
Chapter 139

Chapter 139
It is not a pity to do great things.

Without food, Yang Zheng's efforts so far will be in vain.

Coming to Xiping is not a dinner treat.

In peace, nothing can be done.

If Emperor Ming is still in power now, if Guo Jian is still in Xiping, or if Guo Dun is here, Yang Zheng will have to think carefully if he wants to move the Guo family.

However, now is the weakest time for the Guo family.

If you don't move now, you won't have a chance later.

Yang Zheng thought very clearly that the key was not whether or not to move the Guo family, but whether Xiping could be calmed down, and whether Xiping's hidden dangers could be eliminated.

This is also the reason why Xia Houxuan transferred himself to Xiping.

The Guo family was really disappointing in several rebellions.

The imperial court needs a mainstay to stand in the west.

If you don't show ability, you don't get the corresponding power.

As long as you have a good sense of proportion, you might as well take a little bigger steps, even the Queen Mother Guo at this moment should not have the heart to care about Xiping.

Moreover, Yang Zheng is exercising the power to protect the captain, which is reasonable and legal.

People who have become slaves may be involuntary and forced by the situation, but most people who have become slaves are not bloody.

Guo family slave, you take off my armor, and I will tie your hands and feet. After a while, more than [-] people squatted obediently in the barracks.

Yang Zheng personally led two hundred guards to guard them, and the others went their separate ways.

Granary, arsenal, warehouse, etc.

Du Yu also reminded not to forget the book room.

Yang Zheng was taken aback, and almost forgot about this. These are the most valuable things in Xidu, such as fields, population, taxes, as well as the garrison, geography, and village distribution of the entire Xiping.

When Han Gao entered Xianyang, all the generals fought for the distribution of gold, silk and property. Xiao Hedu went first to collect the pictures and books in the residence of Prime Minister Qin.

"I'll go!" Seeing that everyone else was "happy", Liu Heng couldn't stay idle.

"Aren't you going to burn it all up?" This guy got up, and there was nothing he couldn't do.

Now Yang Zheng can still suppress it, but Liu Heng still has a lot of room for growth.

"Your subordinate, please go ahead." Du Yu cupped his hands.

"Okay." Without even thinking about it, Yang Zheng assigned a hundred soldiers to him.

Du Yu led the troops away.

One hundred soldiers control three thousand bound slaves, more than enough.

Yang Zheng was happy to be at leisure.

After a while, shouts of killing came from the north and east of the city, and the people skillfully closed the doors and windows.

There was no one on the street.

The shouts of killing subsided within half a stick of incense time.

The western capital fell into silence.

Half an hour later, the rapid sound of horseshoes broke the silence.

"Report to the general, Zhang Sima has taken control of the city defense."

"Captain Zhou controls the Taishou Mansion and Guo Mansion!"

"Zhang Sima occupied the treasury!"

"Du Changshi controls the book room."


Yang Zheng made a sudden attack and cut through the mess quickly, without giving the Guo family too much time to react.

Success stories spread to Yang Zheng.

"Order to seal off the whole city, only allowed to enter, not allowed to exit!"

"Follow the order." The scout rushed away.

At noon, the Western Capital City had completely fallen into Yang Zheng's hands.

Guo was often picked up by two big-armed soldiers, who would yell at him from a long distance away, "Yang Zheng, you are so courageous, the queen mother and the prefect will not let you go!"

Jian Bing slapped him alone, and the corners of his mouth bled when he was proficient.

Guo Chang covered his face, not daring to scold anymore, but his eyes became more vicious.

Yang Zheng couldn't help but slander, is he going to kill himself with his eyes?

I have done everything, who is afraid that I will not let myself go?

"Guo Gongcao, we meet again."

"Yang Zheng..." Guo Chang carefully looked at the soldiers on the left and right, "What are you going to do?"

"The imperial court appointed me as the Captain of the Qiang Guard. Of course, I came to keep Xiping safe. Come and serve tea for Guo Gongcao."

After all, Guo Chang came from a noble family, so he could see the situation clearly. Xiping prefect Guo Jian was not here, so he should be Yang Zheng's subordinate. "General Yang, what can't be said well, why is it so, why is it so?"

When we met in the morning, it wasn't this face, nor was it so easy to talk to.

If you knew it earlier, why did you have to do it in the first place?
"It must be so! Xiping is the imperial court's Xiping, your Majesty's Xiping. When did you become Xiping of your Guo family? There is no power of size outside, no virtue of appeasement inside. Stealing the blessings of the imperial court and searching for the people's fat and people's anointing, your Xiping Guo family is afraid We can't go far." Yang Zheng's gaze was as deep as a knife.

Sima Yi conquered the north and the south, and made great achievements in battle, which is why Sima is what he is today.

Wang Ling also lived and died on the battlefield for more than [-] years, and made great achievements repeatedly.

The Guo family in Xiping relies entirely on women.

There is nothing wrong with relying on women.

That's the way it is in this day and age.

But if you can't support the wall, it's your own problem.

If virtue is not matched, there will be disasters.

As soon as Qianghu came, the Guo family ran and scattered. Now that Qianghu has been suppressed by Yang Zheng, the Guo family will continue to enjoy everything when they come back?
There is no such good thing in the world.

Guo Chang's whole body trembled, "The Guo family is willing to give ten thousand stone grain."

"Guo Gongcao is so bold."

The Guo family only has this ten thousand stone grain?
The meat has already been eaten into the stomach, so why not spit it out?

It was that price in the morning, but not now.

There is no shop after this village.

"General Yang agrees?" Guo Chang's eyes rose with hope.

"Will Guo Gongcao agree to change places?" Yang Zheng laughed.

Guo Chang collapsed on the ground.

Just at this time, Yuan Xiao rushed over with five hundred Qiang soldiers, and said loudly: "Zhang Sima respectfully invites the general to enter the eunuch's mansion!"

"Respectfully invite the general to enter the prefect's mansion!"

500 people shouted in unison, and the sound shook the whole city.

Until now, Yang Zheng had the feeling of being in charge of the Western Capital.

Prefect's Mansion, Xiping County...

Yang Zheng felt unreal.

"General?" Liu Heng yelled in his ear with a rough voice.

"I see, I see, this general is not deaf." This guy was more excited than himself.

Yuan Xiao guarded Guo's family slaves, and Yang Zheng and more than a hundred personal guards went straight to the prefect's mansion in the north of the city.

On the street, people opened their windows one after another, with surprise and doubt in their eyes.

But then it turned to awe.

The great man said that the eyes of the masses are discerning.

Who is the guardian and who is the moth, people have a scale in their hearts.

Yang Zheng and his personal soldiers stepped out of the aura of thousands of troops.

The iron armor made a neat sound, and even the footsteps became uniform.

There are many Qiang and Jian people in the personal guards, and at this moment, they are also enjoying the glory.

At this moment and here, Yang Zheng suddenly remembered a sentence from Liu Bei, the lord of Shu, "If Bei has a foundation, the world's mediocre people really don't have to worry about it."

Excitement is nothing more than that.

But the world at this time is no longer the world of the Lord of Shu.

Yang Zheng only seeks a place to settle down, so that he can control his own destiny in the torrent of troubled times.

Near the prefect's mansion, the soldiers were lined up on both sides. Although they were still wearing old blood-stained armor, each soldier stood upright, either holding a long knife or holding a spear, and the momentum of an elite in all battles rushed towards his face.

"Respectfully invite the general to enter the prefect's mansion!"

The soldiers couldn't help roaring.

Zhang Te cupped his hands in front of everyone.

Yang Zheng glanced majestically across the soldiers, strode up the steps and entered the eunuch's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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