Chapter 35 The Frightened Shiba Inu
"Ziyu, ignore that guy."

Minozaki Saka hurried over to wipe her butt. Although she didn't hear what the guy said just now, she knew something was wrong just by looking at the expression on Maknae's face.

"I know, O'Neill." Zhou Ziyu adjusted the headset calmly, but her vigorous movements showed that she was not as calm as she said.

Leaving aside Mingyuan's other abilities, his heart-piercing ability is top-notch.

Because it was a commercial performance, there was still a distance between the backstage of the girls and the stage, and both sides were crowded with enthusiastic and even fanatical fans who kept waving to the idols who were not far away.

Some people even threw gifts directly over.

The man who came back to his senses frowned. The security personnel didn't seem to be able to completely separate the fans, and the hands that stretched out and kept waving made one's scalp tingle.

Too many people.

Choi In-hyuk seemed to have noticed this problem, and kept reminding other staff through the walkie-talkie to cheer up and protect the artist's safety.

Who knows if there will be some kind of black fan pervert hidden in it.

The girls still kept their professional smiles, trying to show their best side to the fans, which drew even louder cheers from the crowd.

Minozaki Saka's face turned pale. Since she was a child, she was very afraid of such extremely loud sounds, such as thunder, and such a huge sound wave that was very close to her now.

Zhou Ziyu glanced worriedly at O'Neill next to him, and silently held Shiba Inu's hand.

Following the introduction of the host on the stage, the girls had already started to walk into the aisle. Cui Inhyuk directed the security personnel to form a human wall to protect them as they walked forward.

Mingyuan was also pulled over to help. The number of fans who came today was a bit beyond the organizer's expectation.

Manpower is no longer enough.

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation from the position in front of him. Minozaki Saka was tripped by the chaotic crowd and was rubbing her knees on the ground. The two security personnel kept shouting "back", but they were all shouted by the fans. The sound was covered.

Mingyuan took a look at the situation. The people in the front had already realized that something was wrong, but the people behind were still pushing forward.

He didn't care about other things, he walked quickly to the side of the girl, wanting to pat Minozaki Sasha on the shoulder and let her go with him.

But as soon as his hand touched Shiba Inu's shoulder, the terrified girl broke free.

"It's me, don't be afraid, come with me, I will protect you."

Mingyuan shook Minozaki Saka vigorously, allowing the girl with red eye circles to take a good look at herself.

I don't know if this Shiba Inu can hear himself clearly. Anyway, he can only see each other's lips moving, and can't receive any effective information.

Helpless, he had no choice but to point to himself, signaling to take the girl out.

But just as Minazaki Saxia barely stood up, the crowd rushed up again like a tide, making her unsteady and fell directly into Mingyuan's arms.

Seeing that going on like this was not an option, the man was heartbroken, took off his coat and wrapped it around the Shiba Inu, then rushed outside while hugging her.

The girl also naturally put her arms around Mingyuan's neck, and at this moment, she didn't care whether her movements were ambiguous or not.

Cui Renhe saw Mingyuan's behavior, and quickly directed other people to come over to cover, and then the two squeezed out all the way back to the waiting room.

As soon as he entered the room, the man put Minozaki Saka on the chair, and then took the time to sit down and pant heavily.

There was also a faint soreness in his body.

When passing through the crowd just now, I don't know how many hands greeted him, and he was stepped on several times, probably there should be a lot of bruises.

These fans are too crazy.

Minozaki Saka was still in shock, sitting alone in the chair without speaking.

"How is it, are you alright?"

Cui Inhyuk came in from the outside, first checked Minazaki Sasha's condition, and after seeing that she should be fine, he turned around and praised Mingyuan's actions, and then hurried out again.

The eight children on the stage were still waiting for him to appease them.

"Saxia-chan, is your knee okay?" Ming Yuan moved his aching shoulder, saw that the Shiba Inu had been silent, and asked with concern.

The girl's knees were red all over, and she probably fell hard just now.


It seemed that she just came back to her senses at this time, Minozaki Sasha answered with a bit of crying in her voice.

She slowly raised her head to look at the man in front of her, tears welling in her eyes.

People tend to be more vulnerable than usual when they are in company.

"How about I rub it for you?"

I swear to God, Mingyuan doesn't mean to take advantage at all, he does know a little bit about how to deal with this kind of problem.

In the previous life, my grandfather was a barefoot doctor in the village. He was very experienced in minor ailments and ailments. I grew up watching my grandfather treat illnesses, and learned a lot of relevant knowledge. Sometimes the old man can even take care of the doctor when he is away.

It never went wrong anyway.

So it's no problem to relieve some of Minozaki Sasha's pain now.



"I said yes, hurry up."

The girl who had recovered from the panic looked a little bit like before, reaching out as if to hammer this nasty guy.

I don't even know why I believed him.

The man put Minozaki Saka's legs across his knees. This Shiba Inu's legs are really good, white, long and thin, giving people a feeling that if you don't touch it, you will lose money.

"Ah, hooligan, what are you looking at?" The girl felt Mingyuan's gaze, a little proud, but also a little shy, mainly because of the pain.

This guy said he could cure it, but hurry up and do it, what are you dawdling about.

"Saxia sauce, let me declare first, I'm not playing hooligans, and then, I have to say, your legs are very beautiful."

"Nonsense, I'm an idol."

"However, I don't have Tzuyu's strength, and I don't have Tzuyu's thinness. There is still a lot of room for improvement. We must continue to work hard."

"go to hell."

As soon as Minozaki Saka raised her leg, she wanted to trample on this nasty guy's face. Could she die if she couldn't be angry for a day?

Mingyuan: You can't die, but you can hold back your insanity.

After making a few casual jokes to relieve the Shiba Inu's panic, Mingyuan also started to play with his legs... Bah, the process of healing his legs.

What playing with legs, you must have misheard, he is a serious person.


Not to mention, after some embarrassing kneading, Minozaki Saka really felt that her knee pain was almost gone, and the slight redness and swelling before had also disappeared.

Although it cannot be said that there is no impact at all, it should be no problem to go on stage.

This guy... is quite powerful.

The girl looked up at Mingyuan with a serious expression, and a slight undetectable ripple appeared in her heart, but it disappeared soon, because she felt that the man's gaze seemed a little wrong.

"Yeah, bastard."

"Saxia sauce, I couldn't help but look at that angle just now. Also, why are you afraid of wearing safety pants?"

"So you actually read it?"

"No, what are you watching, what are you watching, who is watching?"

Minozaki Saka took her legs back from Mingyuan's arms, and straightened her skirt with a flushed face. Although she wouldn't lose all her clothes, the angle was really embarrassing.

Even if Tzuyu is cheap, this guy can't be cheap.

She stomped her feet vigorously, and after confirming that she was in good condition, she planned to go out and join the members.

There are nine people in twice, so there should be nine people on the stage.


Before leaving, Minozaki Saxia hammered Mingyuan's arm again as usual, either for intimacy or for revenge, anyway, it's always like this.

But today is a little different.

The girl rolled up the guy's sleeves, and a frightening bruise appeared in front of her eyes.

He...was hurt too.

(End of this chapter)

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