
Chapter 127

Chapter 127
Luoyang, General's Mansion.

The sound of silk and bamboo orchestras is melodious and brisk, and the dancers are graceful and graceful, with their sleeves fluttering and graceful.

Music and dance have also been greatly developed since Emperor Ming made extravagance.

It has become a new trend in Luoyang for officials and eunuchs to keep male dancers as their favorites.

At the banquet, Cao Shuang toasted frequently, and everyone scrambled to agree.

At this time, Cao Shuang's face did not have the depression of two years ago.

The defeat of Shu was defeated, and many lost hearts were restored.

Yesterday, when the good news from Xiping came, Cao Shuang's face immediately glowed, and he didn't feel tired after a night of fighting with several concubines.

Yang Zheng is his old department, and Xiahouba is his family.

The credit of the two is his credit.

One hundred thousand Xihaihu disappeared, the chaos in Xiping and Wuwei subsided, and the head of Ye Wudai was rushed to Luoyang for [-] miles.

Those who had criticized Cao Shuang in the past all shut up.

The Empress Dowager Guo and the emperor in the palace all sent rewards.

Cao Shuang's cronies, Deng Yang, Ding Mi, He Yan, Li Sheng and Bi Gui all came to the banquet.

However, the most honored among the guests were not them, but Da Si Nong Huan Fan.

Since the Jian'an period, Huan Fan entered the prime minister's mansion as a child of Qiaojun and served as the left supervisor of Habayashi. .

It is the object of Cao Wei's key training.

Cao Shuang has always respected him, but he was not close and kept him at a distance.

Of course, Deng Yang, Ding Mi, and He Yan are indispensable for this.

However, Huan Fan, the first person, had a clear and upright face, and his brows kept gathering together, which was quite different from the flattering appearance of Deng Yang, Ding Mi, and He Yan.

It was General Sima Luzhi.

"Tell me, what positions should be given to Zhong Quan and Xing Yunsheng?" Cao Shuang took a sip of fine wine from his bottle.

Next to the increasingly plump body, there are three beauties rubbing.

Maybe it was because he was too comfortable, maybe he was drunk with wine, maybe it was because he was too tired last night, Cao Shuang couldn't even open his eyes.

"Yongliang first fell into Sima Yi's hands, and then Guo Huai succeeded him. General Xiahou was brave and fearless. Now that he has made great achievements, he might as well be transferred back to Guo Huai and appointed governor of Youzhou, and replace him with General Xiahou." When Deng Yang spoke, his eyes flashed Walking around the three beauties beside Cao Shuang.

Du Shu, the current Governor of Youzhou and General Chijie Jianwei, was impeached by General Zhengbei and is being recalled to Luoyang for trial by Ting Wei.

The current Ting Wei is Sima Qi, the brother of Sima Shi and Sima Zhao.

Du Shu was upright and simple, and Deng Yang, Ding Mi, and He Yan had always disliked him, so Cao Shuang watched Du Shu being impeached and had no intention of helping him.

The four governors of Cao Wei, the governor of Yangzhou, the governor of Jingzhou, the governor of Hebei, and the governor of Yongliang.

The governor of Yangzhou guards against the state of Wu, and has the most important powers.

After the death of Marquis Zhuge Wu, Emperor Ming thought that the Kingdom of Shu was nothing to worry about. The status of the governor of Yongliang among the four governors gradually declined, and the governor of Jingzhou jumped up.

The Hebei governor governs the military affairs of the three prefectures of Hebei, You, and Bing, and directly faces Xianbei, Wuhuan, and Xiongnu.

Sima Yi broke Gongsun Yuan and shocked the Liaodong Grassland.

Later, Guanqiu Jian swept Goguryeo, and all the tribes obeyed. Tuoba Liwei and Murong Muyan also sent troops to assist Guanqiu Jian in defeating Goguryeo.

Therefore, there are fewer wars in Hebei, and the permanent troops are the least among the four major governors.

The transfer of Guo Huai to be the governor of Youzhou is actually a secret reduction of military power.

Cao Shuang frowned slightly, but didn't say a word.

Huan Fan sneered and said: "The battle in Longxi has not yet subsided, Guo Huai has a large army in his hands, and has a deep foundation in Tianshui and Guangwei counties. How can he be easily transferred? If he acts suddenly, there may be unexpected things."

Deng Yang narrowed his eyes and glanced at Huan Fan.

Huan Fan raised his head slightly, dismissively.

He Yan cupped his hands at Huan Fan and said, "I don't know what advice does Da Si Nong have?"

Taichung Three Dogs, He Yan was actually wronged. His mother, Yin, was taken into the house by Wei Wu. He was loved by Wei Wu since he was a child. He married Princess Jinxiang as his wife. He was also the grandson of Han Dynasty General He Jin. , but because he was dissolute, greedy for money and lustful, he was disliked by Emperor Wen and Emperor Ming, so he was not reused until he attached himself to Cao Shuang, and then he rose to the top and became Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Huan Fan waved his hand, the dancers and musicians retreated, and the hall was immediately much cleaner.

"Yongliang has a vast territory, and Yongzhou's governor has great authority. Why not set up Qinzhou with the three counties of Xiping, Jincheng, and Longxi, and use General Xiahou as the governor of Qinzhou to fight against Guo Huai? At that time, the governor of Yongliang will be in Chang'an, and the governor of Qinzhou will be the governor of Qinzhou. In Longyou, if the four counties of Tianshui, Guangwei, Nan'an, and Anding are caught between them, Guo Huai's power will be greatly reduced!"

After Emperor Wen came to the throne, he analyzed and established Qinzhou from Yongzhou.

However, when Zhuge Wuhou attacked Longxi in the north, despite the defeat of Jieting, he plundered the people of the three counties and returned to Hanzhong. Longyou was empty, and Qinzhou was abolished.

"Oh?" Cao Shuang opened his eyes.

Lu Zhi also cupped his hands and said: "This strategy is very good, and the wise plan of Da Si Nong is unparalleled in the world."

Flattery is naturally everyone's delight.

Huan Fan did not pretend to be flamboyant to Deng Yang, but returned the courtesy to Lu Zhi politely.

Cao Shuang's eyes narrowed habitually, "That's right, that's right, Da Sinong is indeed a certain think tank."

Deng Yang glanced at He Yan and Ding Mi for help.

He Yan bowed his head and remained silent, while Ding Mi shook his head slightly.

Cao Shuang picked up a bottle of wine and respected Huan Fan from a distance, "Drink this wine to the full for Da Si Nong's wonderful plan!"

All toast.

"The general is wise!"

"The great general is mighty!"

The three of Deng Yang flattered again, and calmly diverted Cao Shuang's attention.

Cao Shuang laughed loudly, his spirits also came, and he raised and lowered his hands on Meiji beside him.

It caused the two girls to exclaim.

Deng Yang and He Yan's eyes lit up, and their laughter became more presumptuous.

The hall suddenly became smoky.

Lu Zhi frowned, and said displeasedly: "The general seems to have forgotten something."

Cao Shuang groped and panted, "What else is there for Lu Sima?"

Deng Yang said: "The spring night is short, enjoy yourself in time, and it's not too late to talk about anything in the future."

Lu Zhi stood up from the soft seat, walked into the hall, and bowed his hands to Cao Shuang, "This time he was able to break the Xihaihu, and the western captain Yang Zheng contributed a lot. This man is quite talented, and he is another part of the old general. In Luogu in the past, he was killed twice by the great general and was surrounded by heavy siege. If the general did not reward these loyal and brave people, wouldn’t the hearts of the frontline soldiers be chilled? Let me bluntly say that the Taifu can have the success he has today. Power is all due to military merits, and what the general lacks the most is general talent, so we must not alienate this person."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Cao Shuang pulled out a hand and patted his forehead, "Xingyun's contribution is indispensable, I almost forgot."

I just patted my forehead twice, and then stretched my hand in again.

"In Sima's opinion, what official position is Feng Xingyun?"

"Since General Xiahou has been promoted to the governor of Qinzhou, why not promote Yang Zheng to the Conqueror of Shu, General Jiaping Rong, and the prefect of Xiping!"

Such a reward is not insignificant.

In particular, the conquest of Shu army has great power. The armies in Longyou are rewarded and supervised, and the prefect of Xiping is a local official.

Yang Zheng can be said to be on the rise.

But as soon as Lu Zhi's words hit the ground, Deng Yang and Li Sheng shouted: "No!"

Li Sheng jumped out and said: "Yang Zheng is only a captain, just reward some money and silk, how can he be granted great power? How do the generals in Longyou feel? Isn't it surprising that the general bestowed a warrior so generously?" ridicule?"

Deng Yang also said: "Although Yang Zheng is a brave man, the position of guard and prefect is too important. I fear that he will not be able to convince the public. If he causes disasters then, won't he be a drag on the general?"

Cao Shuang pondered for a while, then turned his gaze to Huan Fan, but Huan Fan only cared about drinking, as if he had no interest.

Lu Zhi argued with reason: "Han Feizi said: the prime minister must rise from the prefecture, and the strong general must be sent to the army. Yang Zheng's thousands of people defeated Ye Wudai's [-] troops, and wiped out the old general's decline. Dragging it down, if the general does not reuse it, it will make the world laugh at him!"

Cao Shuang's expression became alarmed when he mentioned the past decline.

Deng Yang jumped out immediately, pointed at Lu Zhi and said: "The general has been serving the country all night, why has he ever been in decline? Lu Simaxiu wants to talk nonsense."

"That's enough." Cao Shuang's face darkened, and he even pulled out his two evil hands, and said with a cold snort, "The situation in the Northwest is complicated, with Qiang and Hu making troubles outside, and Guo Huai inside, so don't use Xingyun. Who else can I use? How about sending the two of you?"

Deng Yang and Li Sheng cupped their hands one after another.

These words made Huan Fan and Lu Zhi's eyes brighten.

Cao Shuang said slowly: "The prefect of Xiping is a local official, and the conquest of Shu army has too much power to be added to him. Xingyun is only in his twenties this year, and if he makes great achievements in the future, should he be appointed governor?"

This is exactly what Lu Zhi waited for. He knew very well the temperament of Deng Yang and others, and he would definitely obstruct them.

There is a saying in the Analects: If you choose what is above, you will get what is in it; if you choose what is in it, you will get what is below; if you choose what is below, you will get nothing.

"The general has thought carefully, but his subordinates have not considered properly. In this case, you might as well promote him to the captain of the Qiang guard, thinking that the general will help you."

"Not bad, not bad!" Cao Shuang laughed.

Hu Qiang Xiaowei was a big official in the frontier in the Han Dynasty, with a rank of two thousand stones. But at the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms War, the ranks of officials and ranks have increased.

There are rumors in Luoyang that: If you want to get Yamen, you should get a thousand horses; if you supervise a hundred people, you should get five hundred horses.

Emperor Wei Ming questioned Jiang Ji, who was in the Central Guard at the time, but Jiang Ji admitted it openly.

Therefore, Hu Qiang Xiaowei was not as prominent as in the Han Dynasty.

The same level as the prefect, focusing on barbarian affairs.

It coincides with Yang Zheng's repeated achievements in quelling Qiang chaos and chaos.

 These two days of happy events at home will be made up in two days. No matter how bad the grades are, I will never be an eunuch. Don't worry, everyone.
(End of this chapter)

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