
Chapter 111 Chaos

Chapter 111 Chaos
With Xia Houba's temperament, it is not enough to point fingers at Sang and scold Huai.

He is not such a small-minded person.

A little bit of unhappiness will disappear in the blink of an eye.

But this matter is like a cloud in my heart, and I always feel that something is going to happen.

Back at the camp, Yang Zheng inspected the soldiers.

The terrain in Xiping is extremely favorable for fighting in the mountains.

Most of the soldiers were born in the mountains of Hanzhong.

The Qiang people are also good at running in the mountains.

Knowing that there will be a battle tomorrow, everyone was extremely excited, and the old soldiers fell asleep without being affected in the slightest.

Yang Zheng also quickly fell asleep. There was still a big battle tomorrow, but he was woken up several times by howling wolves in the middle of the night.

Beasts are not afraid of people these days.

Since they couldn't fall asleep, they decided not to sleep until dawn, when the old soldiers got up energetically, woke up Qiang Yaopaoze beside them, ate some dry food and drank some water indiscriminately.

Yang Zheng stood in front of the camp, and his subordinates gradually gathered.

"General." The personal soldier Liu Heng handed over the helmet.

A 16-year-old boy, but his body is already developed and powerful, and he is full of heroic spirit when he puts on the iron armor.

Yang Zheng took the helmet.

The subordinates are assembled.

Long-term training makes them have the potential of soldiers.

There was flinch and fear in no one's eyes.

Yang Zheng nodded in satisfaction, drew out his sword, and pointed to the northwest.

The soldiers marched in silence.

In the darkness before dawn, the wolves were still howling.

Time is far and time is near.

Let the soldiers become more and more murderous.

Near the enemy camp, the enemy is still sleeping soundly.

The guards on the watchtower lazily fell asleep leaning against the wooden railings. They were exhausted after many days of fighting.

Only the livestock were frightened by the howling of wolves and chirped uncomfortably.

Yang Zheng has always been fighting for his life in adversity, fighting his way out.

Things went so well that it made him feel uneasy.

They sent out scouts to look around, and only after there was nothing abnormal, they marched in.

"Kill!" As soon as he walked to the front of the camp, Liu Heng roared like a rabies attack, startling Yang Zheng, who was already preoccupied and cautious.

Yang Zheng looked at him dumbfounded.

Suddenly, he felt that his brain was out of proportion to his muscles.

The soldiers are also young and passionate, someone opened his mouth, and immediately shouted, "Kill!"

The sneak attack turned into an open fire...

Sometimes, too much enthusiasm is not a good thing.

Young people can't hold back their anger...

Yang Zheng glared at Liu Heng.

This guy doesn't know what he did wrong.

Amid the shouts of killing, the Qiang people seemed to be wasps that had exploded their nests, and the voices of people and animals came and went one after another.

The soldiers on the watchtower were so frightened that they fell down and let out a series of screams.

This long scream made the Qiang camp even more chaotic.

Cattle and horses collide with each other, and sheep overwhelm the Qiang people.

I don't know what happened, the flames rose in the camp, at first it was only a small area, and in a blink of an eye, the fire exploded vigorously, and I don't know what was burned.

The Qiang people didn't even wear clothes, and they ran around in panic...

Chaos spread quickly.

In just half a stick of incense time, the entire Qiang camp was in chaos.

Yang Zheng was dumbfounded, looking at Liu Heng with disbelief in his eyes.

Is this the so-called divine help?
In the flames, Liu Heng's face was full of excitement, as if he was also ignited. He pulled out the ring head knife, flames rose from his eyes, and his whole body looked like it was about to erupt...

Yang Zheng smiled wryly and waved his hands, "Go."

Liu Heng raised his head to the sky and howled wildly, leading a dozen or so young soldiers into the Qiang camp.

Looking at his ferocious appearance like a hungry wolf, Yang Zheng really suspected that he was bitten by a dog or wolf, and rabies broke out.

But Yang Zheng couldn't stop his subordinates from being so fierce.

If it is an eagle, it will fight against the sky; if it is a tiger, it will roar proudly at the mountains.

These days, crawling under his own wings will sooner or later harm him.

Xia Houba is quite famous in Longxi, but his sons are all playboys who can't carry their hands or shoulders.

Xiahou's martial arts came to an abrupt end.

Only Xiahouxuan and Xiahouba supported the scene.

Suddenly, Yang Zheng understood Xia Houba's state of mind.

Isn't "no worries after death" a helplessness for the offspring?
Thinking about it this way, Xia Houba didn't do it on a whim, but thought it through carefully.

Aristocratic families don't grow big out of thin air, and they also need capable and capable people.

Being able to be admired by Xia Houba, Yang Zheng was very moved, but everyone has their own destiny...

Yang Zheng entered the enemy camp with three thousand men, and the Qiang people were already defeated.

Many people ran around with their upper thighs bare.

Yang Zheng thought that the Qiang people would be vulnerable, but he never thought that they would be so vulnerable.

Tens of thousands of Qiang people, together with livestock, made a mess and went on a rampage.

What we need to consider now is not killing the enemy, but not being scattered and trampled by the enemy.

"Formation, formation!" The old soldiers commanded their subordinates.

For more than a year, military orders have penetrated into the bone marrow of both the Qiang people and the Jin people.

Soon they formed an array.

Like a rock in a storm.

Dawn has already arrived, and the morning glow covers the sky and the earth.

Let the bloody battlefield have a touch of golden red.

Xiahouba's cavalry appeared at the right time, like a long black whip, waving from southeast to northwest.

At this time, the gates of Xiping City opened wide, and a thousand-man cavalry rushed out of the city.

Attacked from three sides, the Qiang were defeated.

The battlefield became more and more chaotic.

Some Qiang people reacted, broke out in arrogance, and turned to fight the Wei army.

But these little resistance forces are not enough to turn the situation around.

The fiasco of the Qiang people was inevitable.

Layer after layer of routed people and livestock crashed into the shields of the soldiers like a tide.

In a blink of an eye, the tide and the reef were dyed blood.

War has turned into slaughter.

The killing efficiency of infantry is higher than that of light cavalry.

The Qiang people soon discovered that this road was blocked.

People and livestock fled to the northwest together...

The forces of 3 to [-] animals fleeing for their lives gathered together, like a flood bursting its embankment, sweeping away for thousands of miles...

Yang Zheng looked northwest, just in time to see Xiahouba's cavalry being submerged in this flood.

Xia Houba's soaring back suddenly disappeared as if he had fallen...

Yang Zheng turned pale with shock, the uneasiness that had been lurking in his heart for many days suddenly reached its peak.

Anything can happen on the battlefield.

It's so normal that extreme joy begets sorrow...

Don't stop returning to the teacher, don't force the poor.

Xia Houba has fought all his life, so is he going to achieve a positive result here in advance?

If he is done playing, will he be able to withstand the crowding out of Sima's henchmen?
Yang Zheng couldn't help being a little distressed, Xiahouba, as the general of an army, said "death" when he said something bad, and now it was about to come true.

There is still some truth in the misfortune coming from the mouth.

"Liu Heng, Liu Heng!" Yang Zheng roared twice.

Liu Heng, who was on the rise before the battle, turned his head.

"Follow me to rescue General Xiahou!"

"Oh." Liu Heng dropped the broken ring head knife, randomly picked up two broken spears, one in each hand, and fought at the forefront, waving his left and right hands, bursting with blood.

Whether it was the resisting Qiang people or the rushing livestock, they all fell under the spear.

(End of this chapter)

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