
Chapter 248 Enterprising

Chapter 248 Enterprising
Riding [-] steps out of the city and heading east.

Zhang Te hesitated all the way, walked out of the city for ten miles, and then hesitated: "The general wants to pursue Deng Ai?"

He didn't close his eyes all night, and he was very nervous. Now, Yang Zheng is still in a state of excitement, and said with a smile: "Take Jincheng!"

Zhang Te was taken aback.

Meng Guan and Gong Feizhi beside Yang Zheng were all overjoyed.

"Xiping originally came from Jincheng County. The guards of Han and Qiang were all served by the prefect of Jincheng. Jincheng is the gateway to Xiping, especially Yunwu, who has the benefits of the Yellow River and Huangshui. If I don't hold it in my hands, I will sleep and eat. Uneasy!" Yang Zheng said domineeringly.

No one wants to live with it, but in the face of the cruel reality, they can only compromise.

There are only so many opportunities for a man to rise up, if he doesn't take advantage of the situation and drive in now, when will he wait?
Xiping terrain is very delicate.

Liangzhou and the Western Regions held him in their arms.

But with the Qilian Mountains as a barrier to the north, there are not many ways to attack Xiping.

And Yunwu City is the east gate of Xiping.

Deng Ai stationed troops here before, posing a huge threat to Xiping.

Zhang Te is also a person who knows the art of war. After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized, "Your subordinates know it!"

Another advantage of taking Yunwu down is that Longxi in the south is also covered by the forces.

It is equivalent to Yang Zheng regaining half of Qinzhou.

It can be regarded as worthy of Xiahou Ba Xiahouxuan's entrustment, and even more worthy of Cao Wei.

All the generals were very excited.

How exciting is it to expand the territory?
In fact, as long as Yang Zheng is willing to serve as young and strong slaves in Xiping, the four counties of Longxi, Anding, Nan'an, and Guangwei will be at his fingertips.

Deng Ai was defeated and fled in a hurry, and the Hu family in Anding had been maimed.

Within a radius of [-] li, there was no one who could fight against Yang Zheng.

But doing so would be tantamount to rebellion.

And if you are greedy, you can't chew it. If you can beat it, you may not be able to hold it.

Don't forget, there is Chen Tai in the north, the Shu army in the south, and Guo Huai in the east.

They can tacitly allow Yang Zheng to defeat Deng Ai, but they will never allow Yang Zheng to conquer the city and become the second Song Jian.

Every game has a way to play every game.

Yang Zheng became more and more transparent about the unspoken rules.

Although Yunwu is not the seat of Jincheng County now, it is of great significance from a geostrategic point of view.

An important town in the west of the Yellow River, it borders Wuwei in the north, Longxi in the south, and Nan'an in the east.

If you hold it in your hands, it won't be that Wuwei is suppressing Xiping, but Xiping will release things to suppress Wuwei.

When the army arrived, there was panic in the city, but the guards organized a defense.

The young and strong were driven up the city wall.

Bending his bow and nodding his arrow, he looked nervously down the city.

"Deng Aike is in the city!" Yang Zheng and more than a hundred guards stepped forward and shouted.

"Deng, Inspector Deng, no, not here, General Yang, please come back!" A young scholar on the city wall stuck his head out from behind the plate, trembling.

"Since you know my name, why don't you open the city?" Yang Zheng stared at the city.

"Without General Deng's military order, I dare not open the city." The scribe spoke sharply.

"This city is the city of Wei, not Deng Ai!" Yang Zheng roared angrily.

The scribe shivered and retracted his head again, and stopped talking.

But the soldiers on the city wall looked even more terrified.

Yang Zheng winked at Liu Heng, and Liu Heng rode forward, almost crossing the moat, pointed his mace at the top of the city, and roared: "Hey! Day, chickens and dogs will not stay!"

The sound was like thunder, and several young men on the city wall retreated again and again.

What Yang Zheng wanted was his reckless demeanor.

Liu Heng laughed out loud, extremely proud.

Unexpectedly, a few archers in the city were frightened, their hands trembled, and a few feathered arrows flew towards him...

The arrow shot at the person was bounced off by the cold-forged armor, but the horse was not armored, and fell to the ground on the spot, throwing Liu Heng into the moat.

The city and the city are silent.

Only the sound of Liu Heng fluttering in the moat.

"General Yang, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!" The scribe stuck out his head again.

But all the generals around Yang Zheng were furious, "If you don't destroy this city, you will not be a human being!"

"This is really a misunderstanding!" The scribes at the top of the city shouted with tears in their voices.

Liu Heng, who climbed up from the moat, sat on the ground in embarrassment, and his mace didn't know where it sank.

Yang Zheng also knew that this was a misunderstanding, but what he said couldn't be regarded as farting, right?


With an order, the infantry stepped forward carrying a simple long ladder.

crunch, crunch...

At the last moment, the gate of Yunwu City opened.

The scribe led a few people out of the city, and stood in front of thousands of troops, "General Yang, you must not hurt the people in the city! People who are in charge of Jincheng will feel resentful!"

Yang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. If he really broke into the city, it would be difficult to say what happened later.

There are only a few people in Liangzhou...

However, I respect this scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken.

Seeing him trembling, he should still be terrified to death, but he still chose to stand up and plead for the people.

"What's your name?" Yang Zheng became interested in him.

"Under Zhang Yu, the former Jincheng prefect Zhang is my father."

"Son of Duke Zhang?"

Zhang Gong, Zhang Jiu, father and son, were powerful in the Western Regions, highly respected, and loyal to Cao Wei.

Unexpectedly, this frail scholar was their heir.

With Zhang Yan, isn't Jincheng County determined by the spread?

Yang Zheng was overjoyed, "Lingzu Lingfu is the humerus of our Great Wei Dynasty and the pillar of the Northwest. I hope that Your Excellency will help me so that the people of Jincheng will be less slaughtered!"

Zhang Chen's eyes flickered a few times, "General Yang, how are you different from a bandit when you attack a city without authorization?"

What Yang Zheng was most afraid of was this kind of stubborn scholar. He cupped his hands and said, "I will punish Wu Dai for the great Wei Dynasty and pacify the mistresses. Xi'an will be peaceful and peaceful, and there will be no more chaos between Qiang and Hu. I have contributed to the imperial court and the people of Yongliang. Deng Ai beat me for no reason, so what should I say?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, "This..."

"If you don't want to help me, please take your family and leave. There will be wars in Jincheng in the future, so take care of yourself."

Twisted melons are not sweet.

Yang Zheng didn't want to waste any more words, "Liu Heng, you lead three hundred cavalry to escort you, sir."

"Wei!" shouted the drowned Liu Heng with red eyes, still dripping water, gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression, "Subordinates must send Mr. somewhere!"

Zhang Ting shook his whole body, "I, I am willing to help the general."

Yang Zheng was taken aback, "Sir, you must not force yourself."

"Absolutely, absolutely no reluctance, I am truly, sincerely willing to help the general..."

"That's great!" Yang Zheng was overjoyed, the only thing he needed was a scholar.

Zhang Yu is not considered a gentry, but barely considered a powerful man, which is of great use.

Yang Zheng led Zhang Chen's hand into the city.

A thousand soldiers followed behind, and the army camped outside the city under the restraint of Zhang Te and Meng Guan.

Cheers resounded like a tidal wave in Yunwu City.

The common people don't care whose great king's flag is changing at the top of the city. At this moment, Yunwu City is safe.

Gong Feizhi led people to guard the treasury immediately.

As Deng Ai's military base, Yunwu was also a transfer station for supplies and supplies.

Food and ordnance piled up like mountains.

Gong Feizhi is a vulgar person, and there are very few people who can read and write, so naturally he can't count them.

Instead, Zhang Chen took the bamboo slips and reported to Yang Zheng one by one: "Fivety-three thousand two hundred and fifty shi for grain, three thousand five hundred and seventy-seven cattle and sheep, one thousand two hundred horses, five thousand seven hundred and twenty three collars for armor..."

Numbers are accurate to the single digit.

Yang Zheng couldn't help but look at him with admiration. Although he was less courageous, he still did things in an orderly manner.

Winning Yunwu City also made a windfall, which was a surprise to Yang Zheng.

But Yunwu is just a city in Jincheng.

Cao Wei abandoned Yunwu County because of the Qiang rebellion one after another. In Jincheng County, there are six counties of Yuzhong, Jincheng, Yunjie, Zhiyang, Haomen, and Lingju.

With Yunwu City coming so easily, Yang Zheng couldn't help coveting the lower reaches of the Yellow River and Yuzhong Zhiyang on the east bank.

The knife has been stretched out, is there any reason to take it back?

Jincheng County has also been unlucky these years.

First he was harassed by Ye Wudai, and Erhe Shaoge also came to join in the fun, and then he was captured by Guo Huai. Xiahou Ba ruled Yunwu, Gaopingling was besieged by Deng Ai and Guo Huai.

Afterwards, Jincheng prefect Wang Jinhu jumped out again, and another round of war broke out...

In just three years, I appeared on the stage after you sang.

Now, it was Yang Zheng's turn.

 Song Jian: A native of Fuhan, who claimed to be King of Heshou Ping Han, gathered his subordinates in Fanghan, changed the Yuan Dynasty, set up hundreds of officials, and separated the regime for more than [-] years.

  In the early years, he followed Han Sui, Bian Zhang and others to start an incident in Xizhou.

  In the 19th year of Jian'an (214), it was destroyed and destroyed by Cao Cao's dispatched general Xia Houyuan.

  Zhang Gong and Zhang Jiu father and son: At the beginning, they were the meritorious officers of Dunhuang County.At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was great chaos in Hexi, Zhang Gongsui sent his son Zhang Ju to ask Cao Cao to appoint a prefect, but was detained by the rebel generals, he would rather die than submit, and encouraged Zhang Gong not to think about his son, and raised troops to attack the bandits, and was rescued later.

  In September of the fourth year of Qinglong, Hu Abi's division outside the Great Wall of Liangzhou attacked the countries in the Western Regions. Zhang, who knew the captain of the Western Regions, sent troops to conquer and beheaded and captured more than [-] people.

  Zhang Yu later became an official to the Western Jin Dynasty to protect the Xiongnu Zhonglang general.

(End of this chapter)

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