Chapter 122 Choice
Jin Xiaoyan secretly looked at Bank Ren.

The woman on the high place was sitting in the backlight, unable to see the expression on her face clearly.She behaved correctly but not restrained, frank and frank, like a bright red sun, warm and distant.

Jin Xiaoyan understands that she has thousands of miles of land and common people in her heart, and she longs for the prosperity of the country and the people's safety and prosperity for the people.

He knew that his sweetheart had become a dragon and turned into a rain. This was a new life, and she would create a new world.

I will always be behind you, Jin Xiaoyan thought.

"General Jin, Mr. Su." The woman on the throne spoke.

"The minister is here." Jin Xiaoyan and Su Moqing responded at the same time.

Today's decision was well thought out, so Bank Ren did not hesitate.

She has her own considerations.

"The current rule of the world depends on your great efforts. Since you are aiming at the beginning, you should revitalize the division, comfort the soldiers, so that the generals will be awarded meritorious service, and they will take care of themselves."
Xiuwo, this should be coded.Jin Qing has always been loyal and righteous, and she is doing her best to defeat the enemy and relieve the current worries; Su Qing is straight from the inside to the outside, with wisdom and wisdom, and is peaceful for the common people.Today, as a sign of praise and respect for the stability of the court, I invite Jin Xiaoyan to be the Minister of the Ministry of War and take charge of the Ministry of War; Su Moqing is granted the Minister of the Ministry of Households to control the Treasury. "

"The ministers and others are leading the decree, and they will definitely live up to their orders." The two replied sonorously and respectfully, bowing to the courtiers.

Everyone in the court couldn't help feeling excited.

Ren Bank put his hands on the armrest, his posture still solemn.She said again: "That was the reward you deserved just now, and now I want to give Su Qing an extra gift."

The lead attendant heard this and hurriedly brought out the items that had been prepared in advance.

It was an unmistakable treasure.

The objects on the tray are crystal clear, warm and firm, and the orange sunlight penetrates through the body and is broken into countless colorful tiny rays. This makes this object have different colors when viewed from different angles, and it can really be called a Ambilight.

"This is the best jadeite glass I have ever seen in my life. It is just suitable for Su Qing's temperament. I will give it to you now."

When Su Moqing saw the emerald glass on the tray, she also thought it was very desirable, so she happily accepted the order to thank her.

Jin Xiaoyan was looking forward to it.

Ren Bank looked at Jin Xiaoyan with an apologetic expression on his face, but through the bright light, the two couldn't see each other's expression clearly, and couldn't figure out what the other was thinking.

Afterwards, everyone discussed some matters to be resolved and retreated.

The courtiers were congratulating Su Moqing for obtaining a piece of excellent-quality emerald glass, and some people were secretly looking at Jin Xiaoyan.

Jin Xiaoyan congratulated Su Moqing and left.

He handled it very gracefully.

Jin Xiaoyan chose the carriage today.

The car was decorated magnificently, with cushions all around, and the driver outside was of a high level, and the journey was very smooth.

This should be a comfortable journey, but Jin Xiaoyan's mood is not calm.

That piece of emerald glass is beautiful, he thought.

But why only give it to Su Moqing?

This question naturally appeared in his mind.Jin Xiaoyan found a lot of explanations to convince himself.For example, at the beginning of the new dynasty, the national treasury was empty, and two peerless treasures could not be found; for example, Ren Bank may have his own considerations, this emerald glass is a pathfinding stone...

He thought a lot, tried to convince himself, but failed.

Because he is not only a loyal minister who sympathizes with the emperor, but also an ordinary man who yearns for his sweetheart.

He cannot be calm.

He returned to the mansion and ate his meal in a daze.Raindrops suddenly fell from the sky, and the rain became more and more rapid.Jin Xiaoyan could no longer restrain the boredom in his heart as he listened to the sound of the rain gradually becoming tighter.

He picked up the sword in his room, rushed into the rain and began to practice sword.

His swordsmanship is extremely high, even though there is nothing in front of him, the sound of the sword is still solemn with every move, as if to split the pouring rain between the sky and the earth.

After an unknown amount of time, Jin Xiaoyan stopped his sword momentum.

He felt a little groggy, as if there was an invisible barrier separating the wall of air in his ears, and everything in his ears became foggy.

He was a little tired, physically and mentally exhausted.

What am I in her heart?It was his last thought before he lost consciousness.

When it was dinner time, Ming Shou came to look for him, but found that his general was unconscious on the bed with wet clothes.

He couldn't wake Jin Xiaoyan up, so he could only change him into dry clothes in a hurry, and then went to find the doctor non-stop.

The doctor who was invited was a kind old gentleman, he took Jin Xiaoyan's pulse, checked his eyes, and then sat down at the table to prescribe a prescription.

"General, it's a cold, and the situation is a bit serious, but the general has been practicing martial arts, and his health has always been very good, so there is no serious problem. In the next half month, he will decoct medicine according to the old man's house every day, and he needs to pay attention to rest. This little wind and cold should also pay attention Take care of yourself, and take care of the lung problems."

Mingshou repeatedly said yes.

As soon as the doctor was sent away, Jin Xiaoyan woke up.

After understanding the situation, he smiled self-deprecatingly, "It's really useless, no wonder people..."

Ming Shou went out to get the medicine, he was the only one in the room.At this time, the sky was already dark, with neither moonlight nor starlight, as if a black cloth covered the entire room and covered him in it.

The movement in Jin Xiaoyan's mansion naturally spread to Ren Bank.

After she knew Jin Xiaoyan's situation, she immediately arranged the matters in hand, and went to his house overnight in disguise.

Jin Xiaoyan was very happy when he heard that she was here.

After Ming Shou got the word, he welcomed Ren Bank into the mansion and took him to Jin Xiaoyan's courtyard.

"How could you be so ill suddenly? I heard you fainted."

The anxiety on Ren Bank's face was very clear.She frowned slightly, and blamed him with her eyes for not taking care of herself.

Jin Xiaoyan's heart warmed slightly, and he couldn't bear her worry, so he just said that he was eager to practice swords and ignored the rain.

When Bank Ren heard what he said, he knew he hadn't told the truth.She looked up, and a pair of almond eyes met his directly.Jin Xiaoyan saw that there seemed to be a glimmer of light in her eyes.

There is no starlight tonight, let's replace it with the eyes of my sweetheart.

Then I heard Ren Bank say: "Ignore it? It's raining heavily today, how could you ignore it? I don't believe it, don't coax me with words." The girl's eyes were firm, and even though she had become the emperor, she was still worried about him.

Jin Xiaoyan remained silent.

He felt warm, but thought of that piece of emerald glass inappropriately, and felt a little depressed for a while.At the same time, there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart.

He knew that it was quite difficult for Ren Bank to become emperor as a woman, and he also believed that she only gave Su Moqing the emerald glass because of her own considerations.

I should be considerate of her.Jin Xiaoyan told himself this.

But it was obvious that Jin Xiaoyan couldn't convince himself.

However, if she doesn't tell me what she plans to do, will we go further and further apart?
There was another voice in his heart.

Sensing his mood change, Ren Bank asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me anything?"

It was as if a valve had been opened.

Jin Xiaoyan could no longer suppress himself.

"I didn't say anything? Did you tell me everything again?"

Jin Xiaoyan's tone was not good, and Ren Bank was stunned for a while.

But she quickly came back to her senses, and she also saw that Jin Xiaoyan was angry because of that piece of emerald glass.

It has always been her style to face problems directly. Since the two have conflicts, they should be resolved immediately.

So Bank Ren asked directly, "Is it because of Su Moqing?"

Jin Xiaoyan couldn't help but panic when he heard the words.

What will she say?Will he protect Su Moqing?

That's right, after all, the life and death moments that the two of them have experienced are no less than those of her and her. From this perspective, she is very likely to have a good impression of Su Moqing.

Thinking of this possibility, Jin Xiaoyan became even more bitter.

Is it my illusion?She just regarded me as a courtier with high martial arts skills, and never had any other feelings for me.If this is the case, she will naturally continue to be her glorious bole, and I... I actually can't do anything.

Thinking of this, Jin Xiaoyan became more and more depressed, and the fire in his heart continued to burn.

He looked at the anxious expression of the woman in front of him, and the concern in her eyes was clearly visible, which made him feel that she took himself seriously.

Which bole would come to the door so late at night to care about the health of his subordinates?
Jin Xiaoyan was in a state of confusion, two opposite thoughts were tossing around the alarm clock, making his heart go up and down, like a kind of self-torture.

But there must be an end to this torture.

Jin Xiaoyan looked at the woman in front of her, she had a pair of bright almond eyes.It's a pity that there is no light at this moment, otherwise he would be able to see his own figure in these bright eyes.

He wanted to always, always be in her eyes.

He wanted her to always, always only have himself in her eyes.

Jin Xiaoyan made up his mind.

"Why did you give him emerald glass?"

"It's a long story."

"I'm all ears."

"You should still remember that we found an underground treasure. Su Moqing's family has been gambling jade for generations and is worth hundreds of billions. He has rich experience in this field, so I gave him emerald glass as a favor."

Jin Xiaoyan was speechless for a moment.

He understands that the Bank needs to fill the treasury for other purposes.But why couldn't she tell him beforehand?Had she excluded herself from the plan?Or, she thought she would be unhappy about it.

"Then why didn't you explain it to me first?"

Ren Bank was at a loss for words when he heard the words.

"I just don't want you to be unhappy." She whispered Nono.

"Do you think that I'm...a person who is unhappy because of business? Do you think I'm just so confused?" Jin Xiaoyan's tone was filled with anger, which sounded very blunt.

At this time, there was only the dim light in the courtyard, and the two of them were standing at the intersection of light and shadow.

Ren Bank was amazed by his tone and felt aggrieved.She is struggling every step of the way now, he doesn't understand himself, but blames him.

But she didn't know how to explain it, because it was impossible to completely cut off similar things in the future, so if she explained the gift clearly this time, what should she do next time?Do you quarrel every time because of this?

Ren Bank was caught in a dilemma.

In the end, she could only say, "I didn't mean to do this, so I want to apologize to you first. But Jin Xiaoyan, you have to understand that it is impossible to stop such things in the future."

The chirping of unknown insects could be heard in the distance, and the lights seemed to be swaying with the chirping of the insects, becoming more and more swaying.

Jin Xiaoyan felt a little cold.

Is this just the beginning?It will continue to happen in the future, so will I go further and further away from her...

He thought of another possibility, have we walked in?Is this close now?Will she get closer to Su Moqing...

Certain emotions cannot be stopped once they start.

"Your Majesty understands, thank you for your late-night care. I'm so grateful."

There were tears in Ren Bank's eyes, "Do you have to do this?"

Jin Xiaoyan closed his eyes, "It's late at night, please come back, Your Majesty."

After Ren Bank heard this, he turned around and left. The wind brought by the walk brushed against the back of Jin Xiaoyan's hands, and a trace of coolness wrapped around him.

He watched the woman's angry figure, feeling a pang of sadness in his heart.

The lights flickered and the figures flickered.

Mizhou City has been placed under the command of King Zhao. Pedestrians put on Han costumes, and some precious snacks from the Central Plains have also been introduced into the city. The businesses that had been abandoned have been carried out in an orderly manner under the guidance and support of King Zhao's subordinates.

Su Moqing and others were the first batch of people who were in contact with Zhao Wang under the bank at that time. After entering the city, they were regarded as the guests of Zhao Wang. In between, she was counting a batch of newly mined stones in the back garden.

Guo Xi turned around and saw Su Moqing, who was handsome and handsome, and was a little surprised. Everyone knew that Tianqi Shenzhuang was already famous in the Jin Dynasty. She became famous in the first battle and acquired all the customs clearance points in the north and south. She hurriedly knelt down, Wei Wei bowed his head and called in a low voice, "Second Young Master, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Su Moqing looked up at the layout in the courtyard, it was still the same as when she left home. "I just searched back and forth, why didn't I see Madam?"

Guo Xi hesitated for a moment, her eyes dodged, and she hesitated, "Ma'am. I went up to the mountain to worship Buddha a few days ago, and I devoted myself to staying in the temple. Last time I sent a message to say that my family should not worry about it."

Su Moqing caught her little movements at a glance, seeing her dodging eyes, Guo Xi is a brave woman, besides Su Moqing, the old lady is what she misses most in her heart.

In the entire Yuhuan Pavilion, even if Li Jiang came back, Guo Xi had never been afraid. Su Moqing asked, "What happened?"

The words were a bit blunt, but it was hard to hide her gentleness. After all, Su Moqing came back today to say happy things to the old lady.

Guo Xi thought about it for a long time, and knew that it was not an option to hide it, so she said flatly, "A few days ago, a few strange people came to the house, saying that they were looking for the only son of Mr. Li. When he fled from the capital, It is said that Madam still brought General Li's son with her at the time, because she was not the biological mother, she has done her best for many years, and now these people are preparing to raise an uprising, and they are looking for this real master."

Su Moqing's pupils suddenly dilated. He knew he was born a long time ago. Mrs. Su told him that he was just a beggar's child, because his parents died, so she felt sorry for him.

Li Jiang was raised by Li Ren alone, and General Li's only son was already sensible when he left the capital.Su Moqing should know what Guo Xi means, but she didn't expect that the mystery of her life experience would be solved in this way.

"After hearing this, the old lady went to Li's house overnight. She went there just yesterday morning, and she didn't come back all day. I heard the maid beside the lady whisper a few words, but I just listened vaguely and said no. Let the second young master recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors."

Su Moqing frowned, "Why?"

Guo Xi hesitated, "It's hard to say what the end will be."

"You say it, God knows it."

Guo Xi swallowed her saliva twice, "Is the young master carrying an ancestral gold ingot?"

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(End of this chapter)

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