
Chapter 204 Struggling

Chapter 204 Struggling
Qushan is located in the southeast of Taoshui, with Qishan on the left and Niutoushan on the right, overlooking Taoshui.

The location of Mount Qu is very sensitive, with Longxi to the west, Nan'an to the north, Tianshui to the east, and Yinping County to the south.

Jiang Wei built two cities in the east and west on this mountain, which can be attacked and defended.

However, after preparations were made, both Wei and Shu fell into an eerie calm.

It seems that Guo Huai and Deng Ai didn't know that there were two nails at the door of their house.

And Jiang Wei was not in a hurry to attack.

Yongzhou fell into peace just like that.

Guo Huai, Deng Ai, and Chen Tai all focused on Jincheng.

"The hidden dangers of Yongliang lie first in Qianghu, second in Xiping, and third in Jincheng. However, Yang Zheng has no foundation, but he is only a warrior, and the nobles are not attached to him. Moreover, he can deter the Qianghu, so the court still needs to rely heavily on him." Sima Zhaodi Meet Guo Huai three times.

This time, however, the positions of the two seem to be reversed.

Guo Huai listened attentively, while Sima Zhao talked eloquently.

"So Yang Zheng cannot be cured suddenly. This is scabies. However, Wang Jinhu was born in the Wang family of Taiyuan, and his father guarded Yangzhou. He was a veteran of the four dynasties and a veteran general. Dear friend, the general must not disappoint the high expectations of the imperial court, and must not disappoint...father."

Sima Zhao is not a playboy.

During the period of Taihe, Emperor Ming set up a vanity case and abolished the second generation of officials and honors of the gentry.

Sima Shi and Xia Houxuan were afraid of being rejected.

Sima Zhao was not implicated, and he followed Sima Yi to fight against the Shu Han in his early years, and made many contributions.

Tired officials went to Luoyang Diannong Zhonglang General, except for exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, and did not miss the farming season. The people were happy and turned into regular servants on scattered horses.

Later, he followed Cao Shuang to attack Shu and retreated like Guo Huai.

At this moment, what Sima Zhao said was equivalent to Sima Yi.

Guo Huai had to listen attentively, because it was related to the lives of his entire family.

"Please tell Sima Gong, Huai knows what to do."

Sima Zhao's face was full of relief, "My father really saw the right person, General Guo is a hero."

Those who know current affairs are heroes.

That day, Guo Huai's [-] Yongliang elite went straight to Jincheng.

In the name of the governor of Yongliang, he transferred Wang Jinhu to attack Qushan together.

Jincheng is under the rule of Liangzhou.

Chen Tai also led [-] troops to Lingju, and ordered Yang Zheng to go out to break the Qiang, according to my permission.

Yongliang's weird confrontation is about to be broken.

Inside Qushan, Jiang Wei welcomed the envoy from the north.

It was still Linghu Sheng, still struggling to die.

"Wang Taishou is willing to vote for the great man and take Yongliang together with the general."

Jiang Wei waited for a long time, just for today, "Wang Taishou's uncle once tried his best to turn the tide and help the Han family, now Wang Taishou enters Han, isn't it God's will?"

Wang Jinhu's great-uncle was none other than Wang Yun who joined Lv Bu to kill Dong Zhuo.

Linghusheng has been running around for days, and finally found a glimmer of life here. However, how long can this fragile relationship last?
Wang Jinhu's original intention was to attract the Shu army to go north, so as to solve his situation of being trapped on three sides.

But Jiang Wei is Yi Yi's generation?

"I don't know where your eunuch will take?"

"The counties of Longyou, Chen Tai in the north and Guo Huai in the east, are all famous generals in the world. You should take Longxi first, then take Xiping and Xiping as the foundation, and then conquer Liangzhou slowly, and plan to seize Guanyou." Linghu Sheng The plan had already been made, but when he said Xiping, his voice couldn't help trembling.

"The army took Longxi first, and Xiping second." Jiang Wei muttered, but looked at Xiahouba, "What do you think?"

Xia Houba didn't change his expression, "It's a good plan. If it works, Longxi, Yinping, Xiping, and Jincheng will be connected together. However, Deng Ai has a heavy army in Nan'an. This is a sharp sword above his head. I'm afraid that if the king's prefect moves, Deng Ai will immediately send troops. Yuzhong."

Since Wang Jinhu was born in a noble family, he didn't put Deng Ai in his eyes at all.

Moreover, Fei Yi was in power in the Kingdom of Shu at this time, restricting Jiang Wei's northern expedition, with no more than [-] troops each time.

Jiang Wei had no choice but to form an alliance with Qianghu.

But Qiang Hu's combat power is really not flattering.

Therefore, the east and west cities of Qushan were built, and the defense was the offense.

Wang Jinhu's strides were a little too big. With Jiang Wei's military strength, he couldn't handle such a grand strategy at all. Food and grass alone was a big problem.

Even if he did it reluctantly, he was being led by the nose by Wang Jinhu, and the initiative was in the hands of others. How could Jiang Wei be controlled by others?
"What Lord Xiahou said is true, no matter what Wang Taishou wants to do, Deng Ai must be defeated first! And it should be done quickly."

Xia Houba has repeatedly reminded Jiang Wei to be careful of Deng Ai.

Jiang Wei was not a self-willed person, and gradually fell in love with Deng Ai.

Linghu Sheng also knew the art of war. Nan'an was the biggest threat to Jincheng, but he was influenced by Wang Jinhu and didn't think how powerful Deng Ai was. Attack Xiping again, the military situation is urgent, I will retire."

After Linghusheng left, Jiang Wei sighed and said: "Wang Jinhu was born in the Wang family of Taiyuan, and he has a false name. Today, he underestimates others and underestimates the heroes of the world because of his family background. He will definitely lose! Knowing his father from his son is definitely not the enemy of Sima Yi and his son." .”

Western capital.

Yang Zheng's third son and fourth daughter were just born.

The two children Yang Yi and Yang Wu are also one year old, and they are crawling all over the ground.

Chunniang, Ah Lian, and Peng Qingchan have all become mothers, with satisfied and happy expressions on their faces.

Getting closer with Yang Zheng.

It's just that Xiahou's talented girl's stomach has never moved. In this era, mothers are more expensive than children, and without sons, their status in the family has also plummeted.

And she became more and more silent, spending all day with her three little wolves, talking to herself.

It made Yang Zheng feel distressed.

But he couldn't do anything about this kind of thing. After much deliberation, he decided to give Ah Lian's second son to the talented woman Xiahou to raise him.

Women are always full of motherhood, and now the talented Xiahou became cheerful, and she and Ah Lian were like sisters, inseparable.

"You have to give the child a name, right?" Yang Zheng laughed.

"To understand Hongyuan is for Guang, how about taking a word for Guang?"

Yang Zheng, who was drinking water, squirted far away.

Yang Guang?

Does this mean anything?

Yang Zheng stared at the talented girl, not knowing what was going on in her beautiful head.

"Good name, good name." Ah Lian and Peng Qingchan clapped their hands and applauded.

Both of them were from Qianghu family, and they didn't know two big characters. At home, only the talented Xiahou was the one who looked after her.

After Chunniang had a son, she seldom showed her face in public.

"No, the name Yang Guang is unlucky." Yang Zheng said firmly.

"Why is it unlucky?" The talented girl fluttered her bright eyes.

Yang Zheng was at a loss for words, how should he explain it?
Yang Zhengxiao couldn't stand the name Yang Guang.

Yang Zheng put on the majesty of the head of the family, and said solemnly: "I listen to you for everything else, but this time you listen to my husband."

Xia Hou's talented girl rolled her eyes, and burst out laughing, "Then how about changing to Yang Hong? The vastness and loftiness are for Hong."

As long as it is not called Yang Guang.

Peng Qingchan's daughter is named Zhen.

Tao Zhiyao, its Ye Zhenzhen.

The elder brother Yang Yi, the second child Yang Wu, the third child Yang Hong, the eldest daughter Yang Zhen, and Yang Zheng can be regarded as both sons and daughters in this chaotic world.

Ah Lian and Peng Qingchan clapped their hands again.

Like two chirping birds.

The second daughter was born in Qianghu, and she was already full of exotic customs. After marrying Yang Zheng, although she was not rich and well-dressed, she basically had everything she should have.

If the nutrition keeps up, the second daughter will bloom.

The place that should be thin is thin, and the place that is not swollen is particularly full.

The whole body has a unique charm.


Yang Zheng couldn't help swallowing.

No wonder Wei Wu is the only one who likes this way.

Seeing that there was something wrong with Yang Zheng's eyes, the faces of the two girls turned red, adding a bit of radiance.

Xia Hou's talented woman coughed heavily, "In broad daylight, don't look at, listen to, speak, or move anything inappropriate!"

"Dun Lun's ceremony is justified, is it indecent?" Yang Zheng also learned something under the influence of his ears and eyes.

Xia Hou's talented girl opened her eyes wide, as if she couldn't believe it was Yang Zheng's words, but her skill was not slow, and she kept the second girl behind her.

Yang Zheng laughed dryly, and just as he was about to rush forward, the voice of Xu Yuanjin, a soldier from outside the courtyard, sounded, "General, there are military orders from Liangzhou."

It is rare to take a few days to spend with my wife and children.

I have to run around again.

Yang Zheng sighed, the first year of Jiaping was destined to be an eventful year.

There will be no peace after that.

Yang Zheng smiled apologetically.

Xiahou Zhi's eyes were full of reluctance.

Ah Lian and Peng Qingchan had tears in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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