
Chapter 197

Chapter 197
Although the momentum was aggressive, Yang Zheng still had a little bit of emptiness in his heart.

After all, the expansion has just been completed.

And Deng Ai also has nearly [-] people.

Purely in terms of military strength, Yang Zheng is naturally worthy of Deng Ai.

What is false is Deng Ai's reputation left in history books.

Everyone knows that Deng Ai is a farmer, but Yang Zheng thinks that Deng Ai is a top-notch existence in the Three Kingdoms.

In the battle that day, Deng Zhong's bravery left a deep impression on Yang Zheng.

Already aggressive, like a tiger and a wolf descending a mountain.

The opponent didn't give up much, like a big snake entrenched in the mountain stream.

And the place where they set up camp is deeply in line with the art of war, high and commanding, with heavy antlers, intersecting with ravines.

Yang Zheng can be regarded as a person who has experienced several fierce battles. He can basically tell the level of the enemy by looking at the opponent's camp.

Compared with Deng Ai's camp, Qianghu's camp in the past is simply a sheep pen and a cattle pen.

This is definitely a fierce battle!
But it's not bad either.

The soldiers in the front line stood [-] paces ahead of the camp, covered with armor and dense with spears.

The cavalry on both wings swam slowly, and the neighing of war horses kept coming and going.

The crossbowman in the center holds the crossbow in his left hand and the arrow in his right hand.

The defenders on Poqiang City cheered thunderously, and a 2000-man cavalry lined up on the north bank of Huangshui, staring at it.

The other party seemed to be hesitating too.

The two sides did not draw their swords to meet each other.

Yang Zheng didn't believe that Deng Ai could defeat him with these ten thousand men and capture Poqiang City.

The best situation is that Deng Ai retreats despite the difficulties. After all, everyone is carrying the same flag.

Sima Yi is still Cao Wei's Taifu.

Yang Ji galloped out of Po Qiang city with blood on his face and wounds on his armor, it can be seen that this journey was not easy.

Half-kneeling in front of Yang Zheng's horse, "Following the order of General Xiahou, send [-] soldiers and civilians to Xiping!"

Yang Zheng was startled, "Is this an order from General Xiahou?"

"Yes, General Xiahou stationed troops and allowed me to gather Han people and train the young and strong. This is the general's painstaking effort."

It is self-evident what ten thousand Han people mean in the Northwest.

The biggest problem under Yang Zheng's command is the shortage of Han people. With these people, Xiping will be more stable.

But I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

"As long as Deng Ai has one subordinate, the subordinate is willing to sacrifice his body in exchange for his retirement!" Yang Ji said impassionedly.

When a person speaks at a critical moment, his eyes will move involuntarily.

However, Yang Ji's eyes were even determined.

Yang Zheng laughed loudly and said, "If you are in exchange for a moment of peace, how can I, Yang Zheng, have a foothold!"

If you want to be the boss of others, you have to be able to handle things and cover people!
"General!" Yang Ji's eyes were filled with tears, like a wronged child returning home.

And at the age of eighteen or nineteen, isn't he just a child in later generations?
"Boy, you're crying like a bitch, if you have the guts, I'll come with me later to get the heads of Deng Ai and his son!" Liu Heng said carelessly.

Yang Ji wiped his face, his eyes became firm again.

The camp gate on the opposite side suddenly opened, and thousands of pacers came out slowly.

It is also well equipped and morale is high.

On one side, the big banner of "Yongzhou Inspector Deng" stands in the front, and a dozen generals under the banner are surrounded by a silver-armored general.

"Yang Zheng, come and die!"

All the hundreds of soldiers around him shouted loudly.

Yang Zheng has been on the battlefield for so many years, but he has never seen such a crazy person.

By the way, Deng Ai is almost sixty, why is he still so angry?

It has to be said that his move to take the lead made the morale of the opposite side burn like oil.

The banner of the governor of Yongzhou is indeed very deterrent.

Already's aura was immediately suppressed, and the soldiers flinched somewhat, especially the Han army, whose eyes gradually became confused.

Officials crushed people to death.

Captain Hu Qiang was still a little bit mean.

Cao Wei's assassins are all famous people.

Liu Fu, Du Ji, Liang Xi, Zhang Ji, Wen Hui, Jia Kui, mastered affairs and opportunities, and wrote both powerful and engraved, all the barbarians surrendered, and Su Qi Wanli.

It also has an important position in Qiang Hu's mind.

In the Han Dynasty, the captain of the Qiang Guard was famous, but at the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, it was not as good as before.

Especially in the first year of Zhongping, Han Sui and Beigong Boyu gathered the Qiang people to rebel, and killed Lingzheng, the school captain of Qiang, and Chen Yi, the prefect of Jincheng.

Qiang did not protect him, but was beheaded by the Qiang people.

The prestige of the captain Hu Qiang plummeted.

Yang Zheng almost applauded Deng Ai.

This move is really beautiful.

If no measures are taken, Deng Ai will wave his army down with a big banner, and if he doesn't do it, his side will be defeated like a mountain.

Soldiers to soldiers, to generals.

Fighting is always about momentum.

Yang Zheng drove Wu Yu to the front of the formation with more than 200 cavalry.

The banner of Hu Qiang Xiaowei was also raised.

The two armies were separated by two hundred steps and stopped again.

Deng Ai and the hundred people came forward, and Yang Zheng also led the hundred people forward.

"Yang, Yang Zheng, children, do you know the general trend of the world, do you?" Deng Ai's expression was haughty, originally a wild remark, but because of his stuttering, he said it with an inexplicable sense of joy.

The prestige suddenly lost three points.

The cavalry beside Yang Zheng laughed in a low voice.

But the contempt in Deng Ai's eyes was real.

He has been a farmer for most of his life, and once he gains power, he becomes lawless with a natural madness.

It seemed that Yang Zheng had become a fish on the chopping board.

Yang Zheng said loudly: "Your Excellency is a courtier of Great Wei, killing the people of Great Wei, and attacking the cities of Great Wei, you know whether the law of the Great Wei is!"

Deng Ai was also aware of his stuttering problem, so he slowed down his speech and said word by word, "Your son has a sharp mouth. Yang Jinai is a subordinate of the rebellious general Xia Houba. Same crime!"

The child who opened his mouth shut his mouth, causing Liu Heng to scold on the spot: "Deng Ai, old man, you are an old bone, and you can't speak well, why do you want to die before the battle?"

Deng Ai's face was blue and red, and he was proud of his identity, so it was not easy to scold this reckless man.

Yang Zheng was also furious in his heart, "You are the governor of Yongzhou, Yunwu and Xiping are in Liangzhou, what are you doing?"

Deng Ai looked at Yang Zheng coldly, then laughed twice, "Then don't blame the governor for being ruthless!"

Yang Zheng couldn't help wondering, seeing this fellow's expression, it seemed that he was determined.

Just because you are Sima Yi's number one dog leg?
Then break this dog leg today!

There was a cold light in Yang Zheng's eyes.

The drums of war rumbled.

Deng Ai rode in front with three thousand steps, with armored soldiers behind, and moved forward slowly.

Yang Zheng stood in front of the battle, boosting morale.

The sound of shouting and killing came like waves rolling from all sides.

Meng Yu and Peng Hu have each led a cavalry to outflank Deng Ai's rear.

Wang Mai also sent his troops across Huangshui.

Forming a three-way double-team situation.

However, Deng Aijun was still unhurried.

At the moment when the war was about to break out, two groups of cavalry rushed out from the north and southeast, and the smoke and dust rose.

Yang Zheng was taken aback, could this be Deng Ai's support?

However, Deng Aijun also stopped.

Looking to the north is Chen Tai, the governor of Liangzhou, but to the southeast is the banner with the characters of Hu. It should be the people who stabilized the Hu family, but I don't know if it is Hu Fen or Hu Lie.

Only then did Yang Zheng realize that the southeast army should be Deng Ai's ambush.

It turned out that he had already prepared.

In a real fight, the outcome is yet to be known.

But which side will Chen Tai stand on?
(End of this chapter)

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