Tokyo becoming a god starts from the bathroom

Chapter 276 Is the Jidao organization too stretched?

Chapter 276 Is the Jidao organization too stretched?

Cong Xingnan Songzhi accidentally subdued the gang of bad girls, which gave He Chen the idea of ​​unifying the underground forces.

Up to now, He Chen really decided to send a large number of people to unify all the polar organizations in the entire Nakano area.

It's been a long time. Oh, it's only been half a month?

In short, this time, He Chen really made up his mind to get rid of all the polar organizations in the Nakano area!
No, it's not just the Yakuza organization.

As long as there are criminals in the entire Nakano District who might pose a threat to ordinary people and put them on the interception panel, He Chen will wipe them all out!

After all, it is not too difficult to arrange tasks now, and even if the believers are not so professional, the overall completion rate is more than 90.00%. The most important five-star task has reached an astonishing [-]% completion rate.

Under such circumstances, He Chen can fully take care of completing the interception of the panel incident, and at the same time, clean up the current Nakano District system that is considered to have been controlled by him!

And the specific arrangement of this matter
"Well, then, let's start with these few!"

Now that the mission is still ongoing, it is definitely inappropriate to sweep the entire Nakano area directly. However, He Chen has already cleared all the missions in a few places, and there is already a foundation for the sweep in those places.

He Chen immediately opened the local map on the computer according to the map in his mind.

"This is the headquarters of these companies, um, and then, here, here are the stores they controlled as previously discovered."

Cough cough, as the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first.

Now that he has made up his mind to clean up all the underground forces in the Nakano District, then, after cleaning up, the places and industries that were originally controlled by those extreme organizations will become He Chen's?

As a qualified god, he must build his church wherever he wants to fight.

So, even though He Chen hasn't done anything yet, and hasn't even made sure who will take over these territories, he has already looked at his future church according to the information submitted by other extreme organizations.

"As for the Bathing City, there are already so many churches, so there is no need for all the churches in the future to choose the Bathing City. After all, although I have the title of [God of Bathing], after all, this is not the main priesthood!"

"Well, sure enough, the game city! This is very good! I don't know how the business of this game city is, but since the location is good and the area is large, we will choose this one first."

"This is, eh? A milk tea chain store? This Jidao organization actually mainly relies on opening milk tea shops to make a living? Good guy, it's amazing."

“Paying toilets is too much”

Needless to say, Nakano District is an administrative district of Tokyo after all, with an area of ​​fifteen or six square kilometers.

In such a large place, there are indeed various extreme organizations, which can be called colorful.

Of course, there are quite a few normal organizations that make money from crime or gray areas, but there are also quite a few extreme organizations that have already embarked on the road of transformation due to the industry downturn.

Cough cough, yes, the industry of Jidao is actually quite sluggish right now.

As a result, the number of younger generations in the jiudao organization is very small, and even some old jiudao organizations have members who are all over 50 and [-] years old, and there are many jiudao organizations that broke up and went bankrupt because they couldn't make money.

The Dongtian Group and other Jidao organizations that were brought down by He Chen still maintain the demeanor of the Jidao organization because they are located in a good geographical environment and can make money around them.

However, some small polar organizations in the corners of Nakano District have already embarked on the road of transformation of all members under the pressure of life.

From what He Chen saw, although they still maintained their traditional habits of doing bad things, the channels for making money had become various normal service industries.

Tsk, there are even organized leaders who take the lead in doing renovations and laying bricks every day.

Look at it this way.
"I really want to unify. Is this a bunch of people? It shouldn't be. I read it in my previous life. Isn't the Japanese Yakuza organization very awesome? How come it is not as good as the Northeast Brother?"

Good brother in the Northeast, at least "recently completed a project", the Jidao organization has been reduced to the level of "recently accepted a job of moving bricks".

This made He Chen's thoughts on unifying the Jidao organization fade instantly, hey!
Look at these wonderful jidao organizations, making money by doing part-time decoration, making money by charging public toilets, and making money by renting out the headquarters of jidao organizations
He Chen felt that if these extreme organizations were really unified, then not only would they not be able to make money, they might even lose money!
Especially the extreme organization that earns money by doing part-time decoration, there are more than a dozen old men in their 60s and 70s, and even the headquarters are rented private houses. War criminals retired? !

He Chen never expected that the first problem encountered in the unification of the underground forces in Tokyo, the unification of the Nakano District, was whether to insist on annexing all the Jidao organizations even though they were losing money!

Moreover, this is really a difficult thing to do. After all, some polar organizations do not make money, so that the old Yakuza, who is 70 or [-] years old, is still rushing to grab the pocket money of elementary and middle school students.

Such an extreme organization accepts the loss of money, but ignores him. He is really disgusting and even persecutes ordinary people.

For example, in an emergency today, an elementary school student with a particularly strict tutor was robbed of his pocket money and his hard-won homework on the way to school, so anxious to run away from home.

And the one who snatched the primary school students' workbooks was none other than the 57-year-old Yakuza from a Yakuza organization that was on the verge of bankruptcy!

Can you believe it?A 57-year-old Yakuza, whose grandsons are all in primary school in his hometown, actually went to snatch a primary school student's pocket money, and by the way, also robbed the primary school student of his homework!
He Chen definitely doesn't want a Yakuza like this!

"I don't want these people to continue to cause harm to the people, and I don't want these people to fall into my hands."

He Chen's eyes unconsciously shifted to the name of the maiden, Aoi Fujihashi:
"Since that's the case, why not just cooperate with the police and clean up the entire Nakano District?!"

For He Chen, who is a god, crimes and evidence that are inconvenient for the police to find can be found easily!
After the police have wiped out all the criminals, jiudao organizations, etc. in the Nakano District, He Chen's church will occupy every vacated area!
(End of this chapter)

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