Chapter 142 Exploring
"The entrance to the ancient tomb should be right in front. According to the blueprint, there are many organs here. Your Majesty, shall we let the late emperors go there first?" The guards cast their sly eyes on Ren Bank and his group, and Su Moqing calmly held the Standing aside, Ren Bank's pale complexion was particularly eye-catching as his profile flashed across the crowd resting on the rock opposite.She is still pregnant with Liujia in her belly, and the current situation is not optimistic. The people behind her have been blocked by Zhao Wang's soldiers. If all Tianqi people want to survive, they can only continue walking along this unknown ancient tomb. .The entrance of the ancient tomb is very gloomy, the ground is very damp, there are constant whistling winds and shouts from inside, and you can feel the coolness head-on.Frequent explorers know that this is a good thing. There is wind, which means there is an exit. However, this wind is very clear and distant, and it is very fine. It does not seem to come in from a large entrance, but rather like a modern central air conditioner. , group cooling.This discovery put a heavy weight on Ren Bank, who was already unwell.This ancient tomb can be seen to be very old. Thousands of years ago, her patriarch unexpectedly had such a clever way to keep the jade and jade preserved in the ancient tomb in the cave well and ventilated. This kind of wisdom makes people Surprised, but also frightening.It shows that from the bottom of her heart, perhaps she doesn't want this treasure to be discovered at all.

"No need, I'll take the lead, and you will protect the Supreme Emperor from behind." Su Moqing's pale lips moved slightly, and her eyes turned from Ren Bank, who was sitting on the stone beside her.Seeing Jin Xiaoyan who was waiting by her side every step of the way, he felt sad for a while.Although after Ren Bank entered the palace for the second time, Su Moqing gave her the best, and even made her the crown prince no matter who the child in her womb belonged to. I thought that Ren Bank really showed weakness once and was willing to give her Half of his life was entrusted to his care, but he didn't know that it was just for the sake of catching King Zhao and making Su Moqing's clan completely extinct. Forget it, forget it, after all these years, he was tired of all these things.Concubine Su Gui, who was already blind behind her, was very sad when she heard these words, she was as sad as a drained puppet, she reached out and grabbed Su Moqing's arm, unwilling to let go, her begging tone was very distressing, "Your Majesty, how about the mechanism ahead? Cruel, you and I have seen it before. Now the family of concubines is gone, and the eyes can no longer see. The child in the womb is your own flesh and blood. If you don't want him, how can we, mother and child, survive? Your Majesty." Concubine Su Gui knelt on the ground as she spoke, and the maidservants behind her all sobbed.Ren Yinyin took two sips of water, and turned to look at Concubine Su Gui. Now she is much less domineering, but she looks more attractive. If she hadn't thought badly and wanted to persecute Ren Bank's mother and son, her eyes wouldn't be too bright. to the point where it is now.Su Moqing could only gently help her up, looking at her slightly swollen belly, but her heart was filled with endless regret.Because of a glass of wine that should never be drunk, he made a big mistake, and he really had a child with Concubine Su Gui. He didn't want Ren Bank to think that he was an unfaithful man, but everything can't go back to the past.Although Concubine Su Gui is vicious, he knows that Concubine Su Gui is the only person in the world who cares most about Su Moqing.

"Mei'er, don't worry, your husband is an upright man. Look at the people we escaped with. They are all women and children. How can we let them take care of it? Although this trap is abominable, one person must go through it first. Worry, even if something happens to me, the Supreme Emperor is a very kind person, and will definitely treat you well." Su Moqing's eyes revealed a burst of sadness.The eye sockets were also slightly red.Ren Bank sighed slightly, and was about to say something, but Xing Qiu, who was half squatting beside him, firmly held down the hand he was about to raise. Ruthless, "Master is going to be kind-hearted again." Ren Bank frowned, and was stunned for a while, his thoughts were actually seen through by this little girl, Su Moqing's martial arts were completely abolished, and now the overall situation in the court is out of control, King Zhao Desperately want to catch the two of them to sacrifice to heaven, from this point of view they are people on the same boat.Before leaving, Mr. Zhuge left a partially deciphered treasure map. Although the picture is very blurry, you can see the layout of the organs at the entrance of the ancient tomb.There is a fifteen-arrow tunnel on the left and right sides. As long as you step on the place where the moon shines, the tunnel will be triggered. Fifteen sharp swords will pass through the hall at the same time, and no one in the entire tunnel will survive.Therefore, based on the current position of the moon, it is necessary to analyze the possible places and routes of the moon in the future.Ren Bank measured the time, took out his universal ipad at work from the luggage sent by outer space and time, and drew a path on the passage of ten bricks in front of him.Everyone must avoid this path later on, as long as one person steps on it, everyone will die here.

"Later, you can follow this road, avoid all the moonlight points, and then step on that brick and wait for the next moonlight." Ren Bank said very calmly, and the maids beside Su Guifei After hearing this, they were very surprised, and looked at each other in a fuss, "Could it be that we can only walk such a short distance in a day? If it is this speed, King Zhao's troops will soon catch up with us!" Xing Qiu said angrily. With a blank look, "It's good to go fast, but there are tens of thousands of combinations of organs on this road. Even if all of us rush up, we may not be able to find the right way. If we want to find the right way, we can only wait for it." The moon at midnight every night." Su Moqing stopped Concubine Su Gui who had been chattering all the time, and whispered in her ear, "Let's go according to the method she said, the ancestor who designed the ancient tomb here is her ancestor, and the Supreme Emperor naturally knows it in his heart , you don’t need to be afraid, just follow me.” The distance of ten bricks is close or far, more than 20 people cautiously followed the route marked by Ren Bank, everyone was safe and sound, suddenly The last maidservant, the one who just said she disagreed, stepped on the stone brick illuminated by the moonlight. Everyone was silent for a few seconds. Shuttle back and forth, the arrow seemed to be smeared with poison, a huge hole was pierced the moment it passed through the maidservant's body, and she died soon.

Concubine Su Gui fainted in Su Moqing's arms in fright. Everyone panicked and panicked. Rest in place and wait for tomorrow when we move on."

Bai Yifeng returned to the Phoenix God Clan, but did not see Bai Chenai.Not knowing what her sister was busy with, Bai Yifeng went to her room alone, waiting for her sister to call.

It's not that Bai Chen'ai didn't know that Bai Yifeng had returned, but when he passed by the garden, he accidentally saw the Taoist priest he had imprisoned. His place was like a tomb, not as noisy as before, but silent silent.

Bai Chen'ai is a very suspicious person.

Bai Chenai asked someone to unlock the door, stepped aside, and looked at the Taoist priest.

He sat there calmly, looking at Bai Chen'ai, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Bai Chenai said coldly: "What are you laughing at?"

The Taoist shook his head, "Didn't you let me tell you? I won't show kindness again, telling you, admonishing you, it's just stubbornness, it's a waste of effort!"

The guard at the side heard it, and just wanted to come forward to teach him a lesson, but was stopped by Bai Chen'ai.

"This time, I promise you that if I get angry, it's because of a villain."

The Taoist laughed, "You're almost dead, what are you talking about, a gentleman? Don't you think it's too stupid?"

Bai Chenai looked at him quietly, "There is only one person in this world whose cultivation level can be compared with mine, and this person is already obsessed with me now, so I don't need to worry about it. Nonsense."

The Taoist looked at Bai Chen'ai, "Obsessed with you? Let me tell you, the prince of today's family has already fallen in love with your sister Bai Yifeng. Are you still playing here?"

Bai Chen'ai's face turned livid, and she turned around and went out.

Bai Yifeng was in the room, suddenly a lot of people rushed in, and immediately put Bai Yifeng in a cell next to the prison.

Bai Yifeng shouted for her sister desperately, but Bai Chen'ai stood outside, keeping her expression on her face.

Bai Yifeng vaguely felt that something was wrong, her sister didn't ask her about Yun Zizhi at all, could it be that she knew about Ran Yu...

Bai Chen'ai hurried to the Heavenly Palace.

The Emperor of Heaven was surprised, "This is?"

Bai Chenai calmed down, "Your Majesty, I hope to marry Prince Ranyu immediately."

After receiving the imperial edict, Ran Yu came to the main hall, saw Bai Chen'ai, and felt a little guilty.

Tiandi told Ran Yu Bai Yifeng's meaning, but Ran Yu refused to agree with her life or death.

This time the Heavenly Emperor was confused, "Prince..."

Ran Yu said: "To be honest, I already... fell in love with another member of the Phoenix God Clan, so I will not carry out this engagement."

The atmosphere in Heaven was a little awkward.

Bai Chen'ai didn't say a word, but looked at Ran Yu with jealousy burning in his eyes.

Bai Chenai returned to the Phoenix God Clan, and saw Bai Yifeng in the cage beside her.

Bai Chenai opened the door lock, and Bai Yifeng who wanted to explain after entering was slapped to the ground by Bai Chenai.

Bai Chenai said coldly, "You have never seen him before, and you did such a thing, are you sorry for me?"

Bai Yifeng looked at Bai Chenai's disrespectful face, "Are you serious, have I never met him? Back then I pretended to be my sister to teach in Tiangong, wasn't it him? He fell in love with me at that time, but why did my sister want to teach?" Taking love with a knife?"

"Hehe, grabbing love with a knife? Which one of us do you think is more appropriate to use this term?" Bai Chenai looked at Bai Yifeng viciously.

Even though there are thousands of years, there are eight wastelands.Bai Chenai was sitting in the main hall, and Bai Yifeng who was on the side vaguely saw the scene outside through the crack of the door.Tian Gong "Did you find it? What's the name?" Ran Yu looked at his subordinates anxiously.His subordinates looked a little dodgy, "His Royal Highness listened, don't get angry..." "Tell me, I can bear it." Ran Yu took a deep breath.

The subordinate nodded, "The woman you mentioned, if you remember her appearance correctly, should be the younger sister of the head of the Phoenix God Clan, Bai Yifeng."

Ran Yu stood up in surprise, "You...what did you say? She and Xiao Ai are... sisters?"

The subordinate nodded, "And... this woman, who replaced Bai Chen'ai and came to Tiangong to teach, was teaching you at that time."

Ran Yu was stunned.

In other words, the woman I originally fell in love with was Bai Yifeng.

It's just because Bai Chenai's eyes are too similar to hers, so all this went astray.

Then... Bai Chen loves that meeting, she should know it well, so to speak, she is using Ran Yu for everything.

It's just because Ran Yu is the only person in the Four Realms who can compete with her with advanced cultivation.

Ran Yu clenched his fists.

She was so anxious to get married just now, is she trying to embarrass Bai Yifeng?

Without further ado, Ran Yu quickly went to the Phoenix God Clan.

Yun Zizhi was walking around in his palace, when the Emperor of Heaven came, he was very puzzled when he saw that Yun Zizhi didn't pack his things.

Yun Zizhi smiled and said, "I came to this Tiangong, just say a word, after finishing speaking, your wish of completely annexing the Phoenix God Clan under Tiangong's sect will be realized immediately."

The Emperor of Heaven was puzzled, "Senior brother, it's been so long since we haven't seen each other, how can you be more humorous?"

Yun Zizhi looked at the Emperor of Heaven, "Remember, if Ran Yu brings a woman back, and must marry her, you must agree."

"Brother, you mean Bai Chenai?"

Yun Zizhi shook his head, "By the time this happens, the Phoenix God Clan will probably have become a desert."

Phoenix Shrine
"Your Highness...Your wait for my notification, you can't go in like this!"

A few court ladies couldn't stop the angry Ran Yu, Ran Yu rushed in and looked at Bai Chen'ai.

Bai Yifeng, who was on the verge of death due to lack of oxygen, heard Ran Yu's voice, and knocked feebly on the cell door.

"Where's Bai Yifeng?" Ran Yu tried to be as calm as possible.

Bai Chen loves to smile, "You are my husband, why do you care so much about my sister?"

"Are you sick, Bai Chen'ai? You clearly know that the person I like is not you, and you still play tricks like this with me?"

Bai Chenai waved his sleeves, and the cell door next to him opened, and Bai Yifeng lay there, almost out of breath.

Ran Yu ran up to her and looked at her with heartache, and hugged Bai Yifeng, her eyes were full of remorse.

Bai Chen'ai quietly walked behind Ran Yu, her hands were burning with flames, and the corners of her eyes were filled with tears, because she didn't want to, didn't want to kill Ran Yu.

Ran Yu was completely angry, and with a loud roar, Bai Chen'ai was immediately backlashed, all the fire rushed towards him, and the people in the palace were frightened and fled in all directions. Ran Yu flew out of the sky with Bai Yifeng. became a ruin.


The light in the illusion was extinguished, and the fifth incense floated out from the mirror. Gan Moqian and Hong Yuefei looked at the Phoenix Palace in front of them, sighed, and walked out hand in hand.

There is a person under the Cangxiang City, big and small shopkeepers who really make wine.

The first wine in ten miles and eight wastes, Fanghua lost in ten miles.

The shopkeeper once had a beautiful wife who got seriously ill because of curiosity.

He died and took the incense away, enduring parting to save the world.


"Wow, this Tibetan Fragrance Pavilion is really beautiful!"

Hong Yuefei looked at the city full of flowers, Gan Moqian took Hong Yuefei around the city.

The reason why this city is called Zangxiang Pavilion, Zangxiang, as the name suggests, is to make wine.In this city, more than [-]% of the households make a living by brewing wine. Although this place is not as good as the Ten Miles of Fanghua in the fairy world, the craftsmanship in the world has also reached the point of perfection.

Among them, the most famous one is the winery at the easternmost end of the Cangxiang Pavilion, and the shopkeepers in it.

This is father and son.

The big shopkeeper holds the skills of his ancestors in his hands, and the wine making is called a mellow wine. Although many women are too much to drink, the characteristic of this big shopkeeper's wine making is that everyone, young and old, women and children can taste it, and no one can say anything bad.

The important thing is that the wine from this shopkeeper is not expensive.

It's amazing to say that this is a wine city, but the business of the shopkeeper's family is full every day, which makes many people envious.

Moreover, according to the rumors, although this is the human world, this big shopkeeper is said to be miraculous, and some people even spread rumors, saying that this big shopkeeper is a god in the sky.

"Shangshen? How is this possible? A god who has spent so much effort in cultivation, how could he be willing to stay in such an ordinary place to make wine?"

Hong Yuefei is very strange.

Gan Moqian said: "There are such precedents in this Celestial Clan. Many Gods, either because they met their own destiny, or because they have something they like, they will live in seclusion in the world, regardless of those miscellaneous people in the Heavenly Palace. matter."

This little shopkeeper is the only son of the big shopkeeper.

Although the small shopkeeper's skills are not as exquisite as the big shopkeeper's, he is humble and polite. The business of the winery is good, more than half is due to the quality of the wine, and the other half is due to the small shopkeeper.

The little shopkeeper is a very good person, not to mention treating everyone who comes to buy wine, he will chat with each other in a lively way, so that people don't feel bored, and every once in a while he will organize some free tastings of new wines Activity,

In daily life, it is inevitable that any family will have a hard time, some lose money in business, and the whole family has no food.

The big shopkeeper has been staring at the brewing process all day long. He has reached an agreement with the small shopkeeper on these matters. As long as he is here to borrow money, leave an IOU, and there is no expiration date.

(End of this chapter)

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