
Chapter 161 Getting Married

Chapter 161 Getting Married
After pondering for a long time, Xia Houba said: "The situation is not so severe yet, and there is no one around the general. Sima Yi said he was sick and retired. No one in the court would dare to oppose the general. As long as the four directions are not chaotic, the general will have nothing to worry about."

Sima Yi pretending to be sick is the scariest thing.

Yang Zheng suddenly understood that the two were not on the same channel. Xia Houba was aware of the crisis, but it was just "I'm afraid it won't last long", rather than realizing that the crisis was imminent.

Think about it too, all the forbidden troops in Luoyang are in the hands of Cao Shuang.

No matter how domineering Cao Shuang is, after all, he belongs to the Cao family, and with the emperor in hand, he has a righteous reputation.

Yang Zheng licked his lips, and didn't know how to speak to him, "Taifu he alright?"

Xia Houba glanced at Yang Zheng strangely, "Sima Yi kissed his family himself, and he is not a minister. However, he is nearly seventy years old, and he is plagued by old illnesses. He has not been around for a few years."

Yang Zheng was stunned, Xia Houba always had this attitude, one can imagine Cao Shuang.

This is where the great inertia of history lies.

Even if Yang Zheng went to Luoyang and shouted that Sima Yi would launch the Gaoping Mausoleum Change and pry the ancestral grave of your old Cao family!I'm afraid no one will listen, no one will believe, and even think of himself as a lunatic.

Sima Yi's personality is too good, four dynasties veterans, two dynasties Tuogu, loyal and loyal, blessed with many meritorious service, and supported by the gentry.

All people in the world depend on it.

With Yang Zheng's current status and strength, the inertia of history cannot be changed at all.

Besides, Cao Shuang is not a fun thing.

He made a mistake first, and then Sima's praying mantis catches cicadas.

A person's character determines his destiny.

With Cao Shuang's current approach, capsizing is the general trend, without Sima Yi, someone else will do it.

"What Xingyun said is very true, be prepared, and I will go back to Chang'an in a few days to discuss with Taichu." Xiahou said aggressively.

Yang Zheng sighed in his heart, now he can't control others anymore, he can only make himself bigger and stronger, and increase his strength.

If the strength is so great that others fear it, it will not be easily picked up by others.

Perhaps the situation can be restored a little in the future.

"The general is wise." Yang Zheng flattered him as usual.

Xia Houba's face softened, "Xing Yun defeated Zhong Qiang and killed Mi Dang, the imperial court will enlist you as General Weiyuan, and give you the title of Marquis Outside the Pass to join the Western Army."

Yang Zheng was naturally delighted to have the miscellaneous general he had been longing for and a marquis.

But at this time, he was no longer in Fanghan two years ago.

General Weiyuan is just a name and doesn't have much real power. In fact, he is not as powerful as the captain of Hu Qiang.

Marquis of Liehou, Marquis of Guannei, Marquis of Name, Marquis of Guanzhong, Marquis of Guanwai, etc., the Marquis of Guanwai is the lowest, with empty titles and no food.

The Guo family in Xiping has no achievements at all, and they are full of nobles...

The one with the highest gold content is participating in the Western Army, which means that Yang Zheng has entered the circle of senior generals in Yongliang and Qin, and has a certain right to speak.

It can be regarded as double happiness.

This set of rewards is worthy of Yang Zheng's hard work.

"Thank you General, thank you Your Majesty." Yang Zheng cupped his hands towards the east.

Xia Houba's face was full of satisfaction.

After that, they talked about Qinzhou's military affairs. Both of them were warriors, and they were very interested.

After traveling for two days, I arrived at the western capital.

All you can see along the way is dilapidated scenes, uninhabited, and there are only three or two villages with ruins.

What I met was also a Hu tent in the Qiang village.

Xia Houba frowned more and more, "I didn't expect Xiping to be as depressed as this."

Of the three counties in Qinzhou, Xiping is the poorest and the poorest.

And every Qiang rebellion since the Han Dynasty, Xiping has been the first to bear the brunt.

Not only the three counties of Qinzhou, but also the worst one in Yongliang.

Yang Zheng looked at his "uncle" eagerly, and coughed twice, "There was no one in the past, but there was confusion in the future. There was a war and disaster, and the people were in chaos..."

Xia Houba knew the elegant meaning of Wen Xiange, and waved his big hand, "Xiping is poor. You said earlier that Chang'an sent a lot of money and food a few days ago, and I will share some with you. Ten thousand troops are too few. Deng Ai recruited [-] troops in Nan'an."

Of course, a county cannot afford to support [-] regular troops. According to Xia Houba, it should be counted together with the soldiers in the field and the regular soldiers.

The combination of soldiers and farmers was a common practice in the Han and Wei border counties.

Yang Zheng smiled wryly, "Xiping is no better than Nan'an."

Deng Ai was originally a great god, with family background, ability, and backing.

I have only turned around this year, and I haven't saved my family fortune yet.

Xiahouba laughed, "You are the old general, and now you are the son-in-law of my Xiahou family. You can let go of everything, you just need to be careful."

Yang Zheng was taken aback. Is this implying something?

Han and Wei get married at dusk.

For weddings, it is also a faint ceremony. It is good to combine the two surnames. The upper part is to serve the ancestral temple, and the lower part is to inherit the descendants. Therefore, a gentleman attaches great importance to it.

Yang Zheng went back to the city first, and under the care of Guo's servants, he carefully dressed up.

He took off his military armor, wore a black blouse, and a black veil, his face was covered with white, his lips were touched with vermilion, and his messy hair in the past was combed meticulously.

A horse depends on saddles, and a man depends on clothes.

Looking at myself in the bronze mirror, I am not used to the image of a scholar-bureaucrat who is more gentle, less aggressive, and looks like a dog.

In the past, I felt that marriage was nothing more than that, but after going through a series of ceremonies, it felt different.

Riding on a white horse, the surrounding guards are also dressed up, wearing silk clothes found from Guo's house.

The people in the city, regardless of the Qiang, Hu or Han people, all waited and watched.

At dusk, cars and sedan chairs welcome into the city.

Yang Zheng rode slowly in front of the carriage.

Dreaming about the people in the car.

That kind of expectant and strange feeling, as if a cat's paw was scratching in my heart.

In Yang Zheng's life, his mother died young, his father Yang You died in Liaodong, and he had no relatives. He was in the Wuwei camp at a young age.

So Xia Houba is not only Yang Zheng's elder, but also the woman's elder.

In the prefect's mansion, Xia Houba sat alone in the high hall.

Zhang Te, Du Yu, Zhou Yu, Jiang Faye, Meng Yu and other trusted subordinates are on the left, they are Yang Zheng's relatives.

The relatives of Xiahou's family are on the right, all of them are educated and reasonable, and they come from the top family backgrounds, and their temperaments are different.

On the other hand, Yang Zheng's side are all heroes from the bottom of the army, so suddenly participating in such an occasion, there is only one Du Yu who can stand on the stage.

The auras on both sides are a bit mismatched.

But with Xia Houba in the high hall, everything is not a problem.

The bride was led out by several relatives of Xiahou's family.

Xuanyi is dressed in a white skirt, embroidered with patterns, dignified and elegant, but also graceful, with a red silk covering the face, which arouses people's daydream.

The two stood side by side, and a faint fragrance rushed into Yang Zheng's nostrils.

The servants brought a cup of wine, handed over a gourd and drank.

After drinking this gourd wine, Yang Zheng has a real home in this era.

Chunniang and Jiang Alian are also his own women, but they don't have this sense of ritual, and they are always missing something.

Life is actually a process full of various rituals.

With the ceremony, the state of mind is different.

Yang Zheng walked through all kinds of complicated ceremonies in a daze, and was still in the fog until the wedding was over.

After being poured a few bottles of wine by the crowd, and returning to the bridal chamber, I just felt my heart beating.

He directly lifted the hijab with his hands, but unexpectedly there was still a piece of dough covering his pretty face, "Husband."

After saying two words, his brows and eyes were shy, and he didn't dare to look directly at Yang Zheng again.

Yang Zheng felt hot in his heart, "Ma'am."

Gently open the round fan, revealing a beautiful jade face, like a goddess descending to the world.

Yang Zheng couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

Secretly thought that Xia Houxuan's genes were really extraordinary.

Chunniang's appearance is charming and vulgar, and Ah Lian has the aura of the mountains and fields, but also tainted with wildness.

The woman in front of her has gentle eyes and a pretty face like jade, like an orchid in an empty valley.

Thinking about being such a rough fighter, being able to marry such a beauty is not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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