I really can't act

Chapter 189 "Love Has an Afterlife" Released

Chapter 189 "Love Has an Afterlife" Released

Liu's orientation news continues.

The day before the Qixi Festival is Liu Tianxian's birthday, and it is also the eve of the screening of "Love Has an Afterlife". In order to make a good box office for the zero-point show, all the main creators, including Jiao Enjun, Xiu Qing, etc., gathered in Beijing Xingmei Film City .

Fang Yi invited a mysterious guest, Jiang Wen, to the scene. This brother was the most popular guy at the scene. After watching the movie, he was going to give a few words of commercial praise to give the movie a little boost.

There is no way, the film of the senior sister international chapter is so good, it was released a week earlier, with a single day of 800 million (weekdays), and a weekly box office of nearly 5000 million. The "Chinese Valentine's Day" festival may still hit another wave.

The box office is very practical. Unless each of them is Neptune, it is impossible for a couple to watch two movies at the same time during the Qixi Festival. Either it is Fang Yi’s or the international chapter.

If Fang Yi hadn't changed Yu Feihong's play, Liu Tianxian hadn't sacrificed his life during the publicity period to let Yu Feihong's monoclonal antibody hit the box office, and she had held a symposium with nobility, she might have been suppressed to an unimaginable result.

The theaters took care of the face of the international chapter and were more optimistic about the appeal of the international chapter, so even if it was released for a week first, it still gave more films.Not only that, but on the night of "Perfect" was released, the international chapter organized a wave of catwalk shows in the Broadway theater in Beijing, using contacts far beyond Yu Feihong.

Half of the entertainment industry came: Liu Jialing, Olympic diving champion Guo Jingjing, pianist Li Yundick, senior director Tian Zhuang, lines expert Wang Zhiwen, the well-known short and tight... The whole premiere was brilliant, It pales in comparison to "Love Has an Afterlife".

The international chapter is also very lively. I traveled all over Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou within a few days, and won a bunch of pheasant awards. I still didn’t give up until the day before Qixi Festival, and returned to the Broadway Studios in Beijing to compete with "Love Has Afterlife". Never give it a chance.

Flying dragon rides on the face, from the actors to the publicity, everyone is better than "Love Has an Afterlife", how can I lose.

But Jiang Wen didn't believe in evil, he watched the movie "Perfect" first, and asked Fang Yi to ask Ying to criticize this junior sister: ""Perfect" is the kind of so-called theater movie that is extremely mediocre and dull. It's rubbish, it's dross, not only has no artistic value, it doesn't even have the most basic visual effects. It's a poor imitation of foreign chick movies!"

Jiang Wen complained to Fang Yi in private, not on stage.

No matter how bastard he is, he can't offend people like this.

However, when Jiang Wen came on stage, he still couldn't control his mouth: "As a director, Fang Yi is very good at making movies, but he hasn't made feature films, so I can't comment on him... Now I'm just talking about being an actor, I think Fang Yi is the only one of their generation..."

Jiang Wen raised her finger, "I said it, the only one who convinces most people in terms of hard conditions and has a sense of substitution, I think this saves the director a lot of effort, and there is no need to waste pen and ink explaining why his role is popular with others." Love, why can I be the protagonist, and I don’t need to suppress the performance and makeup of the supporting roles, so that everyone can perform to their heart’s content, because the audience already has expectations for Fang Yi...Of course, the other people in this film are indeed beautiful, the little girl Liu Tianxian , the big girl Yu Feihong... I said that they are the best-looking group in the movies released this year, I believe you will not refute me."

"Another movie released in the same city, at least in this respect, can't compare to it. You have to watch the others before you can tell."

When the reporters who came to the premiere heard this, some silently took out their shorthand notebooks.

Journalists usually prepare two or three drafts, positive ones, negative ones, and neutral ones.

As soon as the box office results came out, and even halfway through the movie, they were ready to publish the manuscript—and a considerable number of reporters who came today did not intend to make "Love After Life" win, and only wrote two manuscripts.

Those who lose ugly, and those who lose not so ugly.

After Jiang Wen fired a burst of artillery, he took the opportunity to ask Fang Yi: "The International Chapter is not far from you, are you scared?"

Fang Yi disagreed.

Liu Tianxian didn't know that Jiang Wen and Fang Yi were going to cooperate, and they had been in frequent contact recently. She was very displeased with Xiao Fang being teased like this, and wanted to say something, but saw the camera taking pictures of them, so she had to give up.

At the same time, in Broadway Studios, Zhang was being interviewed, and there were even more reporters here, looking down, it was a mess.

The reporter asked: "Yu Feihong's movie "Love Has Afterlife" is also being screened next door. What's the 'blessing' for them?"

The people on Zhang's side burst into laughter, and there was a brisk atmosphere in the studio.

The international chapter deliberately did not mention Yu Feihong: "Fang Yi is my younger brother. Although he is a newcomer, I still like him. It is a great improvement for him to have his first film starring himself."

The reporter asked again: "The style of "Love Is After Life" is actually very different from "Perfect", but they have a common emotional core. Can these two films really be compared?"

Zhang echoed the reporter's words: "Maybe they can't be compared together."

Another burst of laughter.

The reporter wasn't stupid either. He understood what Zhang meant. "Perfect" had already proved itself the week before, and it wasn't bad.Comparing a film with a high probability of hitting the street with "Fei" is indeed unfair to the international chapter.

The protagonists of "Non" were named one by one, and they tacitly did not talk about "Love Has an Afterlife", implicitly contemptuous.Even if it was a road show for them, it was even bigger than "Love Has an Afterlife", so why should they be compared.

Gao Chaoshi, the international chapter of the road show, announced: ""Perfect" will be released in South Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia. From the beginning, we didn't just want to make a film for self-entertainment, but aimed at overseas..."

——Yu Feihong replied politely: "As long as the audience sees my sincerity and appreciates this story, I will not make a movie for nothing."

"Do you want to participate in the film festival? Yes, the Tokyo Film Festival has been submitted. I don't know if it will be shortlisted."

"If the response in the mainland market is good, then people from other markets will come to buy our film and be willing to distribute it... Of course it is possible to force the film to be released now, but that would be a cheap sale, and I don't want to do that."

Female Wenqing belongs to the type of quiet and good time, and will not fight for anything.She is also suitable for one-person interviews. She speaks very philosophically and pays attention to humility, but she is not suitable for group interviews.

When the main creators were all seated and watching his film, Liu Tianxian angrily supported half of his face: "Fang Yi, did we pay so much just for people to ridicule us?"

"That's not true, it's just that we are all newcomers, so the market will definitely not be optimistic."

"Why don't you like us?"

"I told you, rookie."

Liu Tianxian stood on tiptoe and looked back at the back row, and found that a reporter had left early because he was not optimistic, while Jiang Wenzheng was late, and sat down next to Fang Yi with his pants up.

Liu Tianxian still hated Jiang Wen's words for scaring her, taking advantage of the darkness of the black screen, she punched Jiang Wen's void, and shouted "ha", Fang Yi noticed it, and couldn't help chuckling.

"What are you laughing at, I'm helping you out."

She complained quietly.

Fang Yi said, "Happy birthday."

Liu Tianxian calmed down, the movie was flashing Zongju's dragon logo, illuminating her brightly, she spread her hands: "I am a cow, what I eat is grass, and what I milk is milk; although you have no birthday plans A gift, but I still want to grant you a wish."

She whispered earnestly, "Our film is a big hit, surpassing the one next door. We don't have to be asked if we are afraid, and we will be ashamed."

At the end, he continued to be aggrieved, "Although, there is no birthday present... oh."

Liu Shengsheng stopped what he said next.

The leading actor of the movie is being introduced on the screen, and the first one to flash is the leading actor:
"Liu Tianxian."

This is her first theatrical film in which she has established a real starring role, and Fang Yi actually takes the lead.

She was taken aback, and finally thought of this level. Like lightning in her head, everything was connected and connected together. She went to look at Fang Yi next to her, but Fang Yi's expression remained unchanged.

This made her embarrassed and moved, "Got it."

 Another more daytime hair.Let me think about it again, the next chapter is the key, I can't talk nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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