
Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Conquering Riyue Mountain will form a condescending trend towards the West Sea.

The west sea is rich in grass and grass, not only the Hu people in Yewudai, but also the Qiang people, Xiongnu, and Xianbei.

Many tribes follow Ye Wudai to send troops.

That's why he has such momentum.

There is a saying in the art of war: It is as swift as the wind, as slow as the forest, as invading as fire, as immovable as a mountain, as moving as thunder!
Since ancient times, kindness has not been in charge of soldiers, so when a knife is pulled out, of course there will be blood.

All tribes encountered will be slaughtered.

Their cattle, horses and livestock were plundered, and all their belongings were burned together with the corpse tent.

Money and women will only lower the morale of soldiers.

Three thousand lone troops entered the West Sea, where the blade was directed, there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Burn everything that cannot be taken away.

The brutal killing also made every soldier more and more murderous.

The black armor was stained with bright red blood, and the evil spirit was like a cloud. As the array ran, it seemed that there was a wave of black energy floating.

Since they were born in this era, no one is innocent, let alone their males also follow Ye Wudai to join forces.

Historically, when the Jie people moved into the interior, when they met the decadent Western Jin Dynasty, their actions were even more bloody and cruel.

Whether Yang Zhengcheng admits it or not, killing is the most effective way to solve problems in this era.

The Han-Qiang war lasted for a hundred years, and the Han court spent hundreds of millions of dollars, but it still couldn't solve the problem.

Duan Jiong's swordsmen opened the way, killing countless people, and the Qiang people calmed down.

Three thousand troops is not much, but it is enough to deal with the empty grassland, and the traditions of each tribe are also scattered.

Three thousand pawns quickly turned into three thousand light cavalry, each with two or three horses...

Huo Qubing sent troops to Hexi, and introduced fine-bred horses into the Hehuang West Sea, and the famous Hequ horse was born from this.

In history, Tuyuhun Qilian Mountain Tianma and Persian grass horse were bred to produce Qinghai Cong.

Xihai Jianma was stronger than the Qiang horse brought by Yang Zheng. The soldiers were armored with spears and fully armed, and the horses still ran like flying.

Suddenly, a bloody storm blew up on the grassland.

The Hu tribe had no time to react, so they were slaughtered one by one.

Ever since Yang Zheng crossed Riyue Mountain, Xihai has been at the mercy of others.

Even a large tribe was torn apart by a sudden blow.

"Report to the general, a hundred miles ahead is the Yewudai tribe!" Several scouts returned from east, west, north and south.

The cruel killing is also gradually changing Yang Zheng's temperament. Even when he smiles, there is a flash of killing.

"However, the barbarians are already prepared. There are more than [-] cavalry defending day and night."

Yang Zheng frowned. There was such a big commotion in the Xihai Grassland, so Hu people should be prepared. "How about the east?"

"Facing Qiang City to the east, send a team of 4000 Hu cavalry."

Front and rear pinch.

Yang Zheng glanced at the people around him, "Forget it, if you only eat meat these days, you should eat hard bones."

Yin Chun said: "The general wants to destroy the reinforcements in Linqiang City first?"

Yang Zheng smiled and said: "Wrong, we eat the reinforcements, and Ye Wudai's family will run away."

Liu Heng said excitedly: "This subordinate is willing to be a striker, and I will definitely teach the barbarians not to stay behind!"

Since entering Xiping, this guy has become more and more excited, and no less than a hundred Qianghu people died at his hands.

As if born to be a butcher.

Yang Zheng admired his professionalism.

With such capable subordinates, Yang Zheng also saved a lot of energy, "Tonight, slaughter cattle and goats, feast on the soldiers, march tomorrow, and slaughter the Hu tribe of Xihai!"

"Follow the order!"

The people around him half-kneeled on the ground, blood red rose from their eyes.

Wuwei and Guzang.

The war was equally brutal.

Ye Wudai has long coveted Gu Zang.

As soon as he came up, he attacked fiercely.

Taking this city will cut off the connection between Cao Wei and Hexi, and Ye Wudai can own at least half of Liangzhou.

It can also unite with the bald Xianbei and the Huns to cause even greater waves.

Guzang is the most ideal place to establish the capital of Yewudai.

To the north is the Shandan Grassland, which used to be the horse herding land of the Han Dynasty, and Liangzhou horses came out from here.

There are tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land in the west, east and south.

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

As an important town in Hexi, Guzang was carefully managed by successive dynasties of the Central Plains.

Since Fan Can, the prefect of Wuwei, took office, he has hired talented people, educated the Han and barbarians, encouraged farming, and actively prepared for war.

However, Ye Wudai had been stationed in Luanniao for many days, giving Fan Can enough time to prepare for this big battle.

So when Ye Wudai arrived with his troops, what he was facing was the Guzang City with its iron walls.

Corpses filled the open space below the city.

On the city, the arrow feathers of Lei Mu, rolling stone and arrow seem to be endless.

The tragic death broke the heart of Qianghu who was possessed by ants. The unbearable man turned and ran away, but was trampled to death by Hu Bing of Ye Wudai's headquarters.

Ye Wudai's complexion gradually turned ugly.

He suddenly understood why Midang, bald Shoutian, and Liu Bao held back.

Although the Han people have declined, they are still huge monsters that the surrounding foreigners cannot directly look at.

A great fear pressed against him like mountains and seas in the twilight.

And Guzang City in the setting sun is like a mountain that will never be shaken.

"The matter has come to this, the only option is to fight to the death, the king must not hesitate!" A Luoyan roared angrily.

Ye Wudai was shocked.

In such a tragic war, Ye Wudai never let the Hu soldiers from his headquarters attack the city.

"Your Majesty has no way out!" Aroyan's gray hair fluttered in the setting sun.

Ye Wudai raised his whip, but just as he was about to swing it down, scouts rushed from the south, "My lord, a Wei army crossed Riyue Mountain, entered the West Sea, burned and killed, and went straight to Datong Mountain. go!"

"What?" Ye Wudai could no longer swing the whip in his hand.

The expressions of General Hu around him became tense.

Their wives and children are all in the West Sea.

A Luoyan hastily persuaded: "It's just a family member. As long as Gu Zang City is broken, the money, silk and beautiful concubines will not be exhausted. Would it be a pity to do great things?"

Not everyone shares his insight, however.

Many people have not changed their nomadic nature, they just want to plunder and turn around and run away.

And Guzang City is so strong.

"Our army's family members are all in the West Sea. If they were beheaded by the Wei people, who would have the heart to attack Guzang City?" A general Hu retorted.

This statement immediately attracted the echo of the people around.

But in every tribe, the chieftain does not decide with one word.

Every Hu general has his own followers, and therefore has a certain right to speak.

With so many people objecting, Ye Wudai was helpless, so he asked casually, "Who is the general of the Wei army?"

"Yang Han Yang Zheng."

Ye Wudai was taken aback for a moment, and then a monstrous hatred rose in his eyes.

If there is anyone in this world who he most wants to smash into pieces, Yang Zheng is undoubtedly the first, and Jiang Faye is the second.

If Yang Zheng hadn't beheaded Ye Sujiang, why would he be so passive?

At least not so many Hu generals would dare to defy him.

I was hesitant to return to the army before, but now I don't hesitate at all.

Of course, the main reason was that Guzang City terrified him, and the dense corpses under the city kept sapping his confidence.

Perhaps it is the best choice to retreat to the West Sea and go dormant like Midang, Bald Shoutian, and Liu Bao.

"Pass on this king's order and return to the West Sea!" In a moment, Ye Wudai made a decision.

"Can the king go back..." Aroyan's old voice became more desolate in the twilight.

(End of this chapter)

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