
Chapter 258 Horseshoe

Chapter 258 Horseshoe
Back in the mansion, the servants came to report to Gongsunfu to see him.

Gongsun Fu was sent to the Western Regions last year to look for famous horses, and he has been there for almost four or five months.

In the living room, Gongsun Fu had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Yang Zheng, he cupped his hands and bowed, "It's a good luck for me to visit all the countries in the Western Regions and find 31 fine stallions, as well as a treasure."

"Oh? What kind of treasure is it?" Yang Zheng became very curious. If it was something like gems and agates, he wasn't very interested.

Gongsun Fu took out an arc-shaped iron object from his sleeve a little excitedly.

"Horseshoe!" Yang Zheng also became excited.

This thing is a treasure. With it, it can protect the hoof of the horse, make the horse run farther, and enhance the combat effectiveness of the cavalry. This is the real iron cavalry!

In the battle of breaking the Qiang, Meng Yu's six thousand cavalry battalion attacked the Hu brothers, losing nearly half of the horses!

Most of the horseshoes are cracked or broken.

With this thing and paired with double stirrups, Yang Zheng's cavalry can really run across the world!

The general's tactical level is important, but the importance of equipment is also self-evident.

Yang Zheng remembered that the horseshoes appeared in Middle Earth, which seemed to be in the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties.

The Mongolian cavalry galloping all over the world may be related to this thing.

"This thing happened when my subordinates crossed the Tianshan Mountains to look for Dawan horses. The Central Plains has never heard of it. How did the general know about it?" Gongsunfu asked suspiciously.

Yang Zheng gave a random reason, "I saw it in an ancient book."

Gongsun Fu was puzzled for a moment, "The general has profound knowledge, and his subordinates are not as good as him."

Yang Zheng laughed dryly, and immediately rushed to Tiefang with Gongsun Fu.

Make it build some.

Gongsunfu was still reliable in his work, not only brought back the stallion and the shoe, but also brought back four barbarians.

A real bearded bearded man.

It's just that he is thin and thin, with sunken eye sockets, and he looks like a person who often suffers from hunger.

Just like most of the Qiang Hus that Yang Zheng had seen in this era.

Physically, they are worse than Han people.

The argument that nomads are meat-eating people and farming peoples eat grass is simply ridiculous. Grassland people live a more miserable life than people in the Central Plains. Eating meat is the business of chiefs and nobles, and all kinds of dairy products are ordinary. food for herdsmen.

Bringing two war horses, Gongsun Fu gestured to the three barbarians.

The Hu people nodded frequently, and took out all kinds of strange tools from the package. The two hugged the horse, one comforted the horse, and the other nailed the palm.

Those who can be brought back by Gongsunfu naturally have some real skills.

After about half an hour, the four of them were sweating profusely before they could fix a war horse.

Yang Zheng inspected it, and then rode on the horse again. It was alive and well, with strong hooves. He reined in the reins, and the horse stood up. Its two front hooves stepped on the bluestone, leaving two cracks.

The real cavalry was born.

In the later stage, as long as it is equipped with double stirrups and cold forged armor, it will be a unit that is ahead of this era.

Cavalry is king on the battlefield, especially in Liangzhou.

In the battle of Hulaoguan in history, Emperor Li Erda's 30 mysterious armored cavalry attacked Dou Jiande's [-] army head-on, and captured Dou Jiande alive.

Although in history, Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty used [-] infantry to defeat the moon formation and smashed the [-] cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but how many fierce men like Wu Song in history?
Cavalry has a considerable advantage most of the time.

"Tell them, stay in the Western Capital from now on, and find some quick-witted people to learn from him." Yang Zheng said to Gongsun Fu.

Gongsunfu chirped and gestured to the four barbarians.

The four barbarians understood all, but shook their heads.

Gongsun Fu wondered: "They are willing to nail horseshoes for the generals, but they are not willing to teach the skills. They also want us to give each horse a tael of gold."

"Why don't you grab it!" Yang Zheng laughed angrily.

A tael of gold...

Is this treating yourself as a big wrong?
Besides, with the way the four of them did it, it took years of monkeys and horses and months to get an iron cavalry.

"Tell them, I only need one person who can teach, and if I don't want to teach, I will behead them all!" Yang Zheng said murderously.

After Gongsunfu finished making gestures, the four Hu men looked at Yang Zheng in fear, and discussed again with their heads buried in chatter.

One person stood up and said in quite fluent Chinese: "Dear General, we are willing, willing, please don't kill us."

"You can speak Chinese!" Gongsun Fu said angrily.

Merchants in the Western Regions have always been cunning. During the Han Dynasty, a large number of merchants pretended to be the princes of the Western Regions and went to Luoyang, Chang'an to cheat for food, drink, and rewards.

Besides, in this era of war and chaos, who can do business everywhere, who is not a thief and slippery?
There was Feng Qi before, and now there are these Hu people.

"I won't kill you, but I will reward you with money in the mansion, so that you can live in this city with peace of mind, marry wives and have children." Knowing Chinese is much more convenient.

Horseshoes and double stirrups are considered secret weapons, and it is impossible to leak them out.

Confidentiality is certain.

Yang Zheng thought about building another Dawu Fort in Saofeng Valley, south of Xiping, to develop new weapons and hide new cavalry.

The Hu people showed distress, "We are resting in peace and still have family members."

"I'll send someone to pick them up." Yang Zheng said with an air of confidence in them, "Okay, I'm busy, if you don't want to, I'll find a good cemetery for you."

Stabbing horseshoes is not a particularly difficult thing. After reading it once, you will know the general method. Without them, Yang Zheng is confident that he can figure it out.

"Willing, willing!"

The barbarian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Yang Zheng looked at Gongsunfu, "Take them down, to entertain them, and to meet their needs in life as much as possible. If you cheat, you can cut off their heads."

"Wei!" Gongsun Fu squinted at the four barbarians.

The next day, three new cavalrymen stood in front of Yang Zheng.

Both men and horses wore cold-forged armor, double stirrups, and four iron hoofs. While running, the cavalry completely let go of the reins, and held long lances with both hands, but they were much more stable than before.

Increased stability means increased combat power.

No matter the long lance, the ring head knife, bow and arrow, they can be used freely.

The war horses leap and gallop, and the tigers and tigers are in the wind.

This is the real cavalry.

"Everyone who has come into contact with these equipment must keep it secret and keep it under strict supervision. Don't put it in a camp. Their family members are also connected to the camp and do not have contact with outsiders." It is a good thing, and it is not difficult to get it out. If it is leaked , will become your own nightmare.

Do not underestimate the skill level of your opponents.

Insufficient population has increased the demand for technology.

Ma Jun once improved the Zhuge Liannu and improved the new weaving silk loom. His invention of the keel waterwheel is still in use in later generations.

Gongsunfu cupped his hands and said, "Wei!"

Yang Zheng has also seen the stallions in the Western Regions, but he thinks they are nothing more than that, and he doesn't feel that they are much better than Liangzhou horses.

It could also be that Gongsun Fu didn't find the right place.

With horseshoes, the requirements for war horses are not so high.

Hehuang horses have their own strengths in physical strength and cold resistance.

"You have worked hard this trip, but I can't let you take a break. Now is the critical time, and you are still responsible for the salt affairs." Yang Zheng patted Gongsunfu on the shoulder.

At the most critical time, it was these old brothers who held on.

Gongsunfu looked excited, "This subordinate dares to do his best!"

"General, the court envoy is here!" The personal guard came to report.

Yang Zheng was startled, and finally came.

Whether Jincheng County can swallow it in a legitimate way depends on the imperial court's will.

(End of this chapter)

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