Chapter 39

The second brother thought for a while, "Otherwise, starting tomorrow, I'm serving new dishes in Shuixiangju, all home-cooked dishes, and Yuhuan Pavilion will start tomorrow. There must be many people, and we can still make a lot of money!"

The eldest brother nodded, "Okay, what do you think, baby girl? If it's okay, I will go to Sinan later and ask his wife and two other girls to go to the restaurant to help cook together tomorrow."

Yinbao circled the shops of Shuixiangju and Yuhuange on the paper, "I think it's okay, but if I remember correctly, there should be several restaurants on this street, and the competition is fierce!"

The second brother thought to himself, "That's okay, we can set the price a little lower!"

"No," Yin Bao shook his head, "This is not a ginseng business. The empty-handed white wolf earns as much as he sells. We will spend a lot of money on the purchase of ingredients, so there is not much profit. If the price is set too cheap, people will suspect that our dishes are not clean, a vicious circle.”

The two brothers frowned, thinking of a better idea, Yin Bao looked at the map of these two streets, and at the entertainment venues in other places in Mizhuang.

Suddenly, an immature idea sprouted in his mind.

"Look, there are no less than three hundred restaurants, large and small, on this street. We are located in the middle of the alley upstairs and downstairs, and we are in the middle of the alley, so we can't reach the front and back. The customers on both sides walk halfway, look If you come to this kind of chaos stall, or the lion head in a big restaurant, then turn around and leave, there is no chance for us.”

The eldest brother said, "Then can we use some method to attract their attention?"

The second brother thought for a while, "Why don't you ask the guy to distribute leaflets tomorrow?"

Yinbao shook his head, "Flyers are too inefficient, one person can only attract the attention of three people at most, and they are walking on the road shopping, you suddenly appear and you smile gently and let them come to the store to eat, most of them People might find it weird and awkward, and there won't be a steady flow of customers."

Seeing Yinbao's logical analysis, the eldest brother poured a bowl of tea into Yinbao's bowl, and said with a smile, "Ninny, don't you have an idea? You are still fooling me and the second child here!"

"That's right, baby girl, if you have an idea, just say it, the two of us together can't miss you!"

Yin Bao leaned forward pretending to be mysterious, and blinked his almond-like eyes twice, "Do you remember, Si Nan's wife, that very figured woman, used to be in Tsing Yi."

The eldest brother slapped his forehead suddenly, "Do you want to set up a stage at the door?"

Yin Bao excitedly clapped hands with his elder brother, "Elder brother knows me too!"

Due to the last coup, many theaters in Mizhuang were unfortunately implicated. I heard that Huadan and Tsingyi were all broken up, and there was no complete theater troupe. There is only one person in Mizhuang, and there is no one in our restaurant to come to see such a movement?"

What a good idea, the three brothers and sisters made some plans for the future. As soon as they went out, they saw Si Nan and Jin Lian feeding the horses in the stable, so they went to find them.

When Jin Lian heard this, Huarong paled, and her two white and tender hands pinched Si Nan's arm uneasily, and said softly, "Set up a troupe?"

"Yes, as long as you promise, we will give you a considerable reward. If you need someone, it's best to find someone in the church, so that we will save a lot of trouble when we finally split the bill."

Jin Lian lowered her head and smiled shyly, her voice was still weak, and the two brothers got goosebumps, "What did the hall master say, we all live in the Ren family compound, eat your food, drink your food, Without the hall master, we would have been wronged souls somewhere. It's just that I really can't do this."

Yin Bao stared at her intently, seeing Jin Lian's eyes dodging in her bright eyes, she seemed to be very embarrassed.

"I don't sing Tsing Yi for a long time. Although I have only been in the old profession for ten years, I am also a foreigner, but if I misunderstand my disciples, I will not be able to teach them well. I will have no face to see the patriarch again in the future."

Seeing Si Nan staring at Jin Lian suspiciously, Yin Bao thought that there must be something wrong with this matter, so he waited quietly, "Then I won't force others, you two should rest early!"

Yin Bao and his brothers did not go far, but hid behind the pillar to see what the couple was doing.

Si Nan looked around, closed his mouth and closed his mouth, not knowing what he was talking about, and quickly went back to the house, Jin Lian also followed in short steps.

The eldest brother scratched his head in doubt, "That's not right, the last time Tie Jun and Si Nan were carrying things, when it was mentioned that Cui Mei likes to sing, Jin Lian promised to teach her!"

The second elder brother also said, "That's right, I also have a little impression. Just yesterday, I saw the female soldiers doing infrastructure construction and resting. Jinlian would sing for them to relieve their boredom. Why don't you want to do it today?"

Yinbao looked at their bright lights, puzzled.

dong dong dong!dong dong dong!
Someone was banging on the iron door outside, as if he was in a hurry to reincarnate. Since the last repair, Sinan had knocked on an iron door, which was very strong, and the outside was painted with wood paint.

The louder the knock, the more painful the hand.

"What kind of broken door is this, master, there is no one!"

With a creak, the three brothers and sisters of Yinbao stood at the door, looking at the people outside. A neatly dressed gentleman, with more than 20 assistants, blocked the door fiercely.

This is not from this village.There was a cute little boy standing beside him, holding a rattle and a small wooden horse in his hand, his eyes were swollen from crying.

"This old man, who are you looking for?"

The person who was called snorted and said angrily, "I'm not here to find people, I'm here to find horses!"

Yin Bao looked back at the stable, the horses inside were all asleep with their eyes closed, didn't this horse come from Si Nan?

Hearing the noise outside, Si Nan comforted the crying Jin Lian, went out to look, just as he opened the door, he met the torch-like eyes of the little boy, raised his hand and pointed at him fiercely, "Father, it's him! He stole my horse!"

The lights were turned on to sweep the dust, tea was served, and the people in the hall were all dressed up and down to watch. There was a stone table in the yard, and Yinbao looked nervously at Sinan.

Sinan avoided his eyes and lowered his head in embarrassment.

The little boy ran from the stable, and as soon as he hugged the old man's hand, he burst into tears, "Father, there are only two horses left, and they ate up Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai!"

Yin Bao waved his hand hastily, "My lord, you are very discerning. There have been two horses since we came here. We are only borrowing them for a short time."

The corner of Sinan's mouth twitched twice, and he said without confidence, "Master, there are four horses. Then I thought that we have a large number of people, and four horses are just enough, so I will"

The guys surrounded Sinan, and the people in the hall were not vegetarians, they all came down to fight with sticks in hand.

Seeing this situation, the master was not afraid, Yin Bao stopped the crowd, and dragged Sinan to the side first, "You came to my humble house as a guest, I don't know what to call you?"

"The old man's surname is Chen, and he lives in Chen's House, No. 75, Sansanli Lane, Dulian Village. He didn't intend to bring people to make trouble, but because these horses are really the dog's favorite, so he made a big fuss."

Mr. Chen squinted and looked at Yinbao's rich mansion, "You have to return those two horses to me, and the two dead ones, I don't care how they died, one horse is 3000 taels, you hurry up and raise money !"

Yin Bao swallowed, his eyes were anxious, and he tightly grasped the tea bowl on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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