
Chapter 269 Deployment

Chapter 269 Deployment
Xiping tossed and tossed boldly.

Wuwei is also undercurrents.

After Hu Fen took office, he faced a more severe situation than Chen Tai.

The Hu family's raptors crossed the river in Anping, but the local snake in Wuwei naturally refused to accept it.

Chen Tai was a nobleman from Yingchuan, so there was no essential conflict with Liangzhou tyrants, and Chen Tai's prestige was there, so he didn't take the opportunity to expand his power when he governed Bingzhou.

Hu Fen was different.

Anding is just a stone's throw away from Wuwei.

Everyone knows what's going on.

The ranch of the Wuwei Army Tunmin Tunguan Mansion has long been emptied, and Hu Fen's four thousand plays are even a problem for food.

It is also necessary to transport grain and grass from Anding and Nan'an.

"Yi said: If you are poor, you will change. If you change, you will be successful. If you are successful, you will last forever. If a general wants to last, he must be flexible!" Wei Guan whispered.

Before he became the Sima of Liangzhou, he was already a regular servant of the imperial court on horseback, serving at the emperor's side, which was a signal that he was about to be reused.

"How to change?" Hu Fen was depressed during this time.

On the way to Wuwei, I was ambushed six times...

This is a typical shaming power.

"Yang Zheng divides the land and reduces the tax to attract the people of Yongliang. His ambition is not small. The general was entrusted by Sima Gong, and he has a long way to go. His subordinates think that he should first kill a hundred people to boost his prestige." .

"Isn't this self-isolation from the gentry in the world?" Hu Fen, who was born in a stable Hu family, had to consider the far-reaching impact.

Given his personality, it was difficult for him to do such a thing, so Master Sima sent Wei Guan to assist him.

Most of the Liangzhou gentry gathered in Wuwei, and a small half gathered in Dunhuang.

Since the end of Han Dynasty, it has had far-reaching influence.

Jia, Duan, Zhang, Li, Suo, Liao, etc., are all among the top families.

Wei Guan spread his hands together, "This is the best strategy. Take one or two big families, take their slaves' land, distribute them to the common people, and take them as farmers to expand their strength. Then, the governor of Liangzhou will call the defenders of Zhangye, Jiuquan, and Dunhuang to form an army. The coalition forces, using the Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Qianghu as minions, gather a crowd of [-], and attack Deng Shizai on three sides, within three years, Xiping will be destroyed."

No matter how much Xiping struggles, the population, financial and material resources cannot be compared with Liangzhou.

What's more, there is Deng Ai watching over him.

But the premise is that Hu Fen can integrate the entire Liangzhou.

"This strategy is too urgent, I would like to hear about the middle strategy."

Sima Shi's secret letter is to take it if you can take it, and suppress Xiping if you can't take it.

After pondering for a moment, Wei Guan said: "Since you don't want to move the gentry, you can learn from Yang Zheng, start with the Qiang Hu, take his population as military slaves, and then coerce the Xiongnu and Xianbei to force the gentry to submit."

"A bad idea."

"Exhaust the pond to fish, increase the taxation of the people, collect their fields, force them to be farmers, wait for the opportunity secretly, and assist Deng Shijun to send troops to Xiping."

After Hu Fen thought for a while, he quickly made a decision in his heart, and he absolutely dare not use the best policy.

The gentry in the world are intertwined with each other. If you offend them for 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, even if Yang Zheng is pacified, the road to pacify the Hu family will become narrower and narrower.

Not to mention he didn't dare to do this, even if Master Sima came, he wouldn't dare to play like this.

The bad policy is too cruel, and there are not many people in the registered households of the Liangzhou government.

Even with Hu Fen's character, he couldn't do it.

So the only way is to deal with the Qiang Hu first.

The sentence "Yang Zheng started his career with Qiang Hu" hit Hu Fen's heartstrings.

Warriors are all competitive, since Yang Zheng can stand up as Qianghu, why can't he?

"Middle policy!"

Wei Guan stroked the two beards on his lips lightly, "Take the middle strategy, and the victory or defeat will be between five and five."

Hu Fen waved his hand forcefully, "Of course it's for a decisive victory on the battlefield!"

"Yang Zheng was able to rise to power in Xiping in four or five years. He must be superior. There is a saying in the art of war. If you know yourself and the enemy, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles. Therefore, careful work must be done. The subordinates have made decisions without authorization and have already deployed." Wei Guan turned his eyes to the south.

The south is blocked by mountains.

The peaks of Lenglongling and Wushaoling are covered with snow all the year round, and the rivers transformed by the snow nourish the large areas of land on both sides of the north and south.

It was July, and the green wheat seedlings in the south of the Qilian Mountains rose and fell like thousands of hectares of waves.

Under the scorching sun, the slaves shuttled through the period.

Repelling insects, weeding, and water irrigation all rely on manpower.

However, Yang Zheng felt that the crops of this era were far from being as lush as those of later generations.

The crops of later generations have been selected and raised, and various chemical fertilizers and herbicides have been used to produce more than six to seven hundred catties per mu.

Now it can reach [-] catties, which is the first-class fertile land.

The average yield per mu in Xiping is more than 200 jin.

"This year's intensive cultivation, it's a pity that there is not enough rain, otherwise the output will be higher than last year." A scribe next to Lu Zhi said.

"Zhang Huan, whose style name is Mingqi, is an offshoot of the Zhang family in Wuwei, and is now an official in Xiping." Lu Zhi introduced.

An official is not a real job, but Lu Zhi's deputy.

Zhang Huan cupped his hands and said, "See you, my lord!"

"Excuse me, sir." Yang Zheng said politely. Du Kuan's recruiting department still played a role. The number of scholars from Liangzhou has suddenly increased recently.

Among them, there are many talented and learned people, who were transferred to various divisions as officials, and they were promoted according to their abilities in the future.

"Huan came to Liangzhou at the end of his studies and underachievered. It is really a blessing for the three lives to be reused by the lord." Zhang Huan looked grateful.

Reuse is out of the question. Yang Zheng is more cautious in employing people. Without real talents and practical learning, it is still difficult to go further.

"Xiping is waiting to be rejuvenated, and we need to rely more on Mr. Yang in the future." Yang Zheng also responded with a few words.

Lu Zhi coughed, and Zhang Huan stepped back knowingly.

Du Yu looked at Zhang Huan, then at Yang Zheng.

Yang Zheng understood, "Everyone step down first."

Both the people and the soldiers retreated more than [-] steps, only Lu Zhi, Du Yu and Yang Zheng were there.

"Liangzhou, Yongzhou and Xiping are very unusual. Those who come from the north need to pay more attention." Du Yu mentioned casually.

Lu Zhi said: "There are many warriors in Xiping, but there is a shortage of scribes. Don't close the door because of suspicion."

Du Yu clasped his hands and said, "Don't blame Lu Gong for the kid's slip of the tongue."

Lu Zhi smiled and said, "To be fair, Yuan Kai is not to blame."

Yang Zheng said: "Lu Gong's words are reasonable, but Yuan Kai's words are not wrong. It is always right to be careful and on guard. I will ask Meng Guan to check it carefully before it can be used to great effect."

Yang Zheng didn't take it too seriously.

There must be meticulous work, and it is impossible to avoid it.

Just keep them out of key sectors.

Both Jiuyingying and Xuanyi Division are not free-spirited.

There is still one month until the autumn harvest.

The biggest thing about Xiping is this.

However, after Yang Zheng visited the various farms, he had an intuitive feeling that the road was difficult...

There are bumpy mountain roads everywhere, with big pits connecting small pits.

These days, the role of the official road is equivalent to the high-speed rail of later generations.

Wherever it extends, it is truly under Yang Zheng's rule.

Over the past year and a half, Pingleiying has been building bridges to connect the two banks of the Huangshui River and the Yellow River.

"Didn't the battle of breaking the Qiang capture Deng Ai's [-] diggers?" Yang Zheng asked.

Deng Ai started his career as a farmer, and is best at various fortifications and docks.

Lu Zhi nodded and said, "Yes, these people are building Wubao in Jincheng."

Yang Zheng said: "I plan to imitate Daqin and build a straight road in Xiping, what do you two think?"

Du Yu said: "The autumn harvest is coming soon, and we will soon use troops against the Qiang land. It seems that we shouldn't waste people's resources here?"

After thinking about it, Lu Zhi said: "I think it's okay. After the autumn harvest, there are few slaves and they often gather to make troubles. It's better to use their strength to build straight roads and eat twice a day. Naturally, there will be a lot of people responding."

According to the experience of later generations, it is not impossible to do this, but it is too slow.

Everything in Xiping is a race against time and development.

In return for meticulous work, Hu Fen and Deng Ai also moved frequently.

After Taiwei Sima Fu took office as General Anxi, he had the right to supervise the military affairs of Yongliang and Liang.

People give people, food for food...

Three batches of Tuntian Hakka and Qiangdi tribes with 3 people were recruited into Nan'an.

Deng Ai chose young and strong as his army, and the old and weak farmed.

Deng Ai is obviously more cautious and low-key than before.

But Yang Zheng knew that this kind of caution and low-key would be fatal to him.

To be honest, the battle of breaking the Qiang was a fluke in terms of strategy.

In addition, Deng Ai somewhat despised himself.

It's different now.

No one will underestimate anyone.

"After the autumn harvest, order all villages, cities and counties to work together, and the military government will conduct unified inspection and acceptance. Those who work too much will be rewarded, and those who don't work will be punished."

There are no exorbitant taxes in Xiping, but military service and corvee service are not exempted.

After the autumn harvest, farming will not be delayed, and it will be carried out at the same time, which greatly shortens the time for road construction.

Some mountain roads or places that are not easy to repair are handed over to Pingleiying.

The combination of government and the people.

"Wei!" The two could hear that this was a military order, which was irrefutable, and they handed over at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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