Chapter 103 Childhood friendship no longer
As the moonlight moved westward, Si Nan followed Jin Xiaoyan's order to take some pens, ink, paper and inkstones to the school, and before he left, he also got new clothes made for them by the Ren family compound.

When Si Nan came to the entrance of the school, he found that the door was unlocked and the bolt was not inserted.He thought to himself, maybe Miss Wang Liu was frightened, and it is possible that she forgot for a while.Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the courtyard gate, he saw a black shadow lying on the ground.

Si Nan walked into the shadow, feeling more and more uneasy. He always had an ominous premonition that this could not be Miss Wang Liu.With the help of the bright moonlight, Sinan saw the figures on the ground clearly, and it was exactly as he thought.

The woman on the ground was thin and thin, her long light blue dress was stained with a lot of dust, and her jade-like face was swollen like fermented dough. She could only vaguely see her original beauty from her enchanting figure and fair skin. beauty.

What a pity.Sinan couldn't help feeling compassionate.

He hastily put down the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in his hand, wanting to help Wang Liu on the ground.But men and women were not clear about giving and receiving, and the woman on the ground seemed to have some unclear relationship with his general, so he didn't dare to help Wang Liu directly.

After thinking about it, he covered Wang Liu with his newly acquired clothes to somewhat block the wind.Then he rushed back to the compound to find his general.

As soon as he saw Jin Xiaoyan, he hurriedly said, "General! Miss Wang Liu was beaten unconscious!" He didn't notice that there was another girl beside the general, who was Ren Bank, the head of the Ren family.

Jin Xiaoyan glanced nervously at Ren Bank when he heard the words, and then said to Sinan, "Tell me carefully."

When Si Nan saw the situation, he couldn't understand it, and he deeply blamed himself for being confused.But that's all there is to say.

"Master, as soon as I arrived at the academy, I saw Miss Wang Liu lying unconscious in the courtyard with bruises all over her body, so I gave her my clothes and came back to you immediately."

After hearing this, Jin Xiaoyan said to Ren Bank: "Miss Wang Liu was my childhood friend. When I left home penniless, she gave me thirteen copper coins. She is kind to me, and I can't look at her benefactor. This is where the fragrance disappears. Can Miss Ren lend me two dexterous mothers-in-law and a doctor?"

Hearing this, Ren Bank naturally had no response, so he hurriedly ordered the two most capable women around him and the best doctor in the courtyard to follow Jin Xiaoyan and Si Nan to rescue people.

The school is in the long alley opposite the Ren family compound, and the group arrived there quickly.The two women had received news from Sinan in advance, and they were holding cloaks and stretchers in their hands.

Seeing Wang Liu on the ground, the teacher could not help but hiss when he saw the two women who had seen a lot of wind.

"What a poor little girl."

The doctor who followed stepped forward to take the pulse first, then opened Wang Liu's eyelids to look, took out a pill from a bottle in the medicine box, handed it to one of the women, and said, "Give this pill to me first." Take the girl under water. Then carry her to a place sheltered from the wind."

Jin Xiaoyan said at the right time, "Send it to my room." The two women looked at each other, and Sinan looked at Jin Xiaoyan's expression, and said, "Send it to the general's old house."

Only then did the two women give Wang Liu the pills, and wrapped the woman's thin body with the cloak in their hands, put her on a stretcher, and carried her to Jin Xiaoyan's house.

When he arrived at the house, the doctor prescribed several medicines for Wang Liu, and entrusted him: "This girl is seriously injured, but her vitals are not hurt. Don't get wet or see the wind for a few days, and she will recover after a short period of time. "

Wen Yanjin and Xiao Yan clasped his fists together: "Thank you, doctor." Then he ordered the two wives to be sent back, because the old house was not big and there was no extra room for the two wives.The two of them can only come back during the day.

After seeing off the doctor and the two women, Jin Xiaoyan's face darkened.

"what happened?"

Sinan hurried back, "The general asked about it on the way back. The three of Liu Shunzi turned back after we returned to the Ren family compound and entered the school aggressively. The two dog legs quickly came out to guard the door. Liu Shunzi was alone I stayed in the courtyard for a quarter of an hour. Presumably Miss Wang Liu's injury was caused by this."

Jin Xiaoyan laughed angrily after hearing this, and pressed his tongue against his cheek, "Very good." He looked at Wang Liu who was lying on the bed, and asked, "Where is Mingshou now?"

Si Nan answered, and then heard Jin Xiaoyan say: "Call Mingshou, and tie that bastard here."

Sinan naturally knew who he was talking about, so he didn't dare to be negligent, so he hurried to find Mingshou, and the two went straight to Liu Shunzi's house, and brought Liu Shunzi's five-flowered board, which was about to fall asleep, to Jin Xiaoyan.

Liu Shunzi was a little confused when he was thrown heavily to the ground by the two of them. When he saw Wang Liu behind the bed curtain and Jin Xiaoyan sitting in front of him, he panicked instantly.

"Why are you arresting me? I tell you this is my territory. You, a poor general who climbed up, dare to touch me here?"

"Heh." Jin Xiaoyan sneered.He didn't talk nonsense with this bastard, and waved directly at Si Nan and Ming Shou.

The two directly gagged Liu Shunzi's mouth, tied his hands behind his back, and forced him to kneel in front of the bed.They first pressed his head and kowtowed three times, and then took out a black cloth to cover his head. The two of them bowed left and right. In an instant, the whole room could only hear the sound of slaps and the sound of someone whimpering.

After dozens of back and forth, the two of them.After taking off the black mask on his head, Liu Shunzi's face was so swollen that he couldn't see his original appearance clearly.

Si Nan pulled out the whip on his body, and asked the sitting man for instructions with his eyes, Jin Xiaoyan nodded incredulously.

Si Nan waved his hand at Liu Shunzi with a whip, and raised his hand again to see some flesh and blood on the whip.This whip was captured on the battlefield, and it has tiny barbs attached to it, which can tear off half of a person's flesh when it goes down.

This action lasted until Liu Shunzi became angry.

Jin Xiaoyan walked into Liu Shunzi and stepped on his head. At this moment, the condensed energy in the battlefield was released without restraint.It was only then that Liu Shunzi realized that this was a general who had climbed up from the bottom. This person had no background, and he was able to sit in the position of general only by virtue of his military exploits. He did not know how many lives were in his hands.

Jin Xiaoyan said to him condescendingly: "Wang Liu is kind to me, if you do her harm again, I have plenty of ways to make you disappear from now on."

Liu Shunzi knew that a man of this age really wanted to kill him.

After Jin Xiaoyan finished speaking, he gave Sinan a wink.Si Nan hurriedly picked up the people on the ground with Ming Shou, and the ups and downs disappeared into the night.

Only Jin Xiaoyan and Wang Liu lying on the bed were left in the room, and the room was silent.

In the middle of the moon, Jin Xiaoyan sighed, walked out of the room, and returned to the Ren family compound, never opened the curtain to look at Wang Liu from the beginning to the end.

On the second day, the two mothers-in-law of the Ren family came to the house with Ming Shou to take care of Wang Liu.

Wang Liu was injured, and there was no teacher in the school. Jin Xiaoyan hired an old scholar who had failed many trials to give lectures. This old gentleman had knowledge, but he was too old-fashioned and was not welcomed by the students.But their parents felt that this gentleman was better than the previous Wang Liu.

Liu Shunzi has been recovering from his injuries for a long time after returning home, and it is said that the neighbors around him can often hear his howling.

After more than a month like this, Wang Liu's injury was finally healed.She was very grateful for the care of the two women and gave them the handkerchiefs they made themselves.

Hearing that it was Jin Xiaoyan's order again, she couldn't help feeling grateful for his kindness in her heart.

Wang Liu thought in his heart again, the two of them hit the mandarin ducks because of their elder brother's stick, not because of their own treachery.The friendship of youth is precious, maybe he also misses himself, but his personality is reserved, and she is remarried, so it is hard to explain clearly.

She thought, brother Jin is now a general and an official, and his words are fearsome, so it is understandable for him to avoid suspicion with her.

She has kindness to him and affection for him, and she is unwilling to give up no matter what.

I want to be considerate of him, but not let him go completely.Wang Liu said to herself in her heart.

She looked at the blurred figure in the bronze mirror, and slowly stroked her cheek.The doctors in the Ren family compound are extremely skilled in medicine, and her face has no scars at all, and her skin has become fairer due to days of recuperation without sunlight.Skin Runing is the best way to describe it.

Wang Liu looked at herself in the mirror and rolled her eyes with a smile.She remembered Liu Shunzi's beating again.

I can't live like this anymore.The gentle Wang Liu secretly made up his mind.

The sun is setting, a woman is wearing a light blue long dress, sweeping in the house, a little sunlight falls on her through the gaps in the wooden house, which is quite interesting.

Jin Xiaoyan saw this scene when he entered the room, and there were several carefully prepared dishes on the table.

Wang Liu seemed to have just heard the movement, turned around, saw that it was Jin Xiaoyan, and smiled, and said gently and with some joy: "Brother Jin, you are back."

After finishing speaking, she tugged at the corner of her clothes, and added embarrassingly: "I have been lying on the bed for many days without eating, and today I can get up and cook some dishes to satisfy my appetite. Made some."

There was water in the woman's almond eyes, and she looked at her sweetheart carefully.

Jin Xiaoyan looked at her for a long time, until she looked down at her blushing, then sighed and said, "Sit down and eat."

During the dinner, Wang Liu wanted to say something, but seeing Jin Xiaoyan's expression, he didn't dare to speak.

After eating, Jin Xiaoyan was about to leave.Wang Liu hurriedly got up and wanted to see her off, but she seemed to have been sick for a long time, and was so weak that she was about to fall down.Jin Xiaoyan hastily supported him, and then withdrew his hand immediately.

Wang Liu took this opportunity to grab his sleeve.

"Brother Jin, I know that my status is low and I am not good enough for you. But you and I are young friends. You have saved me many times after you came back. I think I must have a chance."

As Wang Liu spoke, she leaned her body on his arm, with tears in her almond eyes, and looked at the man in front of her with a peachy face, as if to her, the person in front of her was the most important person in the world.

The woman has a beautiful face, but she pours out her heart with tears in her eyes, like a kitten afraid of being abandoned.

Jin Xiaoyan turned a blind eye to all this and just frowned at her. "I regard you as my benefactor, that's all."

Wang Liu was stunned, as if he hadn't expected this answer at all.The tears in her eyes were deeper, and even her voice was a little choked up.

"Benefactor? That's all? But why did you carry me away from Liu Shunzi's house that day? Sinan Mingshou is clearly behind you."

Jin Xiaoyan was speechless for a while.

"Why do you support the school and save me over and over again? You said you were just repaying your favor, but now you are a general, are those thirteen copper coins worth your fuss?"

Wang Liu was already crying a little, but he managed not to shed tears.

She doesn't believe that he has no feelings for her.

Jin Xiaoyan couldn't bear to see Wang Liu like this.But some things, if you don't say it now, when will it be?There are some feelings that he can't give, so he can't give her the illusion.So he spoke.

"To me now, thirteen copper coins are really not worth mentioning. To me at that time, it was life-saving money. Sending charcoal in the middle of the snow is the most rare thing. I have always been grateful for your kindness."

When Wang Liu heard the words, tears fell, Jin Xiaoyan couldn't bear it, but he continued, "As for the friendship of youth, I have been fighting on the battlefield these years, and I rarely think of the love between children. To me, this is nothing. "

Wang Liu couldn't stop crying.

"The most important thing is that I already have a sweetheart."

These words were like a heavy hammer hitting Wang Liu's heart.She tremblingly asked, "Is it... the Miss Ren family?"

Jin Xiaoyan looked at her, surprised at her keenness.

Wang Liu smiled wryly, "The two mothers-in-law who took care of me told me something, you can probably guess it."

Jin Xiaoyan remained silent.

Wang Liu wiped away her tears, and her light blue sleeves were wet, like the color of lotus leaves hit by summer rain.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and said intermittently, "I don't mind... being a concubine, I just want to be with you..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Jin Xiaoyan.

"I don't mean that to you. It's just that you haven't had a good life these years, and I can't bear to see you sink to this point."

Wang Liu felt shocked and humiliated after hearing this.She looked at the man in front of her again with tears in her eyes.

Only now did she see clearly, facing her, there was never a trace of friendship in his eyes.

what is that?Perhaps, as he said, he was grateful for the kindness of the past, or maybe it was just pity.

"Your brother's whereabouts are unknown, and you must have nowhere to go. You can stay in this room. If you need something, you can find Sinan or Mingshou. They are capable and can solve it." He stopped talking about looking for him.

He will no longer be her backing.Wang Liu thought.

The sky was getting dark gradually, Wang Liu didn't know when Jin Xiaoyan left, and he didn't know how long he sat there.

The bowls and chopsticks on the table have not been cleared away, and the fat has condensed on the side of the bowl, reflecting the bright candlelight.

She thought of the Miss Ren family she had seen from afar.The head of the family is young and beautiful, but he is vigorous and resolute. He is an admirable heroine among women.

She saw her own face in the oily spoon again, self-consciously, her appearance was no worse than that of the eldest lady of the Ren family.I have always been a teacher in the school, and in terms of intelligence, I am far superior to ordinary women, but because of my humble background, I can only be a village woman in the mountains.

If you are doomed to a mediocre period and never get what you want, why does God give yourself such an appearance?What a trick of fate.

Do you want to accept your fate?Wang Liu asked herself.

Why?Wang Liu asked herself again.

It's not that I wanted to break off my marriage with Brother Jin, it's not that I wanted to marry Liu Shunzi, it wasn't that I didn't want to have children, and it wasn't that I wanted to have this background.

Why should I be beaten, give up, and accept my fate?

Wang Liu was already in tears at this moment, she raised her hand and dropped the bowl in front of her.There were tears in his eyes, but they burst out with a captivating light.

(End of this chapter)

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