
Chapter 135 Bloodstained

Chapter 135 Bloodstained

Going up the Yellow River and approaching Jishi Fortress, Yang Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

Unannounced visits are worse than unannounced visits.

Standing in the dark, it is easier to see the right and wrong.

If something went wrong with Jiang Faye, Jishi Fort would be a den of dragons and tigers.

Several people changed their clothes, Liu Heng stood in front, and Yang Zheng hid among them, secretly claiming that he was from Xiping.

Jishibao faces cliffs on three sides and a river on one side.

Yang Zheng originally wanted to get away with it, but the guards checked very carefully and everyone had to be searched.

The Qiang guards recognized Yang Zheng at a glance.

Just about to bow down, Yang Zheng supported him and whispered in his ear, "Act in secret, don't reveal my tracks."

After the matter of the Qiang people was overthrown, they ordered to open the gate and let Yang Zheng and his party pass.

For half a year, it has been operated as a fortress.

It is made of mountain rocks and yellow mud. There is only a narrow path winding down from the mountain wall, and people can pass through it. The horses need to be pulled up by hanging baskets.

The castle is full of heat, building weapons and armor, training soldiers, and the young and strong are quarrying rocks and logging, and they are very busy.

"Jiang Faye shouldn't have betrayed." Liu Heng said furtively.

As long as he doesn't draw his sword and doesn't go to the battlefield, this kid is still a normal person.

"Why?" Yang Zheng asked back.

"If he betrays, he will definitely block the mountain road to the north and kill all the Han people in the castle."

"What if he deliberately let us come in and catch them all?"

"If he has the guts, I'll kill him right now."

Seeing that Liu Heng's neck was swollen and rabies was about to attack, Yang Zheng quickly comforted him, "Don't be reckless."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of armor and swordsmen in the fort rose loudly.

The crowd, who had been orderly just now, suddenly panicked.

Dozens of Qiang soldiers raised their spears with a murderous look.

The guards pressed the handle of the knife, and Liu Heng was about to explode on the spot.

Yang Zheng pressed his shoulder at this moment.

Yang Zheng can be considered a brave man, and he thought that his strength was not small, but at this moment he felt that he was holding down a bison, and he couldn't pull it back.

Since he couldn't pull it back, he simply kicked his ass, "You fucking see clearly, they didn't come for us."

Yang Zheng was so angry that all the curses of the later generations were exported.

Liu Heng fell down among the wood in a dog pit, and it took a few breaths before he got up from the wood, and looked at Yang Zheng blankly.

The Qiang soldiers gathered and turned to the south.

Outside the castle, wild laughter sounded, "Jiang Faye, today is your death day!"

In the south of Jishi Fort, ten thousand people are closed, but in the north it is flat land.

More than a dozen barbarians carried four long ladders.

Surrounded by more than a thousand barbarians, Duan Da laughed wildly at Jishibao.

"The general treated you well, why did you betray?" Jiang Faye said angrily standing on the top of the wall.

"Listen, soldiers in the city, Jiang Faye colluded with the Qiang people, betrayed the general, and plotted to stand on his own. A certain person is only doing this today to quell the chaos, and the rest will not be blamed. If you remember the old kindness of the general, quickly open the city gate and kill him." The head of Jiang Faye." Duan Da said righteously.

The Han army on the city wall looked at Jiang Faye suspiciously.

The veterans of the Wuwei Battalion have a detached status in the army.

Duan Da is also the head of the village, only under Zhang Te and Zhou Yu, he has always been brave and has a very high status in the army.

Some people will believe what he said.

Not only the Han army, even the Qiang soldiers hesitated when they looked at him.

Jiang Fa's face was livid with savagery, "Duan Da, you villain!"

Duan Da laughed wildly at the base of the city, "How long will you wait if you don't do it? Behead Jiang Faye, and you will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold!"

Under the coercion and temptation, the people on the city wall are ready to move.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. I, Jiang Faye, swear to God Baishi that if you betray the general, both men and gods will be abandoned!"

Baishi God is the god of heaven, which is the highest belief of many Qiang tribes.

Jiang Faye swears by this, the eyes of the Qiang people on the top of the wall no longer hesitate.

But the Han army didn't believe this, and turned their swords and spears on Jiang Faye.

Duan Da laughed loudly, holding the ring head knife in his right hand and the shield in his left hand, and walked towards Jishibao step by step.

The momentum seemed to flatten the stone fortress.

Among the four chiefs of Wuwei Battalion, Duan Da was indeed the bravest one.

It's just that he was respectful and respectful in front of Yang Zheng, but when he turned around, he changed into an aggressive one.

"Who is the traitor?" Liu Heng rubbed his head and asked in a daze.

"Isn't that obvious?" Yang Zheng rolled his eyes at him.

If Duan Da is fine, he just needs to guard the mine and wait for himself to come back to judge.

There's absolutely no need for a knife.

He might feel bad about attacking Jishi Fortress, so he has to strike first.

Yang Zheng was heartbroken and sad, it was easy to share adversity, but it was so difficult to share wealth.

Some people are destined not to be able to go to the end together.

"Siege!" Duan Dahuan swung his sword down, and the barbarians rushed forward with roars.

At this moment, the gate of the fort opened.

On the top of the city, a hundred Han soldiers raised their swords and turned to Jiang Faye.

The Qiang soldiers beside Jiang Faye also drew their swords to face each other.

Duan Da rushed in with Hu Jun.

Insolent laughter floated in along with it.

Jiang Faye made his last effort, "Everyone, Pao Ze, the general will return soon..."

The Han army around you look at me and I look at you.

Duan Da climbed up to the top of the city step by step, "A mere Qiang bandit dares to fight against someone?"

The Han army on the city wall immediately stood by Duan Da's side.

Some Qiang people also stood with him.

Jiang Faye was surrounded in the middle.

"What are your last words?" Duan Da was sure of winning.

"What are your last words?" The matter had come to this, Yang Zheng had no choice but to show his face.

"Yang, General?" Duan Da jumped up from the ground like a frightened cat, and backed away again and again.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

Yang Zheng tore off his overalls, and looked at the crowd calmly.

"General!" Jiang Faye was overjoyed, half kneeling on the ground.

The Qiang soldiers around him also knelt down.

The Han army on the city wall also half-kneeled on the ground.

Even the Han army, Qiang people, and Hu people around Duan Da knelt down in large numbers.

In the blink of an eye, there were only a hundred Qianghu around Duan Da.

"General, Jiang Faye has been tricked and tricked, trying to become self-reliant..."

"Now, you still want to argue?" Yang Zheng interrupted him, and sighed, "Duan Da, how will I treat you? "

Duan Da didn't have the arrogance just now, his face was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were evasive.

But after seeing Yang Zheng's murderous expression, he suddenly burst out laughing, "Let's leave someone in this barren mountain without women or wine, isn't that too thin? I was born and died for you, is it just for these? With a certain ability, do you want anything outside?"

Yang Zheng also laughed, "You are so capable, why are you only a senior in the Wuwei camp?"

Duan Da was completely desperate, "Isn't it because I came from a humble background? I have martial arts, but I have no promotion. I want to kill thieves and serve the country, but I am defeated by Luo Gu. Yang Zheng, you are just luckier than me. Since you can climb Gao Zhi of Shangxiahou clan, why can't I cling to others?"

"That's all you see?"

"People in troubled times will do anything!" Duan Da raised the knife in his hand.

"Why can't you wait a little longer?" Yang Zheng threw the silk with the letter of appointment in front of him.

Duan Da picked it up, and after reading clearly what was written on it, his gaze suddenly became complicated.

Looking up to the sky and laughing, laughing and laughing, tears welled up.

"Yang Zheng, I can't beat you in this life, and in the next life we ​​will be brothers who live and die together!" After saying that, he swung his knife and slashed at his own neck.

A splash of blood splashed in the air, and Duan Da fell straight down.

"Feed the unfamiliar wolf!" Liu Heng spat.

Yang Zheng sighed in his heart: In the next life, let's go our own way, and we will not be the same people at all.

Even if you don't betray today, how do you know that you won't betray when you face greater temptation in the future?
If that time really comes, the loss will only be greater.

Turning his gaze to the over a hundred Qianghu who were at a loss, "It doesn't matter if you shoot or kill!"

"Follow the order!" Crowds rose up on the city wall to respond.

"Forgive me!" the Qiang Hus knelt on their knees and begged for mercy.

Why should I have known today?

When others saw Yang Zheng, they all quietly switched camps, but they were the only ones who remained indifferent.

If Duan Da is alive, it will inevitably be another bloody battle.

Under the chaos of knives, there are no innocent people, and everyone has to pay the price for their actions.

More than a hundred people immediately turned into flesh, and the city was full of blood.

After the rebellion was put down, Yang Zheng did not have the slightest joy.

Even Wuweiying, who is regarded as a confidant, will rebel because of such a trivial matter, what about the others?
The most difficult thing to control is the human heart.

Fortunately, Duan Da rebelled in Jishi Mountain and was unable to respond to the outside world.

If he was in Longxi or Xiping, he would have a lot of fun.

It is necessary to expand the dark camp again.

On the other hand, relying on emotional interests alone to maintain subordinates is not reliable.

Feelings will change when people's hearts change, and others will offer greater benefits.

In the past, because I was weak, I hid under Xia Houba's command, and others were not interested in instigating rebellion.

It's different now.

There are already enough reasons to attract the attention of others.

People in troubled times do everything they can!

Duan Da's words were deeply imprinted in Yang Zheng's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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