Tokyo becoming a god starts from the bathroom

Chapter 288 The Frightened Xingnan Matsuori

Chapter 288 The Frightened Xingnan Matsuori

Xingnan Matsuori, who vaguely heard his name, couldn't help turning his head and looking in the direction of the voice.

Her original expression was as calm as water, but the expression on her face was instantly occupied by surprise.

She didn't expect that she would accidentally run into her teacher on the road.

The instinct of being a good student made her immediately have the urge to go up to greet the teacher, but before she yelled, when she followed the shocked eyes of other teachers and looked behind her, Xingnan Matsuori's eyes He suddenly opened up in shock!

"Old teacher?!"

Done! ! !

She completely forgot that the current her is followed by eighty Yakuza who have just finished beheading people!

Xingnan Matsuori, who turned her head, clearly saw eighty fierce Yakuza behind her, who stopped as she stopped, and lowered their heads respectfully!
Done! ! !

She wanted to say that she just happened to be on the same road with these yakuza, and it was impossible!

Xingnan Matsuori's mind went blank for an instant!
How to do? !How to do? !

Said that he was just working part-time during the summer vacation?
But look at the respectful Yakuza behind her, is she working part-time as the leader of the Yakuza organization? !

If you say something like this, no one will believe it! ! !

So, the eighty subordinates behind him are actually good people with vicious looks?Say they are doing good deeds?
The moment this idea came up, Xingnan Matsuori saw the blood on the handles of the Yakuza believers behind him.
what to do?what to do? ! ! !

Obviously just a second ago, she was still thinking about how to destroy a Jidao organization. After the Jidao is destroyed, besides the method of the gods, is there any other way to solve the problem!
Why did all the teachers from her school appear beside her in the next second? !

Is this reasonable? !
So, when I took the brigade Yakuza to go out to unify the entire district Jidao organization, I suddenly met the teacher in my class on the road, what should I do? !
Xingnan Matsuori's heart spewed out thousands of complaints and shocks!

Although the thoughts in Xingnan Matsuori's heart were gushing like a tide, her expression on the outside was as stable as ever.

Xingnan Matsuori's delicate face frowned slightly, and stared intently at the teacher and his party. Except for a little surprise, there was no other emotion in the whole expression.

Stared at by Xingnan Matsuori who was leading eighty fierce yakuzas, the bodies of all the teachers in the group couldn't help but become more and more stiff, so that they didn't dare to move.

"Gudong! Why is that girl staring at us all the time? Does any of you know her?"

Standing at the back, the foreign class teacher who was blocked by others swallowed, moved his lips slightly, and asked carefully and in a low voice.

"She, she is the Xingnan Matsuori I mentioned earlier!"

"Xingnan Matsuori? Which Xingnan Matsuori?!"

"Hiss~! Is that Xingnan Matsuori who got the first grade in this exam?!"

After the teachers learned of this situation, they couldn't help being agitated.

Although they chatted for a few words, they immediately became quiet under Xingnan Matsuori's gaze.

However, at this time, they all knew that the girl across the street who led a large group of yakuza across the street, and who seemed to have just chopped someone up, was a student in their school, and she was the one who had just passed the first grade in the second and third classes of high school. girl!
As a result, the expressions on the faces of the teachers immediately changed from the surprise and bewilderment when they were called to stop, to a little more surprise and inquiry.

Xingnan Matsuori, who had been staring at the teachers all the time, saw the change in their expressions after the slight commotion, and her heart, which had been hovering between the low and the low, immediately sank to the bottom.

They definitely already know who they are!
The news that she, Xingnan Matsuori, is the leader of the Yakuza organization must be known by the teachers!


Xingnan Songzhi couldn't help but speak.

Hearing her words, the teachers immediately concentrated their ears and listened like the most obedient students.

As for the passers-by on the side of the road who were frightened by this formation and took a detour, seeing this scene, many people unconsciously stopped far away, and prepared to watch the very dangerous and exciting excitement in a safe place as much as possible.

"Teacher, do you know who I am?"

Xingnan Songzhi asked slowly with apprehension.

As soon as she asked her words, the teachers who were stared at by her for a long time and dared not move immediately scrambled for each other, and responded in a chaotic manner:

"I know I know!"

"No no! We don't know anything!"

"Ah?! I, I, do you know?!"

Some teachers were excited and shouted loudly that they knew, some teachers shouted loudly that they didn’t know in fear and wit, and the rest of the teachers were so ignorant under such circumstances that they didn’t know whether to say they knew or they didn’t know.

Looking at the faces of the teachers and listening to their answers, Xingnan Songzhi's heart was completely stabilized.

It's over, reputation ruined.

Although their answers were not uniform, anyone with a brain can clearly see that what these teachers clearly said is that they know!
How to do? !

In Matsuori Annan's mind, the image of the Yakuza of the Stray Dog Association being punished by the gods flashed in an instant.

No no no!This is the teacher!

no!There are too many people watching!

Eh? !wrong!It doesn't matter if there are people watching!
Xingnan Matsuori felt that her whole head was in a daze, so much so that she started to think about strange things, so she decisively.
'My lord, help me!Lord God, come and save me!I'm dying!Die to die! ! ! '

'Master God, come here quickly!I was discovered by a group of teachers to have a relationship with Yakuza!Urgent!Any later and I'll be gone! ! ! '

Xingnan Matsuori decisively cried out to God for help in his mind!
No way, after discovering that all the teachers in the school really knew her identity as the "big sister of extreme dao", her mind was buzzing, and she couldn't come up with a solution by herself. Now she can only put her hope on the old Trap on the clever and witty god!
The Yakuza and the Yakuza may sound domineering, but in fact in Japanese society, they belong to a very marginalized and discriminated group, not to mention hidden discrimination, public baths and hot springs are not even allowed Yakuza members enter!
If this matter is not resolved, the teachers will pass on her identity, and then she will die in the school club. Maybe Tsunayoshi High School, which is a noble school, will not let her, a student involved in the Yakuza organization, continue to go to school!
As a student, Xingnan Matsuori, besides embarrassment at this moment, is really somewhat afraid!

【"Huh? What's the matter?"】

Lord God, has arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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