Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 869 Kill the White Demon!The game is set!

Chapter 869 Kill the White Demon!The game is set!

In this battle, the Ming army concentrated the bright cannons from the Dingwang's army, the North American capital, and the Yongwang's army, a total of [-] pieces!
At this time, the eighty cannons pushed to the predetermined location fired together, and the earth trembled amidst the roar.

boom boom boom

One after another, the flowering bombs fell into the Spanish phalanx. Even though the improved version of the Spanish phalanx was much looser, it was still blown upside down.

The most important thing is that such fierce artillery fire almost disorganized the formation of the three Spanish infantry phalanxes, greatly weakening the suppression effect on the front servants.

In the servant army, after a round of artillery fire, the leopard immediately shouted "kill the white devil" in Indian language!
Immediately, thousands of Indian soldiers he had contacted last night shouted, and took the lead in recoiling at the Spanish soldiers behind.

The poor Spanish soldiers were a little stunned by the fierce artillery fire of the Ming army. At this time, they were suddenly attacked by the servants, and they suffered heavy casualties in a short period of time.

Seeing the seemingly invincible Spanish soldiers slaughtered like livestock in the past, the other servants remembered the pain of being enslaved and oppressed by the Spaniards, and immediately followed and killed the Spanish soldiers one by one.

"Kill the White Demon!"

The sound of the Indian soldiers came one after another, and the people rushed towards the Spanish infantry like waves one after another.

If their formation is still there, these Indian fighters with cold weapons can only court death.

But at this time, under the artillery fire of the Ming army, the Spanish infantry phalanx was in disarray, and no matter how difficult it was to play its due role, they couldn't even defeat the servant army.

Defeat like a mountain!
If Juan knew some Chinese culture, he would definitely think of this word at this time.

Beside him, there were [-] French infantrymen and [-] Portuguese troops, but he knew that it was impossible to recover from the defeat with just these people.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Juan gave his orders loudly.

Then he was horrified to see that the Ming army launched a counter-charge from the position, and more Ming troops crossed the main battlefield from both sides, and directly attacked the three Spanish infantry regiments that were already in crisis.

So he sent the French infantry to meet the retreat of the three Spanish infantry.

The general of the French infantry regiment was not stupid. He looked at the situation on the battlefield and thought: Where can we get out of this situation?
Without looking at the orderlies sent by Juan, he withdrew with three thousand French infantry.

As for the two thousand cavalry led by Antoine, he was not worried.The cavalry ran much faster than their infantry. I believe Antoine knew what to do after seeing the situation on the battlefield.

Seeing this, Juan was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

The [-] Portuguese troops next to him fled back without waiting for his order.

In desperation, Juan could only escape with dozens of followers.

He is the commander of the coalition forces this time, and his goal is very big. If he stays on the battlefield for a long time, he is afraid that he will be caught by the Ming army.

He had heard that the Ming army captured prisoners of war, and although they allowed the enemy to redeem them, before they were redeemed, even the nobles could not get the treatment they deserved, and they would all be sent to hard labor.

He, Juan, was a noble after all, and he didn't want to work in the mud like those mud legs.

"Kill it!"

As the Ming army also joined the attack on the three Spanish infantry regiments, the remaining Spanish infantry were either killed by grenades or collapsed and fled.

But as the general of the French infantry regiment thought, in this case, escape is not so easy.

Fortunately, the reputation of the Ming army for not killing prisoners has long spread, so many Spanish soldiers who could not hold on threw their weapons and knelt down to the Ming army.

As for surrendering to the servant army, that is impossible.

For one thing, even though they were defeated, these Spanish soldiers still looked down on the Indians in their bones.

Second, some Indian fighters were almost crazy about killing, and there was no tradition of not killing captives, and the two sides had hated each other for hundreds of years, so they dared not surrender to the Indian fighters.

On the watch car behind the temporary position, Zhu Cijiong saw that the main battlefield had been settled, and at the same time received news from Aimee Zhu.

After discussing with Fang Yuanzhang for a few words, he decided to let the troops behind stay in the camp for defense.As for the two thousand French cavalry, they are already withdrawing now, they just need to pay attention.

"The most important thing is the main battlefield." Fang Yuanzhang frowned slightly, "If these Indian servants can't be controlled well, maybe something bad will happen."

Zhu Cijiong smiled and said: "General Fang Shen, don't worry, I have prepared a lot of native army and political officers here, I believe they can appease these servants.

Besides, our army still has spare strength, even if there is a change in the servant army, it can be easily suppressed. "

Fang Yuanzhang said: "It's better to be cautious."

Zhu Cijiong nodded and said nothing more.

He knew that after all, he had only been in the army for a few years, and a veteran like Fang Yuanzhang might not have much confidence in him.What's more, Fang Yuanzhang is a member of the North American Capital Division, and he is not a general under his command. It is not unusual for him not to be afraid of him.

Perhaps deterred by the fierce guns of the Ming army, most of the servants found out that after the war was over, they stayed in the same place with their acquaintances.A few wanted to leave the battlefield, but after being stopped by the Ming army, they withdrew.

Only a very small number of Indian fighters were red-eyed. Even if they were Spanish captives who surrendered to the Ming army, they would kill them and even fight with the Ming army.

This type of people was naturally shot dead by the Ming army without hesitation.

After that, with the cooperation of Huabao and other internal agents, a group of Indian "military and political officers" from King Ding's territory successfully appeased most of the servants and asked them to wait for King Ding's arrangement.

As for the escaped French army, Portuguese army and Spanish general Juan, Zhu Cijiong did not send anyone to pursue them.

One is that there is no way to divide the manpower. If you assign a small force to pursue it, you may be ambushed by the coalition forces instead.

Second, the main purpose of the Ming army's battle was to annihilate the vital forces of the coalition forces.Now more than [-] people from the three Spanish infantry regiments have been almost wiped out, and the goal of the Ming army has been achieved.

The governorship of New Spain lost these three infantry regiments, making it even more difficult to stop the Ming army from going south in Central America, and it might even be forced to retreat to South America.

In the camp of the Ming army.

After Aimee Zhu saw that the overall situation of the main battlefield had been settled through a bird's-eye view of the drone, she turned her attention to the Portuguese army that was going around to attack the camp.

Originally, she wanted to place this Portuguese army near the camp so that she could personally participate in the battle.

This request was naturally rejected by Zhu Cijiong.

So she took the next best thing and suggested that the left-behind generals send an army to ambush the Portuguese army in advance on the way to attack the camp.

This suggestion was allowed.

Zhu Cijiong's 600 soldiers of the guards, plus [-] mercenaries from the Ming business group, left the camp and went to the north in advance to ambush on a road that the Portuguese army must pass.

The general of the Portuguese army didn't know whether he was careless or overconfident, or just because of the suddenness of the attack, he didn't even send out any scouts, so he foolishly entered the ambush circle of the Ming army.

As a result, they were severely beaten by the Ming army, and 500 people were wiped out on the spot, and the remaining thousand people became prisoners of the Ming army.

The battle lasted just over a quarter of an hour, and the Ming army had only a few dozen casualties.But after Aimee Zhu saw it, she couldn't help feeling secretly: It's a pity that sister Huang and brother Wang didn't let me take the soldiers of the Qinglong battalion to join the battle.If there was Qinglongying, these people might not be able to hold on for 10 minutes.

The four sisters of the Ming family next to them were relieved when they learned that all the battles were over.

They are responsible for Aimee Zhu's safety, and they are most afraid that Aimee Zhu will fall into the battlefield.In that case, even if the four of them had extraordinary skills, they would not be able to ensure Aimee Zhu's safety.

Fortunately, this battle was won without any waves.

(End of this chapter)

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