I really can't act

Chapter 204 3 Chariots

Chapter 204 Troika
Fang Yi sat on the right butt.

One is for the consideration of going up to the top, and the other is to speak for the young directors who are on the street, and solve their urgent needs.

Few people speak for the little director.

Lu Chuan will not mention it, his life is in easy mode.

Starring Jiang Wen in her debut novel——Fang Yi didn't even dare to open the hook.

Although Ning Hao took the lead, he has already left the category of a small director, and he no longer needs to consider the impact of film scheduling on the movie box office.In the slightly popular schedule, you may not be able to see the small-budget works of young directors all over the capital, because the ostentation rate is only a few per thousand.

Kneeling, cursing...all kinds of methods are useless, the more reliable way is to make it work.

Ning Hao was wearing a peaked cap, and some handsome young people came over, "Fang Yi, this is Yang Qing, who filmed "Night Shop", and Xu Guangtou is also the leading actor."

"Yang Qing belongs to your central opera, and your central opera is full of talents now."

Fang Yi and Yang Qing chatted for a while about the interesting stories of the Central Opera, and they became acquainted. Yang Qing said: "When "Night-Club" was released, I suffered from the film scheduling. The audience's evaluation was quite high, but I couldn't find it Watch our movies anywhere—I’m a new director, I don’t have any channels to help, I rely on Xu Guangtou to go around variety shows to give the movie exposure, and I managed to make money.”

Xu Guangtou can be regarded as Bole. Yang Qing wrote and directed this film himself, and the cost was tens of thousands of yuan.

It's very rare to find young models, but Baldy Xu went to join him.

Yang Qing looked Fang Yi up and down, and said with emotion, "You are really talented as a director. I suspect that if you make a documentary of your own, it may have a certain box office; romance films, suspense films...these one-man shows are many. Genre films, Director Fang, others are standing on the shoulders of giants, but you are standing on your own shoulders."

Fang Yi was actually ten years younger than Yang Qing, but Yang Qing didn't dare to be like Jiang Wen, shouting at his seniors.

In terms of film performance, Fang Yi is better than Xu Guangtou so far.

The two exchanged contact information and agreed to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

After this introduction, Ning Hao naturally strolled to find Fang Yi, "Your toy is not bad, where did you get it? Is the DJ a foreign brand?"


"Why do you use domestic ones?"

"Because it's easy to use."

"how much is it?"


Ning Hao showed a very exaggerated look. "It's expensive, 40, how is it possible? At this price, I might as well get on a helicopter."

Fang Yi didn't speak.

Ning Hao persuaded him, "Actually, you have discovered it yourself. This thing is not practical yet. It can only take pictures of long-range shots, and the shake is obvious when taking close-up shots. Foreign countries are also making drones. I know this kind of product. I considered using it when I was filming "No Man's Land", but it didn't work, and in the end I spent a lot of money to find a boom, and the effect was indeed not what I wanted, but at least it was stable."

"Eliminate the boom camera, do you think it is possible, can the flying one be so stable?"

Fang Yi didn't know if Wang Tao, a man of science and technology, could make the drone he boasted about and achieve the ultimate invincible version of DJ, but he knew that people in the film industry were rich, and if caught, they would be slaughtered.

For all its flaws, there's one good thing about the DJ thing that suffices: convenience.

"No Man's Land" was filmed in the Gobi Desert.That place is most suitable for drones to shoot. The boom is too troublesome and wears a lot, and the two are not currently in conflict.

If Ning Hao conceives a kind of storyboard in his mind, he can shoot it immediately to see the effect, and then go on the boom; there is no need to stop the entire crew for two or three hours to arrange the camera position, and find that it is not suitable.

This is too attractive for the director, and the savings in lost wages are immeasurable.

The box office of Fang Yi's film was good in Pengcheng and Hong Kong, and it reached the top of the weekly championship for a while; Wang Tao went to the theater to watch his movie in person, and the audience in the theater was in high spirits.

Finally, Wang Tao let go of the shares, and Fang Yi subscribed to 20.00%, but he could no longer increase it.

The two directors stood on the sidelines, discussing the issue of drones, which attracted the attention of other young directors, and they would glance at them from time to time. Lu Chuan noticed this scene. He felt that he was excluded, very upset, and hit him. Just say hello and squeeze in.

"What are you talking about?"

Ning Hao pointed to the sky.

"Oh," Lu Chuan understood in seconds.

This guy calls himself a geek among directors, and is very interested in technology. He even praises Intel for a new chip.

Lu Chuan asked: "Is it from abroad?"


Lu Chuan frowned, and looked at Fang Yi in surprise, "Where did you find it?"

"I'm a shareholder."

"Can I add one?"

"I won't accept new shareholders—unless Guo Shi or Spielberg are willing to invest money, then I am willing to make concessions."

Lu Chuan leaned against the wall, raised his glasses, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Ning Hao interjected: "He said it would cost 40."

Lu Chuan was stunned, "Awesome."

The troublemaker took photos of the three of them, and it happened that Fang Yi was talking about the drone, and the two directors were learning about it.However, this is not the case in the eyes of others. The thirst for knowledge on the faces of Lu Chuan and Ning Hao misunderstood them.

I thought Fang Yi was talking about some kind of advanced film theory.

"Director Fang, we have recorded your words in the minutes of the meeting, can you please check again to see if there is anything missing, or do you still want to add something now?"

"why me?"

"Because only your suggestion is suitable for promotion, and the others are more professional, and we can't understand them."

Comrade's words are quite euphemistic.

What he might want to say is that Fang Yi's suggestion is that the organization can help and issue documents, while others are still talking about the technical problems of the director, which is technique rather than Taoism.

Fang Yi lent the small helicopter to Ning Hao and Lu Chuan.After he left, Lu Chuan couldn't control himself anymore, "Director Ning, I want to see the effect, I really like this kind of machine..."

Lu Chuan spoke in a hurry, so Ning Hao could only watch him play, then turned to look at Fang Yi's back, and saw that Fang Yi had returned to the front row, and the third master was there talking to him, so he couldn't help but imitate Lu Chuan. sigh:


——The small helicopter moves left and right in the sky, sometimes hovers, and sometimes swoops to get closer to the target. The gimbal turns from one side to the other, as if an invisible slide rail has been set up in the sky.

Many young directors looked up enviously from below, which made Lu Chuan very proud and worked harder.

When Fang Yi came back, this was what happened.

"I bought it, I bought it."

Fang Yi, who Lu Chuan watched, said directly.

"Director Ning?"

Ning Hao gritted his teeth, and the small helicopter flew over his slightly bald head, leaving a shadow behind him. He looked up at the sky and opened his eyes wide, the aircraft in his pupils gradually enlarged.

"What do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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