
Chapter 102 Iron Workshop

Chapter 102 Iron Workshop
The capital of Wei State, Luoyang.

A carriage drives through a busy street.

The bell in the carriage will become more and more gloomy.

Wei Guan comforted with a smile that was not a smile: "Ji Shuye has always looked down on officials and dignitaries, so it is reasonable not to see him."

In fact, Zhong Hui had four treatises in his arms, wanted to see Ji Kang, but was afraid that Ji Kang would refuse to see him, so he threw the four treatises from outside the courtyard, turned around and left.

Zhong Hui looked depressed, "Go and find Sima Ziyuan."

Wei Guan couldn't help but feel a little strange in his eyes.

Xia Houxuan, Ji Kang and Sima Shi are all celebrities of beauty and appearance.

Master Sima has a good reputation, elegance and style, and is known in the world along with Xia Houxuan and He Yan.

Among many celebrities, only Master Sima appreciated Zhong Hui.

Women look for those who please themselves, and men die for those who know themselves.

Zhong Hui naturally became close to Master Sima.

"The General and the Grand Tutor are not on good terms now, am I going to see Sima Ziyuan now, am I losing my mind?" Wei Guan's eyes shone brightly.

At this moment, Wei Guan still regards Zhong Hui as a bosom friend.

Once involved in business, Zhong Hui instantly became clear and said in a low voice: "Does Boyu think that the general can beat the Taifu? Not to mention the Taifu, even Sima Ziyuan, the general is not an opponent!"

Wei Guan's ears sounded like lightning and thunder.

Since Sima Shi was appointed as the Central Guard Army, he has determined the method of selecting talents. He does not give more meritorious service, and the officials do not show favoritism.

Even Sima Zhao followed Sima Yi in the north and south, and he was not an ordinary person.

Both of them are dragons and phoenixes among people.

"It's not something we can discuss in private about important matters in the court. After many days of fatigue and feeling unwell, Guan will leave first." Wei Guan cupped his hands.

Zhong Hui didn't force it, "Boyu can do as he pleases."

The carriage stopped on the street, Wei Guan got off, and Zhong Hui went straight to Sima Mansion.

Sima Shi went out to greet him in person, and he was quite eager, "I heard that Shi Ji's four treatises were published, but I haven't read them, it's a pity."

This year, Zhonghui will be 22.

This year, there were eight out of thirty Sima divisions.

One is in the prime of youth, the other is elegant and coquettish. Standing together, the two are like a pair of jade...

The two talked about metaphysics.

It's rare.

Before the spring plowing approached, Yang Zheng, the carpenter and the cobbler made four scorpions, and moved the blacksmith and his family to Jishibao.

With the bellows, there is also charcoal.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of charcoal in the northwest, and there are people selling it in the city of Fanghan.

Yang Zheng picked out the best stuff and bought two cars.

Furnaces and utensils are all ready-made in Jishibao.

Yang Zheng asked Di Daocheng blacksmith to forge it first.

The four blacksmiths came from all over the country and have been with the army for many years, with excellent obedience.

Yang Zheng promised that their treatment was three times higher than that of Di Daocheng, and he respected them like never before.

The four naturally worked hard.

But the efficiency is surprisingly low.

From Si o'clock in the morning to You o'clock in the evening, it took four full hours and more than eight hours to process a small square of iron ingot.

Pig iron is mostly gray, but this piece of iron is light brown.

It is much better than the ones smelted by Hu people's blacksmiths, and it is almost the same as the iron mines in Fanghan City.

With the introduction of charcoal, iron ingots are already converting to steel.

But Yang Zheng didn't want to stop here.

The quality of an army depends on the quality of steel.

From the end of the Han Dynasty to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, wars continued and the level of equipment continued to improve.

Equipped cavalry, long spears, Mingguang armor, and blunt weapons also gradually appeared on the battlefield.

The Kingdom of Shu used the power of one state to make the Northern Expedition and suppress Cao Wei. The various advanced weapons made by Zhuge Wuhou accounted for a large part of the reason.

"Purity is not enough, continue." Yang Zheng carefully studied the texture of the iron ingot.

Although I don't know how to cast it, I still have a certain knowledge of physics.

In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the popular hundred refining method was repeatedly tempered and forged in the furnace to hammer out impurities.

However, this method is only suitable for tempering magic weapons.

Therefore, famous swords and swords emerged in endlessly during the Three Kingdoms era.

Yang Zheng only knows one truth. If you want high-quality steel, you must increase the temperature of the furnace to separate the iron and slag, and let the carbon infiltrate quickly.

After working all night, Yang Zheng came step by step, first remodeled the furnace, added two more smelters, and then checked the charcoal.

Everyone worked together, and when the cock crowed in the early morning, they finally got another piece of blue-black iron ingot.

The hardness and toughness have been greatly improved, and the appearance is good, barely enough.

With the current conditions, this is the only way to go.

"Fan Tiefu, Xu Yi, Zhang Mengzhao, and Xue Yuanzu, the four of you are now the masters of the iron workshop, and the Hu people's blacksmiths and mines are under your control. On the basis of this iron, every time you upgrade or increase the output, I will reward you a hundred times." Dendrobium food!"

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

With motivation, there is motivation.

The four blacksmiths were overjoyed.

Han five baht money was originally a mature financial system with high credit.

But after Dong Zhuo took control of the government, in order to plunder the wealth of the people, he charged five baht to recast small coins.

The financial system that prevailed in the Han Dynasty for more than 300 years collapsed instantly.

Both Wu and Shu minted big money to plunder folk wealth.

On the contrary, Cao Wei sticks to the "five baht coins", but there are not many folk five baht coins, and gold, silver, silk and food have become currency.

All Yang Zheng could get out was food.

However, it will take some time to reach mass production.

For the next few days, Yang Zheng stayed in Tiefang and divided the manpower into four groups: furnace, forging, quenching, and sundries.

There is no shortage of experts among the Hu people's blacksmiths.

It's just that I haven't gotten started yet. With the bellows and charcoal, some people have opened up.

The iron workshop is in full swing.

Yang Zheng provided them with food and broth, and tried his best to satisfy them in life.

Half a month later, twenty mass-produced ring first knives were released.

The blade is blue and black, and the quality is good, much better than the military standard ring head sword.

Production is really low.

It is not enough to meet military expenses.

However, there were more than 300 Spearheads, which comforted Yang Zheng a little.

Armor can only come slowly.

Fortunately, the transportation captain of Erhe Shaoge did a good job. In the battle of Mingyue Gorge, more than 1000 pieces of Shujia and various ordnance were confiscated.

The matter of Tiefang came to an end, Yang Zheng returned to Fanghan, and it was late March.

Get busy, don't know the sun and the moon fly around.

The ice and snow in the northwest have melted, and spring plowing is about to begin.

Nowadays, there is no shortage of people or land in Yanhan. Food is the lifeline in this era.

With food, more Qiang people can be recruited.

Yang Zheng naturally didn't dare to ignore it.

In the south of the Yellow River, on both sides of the Lishui River, all private battalions are in battle.

Regardless of Qiang, Han and Di, they all invested in the land, which was quite harmonious.

Working together naturally cultivates feelings.

Zhou Yu's private management was good. When Yang Zheng went to Mingyue Gorge and Jishi Mountain, he managed Fanghan City in an orderly manner.

It is also possible that his strengths lie more in management than in charge.

There is Zhang Te in Xihe Daying, Jiang Faye in Jishi Mountain, and Zhou Yu in Fangrare.

The three places form an iron triangle in the northwest.

Yang Zheng's basic plan was completed.

Even if Cao Wei changes drastically in the future, Yang Zheng can advance and retreat calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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