
Chapter 121 Wolf Attack

Chapter 121 Wolf Attack
Yewu wears it on the back like a mad dog.

Hatred has long been irreconcilable.

The scouts scouted every day, and the morale of the Hu people was in decline.

They are from the Western Regions, good at horses, not good at mountains.

Abandoning the war horse at this time, being able to chase for such a long time with only two legs already shows the tenacity of the Hu people.

Maybe people are in the midst of hatred and don't care about anything.

Yang Zheng could understand his hatred.

If it were me, my family property would be destroyed, my wife and children would be beheaded, and the heads of my father and elders would be piled up in Beijing, so I would definitely not let my enemies go.

There is no sun and moon in the mountains.

Yang Zheng gradually lost his sense of direction and kept walking eastward, and he should be getting closer and closer to Jishi Mountain.

Yang Zheng dared not take risks in the Huangshui River Valley to the north.

With a flat surface, Ye Wudai's cavalry can block themselves before entering the western capital in a few days.

Even if he entered the Western Capital, with Ye Wudai's aura, would he let himself go?
It's better to be in the mountains and hold the initiative in your own hands.

It's just that Ye Wudai didn't catch up to him, but the wolves did.

It was the same gray wolf, staring at him with green eyes on the mountain ridge.

Not only do people hold grudges, but wolves also hold grudges.

Yang Zheng couldn't help feeling a little dizzy. Ye Wudai hadn't solved it yet, and was being targeted by the wolves again.

A new round of harassment has begun.

The wolves advance and retreat from time to time, you are tired and we are disturbed, you are advancing and you are retreating, you are retreating and you are chasing...

In two days, more than a dozen slaves and Hu Ying were buried in the wolf's mouth.

The Qiang camp and the camp were equipped with bows and crossbows, and they went in and out of the capital without giving the wolves a chance.

But in this way, no one dared to escape.

Both the slaves and the Hu camp cooperated unprecedentedly.

It is also a small gain.

Even if he could not kill someone, Yang Zheng would not.

Ye Wudai was also harassed by wolves, shouting and cursing from behind.

They were not used to fighting in mountains. In the past six months, from Xihai to Xiping, from Xiping to Wuwei, and from Wuwei to Xihai, they chased and killed themselves all the way into the mountains.

It is impossible not to be tired.

Hate and anger back it up at first, but both hate and anger wear off as the body wears down.

Yang Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

Since the wolves can harass them, why don't I also send out a camp to harass them.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we pursue, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack...

Isn't this the guerrilla tactics of great men?
Even his mother's beast can play, and I just come back to it now.

Yang Zheng blushed for a while.

The camp is currently assembled and divided into six teams, each team ranging from 80 to [-] people.

In the Battle of Xihai, 43 people were killed in the camp and more than 80 people were injured. Yang Zheng did not abandon a single wounded.

Many of them are half-grown children. During the arduous battle, their bodies and wills have become indomitable. They have always regarded Yang Zheng as their father and brother, and they have already formed psychological dependence.

More than 400 pairs of determined eyes looked at Yang Zheng.

Suffering is the most tempering person.

"Did you see these beasts?" Yang Zheng pointed to the big wolf on the mountain ridge in the distance.

Under the sunshine of early autumn, the wolf's fur was faintly shiny.

At this moment, it is proudly raising its head, watching Yang Zheng's every move with cold eyes.

"From now on, you have to harass the enemy like them. When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we pursue, when the enemy camps, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack, ensure your own safety, harass the enemy, and make the enemy unable to eat by day or by night. Sleep, let them know that this mountain is your world, and you are the most brave children of the mountain god!" Yang Zheng said impassionedly.

In the past few days, everyone has experienced the cunning, ferocity, and tenacity of the wolves.

"Wolf attack, wolf attack!" the soldiers yelled.

The word wolf attack is more appropriate.

In fighting with wild beasts, people are also learning from wild beasts.

Yang Zheng summoned Gong Feizhi, Luo Huzi, E Shanshi, Pu Jin, and Du He to explain the essence of the sixteen-character mantra carefully.

Repeatedly told to put their own safety first, and then harass the enemy.

The soldiers took off their iron armor and threw away their shields. Each of them wore a leather armor, carried a short knife, a longbow, and a crossbow.

Yang Zheng encouraged them one by one among the crowd.

"Come back to see me alive."

Watching them leave, as if watching his nephew rushing to the killing field.

Although Yang Zheng was only 22 years old in this era, he had been a human being for two lifetimes, so he naturally felt more in his heart than ordinary people.

And these soldiers did not live up to Yang Zheng's expectations.

Since then, on the mountain road behind, the screams of the enemy can often be heard, and the fire on the mountain road can be seen.

Yang Zheng also set up an ambush ahead, or rolled rocks or attacked with fire, constantly sapping the morale and fighting spirit of the enemy.

The wolves who smelled the blood gradually turned their targets to Ye Wudai.

Victory gradually waved to Yang Zheng.

Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, and the same is true for war.

Pay attention to the heat.

The heat is not enough, the dishes are still raw, and the undercooked duck will fly away.

After the heat is over, the vegetables are mushy in the pot, making it impossible to eat.

The scouts report back and forth about the situation in the rear more than ten times a day.

During the day, the soldiers attacked from the cliffs, and suddenly attacked from the big trees. At night, they divided up and attacked like a pack of wolves. They did not seek to kill the enemy, but only to disturb the enemy.

As long as there is blood, the wolves will also join in the harassment.

In two or three days, the Hu people couldn't bear it anymore.

But at this moment, Ye Wudai has become like riding a tiger.

Impossible to advance, retreat, more difficult.

So they set up camp in the valley, felled trees, piled up stones, and put on a defensive posture.

In fact, this is Ye Wudai's smartest approach.

If you chase, you will definitely not be able to catch up.

If they retreat, Yang Zheng will be like a tarsal maggot, gnawing at their flesh and blood bit by bit.

More than 5000 troops, taking a defensive position against less than [-] enemies, can already see the result of this battle.

Yang Zheng was determined and no longer rushed back to Jishi Mountain.

Time is on your side.

So he recalled the soldiers and let them rest.

The method of wolf attack also paid a price.

A total of 34 soldiers were chopped into meat by the barbarians.

Heads hung on stakes in front of the camp.

Yang Zheng could only write down their names and avenge them with more cruel means.

"If you kill my son, you will be buried with a hundred people!"

As time went by, Ye Wudai became weaker and weaker.

There are fewer and fewer war horses in the camp.

Some people fought over food.

There is a shortage of food and clothing in the valley, how long can Ye Wudai carry it?
And his head will be the most perfect ending to this battle.

Yang Zheng also set up camp.

Having fewer soldiers also has the advantage of having fewer soldiers. The food on hand is enough to last two months.

There are also more than 500 war horses, which can also meet temporary needs.

In early autumn, wild animals in the mountains, melons, fruits and wild vegetables are all food.

Qiang people and Jian people can be found anywhere.

The barbarians living on the grassland obviously don't have this ability.

It wasn't just Yang Zheng who felt that victory was in sight, but Qiang Ying's confidence doubled.

Even the Hu Ying, slaves, and women all looked forward to it.

This long ordeal is finally coming to an end.

But, only almost.

The scouts came flying from the southeast all of a sudden, "Report to the general, the [-] bell Qiang in the Great Elm Valley are coming to us!"

Yang Zheng jumped up from the ground, his eyes were bloodshot, "Qiang people?"

"Exactly!" The scout confirmed again.

Yang Zheng felt a mouthful of old blood held in his chest, unable to spit it out or swallow it down.

The Qiang people didn't come early or late, and when the dishes were almost cooked, they suddenly jumped out.

Isn't this taking advantage of the fire?

No, they are not taking advantage of the fire, perhaps they are reinforcements requested by Ye Wudai.

(End of this chapter)

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