Chu garlic

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

At this time, Ding Wei, the eunuch of the imperial court, came to Chu Po's mansion. Chu Po and Xie Zhenshi rushed to meet him and saluted.

"Pass the Queen Mother's oral order, Xuan Chu Suanzi will enter the palace to speak!" Ding Huan said.

"The little girl injured her arm recently, and she needs to rest for a while, and enter the palace as soon as the little girl recovers, okay?" Chu Po said.

"Since Aigui's body is ill, I will go to the palace immediately to report to the empress." Ding Huan turned and left, while Chu Po and his wife were talking in the front hall.

"Husband, Empress Du and Suanzi have been practicing calligraphy and reading together since they were young, and they have a deep relationship. Once entering the palace, it is as deep as the sea, and Empress Du will inevitably feel lonely in the palace." Xie Zhenshi smiled.

"Madam, do you remember a past event I mentioned to you?"

"Husband refers to the hexagram that Guo Pu divination for you when you were young?"

"Exactly! Guo Pu said that this hexagram is not a hexagram of a person or official, but it is an auspicious omen, and it will be fulfilled in 20 years. Guo Pu is Taishan Beidou in the Fengshui world. On that day, there was a vision in the sky, and I knew that this child would be extraordinary in the future!" Chu Po was thoughtful.

"That's why my husband tried his best to cultivate Suanzi in an all-round way, let her play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, learn martial arts from teachers, in order to become a talent who can be both literary and martial."

"Xiner's qualifications are mediocre. If the hexagram is related to Suanzi, he must not fail to live up to the mission of heaven. Suanzi is smart and studious. If he is a man, he must have the talent of Jiangzuo Yiwu. He has the wisdom to save the country and the country. The writing can be used to secure the world. Wu Neng rides a horse to stabilize the country!"

"My husband has worked hard and devoted himself to cultivating it. I think Suanzi will not disappoint my husband!"

Zhou Meiren visited Sima Yan in Shiqian Hall and finished her salute. "Aifei, you're here!" Sima Yan put down the memorial and said kindly.

Beauty Zhou said delicately: "Your Majesty sleeps long and sleeps at night, wears clothes and eats food, and works on state affairs. My concubine personally made lotus seed ginseng soup for Your Majesty to nourish your body!" Zhou Meiren blew on the soup and tasted it. Xiaokou: "Your Majesty, it's not hot anymore, you can drink it!"

"Thank you, Aifei!" Sima Yan took a sip, and praised: "It tastes delicious, I never thought that Aifei's cooking skills are so superb!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty! It is a blessing for my concubines to be able to cook soup for Your Majesty! If Your Majesty likes it, I am willing to cook for Your Majesty every day."

"With the care of my concubine, my complexion will get better and better! I just took an elixir, and I feel refreshed and full of energy!"

"Your Majesty's dragon body is healthy, it is the blessing of all people!"

Zhou Meiren caught a glimpse of a pot of tea on the imperial table, and the petals of acacia flowers were scattered beside the pot, and asked curiously: "I heard that the empress likes acacia flowers the most. I didn't expect that your majesty loves Wu and Wu, and also likes acacia flowers."

"The queen said that the acacia flower relieves depression and soothes the mind, clears the mind and improves eyesight. Recently, I often suffer from insomnia and dreaminess. The queen often makes me the acacia flower tea." Sima Yan looked at the acacia tree outside the hall: "These acacia trees outside the hall are all planted by the queen. !"

Zhou Meiren took care of her heart and pretended to blame Empress Du: "Albizia julibrissin is just blooming at this time, with wisps of silk, veins and pistils, like clouds and clouds, so beautiful. Your Majesty, can my concubine come closer and smell the fragrance of flowers? "

"Of course! Concubine Ai just go!"

Zhou Meiren gave Qiu Han a secret wink, and Qiu Han understood.They walked towards a cluster of the brightest and most prosperous flowers, and Qiu Han slowly sprinkled ordinary pollen in the pistils.

Zhou Meiren scolded the maidservant: "Come on! Pick this flower and supplement it with honey, soak it quickly and give it to Your Majesty!" The maid picked the flower carefully, and Qiu Han hurriedly followed.

Zhou Meiren returned to the palace, looking at her with all kinds of amorous feelings: "Albizia julibrissin is the queen's favorite, and my concubine can't take it away from others and plant it elsewhere. If your majesty doesn't dislike it, can my concubine often collect albizia juliensis outside the palace? Brew scented tea for His Majesty?"

Although Zhou Meiren was cold, Sima Yan loved her very much, and embraced her lightly: "I'm here to love my concubine!"

After a while, the palace maid replied: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! The acacia flower tea is ready." Zhou Meiren took the tea and blew gently: "Your Majesty, I will serve you and drink it!" Sima Yan took it and drank it. At the end of the day, Zhou Meiren had mixed feelings in her heart, and faintly felt that a pair of hidden eyes had been watching her secretly, and she shuddered.

Empress Du went to Hualin Garden to admire the flowers. Looking at the flowers in the garden competing for beauty, she sighed sadly: "The beauty is easy to be broken first, the most is the ruthless emperor's family, and the emperor's love is also endlessly cold."

Caihe, the personal servant, comforted her and said: "From the perspective of this servant, Your Majesty loves and adores you so much."

"Beloved?" Empress Du sneered: "Who knows that the emperor has no true love, but he has not yet reached the depths of love! Your Majesty and this palace just respect each other as guests, not true affection. During the hunting of Zhongshan, His Majesty was moved by Chu Suanzi truth."

"Your Majesty, what do you mean, Your Majesty has fallen in love with Miss Chu, and will accept her into the palace as a concubine?" Cai He couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Recently, His Majesty's eyebrows and eyes are full of love for her inside and out!" Empress Du is actually a person who fights, narrow-minded, and jealous.

"Miss Chu and Empress are good sisters since they were young, but what if she enters the palace and competes with your empress for favor?"

"Hmph, competing for favor? If His Majesty's true love is given to someone, why should anyone fight for favor? This is the position in the palace." Empress Du sneered.

"The most beautiful thing in the world is the gratification of two people. Even if His Majesty is affectionate, Miss Chu may not be affectionate to His Majesty, right? Didn't Your Majesty say that the person she likes is King Langya?"

Empress Du said angrily: "Confused! If Your Majesty insists on accepting her as a concubine, who would dare to disobey the order?! Even His Majesty's own younger brother can't do anything about it!"

This day is the anniversary of the death of Master Huan Wen, Yu Fan Owl.Huan Wen, Chu Xin, and Chu Suanzi went to Shaoyao Forest to worship their master.The three of them sprinkled wine and saluted.

"Senior brother is a son-in-law, a relative of the emperor, with great power and influence. With senior brother protecting us, we will not be afraid of anything!" Chu Xin saluted.

Huan Wen patted him on the shoulder: "Even if you are not a son-in-law, as long as the senior brother is here, he will always protect you!"

Chu Suanzi leaned forward: "Brother, did you have any enemies?"

Junior sister Chu Suanzi is now like a peony in bloom, beautiful like a spring flower, and charming like an autumn moon. Huan Wen couldn't help but feel flustered for a moment, he quickly collected his mind, and said loudly: "Senior brother has always been upright, open and frank, with a clear distinction between love and hatred, and hatred." You must repay, and you must repay your kindness. The revenge for killing your father has been avenged, and there has never been any enemy!"

"Senior brother killed Jiang Bo's third son, is there anyone else in his family?" Chu Suanzi asked.

Huan Wen thought for a moment: "Jiang Bo only has these three sons, Jiang Biao and Jiang Shi were killed, Jiang Huo jumped into the river and died, there are no others."

"That's weird!" Chu Suanzi frowned.

"I don't know what happened?" Huan Wen asked hurriedly.

Chu Suanzi described the assassination in Changganli in detail, Huan Wen recalled the assassination in Furong Tower that day, and was startled: "Senior brother also encountered an assassin in Furong Tower, is there any connection between the two?"

"The assassin came and went without a trace, and his identity is unknown. We must be more careful in the future!" Chu Xin said.The three of them were full of doubts.

In Huiyin Hall, Qiu Han served Zhou Meiren to take a bath, and the water was sprinkled with rose petals.The water in the pool was very hot, but Zhou Meiren still felt it was bitingly cold: "Qiuhan, add more hot water!"

Qiu Han touched the temperature of the water: "Your Majesty! It has been added many times, and now the water in the pool is very hot, so I can't add more."

"But I still feel cold!"

"Ma'am, are you sick? Do you want to invite the imperial doctor?"

"I'm not sick! I don't know where, there are always a pair of invisible eyes staring at me closely. Every time I think of this, I feel shuddering and cold all over." Zhou Meiren shook her head, tears raining like beads: " There are hidden traps and murderous intentions everywhere in the palace, and this palace is trembling, precarious, like walking on thin ice!" Zhou Meiren said in a low voice: "The mastermind behind the scenes is in a high position and has been coveting the throne for a long time. This palace has been involved in this vortex for no reason. There is such a catastrophe!"

"The servant girl understands that the situation of the empress is very dangerous, but the empress, please rest assured, once the other party finds out, everything is done by the servant girl alone and has nothing to do with the empress." Qiu Han whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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