Chapter 132 Concubine Su
The cold winter of the apocalypse is extremely bleak.The cold wind was piercing, and the sky was full of residual snow. The gust of wind whirled and rolled a few free plum petals, and fell on the red walled courtyard, pressing out a solitude.

The Lengge of the Wangfu has been quiet for several days, no one can be seen in the cold courtyard, the snow has been heavy for days on the delicately carved eaves, and the closed red sandalwood double doors show a trace of sadness.

Chen Mei was paralyzed on the sickbed, her limbs were weak, her side face was quietly pressed against the long pillow, her beautiful and tired eyes were beating with the unstoppable candlelight not far away.

Liu Yi brought a bowl of medicine and put it on the side table, the circling hot air mixed with the bitter sweetness, scattered into Chen Mei's nostrils, the bitterness made her brows cluster, and the wound in her heart ached sharply.

Liu Yi, who was busy drying the medicine on one side, hurriedly came over and caressed Chen Mei's sleeve anxiously, "Miss, is the wound hurting again?"

Chen Mei smiled slightly, "It doesn't hurt."

Glancing at the medicine that Liu Yi was holding in one hand, Hei Nao's soup was bottomless, Chen Mei was tired, closed her eyes and straightened her face, breathing weakly, "Let's put it there, don't drink it."

Liu Yi held back her sobs, "Miss, you haven't taken medicine for ten days"

Chen Mei opened her eyes and glanced at her hand. There was a thick white cloth wrapped around her wrist, which was covered tightly with a thin brocade. She was not as stable as before when holding the medicine, and said softly, "Put it there, don't drink it." gone."

Liu Yi seemed to answer, holding the medicine in one hand and turning the spoon in the other, covering her rough and withered hands like a dome of steaming heat, a trace of guilt fell in Chen Mei's eyes, she had suffered with her after all.

"Miss doesn't care if you don't want to drink, drink slowly, drink slowly, Liu Yi will hold it for you, it won't be cold or hot."

Chen Mei's eyes were reddish, and Suo Mo glanced at the side case, and her voice was almost inaudible, "Let's put it there, don't drink."

Her tired black eyes skipped over the dying stove, looking at the closed paper window in the distance, the afterimage of falling snow could be seen faintly, Chen Mei asked slowly, "What year is it now?"

Liu Yi got up and went to the door. Thousands of marks were engraved on the red sandalwood double doors. After Chen Mei was imprisoned in the cold courtyard, she wrote them down once a day. Although it was inconvenient for her to move, she insisted on doing it herself.

Every stroke was made by Chen Mei clenching the hairpin tightly in her mouth, drawing out one by one, the bottom is not bottomless, the wound on the corner of her lip is healed and broken, it is healed.Chang Yimeng wakes up, the corner of the pillow is covered with blood gurgling from the corners of his lips.

Sadness appeared in Liu Yi's eyes, her cheeks trembled slightly, her throat choked for a while, a tear fell from the corner of her eye, she hurriedly wiped it off, and said in a straight voice, "Miss, it's been 57 years of Kangxi."

"57 years. 57 years" A sad smile on the corners of Chen Mei's lips caused a lifetime of sadness. She has been lying here for three years
It's time to end, it's time to stop. Chen Mei's deep eyes fell to the ground with sadness.

Liu Yi's eyes were reddened, she caressed Chen Mei's sleeve, rubbed her bony arm, when she pressed down, there was no trace of moisture.She pressed like this every day, her arms, her legs, but Chen Mei's consciousness didn't recover at all.

A trace of tears glistened in Chen Mei's eyes, she raised her eyes and glanced at Liu Yi, "Let's rest, don't hold back."

Turning her eyes, she seemed to be attracted by the snow marks on the paper window. In an instant, countless memories of the past came to her mind. Chen Mei's eyes turned red, and she said softly, "I want to go out and have a look."

Liu Yi worriedly looked at Chen Mei's thin face, and said worriedly, "Miss, it's snowing heavily outside today, if I go out, I might catch a cold."

"Besides. Besides, today is the second day of the wedding year of the lord and the young lady. As usual, the lord has to go back to her mother's house. The lord took you back two years ago. The lord loves you so much, and I will never forget it this year."

The prince Liu Yi was talking about was Su Yi, Su Moqing's nephew.When he was young, he was crowned king and took command of the border. When he returned at the age of 17, he was dressed in brocade robes and his eyes were bright.

Chen Mei first met him in the Wu Lecture Hall, and since then she has been unable to extricate herself.He insisted on pestering the eldest brother, who is the richest man in Kyoto, and gathered all the wealth in the city to him. After exhausting good words and means, he was able to attract the emperor's personal order to give him a marriage, and his dream came true.

The world is unpredictable, Chen Mei thought that after marriage, she would be like a sister, and grow old together, but she didn't know that Su Yi treated her like a thing, not to be spurned, not to be loved, neither hot nor cold, neither painful nor itchy, it was completely regarded as a disgusting display.

On the contrary, she took good care of her cousin Chu Chu's family, from the sharp-tongued mother-in-law Chu to the arrogant and domineering slaves, and even married Chu Chu as her side concubine half a year after she married Chen Mei.

Chu Chu relied on her favor in the palace, covering the sky with one hand, but she dared not do anything to Chen Mei, who had the richest brother.

One day, Mianmian beat Liu Yi seriously, and her wrist was trampled off. Chen Mei couldn't bear it any longer, so she went to Chu Chu with a short blade to discuss a fight, but she was tricked by Chu Chu. In front of Su Yi, Chu Chu bumped into Chen Mei The cold blade collapsed to the side with a mournful sound.

Chen Mei was overjoyed, but was told that the fetus in Chu Chu's womb was already eight months old, and after the blood blade was taken out, the fetus died in her womb.Chu Chu cried for a few nights, and Su Yi stayed with her for a few nights.

Chu Chuyin hinted that if Su Yi gave the order to kill Chen Mei to vent her anger, she would also have dismissed her status as the main concubine and designated herself as the main concubine.

Su Yi has been hanging in the air without answering, and ordered his servants, no one is allowed to spread this matter, and Chen Mei will not be punished in the slightest.

It's just that he is colder to her, and he has nothing to say.

Chen Mei can't bear not to love her.What's more, she loves him so much.She knew that he didn't love her at all, didn't love her at all, but she used to have faith, and she believed that one day he would always be moved to change a little.

But counting now, looking at the blood-stained nicks on the red sandalwood double doors, Chen Mei burst into tears, realizing that she has not been paralyzed in vain for ten years, and at least recognized one person. A luxury available to everyone.

I only hate that day when she was full of the pain of betrayal and grievance, she went to the door of Su Yi's bedroom with a short blade alone, and knelt in the ice and snow, just asking for two things.

First, give her a divorce letter.Since then, there will be no more Niuhuluchenmei·Fourteen Fortunes.

Second, cutting a knife in her heart, life and death, can be regarded as repayment for the innocent child who died tragically.

Su Yi put down his words, but he only did one thing.Chen Mei foolishly, still felt a bit of comfort, being able to give a letter of divorce was probably the greatest joy she could get from him.

But Su Yi found Chuchu, and ordered her to be stabbed in the stomach in front of everyone.Chen Mei was startled, Chu Chu pretended to be weak, and used an excuse to push Su Yi away, then bound Chen Mei, chiseled Chen Mei's forehead with a stone, and locked her heart with a sword.

Either fate, or God's pity, on that icy snowy night, when Wei Liuyi cried while hugging Chen Mei, the snowy night suddenly became warm and hot, like the summer of July, and the breath of fire permeated Chen Mei. With the meridian, half of life survived, but below the heart, there is no more consciousness.

When Chen Mei closed her eyes, two lines of clear tears slid down, and the tear stains lasted for a long time.

"Miss, take good care of yourself. After a while, the prince will be in a good mood. Let us go out to visit the young master's grave."

Liu Yi picked up the lump of coal and put it lightly in the stove, and pulled it back and forth a few times, but the fire in the stove was getting weaker and weaker.

When she was in a good mood, she let us go out. Chen Mei's eyes turned red, and tears gurgled down the corners of her eyes, soaking the blood-stained pillow on one side, "I have long since stopped looking forward to it. Liu Yi, I can't look forward to it anymore."

The young master Liu Yi was talking about was Chen Mei's eldest brother, who had passed away for three years.

After Chen Mei was beaten into a useless person three years ago, the Niu Hulu clan expelled the eldest brother from the genealogy, and was killed in the wilderness for rebelling against the throne.So far, there is not a single place left on his body, only some old books of his are buried in the tomb, which become the only thoughts when he worships Chen Mei every year.

Chen Mei has no parents since she was a child. Although she is a man of the army, but because of her incomplete family background, she has no chance to receive titles or rewards.The eldest brother suffered a lot and never let Chen Mei suffer any grievances. He even spent 15 years establishing a huge chaebol belonging to the Niuhulu clan in Kyoto, ranking the richest in Kyoto.

After all, the tree is very popular, and being framed by others is suspected of treason. Su Yi led people to seal up the family house without any screening. The Niu Hulu clan chose to abandon the car to protect the handsome man. Did not let him go.

Chen Mei squinted at the wooden wheelchair on the side, and burst into tears instantly. After Chen Mei's accident, the eldest brother risked his life and came to the palace to give it to her.

At that time, the elder brother had been hunted down, he ran for his life during the day, and at night he chiseled the wood with his own hands, and when he was done, he took out all the copper coins on his body and asked someone to bring them in to Chen Mei.

That day when Chen Mei woke up from a nap, when she looked out the door, she saw a hunched and unnatural figure, dressed in linen clothes, looking at her far away on the slum with concern.

Little did they know that it was the last look.

Who can associate that man with Niu Hulu Rouzhi, the first son of the capital, who used to be a handsome horse in green clothes and a handsome man?
Chen Mei couldn't forget the blood book tied under the base of the wooden wheelchair.One stroke at a time, it is the taste of the eldest brother, and it is the handwriting of the eldest brother. ".Chen Mei, don't be afraid, brother is here."

"Chen Mei, this small injury scares you. I still remember that when I was young, I went to grab sugar for you. I was beaten with blood all over my body. The scars are still there now. It hurts, but you didn't give it to me." Brother eat your little sugar man"

"Chen Mei, this wooden chair has wheels. When you are in a better mood, go out for a walk more, and the injury will heal slowly. In the future, you can go to the Murong Snow Mountain to see the sea of ​​clouds, and you can also go to the Overlook Island to watch the birds."

"At that time, don't forget brother. At that time, you must take this wooden chair. The wood is so hard that my hands hurt! Take good care of yourself. Eat on time, and drink to relieve the heat. When it’s hot, drink mung bean soup and well spring.”

"Brother is a rough man, he doesn't know how to be polite. Brother has to do business in another place, don't wait for brother."

"Chen Mei, brother has no skills, you must live well. Live well."

Chen Mei couldn't stop sobbing, the choking in her throat was unbearable, her sobbing ripped her unconscious bones, trembling with distress.

Liu Yi was stunned, stepped forward and caressed Chen Mei's heart, tears streaming down her face, "Miss, don't cry, miss, don't cry, as long as it's alright."

In the courtyard, the snow was scattered down one after another, and the folded hands were resting obediently on the red woolen mattress. When the wooden wheelchair was moving, it creaked and creaked into the ice, and a smear of whiteness was instantly swallowed up without a trace.

Chen Mei raised her face and looked out of the high red wall of the Lengyuan. There was snow on the delicate outline, and there was a movement and calmness between her eyebrows and eyes that had never been seen before.Liu Yi pulled the red woolen mattress to Chen Mei's body, but she forgot that she had no longer felt the cold, and unconsciously shed tears.

"Miss, I have to go back. It's cold, don't hurt yourself." Liu Yi reminded softly.

Chen Mei opened her lips, but she didn't have the strength to look back anymore, she just leaned quietly on the high chair back, her half-closed eyes were bottomless, and said slowly, "Liu Yi, I want to take medicine."

Liu Yi paused, so he didn't understand, and hurriedly leaned down, "Miss, what did you say? Do you want to drink medicine?"

Chen Mei leaned on the chair, slightly propped up her weak eyelids, looked at Liu Yi's thin jaw, tired and pale complexion, it was incomparable to the appearance of vermilion and jasper when they first met.

These people are incomparable.
It's just that she couldn't help it before.Whoever she falls in love with, whoever she mistrusts, whoever she is ashamed of, and whoever she regrets, is up to her.

Now I can finally let it go.

A sweet and warm smile was drawn on the corners of Chen Mei's lips, like the warm moon in the twelfth lunar month, bright as the sun, but her eyes were bitter like green lotuses, dark as ashes, softly exhaled in Liu Yi's ear, and said hoarsely, "Go. "

The red sandalwood door opens and closes, two rows of footprints, two rows of ruts.An unfinished bowl of bitter medicine.A heart-wrenching cry.

She closed her eyes and listened quietly to her ears. Liu Yi's cries and shouts were far away, like standing on Murong Snow Mountain, listening to operas in Kyoto three thousand miles away. Although it sounds good, it has nothing to do with her.

The corners of her eyes were dry, and she thought she would cry when she died, but she turned out to be so peaceful and relieved.

I think the tears are all gone
If there is an afterlife, I will never love anyone again. .
In the back garden of Prince Yong's Mansion, a man dressed in a purple python robe and a fox-fur gown looked up at the heavy snowfall. Behind him was a follower named Guan Ju, holding an oil-paper umbrella, waiting quietly.

A pawn came running not far away, walked quickly to Guanju, whispered a few words in his ear, the man seemed to have heard something worrying, his originally focused phoenix eyes were a little panicked.

Guan Ju was stunned, as if the news came too suddenly, he raised his eyes and looked at the hesitant back of the man in front of him, the words in his mouth trembled a few times, and he dared not say them out.

After a moment of silence, the man turned his face slightly, his sharp and cold eyes slashed across Guan Ju's face like a cold knife, Guan Ju knew it was the Lord who wanted to know, he gritted his teeth, leaned over and said, "Master, Fourteen Fujin... went."

The fourth master's eyes deepened, and his tightly closed lips trembled violently twice. He tightly squeezed the walnut in his hand, and the round lines pressed deep marks on the palm. Hey, the walnut was broken all over the ground, stained with blood.

"Where's the old fourteen? Can't he take care of his woman?"

Fourth master's tone was full of resentment, and there was bottomless sadness in his cold eyes.Frowning between her brows, her phoenix eyes seemed to be looking at the snow, as if looking at people.

Guan Ju wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, leaned over and looked down.

"Master, the Fourteenth Master has long since ignored Fourteen Fujin's life and death. A few days ago, Fourteen Fujin sent back all the medicines you asked to send to the Fourteenth Prince's Mansion."

"She thought that you would probably miss you, so she specially sent a message, saying that the illness is slowly getting better, and it will always get better when it should be better."

"She's still persuading you." The sweat on Guan Ju's forehead became more and more intense, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

The fourth master turned around, staring at Guan Ju's face with stern phoenix eyes, eyes full of anxiety, "How about persuading me?"

"I advise you to advise you to marry the divorced Ulanala Gege, don't miss her anymore"

A cold light flashed in Fourth Master's eyes, and Guan Ju hurriedly knelt down in front of him, not daring to raise his head.

There seems to be blood in the throat, no worry in the deep eyes, only staring at the distant snow scene, the purple python robe is suffused with a surly look.

"I met Fengxue for the first time, and then met Xueli again, did you forgive him?"

(End of this chapter)

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