I really can't act

Chapter 160 They Don't Need Bichon Frize After This

Chapter 160 They Don't Need Bichon Frize After This
Leave the tea house.Fang Yi called his agent.

Sister Zhen knew that Fang Yi wanted to adapt a movie and supported him. Fang Yi's share was linked to her performance.

"Yu Feihong's obsession is to make movies, not to be a leading actress. Even if they both have obsessions, there is a difference between the two. When there is a real conflict, she will definitely choose the director. After all, it has been ten years since she started filming. In the past year, it was possible to act in the past and the present, but not now.”

Fang Yi, "I mentioned it one last time. I hope that the entire crew will use good-looking actors to be on the same level... She agreed and said that she would invite Jiao Enjun, the eldest brother who will play the leading role, to create some topics for the movie."

"In addition, Jiao Enjun is also worthy of the role of the male protagonist... It is impossible for the protagonist to look like a fairy, but the eldest brother looks like a bandit. She was directly persuaded by me, without hesitation for a second."

Zhenjie asked, "What about the heroine's previous life?"

Fang Yi said helplessly, "She didn't take the initiative to mention it, and I can't bring it up. She has to think of it herself... The role of the eldest brother is not related to us, nor to her. It can be brought up very straightforwardly; but the heroine It was not like this in her previous life, it was her horn."

Sister Zhen has a deep understanding, "Then it is too difficult for you to let her realize it. After all, women will not think that they are old and will lie to themselves."

"It's like I'm fat already, but I don't feel fat sometimes..."

Fang Yi was driving, and laughed out loud when he heard this, and stopped at a corner, looking at himself in the mirror.

His make-up this day deliberately went in a mature direction, with thicker eyebrows and lighter lip color. When Yu Feihong saw him, he would forget that Fang Yi was a young man in his twenties, so that it was convenient for them to communicate deeply and talk heart-to-heart.

But next time, if I look tender, will it work?

"Love has an afterlife" was filmed in Tengchong, Shangri-La, Gaoligong Mountain, and Dali Sword Mountain in Yunnan Province—all places with beautiful scenery.

Therefore, although it is in Tengchong with "My Group", the spiritual enjoyment it gives is quite different.After confirming that he wanted to take the filming, he, along with his agent and assistants of the team, geared up and looked forward to going on a public trip as soon as possible every day.

Fang Yi is making the last effort. He reads the script over and over again, thinking about how to "guide" Sister Yu to follow his ideas. In addition, in the heroine's previous life, he still has ideas.

Or just explain at the beginning that the heroine is a round older than the hero, this is a tragic sadomasochism between a super mature woman and a little milk dog, and use it as a selling point, and under the premise of controlling the cost, it may be able to earn money. money.

Moreover, it is easy to get the prize.Male with male, female with female, huge age difference... To explore the edge of human nature, you have to be the same.

But female writer Qing Yu Feihong wants to focus on values, and she doesn't want to be so vulgar naked.

What are the values ​​of the film?
Fang Yi summed it up time and time again, and finally wrote down in his notebook, "When the tea is cold, it will be cold no matter how much you continue; people have come from previous lives to this life, no matter how hard they stick to it, they will never be able to wait for that person."

"This cup of tea will not be the last cup of tea. If this person is reincarnated, he will not be the person from the previous life."

Otherwise, why would she add a sex scene between the heroine and her current husband on her own?And let the male protagonist who is a ghost see it with his own eyes and sigh.

This is not written in the original book.

Movies carry the director's appeal and thinking about the world.Fang Yi asked Zhenjie to find out what happened to Yu Feihong who decided to spend money on filming in those years.

A few hours later, I got the news.

Nv Wenqing was dumped at that time.

Yes, that's why she's going to do this.The past is the past.Don't come to me, and I won't come to you again; my sister went to make a sex scene with another man, so you should regret it if you don't like him.

Fang Yi thought of what Sister Zhen said at the beginning, "Yu Feihong is more obsessed with being a director than she is with being an actor."

He had an idea in his mind, but instead of going to Yu Feihong to argue the scriptures immediately, he went to Liu Tianxian's house to say goodbye.Liu Tianxian knew that Fang Yi had a movie to shoot, and he would be away for several months, and would only come back when the Magnolia Awards... That was also going to Shanghai, not Beijing.

By then, the dog will be fully grown.

It's not used to being separated for several months like this.

This time, Liu's mother already knew that Fang Yi had accepted the film, and kept him with her eyes shining. After her mother left, Liu Tianxian said with a smile, "I don't seem to need to know your recent situation, I just need to see my mother's attitude." gone."

Fang Yi can't take this, he just prevaricates it.

After playing with the bichon frize that the two of them raised together for a while, they took a walk in the Liu family's villa, and soon turned around several times. I was really embarrassed to go any further, and stopped at the big iron gate.

"Fang Yi, although you are going to Yunnan Province, you still have to take care of the dog. I will send you some photos of it regularly, but it is not very obedient. I might have to hold it and let my mother take pictures... ..."

Fang Yi asked, "Do you have any schedule recently?"

"What schedule?" Liu Tianxian's eyes widened, "Do you want me to make a guest appearance in a micro-movie? I'll go quietly and don't tell my mother. Can this help you?"

Fang Yi knelt down and touched the dog's head, rubbing back and forth on the dog's back.

Liu Tianxian also squatted down, glanced at his expression from the corner of the eye, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, it seems that you have nothing to do recently."

Liu Tianxian, "I also have things to do. I have to raise them every day, I have to take pictures, and I have to go to commercial performances to save money, and I have not left behind playing dramas... I have been practicing."

"It's good, you're good like this. An actor should be like this, and you can only seize the opportunity if you have the opportunity."

Liu Tianxian suddenly called him several times, and said hesitantly, "Fang Yi, do you have something to say? What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that I am a person who doesn't care. I follow the steps and don't have to fight for anything. I believe that everyone will come to me. I have been like this since I was a child. I am not in a hurry; but I forget that other people are different from me. Hard."

"Are you saying that my talent is not as good as yours?"

"That's not it."

Fang Yi stood up, and the puppy ran around him, yelling non-stop, as if angry.

After saying goodbye, the big iron gate slowly closed in front of Fang Yi, but the dog straightened its feet, got out from the hollow, ran to him, and then went back to Liu Tianxian.Since the dog was able to stand up, they would play like this for a while every time they said goodbye, until the dog gave up because it ran too long or couldn't see the back.

Fang Yi caught the dog again, stroking it obsessively, and let it go back for a long time.


Suddenly there was a shrill voice, "Where's Fang Yi?"


The door opened slowly in front of them.

Seeing him right in front of him, Liu Tianxian blushed instantly, "Fang Yi, I thought you left early today,"

"How. I wonder, have you ever opened the door again before?"

Liu Tianxian said something else, "Well... it will take you a long time to make a movie, when will we see you next time. I mean, a dog. It can't be a left-behind child."

Fang Yi was also talking about other things, "Next time we meet, you don't need to bring it with you."

The dog seemed to understand, kicked out of Liu's arms and ran out, not knowing where to play.And because there was no longer anything to hold in her hands, she didn't know where to put her panicked hands.

Thinking of the question just now, I said it again, "When?"


(End of this chapter)

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