
Chapter 180

Chapter 180
The wind and snow in Luoyang, the imperial capital, stopped for a while.

Today's Sima Mansion welcomes an important guest.

Li Sheng, the most popular figure in the court.

Li Sheng was originally a front-line figure in the Cao Shuang Group. He was friendly with Xia Houxuan, one of the Four Cong, and one of the Bada along with Zhuge Dan.

People at the time commented that he was elegant and intelligent.

However, Luo Gu's defeat caused his reputation to plummet.

At the beginning, it was Deng Yang and Li Sheng who encouraged Cao Shuang to attack Shu, which was criticized by the time.

Yang Wei, who joined the army on the expedition to Shu, once said bluntly: "It is a matter of victory and defeat for the country."

However, with Cao Shuang's seizure of power, Li Sheng cheered up again. He had successively served as the prefect of Xingyang and Yin of Henan, and he was about to become the governor of Jingzhou.

Of course, officials at the level of Jingzhou governor are not so easy to get.

Even Cao Shuang, who holds great power, had to mediate with veterans of the gentry.

It is also necessary to inform the local power faction and get their permission.

Especially Wang Chang, the governor of Jingyu and the general who conquered the south.

Fortunately, with Cao Shuang's current power, not many people really dare to defy him.

The Sima mansion gave Li Sheng a very high standard of reception. Master Sima treated him warmly, held the horse for him personally, and welcomed him into the mansion. All the nephews and nephews of the Sima family came to pay their respects.

But he did not forget his mission, "I heard that the grand master has been seriously ill for several days, so I came to visit." Li Sheng held Sima Shi's hand affectionately.

"My father has been bedridden for many days, just for fear of disturbing you..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I have known the Tai Tuo for many years, the Tai Tuo is seriously ill, and I am about to leave Beijing, how can I not say goodbye to the Tai Tuo in person?" Li Sheng laughed.

As Cao Shuang's confidant, Li Sheng visited Sima Yi, who could not know the profound meaning?
The more Master Sima obstructed him, the more urgent Li Sheng was when he saw Sima Yi.

Besides, I can't stop it.

Master Sima said a few polite words, and he didn't stop him, and sent him to Sima Yi's ward.

Before Li Sheng entered, a person walked out of the ward. His body was bent, he was old, his face was full of wrinkles and spots, and he seemed to have lost his eyesight. He looked at Li Sheng and said, "My son, change clothes for me."

Master Sima hurried forward.

But Li Sheng reached out to stop Master Sima, took the clothes from the maid, and put them on for Sima Yi himself.

But Sima Yi took two trembling steps, and his clothes fell to the ground again.

Sima Yi pointed to his mouth with a trembling finger and said, "Thirsty, thirsty!"

The maid hurriedly brought the porridge, and fed it to Sima Yi's mouth. While drinking, the porridge dripped from the corner of his mouth, covering his front.

Li Sheng's eyes were fixed on his face, not letting go of any subtle expressions and movements.

To be rated as Bada and become Cao Shuang's confidant, Li Sheng still has some abilities and vision.

Otherwise, it would not be seen that what Cao Shuang lacked was military merit, and he tried his best to encourage Cao Shuang to attack Shu.

It was the right way, but it didn't work out.

The porridge water flowed from the corner of Sima Yi's mouth to the skirt of his clothes, and then dripped to the ground.

Tick, tick...

A sound made the hall even quieter.

Only the breathing of people around.

The Han and Wei Dynasties talked about style most.

The so-called nine-rank official law is nothing more than family background, job status, and appearance.

If a person is ugly, he will naturally not be able to catch Zhong Zhengguan's eyes.

Gradually formed a trend.

Both men and women are painted with powder and red, and their beauty is beautiful.

Sima Yi, a majestic veteran of the four dynasties, the Grand Tutor of Cao Wei, an existence that people all over the world look up to, if it wasn't for his dying of old illness, how could he be so disrespectful?
Several thoughts quickly turned in Li Sheng's mind. Of course, these were not enough to completely dispel his doubts, "Li Sheng is here to pay a visit to Duke Ming."

Sima Yi just drank the porridge, as if he didn't hear it.

Master Sima whispered in Sima Yi's ear, "Father, Li Gongzhao is here to visit."

Only then did Sima Yi stop drinking the porridge, and stared at Li Sheng with cloudy eyes. It took a while for his eyes to focus, "So it's Gong Zhao."

Li Shengdao: "Everyone is saying that Minggong's old style is mobilized, so why do you respect your body!"

Sima Yi was out of breath after saying a word, "I am old and sick, and I am dying. You are now in Bingzhou, and Bingzhou is near Hu, so you can prepare for it, and I am afraid that you will never see each other again. My son, brother Zhao, Gong Zhao will take care of you more in the future." One or two."

Li Sheng corrected him: "Dangzhou is the state, not the state."

Li Sheng was from Jingzhou. His father defected to Zhang Lu. Later Zhang Lu surrendered to Wei Wu, and Li Sheng became an official of Cao Wei.

Jingzhou is its home state.

Sima Yi's eyes were dazed and confused, "Junfang is in Bingzhou?"

Li Sheng said loudly: "Jingzhou, Jingzhou."

Only then did Sima Yi startled and said: "I'm old and careless, and I don't understand what you say. Now I'm still in this state, and I'm so virtuous and heroic, I'm good at making meritorious deeds!"

Every word, every expression, and even every look from his mouth was seamless.

Li Sheng looked him over and over again, but he didn't see any flaws in the end.

He turned his gaze to Master Sima again.

And Sima Shi's face was covered with a layer of sadness, which was just right, any more or less would not fit the current scene.

Li Sheng didn't even miss the expressions of the two maids.

All without a trace of inconsistency.

Sima Yi burst into tears and choked up, "I should say goodbye to you now, as my strength has weakened, and time is running out."

Li Sheng finally let out a long sigh, exchanged some greetings, and left.

The gloom in Sima's mansion was gloomy, but the general's mansion was full of singing and dancing.

The chime bells brought from the palace are clear and clear.

The talented women selected during the Ming Dynasty were also stunning.

Deng Yang and He Yan were drooling watching.

Ding Mi, Cao Xun, Cao Yan and others exchanged cups.

Cao Shuang closed his eyes and rested his mind, as if he was listening to music.

So that no one paid attention to Li Sheng's arrival.

"The Taifu's corpse is still alive, and his form and spirit have been separated, so there is nothing to worry about." Li Shengzhong said angrily.

"Can you see clearly?" Ding Mi raised his eyes.

Li Sheng picked up the wine bottle and downed it in one gulp, and said in a calm and confident tone: "Teacher's language is wrong, he doesn't take the cup, the guide is north, and he is out of breath after a few words.

Ding Mi frowned, Sima Yi was the target of his life, and he was worried if he didn't see the corpse.

Deng Yang squinted his eyes and said, "Sima Yi is sixty-nine this year, which is considered a long life."

He Yan said softly: "Nowadays the military power in Luoyang is in the hands of the general, and there are no guests in Sima's mansion. Even if you pretend to be sick, what can you do?"

Cao Shuang laughed and said, "That's right, that's right, my heart disease is gone, this is really a great joy, and you should drink it to your heart's content."

Immediately there was a sound of singing praises in the hall.

Ding Mi was targeted by Deng Yang and He Yan, and he felt some resentment, "Now that the world is stable, and the great general's majesty is spreading all over the world, you might as well transfer Guo Huai and Sun Li back."

No one bites, Ding Mi is not used to it.

Guo Huai is like Sima Yi's disciple.

But Sun Li was a talent selected by Emperor Ming himself for Cao Shuang, and served as the commander-in-chief of the general.

It's a pity that Sun Li was too upright, with a personality similar to Du Shu's. He was upright and not liked by Cao Shuang's group. Later, because Sima Yi provoked the demarcation issue between Qinghe and Pingyuan counties, he offended Cao Shuang and was sentenced to five years in prison and lived at home.

Deng Yang said: "This is absolutely unacceptable. Guo Huai is a veteran general. He has been in Yongliang for 30 years. He has made great achievements. If he is recalled rashly, he may shake Yongliang, so he should take it slowly."

Cao Shuang nodded slightly to agree with Deng Yang's point of view.

Li Sheng's expression changed, "Yang Zheng, the captain of the Qiang guard, defeated the Qiang Hu and swept across the West Sea. Nothing happened in the northwest, why not..."

Cao Shuang picked up a Western Region grape plug and put it in his mouth, "Why not?"

"Yang Zheng is quite talented. Qinzhou has General Wei who is capable enough to take up the job. My subordinates go to Jingzhou and lack talents around them. Why don't you go to Jingzhou with me?" Li Sheng's eyes glinted coldly.

The corner of Cao Shuang chewed lightly, tasting the sweetness of the grapes. After a while, he slowly uttered a word: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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