Chapter 24
Su Yan's calm appearance stunned everyone.

They've been in the debt collection business for so long.

There are rascals who are snarky, and there are also those who pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic.

But it was the first time I saw this kind of person.

The man in the lead sneered.

"Do you really want to die? If you don't pay back the debt, you still dare to let us go, big star, right? I will bring someone to your company tomorrow to pull a banner for you, believe it or not?"

"You broke the law, do you know?"

"It's funny, debt repayment is the same principle since ancient times, I legally collect money, what kind of law is violated, but you, it is reasonable to not repay the debt?"

"You must first understand that it was borrowed by my father."

Hearing this, the man waved his hand with disdain on his face: "It's been like this since ancient times, don't think that I don't know this sentence if I haven't studied for a few years."

"Our country's law stipulates that: the above-mentioned citizens are adults, can independently conduct civil activities, and have full capacity for civil conduct. This person can determine, change and abolish civil legal relations according to his own behavior, and bear the final result, as long as the borrower If the borrower has full capacity for civil conduct, and the use of the borrowed money has nothing to do with other people, then the civil legal relationship between it and the creditor is only binding on these parties, that is to say, only the borrower has the legal obligation to repay the loan. Obligation, nothing to do with other people, my father did not leave me a penny of inheritance, so, do you understand?"

Su Yan finished speaking in one breath, making a group of people look confused.

Glancing at it, the collectors were stunned and at a loss.

Su Yan sighed: "At first glance, you are not regular. You don't even know the law when you are engaged in collection. Be careful that someday the money will not arrive, and you will be sent in."

"What the hell, isn't your father's money spent for you? I don't care. If you don't pay me, I'll ruin your reputation."

"How much do you want?"

Seeing that Su Yan finally let go, the eyes of several people showed a little joy.

Sure enough, everyone has their own weaknesses, and Su Yan is no exception.

"You owe the employer, the principal is 300 million, plus interest, a total of 360 million."

As a result, as soon as the man finished speaking, Su Yan suddenly took out his mobile phone, and the man's voice came from the microphone.

The expression on the man's face was a bit ugly: "So what if you record it, I didn't ask you for a penny more, it was clearly stipulated in the contract."

"Ignorant, I have already explained it clearly to you just now, and you still threaten me to ask for property, which already constitutes blackmail."

Before the man could refute, Su Yan continued:

"According to the provisions of Article 270 of my country's Criminal Law: [Crime of Extortion] Extortion of public and private property, the amount is relatively large or repeated extortion, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also be sentenced to a fine or solely. If there are other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined; if the amount is particularly huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years and shall also be fined.”

"Guess, is 360 million huge, or is it particularly huge?"

In just a few words, a few people heard cold sweat on their foreheads, and their legs were already trembling a little.

One of them couldn't bear the pressure in his heart.

Said with a mournful face.

"Brother, you didn't say that it's legal to do this, you didn't say that you're going to be a bureaucrat. Brother, I'm the one he spent three hundred to make up for. I'll give you the money. I won't do this job."

When they came, they were so mighty, Su Yan frightened them all away with a few words.

Only the man was left alone on the spot, jumping out of breath.

"You cowards, he was bluffing you, didn't you hear that?"

"Is it a lie to you? You can try it. Be a human being and stay on the front line. I don't plan to call the police. As for you, there is no need to send yourself in for that little money. It's not worth it."

After Su Yan finished speaking, he closed the door with the man's confused expression on his face.

After the door is closed.

Su Yan let out a long breath.

Although he looked very calm on the surface, he was still a little worried.

the first two years.

Violent collection incidents caused a lot of noise, causing many families to be separated and disintegrated, and he was also afraid of encountering a few stunned youths.

But fortunately, in the past few years, the higher-ups have started to rectify this area, and now they are collecting money. If someone hadn't taken a slant, he would never have met such a person.

Sit on the sofa and rest for a while.

Su Yan made himself a cup of tea, drank it leisurely, and then made a phone call.

Su's father owed about tens of millions of debts outside, a large part of which was from the bank.

This part is not urged.

There are still tens of millions of scattered debts left, the largest part of which is a creditor named Shengtian Entertainment Company.

But some coincidence is.

The last company Su Yan signed with was the Shengtian Entertainment Company.

The phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

Su Yan was not in a hurry, he crossed his legs, and it didn't take long.

Jingle Bell.

There was a rapid ringtone of the mobile phone.

Soon a slightly feminine voice came from the other end.

"Su Yan, why don't you call me when you have time? I heard that you are doing well now. Mr. Jiang is advocating you. This upcoming movie can be described as sparing no effort to promote it. It will definitely be a big hit after it is released. The whole industry has already spread the word, and I was just about to call to congratulate you."

Hearing this, Su Yan showed a sneer on his face.

"Congratulations, Mr. Huang's way of congratulating is really special. He specially sent people from the collection company to collect debts. Thank you, Mr. Huang."

The other end didn't expect Su Yan to tear his face directly.

There was a slight pause.

The voice seemed slightly muffled.

"Su Yan, did you misunderstand something? I didn't call those people. Someone must have made their own decisions."

"This is your family business, Mr. Huang, and there are still people who make their own decisions. Oh, I know, is it your father, Mr. Huang, who called here?"

"Su Yan, you..."

"My ass, let me tell you clearly, I don't have any money now, it's fine if you call a few law-blind people who don't understand the law, I don't believe that the boss of a big company like you also doesn't understand the law, the money shouldn't be I also, OK, out of my son's responsibility, I can memorize it for my dad. If you continue to engage in such small tricks, I can tell you clearly that there is no penny. If you refuse to accept it, we will go to court. Meet."

Finish the sentence in one breath.

Before the other party could react, Su Yan hung up the phone directly.

Let out a long breath.

This feeling of calling and scolding the former boss is really cool.

(End of this chapter)

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