Chapter 54 Zhou Ziyu Behaving Weirdly
Whose is this?

Mingyuan sat by the bed and thought for a long time. First of all, he was sure to rule out the Shiba Inu who just went out.

Minozaki Saka was not too stupid to realize her physical condition.

There were only four of them last night, and Mingjing Nan returned to the room early, so only Sun Caiying and Zhou Ziyu were left. They must be strangers, right?
It was Ziyu who helped her back to her room last night, could it be...

I don't know how to overthrow the maknae by being so beastly, that's too inhuman.

However, this style of indecision and sneaking away is really a bit like what that little guy can do.

No, you can't call him a little guy now, he's a 20-year-old girl.

Otherwise, what is he who has slept with the little guy?
The man looked at the marks on the bed sheet over and over again, if it wasn't what he thought, nosebleeds were also possible.

The weather in Thailand is so hot, and it is normal to light a fire after drinking again.

However, after reading it several times and combining other traces, Mingyuan was sure that there was indeed another girl last night, and he was not a young girl who didn't know anything.

The traces left between men and women are still very recognizable.

If it was normal, it would be great to have an affair, but when he thought that that person might be Zhou Ziyu, Ming Yuan couldn't calm down.

The nature of things is completely different.

Fortunately, it was not seen by the Shiba Inu, otherwise it would have exploded long ago.

The most urgent thing now is to see how Zhou Ziyu is doing. If that person is really her, I must take some responsibility.

Alas, drinking was a mistake.

Mingyuan took a shower first, and stared blankly at the figure in the mirror that had already seen initial results.

He hadn't thought about what to do if it was really Zhou Ziyu.

Although he always yelled one ideal type at a time, frankly speaking, the man didn't have any crooked thoughts, and he regarded this child as his younger sister more.

So I put my sister to sleep.

Sin ah.

As for why it wasn't Sun Caiying, that tiger cub drank several glasses of cocktails yesterday and was already terribly drunk, so he probably didn't have the ability to act independently.

Well, it should.

The man tidied up and slowly came to the door of Zhou Ziyu's room.

He raised his hand several times to knock on the door, but put it down again.

too difficult.

After a long time, Mingyuan gritted his teeth, raised his hand and pressed the doorbell.

"Ding dong..."


"Ziyu, it's me."

The door opened, and Zhou Ziyu's beautiful face appeared in front of the man.

His face is a little haggard, and he looks like he hasn't rested well. Is it because of what happened last night?

"Oppa, you got up so early?"

"Well, so I came to see you."

Mingyuan observed Zhou Ziyu's expression carefully, and there was nothing unnatural about it. Could this child be so good at disguising himself?
"Well, can we go in and talk?"


Here it is, the girl seemed reluctant to let this oppa in, and her expression became stiff.

Is it really her?
"Ziyu, I..."

"Oppa, come in."

Just when the man said something to Xiang, Zhou Ziyu suddenly changed his mind, turned around and walked into the room, as if the hesitation just now was an illusion.

Mingyuan slowly followed behind the girl.

The room was dark, Zhou Ziyu might not have gotten up yet, the thick curtains blocked the sunlight from outside.

She was only wearing a pair of hot pants, sitting on the bed with her long legs crossed and yawning.

Did I play with such superb legs last night?

Can't think, can't think.

The man hastened to restrain his mind, he should settle the matter first.

However, the child can't see anything wrong when he walks, right?

I am not that weak, I have no feeling or influence at all, it shouldn't be.

"Oppa, what are you looking at?" Zhou Ziyu, who managed to regain his senses, also found that this brother seemed a little weird. He...won't be looking at his legs, could he?

The girl silently shrank her body inside.

Guarding against gentlemen is not guarding against villains.


The man didn't know what to say right away.

This little guy didn't seem to want to make things clear. He hadn't found out that she was a master at pretending to be confused before, and even he couldn't see any flaws.

Like it wasn't her last night.

" didn't rest last night, okay?" After seeing Zhou Ziyu yawn again, Ming Yuan still couldn't hold himself back.

The child can understand even if he doesn't want to speak.

But he didn't wear a small umbrella last night. If he got into the soul, the nature of the matter would be different.

So I can only take a side-by-side look.

"No, I slept very well. After helping you back oppa yesterday, I fell asleep when I came back and didn't do anything."

The girl secretly glanced at the TV in the room, with a hint of guilt in her tone.



No, something is wrong here.

Is it because it's the first time so a little shy?
"Ziyu, if you have anything to say, you must tell oppa, I am with you." Mingyuan actually wanted to say that I would be responsible if he slept, but he held back.

"You look like a strange sorghum now."

Zhou Ziyu quietly turned to the side, why did this brother wake up so strangely in the morning.

He couldn't have had some bad intentions, could he?

A drunk man came to his room early in the morning and said some unclear words...

Thinking of what she had just seen, the girl's face suddenly turned red, looking really cute.

"That..." The man looked at himself, as if he was indeed a little too anxious.

"oppa, I can understand that you are... but I... can't..."


What is this little guy talking about?
What's wrong with me now?
"Well, at worst, I'll let you touch my legs, but I can't do anything else."

Seeing Zhou Ziyu's righteous and dignified appearance, Ming Yuan was also a little dazed.

I didn't come to play.

I just wanted to make sure I had played it.

The present continuous tense is different from the past perfect tense.

"Ziyu, who do you think Oppa is? I just came to care about your rest. Are you sure you slept well last night?"

"Yeah, nothing happened."

Zhou Ziyu looked at the man in front of him speechlessly, at least take his hands away before saying this.

However, everything on TV seems to start like this...

Mingyuan took a closer look at the evidence presented to him. It was as white as before, as smooth as jade, without any traces, and it didn't look like a night of spring at all.

And although this little guy is a bit weird, he is calm on the whole.

Wasn't it her last night?
"Oppa, your hand..." Zhou Ziyu's voice was already trembling.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Ziyu, oppa was thinking about something just now."

You're thinking about ghosts, you're clearly taking advantage of me.

His hands never stopped.

The man quickly took his hand back. Alas, when people concentrate on thinking, they always ignore some things. How can I be the kind of person who takes advantage of it?

Absolutely not.

"Ziyu, were you the one who sent me back to my room last night?"

"Yeah, oppa, you're too heavy, Sana and I took a lot of effort to bring you back to the room."

"Didn't anything happen after that?"

", then I went to see Chaeyoung off, but she didn't let me, and after that, I went back to sleep."

Zhou Ziyu tried hard to recall what happened last night, she was probably the only sober person present.

However, there was no useful information revealed in the words.

It wasn't Minozaki Saka, and now it seems that it wasn't this little guy, could it be Sun Caiying?

Sleeping with his apprentice?
Mingyuan was a little distracted, he couldn't sit still, and accidentally pressed the remote control of the TV.

Familiar voices and images came from inside.

One library, one library, daba...

 Thanks for the 7700 point reward of Putong Rooster, accumulating a reward of [-] points, added more to record, and owes sixteen more.

  Thank you for the 500 point reward that hl hurts you before it's too late.

  Thanks to wuli Ji Su for the 500 point reward.

  Thanks to XReveluv for the 200 point reward.

  Thanks to Li Yili for the 100-point reward.

  Thank you Shen Yuna for the 100-point reward for the idiot.

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(End of this chapter)

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