
Chapter 150 Dock Castle

Chapter 150 Dock Castle
Although the seat of Xiping is in the capital city of Xiping.

But the west was expanded only in the third year of Wei Wendi Cao Pi and Huang Chu, and its heritage is far inferior to Linqiang City, which has stood for more than 300 years.

In the second year of Yuanshou, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Huo Qubing entered Hexi and built a city here.

In the first year of Shenjue, Emperor Xuandi of the Han Dynasty, Zhao Chongguo pacified Xiqiang and opened farmland to calm the Qiang people.

The city is located in the Yaoshui Huangshui triangle, with Huangshui in the south, Qiangshui in the west, Shaling in the north and Rong Gorge in the east.

It can be regarded as the most important town in the south of Qilian Mountains.

Looking down at the Hehuang Valley to the south, looking at the Xihai Grassland to Xixiong, and peeking at Wuwei to the north.

The so-called Guanshan lock and key is nothing more than that.

When Midang turned his attention to the West Sea, he gradually realized the importance of Linqiang City.

But it was too late.

The Qiang people did not have such foresight. From the Han and Qiang wars, we can see that the Qiang people are not good at long-distance planning, and they count wherever they fight.

They rise up time and time again, and are suppressed by the Han army time and time again.

Qiang people flocked to the city wall like a tide.

Linqiang City seemed to be asleep, without any movement.

This made the Qiang people feel a little lucky.

They stepped on the corpse, set up a long ladder, and climbed carefully.

The Qiang people were not good at attacking cities.

Just because there is a sharp long knife behind him.

All those who fled were cut off their limbs and thrown into the Huangshui River to mourn.

Compared with this method of death, dying under the city is a kind of relief.

Fortunately, the city has been stormed for five days.

All the Qiang people felt that this city would not last long.

Several warriors had already climbed up the city wall, and the people below the city and in the camp were all watching them.

Boom, boom, boom...

However, the nightmare-like sound of war drums sounded again.

As if beating their hearts.

No shouts, no unnecessary movements.

Only the spear thrust forward.

The blood-stained spear pierced through the leather armor of the Qiang warrior in an instant with a sharp sound of breaking the wind, as if waking up the city wall miserably.

Then, stones, lumber, and rain of arrows poured down from the city wall.

The entire battlefield boiled instantly.

The screams of the Qiang people attached to the ants in the city went straight to the sky.

On the city wall, there are only busy figures.

Soldiers stabbed with spears, young and strong threw logs and stones, and women carried them.

Several generals commanded and boosted morale at the head of the city.

The Qiang's siege ended in failure again.

The horn of desolation comes from far and near.

The wailing of the undead Qiang people who were abandoned on the battlefield gradually overlapped with the sound of the horn.

Midang was very confident at the beginning.

Holding an army of tens of thousands in hand, with the help of Lu Shuihu and Yuezhihu, but Linqiang City is empty of troops, even if it is piled up with people, Linqiang City will be piled down.

However, the facts were beyond his imagination.

Linqiang City is like a snow mountain, no matter the storm, it will always stand firm.

Instead, he lost troops and generals.

It took five days and nearly ten thousand horses were lost.

After Lu Shuihu and Yuezhihu lost thousands of troops, they also began to steal, rape and play tricks, asking for food and weapons every day.

Like two wolves who can never get enough to eat.

But Midang couldn't stop, and continued to feed.

Otherwise, if the wolf is hungry, it doesn't care whether it is an ally or not.

Especially Lu Shuihu from the Juqu tribe, who was originally a branch of the Huns, was as fierce as a wolf.

"Who is this Te?" Midang's eyes were bloodshot, and his repeated failures not only hit the morale of the Qiang people, but also hit Midang's ambition and confidence.

After several days of fierce fighting, Zhang Te's reputation gradually spread.

To be able to withstand the onslaught of an army of nearly [-] with a few thousand soldiers is not enough if you don't have a good reputation.

"This person was originally the head of Cao Wei's Wuwei camp. He followed Yang Zheng to break out of Luogu, and was trusted by Yang Zheng as his confidant." Ehe Shaoge's voice became smaller and smaller.

Ever since he met Yang Zheng, he felt that he hadn't gone well.

"How can a village head be so capable?" Midang was very angry.

Not only because he couldn't attack Linqiang City, but because compared with the enemy, he had all trash in his hands.

After the anger, there is a layer of deliberately suppressed fear.

How many such characters are there among the Han Chinese?
But beside him, there are only such things as Erhe Burning Gun and Moth Covering.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill him, but the problem is that if he is killed, other people may not be able to use it, and maybe it will be even more unbearable.

"Since Lin Qiang can't attack, why doesn't Your Majesty take the Western Capital directly? Destroying the Western Capital is also equivalent to destroying the foundation of Yang Bandit." Ehe Shaoge's small eyeballs turned around.

Midang sneered, "What do you think the king's third move is?"

He burned Ge and dared not speak.

But Midang looked at him more and more unkindly.

"Report to the king, and the Juqu canal has been pulled out again to ask for food." A Qiang official came to report.

Ehe Shaoge let out a long sigh of relief.

Midang's complexion changed a few times, murderous intent gathered in his eyes several times, and finally calmed down, he said with a smile: "Here they are, give some more this time, and prepare some wine, meat, money and silk, and send them together."

The Qiang officials were puzzled, but they carried it out faithfully.

"Tonight, you and Mo Zhaisai will sneak attack on Lu Shuihu and Yueshihu!" Mi Dang stared at Ehe and fired.

Ehe Shaoge was surprised and said: "My lord, they are allies!"

Midang sneered and said: "This king and that Yang Zheng are also allies. This time, if you lose again, you don't have to see me."

Ehe Shaoge trembled all over: "Yes."

The full moon hangs in the night sky like a silver plate, wolves howl and the wind rustles.

Zhao Deng looked at the full moon, but his heart was a little ups and downs.

He was still young, but he saw his own destiny.

As the first person to follow Yang Zheng, his qualifications are older than Zhang Te and Zhou Yu.

However, Zhang Te and Zhou Yu are already independent figures.

But he was waiting to die in this dock.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is seeing one's own hopeless future.

In the midst of sentimentality, the rapid sound of horseshoes crushed the night.

Zhao Deng is a cavalry pawn in the Wuwei camp. His father and son have been grooms in the army for three generations. They are very familiar with war horses. He can judge the number of war horses by hearing the sound of hooves.

In the night, the sound of war horses trampling the ground was particularly clear.

"Five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand, eight thousand riders!"

There are more than eight thousand riders!

This must not be one's own cavalry.

Yang Zheng had just arrived, and he hadn't formed an organized cavalry yet.

The only one who can pull out this cavalry nearby is Zhong Qiang!

And the Wubao where he is located is less than forty miles away from the Western Capital!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" The dozen or so disabled soldiers in the fort immediately woke up and took up their swords, spears, bows and arrows immediately.

Although they are physically disabled, their hearts are not disabled.

Being able to escape back to Wugong City wounded under the pursuit of the Shu army already shows their tenacity.

In the northwest, everything can be left behind, and the ability to kill cannot be lost. Wild beasts and Qiang Hu can kill them at any time.

Xiefengwu Fort is surrounded by Beichuan River on the left and Wuya Ridge on the right. The terrain is not particularly dangerous.

But if you want to bypass this Wubao, you need to detour eastward for fifty miles.

And the enemy obviously didn't want to go the extra fifty miles.

Remnant soldiers are also veterans who have escaped death.

His hand skills are not weak at all, and he skillfully set up the spear and drew the bow and arrow.

Fortunately, the enemy is Qingqi, coming from afar.

Zhao Deng scanned the crowd, and suddenly found that the things in these people's eyes were similar to his own.

Some people still look nostalgic.


"Don't worry, Head Zhao, brothers all know this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

There was no fear in the eyes of the old soldiers, but longing.

All doubts in Zhao Deng's mind disappeared immediately, "Okay, let's fight again with the brothers today. If you win, you will have meat to eat, wine to drink, and women to sleep with. If you lose, you will be worthy of the general's care."

"Haha, what Zhao Tou said is true."

The faces of the old soldiers were flushed, as if they had regained the pride they had on the battlefield in the past.

In the solemn night, the beacon fire was burning fiercely, illuminating it far away, enough for people in the western capital to see it.

Zhao Deng supported his body with a wooden frame, and there were spears, bows and arrows, shields and other things beside him.

A few old soldiers with disabled hands tightly trapped the ring-shoudao on their arms, and held a short spear in the other hand.

Eighteen old soldiers looked at each other with excitement in their eyes.

In the hazy night, Qiang cavalry came galloping.

Unable to stop for a while, dozens of riders fell into the moat.

It was washed into the Beichuan River by the torrent.

The remnant soldiers laughed loudly on the city wall.

This naturally aroused the anger of the Qiang people.

Arrows fell like rain, pattering down on the not-so-spacious dock.

The remnants had already set up their shields.

After a while, the fort made of loess was filled with feathered arrows, like a hedgehog dormant in the dark night.

"Watch for two hours, and reinforcements from Western Capital will arrive!" Zhao Deng tried his best to boost morale.

As long as you see the beacon fire, it doesn't even take two hours for Xidu City to arrive.

Furious, the Qiang people cut down the surrounding trees to build a simple pontoon bridge and built three wooden ladders.

However, due to terrain constraints, it is certainly impossible for all 8000 people to participate in the battle to attack the fort.

More than three hundred Qiang soldiers bravely rushed across the wooden bridge and crowded in front of the narrow terrain in front of Wubao.

The city is full of arrows like rain, no need to aim, every arrow can hit accurately.

After paying the lives of more than 30 people, the Qiang people finally cling to Wubao.

But what greeted them was a more tragic fate.

The boulder fell from the city, and where it rolled, it brought up a piece of flesh and blood.

The Qiang people fled back screaming.

On the other side of the moat, a Qiang general with a livid face personally beheaded a deserter with a knife.

With one point of the blade, another two hundred Qiang soldiers dismounted.

This time the effect was better than the last time, but it was only just touching the top of the city before being driven off.

The terrain of Wubao is really dangerous, with moats, cliffs, and the rushing Beichuan River.

The foothold in front of Wubao is only a few dozen feet.

Still a slope.

After repelling three Qiang attacks in succession, Zhao Deng on the city wall gradually became exhausted.

"Zhao Tou, has it been two hours?"

"It's still early." Zhao Deng looked at the whiteness of the eastern world.

"Brothers, have you killed five or six hundred Qiang thieves?"

"It's not enough, killing five or six thousand is more or less the same!"

A few people talked and laughed, and repelled the attack of the Qiang people again.

But there seemed to be a fire burning in his mouth and stomach.

Hunger and exhaustion go hand in hand.

Zhao Deng accidentally scooped up the blood on the city wall and poured it into his mouth.

Dark red blood dripped down the corner of his mouth again.

Seeing his actions, the others were taken aback for a moment, and then followed suit.

"Happy!" Several people laughed.

It was as if strength had returned to the body.

Some also smeared blood on their faces.

Under the reflection of the beacon fire, this scene was seen by the Qiang people by the moat, all of them showed horror.

The Qiang general ordered to attack the fort again, but all the Qiang people took a step back involuntarily.

This situation made the old soldiers on the city wall laugh even louder.

General Na Qiang himself raised his sword and led a hundred soldiers in iron armor across the moat.

(End of this chapter)

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