The host has not detected the password yet, and the system is about to be uninstalled!"】

"Ah?! Uh, beautiful girl transformation!"

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, but when he heard the reminder that the system was about to be uninstalled in his mind, Shiratori Huali, who didn't want to recover his body with great difficulty, immediately called out the password to transform into a beautiful girl according to the system's requirements.

ends with password

A set of beautiful clothes, a mask, a pair of sunglasses, and a pink mace appeared in front of Bai Niao Huali in an instant!
【"The current system does not provide automatic dress-up service for beautiful girls, please dress up beautiful girls yourself!"】

【"Friendly reminder, please deal with the enemies in front of you first, and then change your outfit, or be careful of being secretly photographed!"】

【"The pink mace can be used, just hold it normally!"】


Shiratori Huali's eyes widened.

Everything that happened suddenly was full of slots, but at the same time it was so mysterious that it caused her, a girl who had been ill for a long time, to completely shut down her brain.

However, after listening to the system's prompt, she couldn't help but picked up the pink mace in front of her.

At this time, hearing the sound of explosions and screams, the other three Yakuza who turned to help the Yakuza who was in charge of filming pack up had already turned their heads.

Seeing Shiatori Huali, who was still huddled on the bed, not daring to move, stood up suddenly, and even picked up an exaggerated mace, they immediately scolded:
"Bagar, Lu, lie down obediently!"

"Hahaha, this woman is not trying to hit us with this inflatable stick!"

"Yo Xi, bring your own props, this stick."

【"Please hold the mace and sweep forward!"】

The system ordered immediately!


Bai Niaohuali responded to the system's instructions, holding a pink mace, and directly swept away!



Including the guy who was bombed just now, the four Yakuzas were all blown away by Shiratori Huali's sweep in an instant!
The white bird flower pear in front of him was blessed by He Chen's divine power. Under this huge force, the four Yakuza were all smashed to the wall with a stick!

"Hey, it hurts to death!"

"Baga, call brother over here, this woman"

["Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating the current enemy, please torture them to extract a confession, and find out the cause and effect of the whole thing!"]

【"Hint: Just say 'this beautiful girl is going to punish you' to the enemy, and the system will automatically punish the enemy!"]

"Huh? Interrogation?"

Shiratori Huali never thought that he would actually interrogate others, and he was also a member of the Jidao Organization, a black and inaccessible person.

She dared to approach a little closer, but was immediately frightened by the movement of the Yakuzas struggling to get up, backing away again and again.

"Bitch, you've gotten into trouble! If you hit us, you won't be able to escape in your life!"

"You are working part-time, right? From today on, wherever you go to work, our people will go to make trouble, and see who dares to hire you! You are waiting to starve to death in Tokyo!"

"Wherever you rent a house, we will splash paint there! Let's see which landlord dares to rent a house to you!"

Even though they were the ones who were knocked down, and even now they were still lying on the ground struggling to get up, but judging from their threatening tone, it seemed that the person who was beaten was Shiratori Huali.

Under the threat of members of the Jidao Organization, Shiratori Huali was really frightened, and her face turned pale again.

No matter how timid Bai Niao Huali is, these Yakuzas really have many disgusting tricks against ordinary people.

They may not dare to directly kill and set fires, but they are quite good at torturing people, making others poorly fed and unable to live or lose their jobs.

They have used this method not once or twice against a good-looking woman like Bai Niao Huali who has no one to rely on behind her.

The current tone is a threat, but they really did what they said!

"Damn it, did you give me a face?"

He Chen, who was watching the show in the air, frowned when he saw that they were so arrogant that they interrupted his preparation process.

Like to threaten people? !

【"Ding! It is detected that the host is being threatened, and the anti-threat measures will be automatically activated!"】

"In the future, uh, uh."

"Tonight. Uh."

All the Yakuza's lungs were instantly filled with divine power and controlled. He Chen only left most of their lungs to move.

In just a few seconds, the faces of these yakuzas turned red, not to mention talking, even breathing, they had to rush to ensure it!

【"Please start interrogating criminals, the reference questions are as follows:"】

"Phew, you guys, who sent you here, and what is the purpose?"

Seeing Yakuza, he couldn't even speak for a moment. After adjusting his state, Shiratori Huali obediently entered the state of interrogation.

Then, under He Chen's control and torture, the cause and effect of the whole incident were also presented in Yakuza's flustered answer.

Listening to "fake medicine", "cheating money", "selling people", "training", "selling money" and so on, Bai Niaohuali's face turned pale with anger!


(End of this chapter)

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