Chapter 120
Following the orders of the adults, the pawn ordered on the city wall, "My lord has an order, no one is allowed to enter the city gate."

"But the one playing at the city gate is the king of chess." The other pawn couldn't understand the order of the adult.

"The king of chess is here, hurry up and open the city gate to welcome him." A man under the gate of the city wall was yelling.

On one side is my lord, on the other is the chess king. Whose order should I obey? crime."

"Don't you understand people's language? It's the chess king at the city gate, not someone else. You dare to block the way of the chess king, don't you want to live?" The servant of the chess king at the city gate still kept shouting.

Seeing this, the Chess King hurriedly stopped his attendant, "Forget it, I think he is scared. Since he won't open the door, we will attack."

Chess King led his troops to find a secret passage leading to the city from a hidden place at the city gate, and several of them entered the city through the passage.

"Go." Chess King waved to the dozens of people behind him.

The chess king was surrounded by masters like a cloud, and everyone was as light as a swallow, so he easily found the adult's study.

After finally being able to calm down and rest for a while, the door of his room was suddenly knocked open, only to see someone from the other party grabbing his collar with lightning speed, and then flinging it to a certain place.

"Our Chess King personally visited the door, and the adults refused to give us face."

The adult knelt on the ground staggeringly, slowly raised his head, and sure enough, the face he least wanted to see appeared in front of him, yes, it was the king of chess.

"My lord, my lord, please greet my lord."

"I haven't seen you for a few days. My lord's wings are really hard. I wanted to visit the door, but I was rejected by my lord. What a coincidence." The chess king naturally felt very uncomfortable when he was rejected by others. This man must be punished.

"My lord, my lord misunderstood, I really didn't receive the notice that my lord is coming, my lord, please forgive my sin, my lord, please forgive my sin." The lord kowtowed and begged for mercy, trying to get rid of his crime, and then easily fooled pass.

"Oh? Really?" Naturally, the chess king would not easily believe such a high-sounding reason, and of course, he couldn't believe it either.

"That king gives you a chance to make up for your mistakes." Sitting on the official chair in the study, the king of chess treated him like an interrogator.

When the lord heard that he could make up for his mistakes, he went down the steps thinking to himself, "My lord, please tell me, what I can do, must be close to what I can do." After finishing speaking, he clasped his fists and kowtowed repeatedly.

"I heard that the jade seal was lost in the capital, and I was ordered to search for it all the way. When I passed by Luoyang City, it was rumored that my lord accidentally got a jade seal here. Can you take it out and admire it with this king?" Although this is a question, it has a very serious meaning. With an affirmative tone, the chess king has already concluded that the jade seal must be in his hands.

When the lord heard that it was Yuxi, he quickly denied it, "It's nothing, the prince also said that it's a folk rumor, so it's unbelievable." The lord's smile was to cover up the facts and also to please the chess king.If the chess king is angered, he probably won't be able to save his own life.What's more, even if the jade seal is really with him, it will be snatched away by those unknown men in black within the time of serving a cup of tea. It is indeed a fact that the jade seal is not with him.

"Hmph." Chess King raised his mouth slightly, apparently not believing what he said, slowly got up and walked into the man kneeling in front of him, then squeezed his chin violently, "You'd better tell the truth, Otherwise, this king will let you live or die." Finally, the chess king moved his finger down and grabbed his neck, "Say, where is the jade seal hidden? If you don't tell the truth, this king will let you see it now Tomorrow's sun!" The chess king who spoke politely before has long since disappeared, and now speaks with a bit of ruthlessness, giving people a powerful shock.

"My lord, my lord, let me say what I say." Seeing this kind of crisis, if you don't tell the truth, your lord may really die.

The Chess King shook his hand holding his neck, "Then say it!"

The lord first coughed a few times, and touched his throat with his hand, "The jade seal lost in the capital is indeed here with the lower official."

When the king of chess heard that Yuxi was with him, he asked without further ado, "Where is Yuxi?" The speed of his speech could not be more urgent.

"But just before you came, my lord, it was snatched away by a group of men in black."

"Really?" Chess King still had some doubts about his words.

"Really, everything that I said is true. If the prince still doesn't believe me, I am willing to pledge my life to guarantee that the entire mansion in Xiaguan can be searched on the web." When he said this, he knelt down again. Standing up straight, you show your loyalty.

King Qi heard these words and saw that he was utterly loyal, such a submissive, covetous person who was afraid of death, since he would make such a poisonous oath, it must be the truth.

"The man in black? What is the man in black? What's his history?" Although the king of chess failed to get the jade seal, he still wanted to know the whereabouts of the jade seal.

"This... the next official really doesn't know."

"Then where did the man in black go?" Chess King was still chasing after him.

"It's about fifty miles west of the city."

"Pass on the king's order and set off fifty miles west of the city." As soon as the chess king finished speaking, he disappeared into the study room in Luoyang City.

The lord has not recovered yet, he is the only one left in the room.

The King of Chess led a group of men and horses to the west of the city for fifty miles. He must catch up with the man in black, and he must get the jade seal, which can only belong to him alone.

After chasing halfway, the chess king came back to his senses. Isn't the place fifty miles west of Luoyang City the water village?Could it be... the man in black who snatched the jade seal is from the water village?No, something is wrong!If the black man enters the water village, it will be more difficult to get the jade seal, and he must speed up to catch up with the black man.

At this moment, the sound of horse riding became more and more complicated, "My lord, it seems that the other side has a group of horses." An attendant next to the chess king reminded.

"Don't worry about it, it's important to get back the jade seal." The chess king himself knew that the opponent did come with a group of troops, but compared with this, the jade seal was more important.

If it is an ordinary person, it can be easily skipped, but this group of people is really tricky.

"Woo--" the galloping horse suddenly stopped and roared.

"His Royal Highness Chess King is here, who dares to stop him? Make way as soon as possible and leave quickly, maybe you can be spared."

"Yo, who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be His Royal Highness, the famous chess king." The other party spoke with a provocative tone.

Seeing them in night clothes, the king of chess thought they were the men in black, so he asked, "Who are you? Did you steal the jade seal? Hand over the jade seal wisely, and this king can spare you all." .Otherwise, don’t blame me for killing without batting an eye.”

When the tomb robber on the other side heard that it was Yuxi, he immediately became interested, "Yuxi, what Yuxi? I ​​have never seen Yuxi in my life."

Chess King concluded that the group of tomb robbers must be the men in black who stole the jade seal, "Stop covering it up, I know you must have stolen the jade seal. Since you are so ignorant, don't blame this king for turning your back on others." It's gone!" The Chess King waved to his subordinates, "Kill them, leave no one behind!"

This group of tomb robbers obviously took the blame for others, but they couldn't just catch them like this. They also took out their knives and started a fierce confrontation with Chess King and others.

The Chess King also quickly joined the fighting team, holding the sword in his hand, either wiping the opponent's neck or inserting it into the opponent's chest. In most cases, it is the sword that kills.

There is not only the crisp sound of swords colliding, but also the wailing and screaming of people on both sides. It is the middle of the night and the scene is chaotic.Sometimes it even produces the illusion that it is the enemy who killed or one of our own.

Jin Xiaoyan finally fulfilled his mission and returned to the water village with Yuxi.After Ren Bank settled Mizhou City, he notified Zhao Wang to come and handed Mizhou City over to Zhao Wang, and he returned to the water village.

No matter how good Mizhou City is, it is not as good as its own water village, with beautiful mountains and rivers, vast land and abundant resources, and everything is no less than Mizhou City.Besides, Shuixiang Village is my hometown where I have lived for more than ten years, and its management is much better than Mizhou City.

Zhao Wangping got a piece of fiefdom for no reason, and he was naturally overjoyed beyond words, but this credit is still thanks to Bank Ren.If there is no bank, Zhao Wang himself would not be able to get his fief so quickly.Ren Bank's great kindness to him, I am afraid that he will never forget it in this life.

"Congratulations to the hall master, you have won the jade seal as you wished."

"Congratulations to the hall master, you have won Mizhou City."

"Congratulations to Hall Master, you have bought King Zhao."

"Congratulations Hall Master..."

Shuixiang Village was in a state of prosperity, and Ren Bank seemed to get everything he wanted overnight.But it seemed normal for a smart woman like him to be labeled a success.

"Hall Master, Zhao Wang sent 3000 taels of gold, saying that he wanted to thank the Hall Master." An unknown soldier who came forward reported.

"Congratulations to Hall Master, congratulations to Hall Master."

Immediately afterwards, there were words of congratulations to the hall master, congratulations to the hall master and so on.

"Pass down the order of the head of the hall. Today there are banquets in various fields in the water village. The hall mainly relies on rewarding the three armies. We will not return if we are not drunk." Ren Bank is a woman with him, but he does not lack the boldness and boldness of a man.

In Shuixiang Village, according to Ren Bank's instructions, a banquet was prepared. Ren Bank got up and took a glass of wine, "I want to respect everyone for this first glass of wine. I want to respect everyone for their support for me over the years. I will do it first as a respect." .” After that, Ren Bank drank the wine in his glass.

Everyone present at the banquet also stood up and toasted Ren Bank, "To the Hall Master!" Then they drank all the wine in their glasses.

"For this second glass of wine, I still want to respect everyone, help me regain the jade seal, and occupy Mizhou City." After finishing speaking, he still drank the wine in his glass.

"Honorable Lord!"

"For this third glass of wine, I want to pay tribute to those soldiers who fought in the war and fought for me. This glass of wine will tell their souls." As soon as Ren Bank finished speaking, he put the wine in the glass in his hand, Slowly sprinkled on the ground, digging out a beautiful arc.

Everyone in the audience also learned from Ren Bank to spill the wine in his glass to the ground, "Respect the soldiers!" Although the language was short, the words were loud and loud.

All the people at the banquet, after toasting the three most important glasses of wine, can freely toast with everyone nearby.At this time, the beauties dance, the beauties play, drink the wine, taste the delicacies, it can really be regarded as a paradise on earth!

"General Jin, please!" Mr. Zhuge raised the wine glass in his hand to toast Jin Xiaoyan.

"Mr. Zhuge, please!" Jin Xiaoyan also raised the wine glass in his hand to salute Mr. Zhuge.

"This time, it is thanks to General Jin who took back the jade seal for the hall master!" Mr. Zhuge was filled with emotion.

"Where is it, Mr. Zhuge is really flattering, it should be that the heavens are helping our hall master." Jin Xiaoyan blindly respectful.



The two drank the wine in their glasses in one gulp.

"General Jin, I respect you, you are such a great hero! Why didn't the general take this opportunity to ask the hall master for a reward." Su Moqing teased with a smirk.

"Second Master Su really deserves the prize. This general really doesn't know that such an unknown small hall like ours has the famous Second Master Su from Yuhuan Pavilion. This is the great blessing of our hall. Ah! Don't you think so, Second Young Master Su?" Since Su Moqing made fun of herself, Jin Xiaoyan doesn't have to shy away from making fun of Su Moqing.But no matter what it is, if you join such a synagogue, everyone is a brother, don't care about your past identity, just remember your current identity.

Maybe it's because I've been really tired recently, and with the drinks at the celebration banquet, most people are terribly drunk, and only a small number of people still retain their only sobriety.The people in Shuixiang Village fell asleep from fatigue and drunkenness until dawn...

After living in Shuixiang Village for more than ten years, I have probably gotten used to the habit of getting up early. No matter how tired I was yesterday or how much I drank yesterday, I can always maintain a sober and natural appearance every morning.This point cannot be surpassed by any synagogue.

The head of the hall in Shuixiang Village is Ren Bank. Bank is a woman, but she manages the hall in an orderly manner. He has the daughter's clear rewards and punishments, and at the same time has the decisiveness of the man.He strives to make every decision of his own perfect, so that he can live up to his father's great trust in him and the trust of everyone in Beicun Village.Ren Bank, she did it, and he did it so that everyone in the water village would be convinced of him, and everyone in the water village would praise him when they heard the name "Ren Bank".

(End of this chapter)

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