
Chapter 319 Arrested

Chapter 319 Arrested (thanks to leader Zackwon)

"Even if we turn Xiahou's mansion upside down, I still have to find my brother!" Just half an hour after the fire broke out, Master Sima rushed here with a group of cavalry.

More than ten years ago, Sima Shi was Xia Houxuan's brother-in-law, the two had known each other since they were young, and they were both vanity party members, so they had a very good relationship.

Everyone in the mansion was moved.

"It is simply slander to hear that the general and Taichang are not compatible."

"It's only too often that the general can value it so much."

"With the general here, the Xiahou family will not lose power."

All kinds of remarks are endless.

Sima Shi didn't pay attention to these things.

Right now is the critical period for the Wu people to counterattack Huainan. At this time, Xia Houxuan is gone...

Sima Shi was very worried, the sarcoma on his left eye swelled a little bit, it was painful and itchy, the more itchy, the more angry he was.

How could a big living person disappear?
More than 20 masters knelt in front of Sima Shi's horse's hoof, with their heads bowed, none of them dared to look directly at Sima Shi.

"Siege Xiahou Mansion, seal Luoyang City, Wuwei Battalion Leopard Riders patrol around Luoyang, suspicious people, etc., all arrested!"

"Wei!" The cavalry galloped away.

Master Sima got off his horse, his gloomy eyes gleamed coldly in the dark night, and walked up to the servant, "So, you let that person run away?"

The servant was sweating profusely, "This subordinate has cut off two of his fingers, this person must still be in the mansion now, it is not difficult to find."

Master Sima patted him on the shoulder, "Very well, you can go."

The servant raised his head in shock, "Master..."

Sima Shi stood in front of him with his hands behind his back, unarmed. Although he was still looking at him, he was no longer in his eyes.

These years, Master Sima rarely showed his true colors in front of people.

Everything will be fairly restrained, with an appropriate display of kindness at times, but obviously not tonight.

The servant slowly lowered his head and picked up the ring head knife.

The guards around Master Sima focused their attention on vigilance.

The servant put the knife on his own neck, his eyes showed the last intention of begging, but Master Sima still didn't see him in his eyes, and the expression on his face was as cold as ice.

Compared with a few years ago, Sima Shi's aura is even stronger.

The fierceness makes people unable to resist at all.

The knife swung lightly, blood spurted out, and the person fell limply.

Master Sima snorted coldly, "You will be rewarded for your meritorious deeds, and you will be punished for your demerit, you will know!"

The secret agents all lowered their heads and clasped their fists.

Without any orders, these people scattered away, and within an hour, the chaos in Xiahou's mansion was brought under control, and the fire was extinguished.

In the bright hall where Xia Houxuan often lived, there was a secret passage leading to the outside of the mansion.

Three injured persons were found.

One lost an arm, one lost a hand, and one lost two fingers.

Master Sima glanced at them, and the three of them trembled and knelt down on their knees involuntarily.

"I have something important to do, I hope all three of you can answer it truthfully." Master Sima picked up the bloody Huan Shou Dao on the ground.

The three trembled and couldn't speak a word.

Master Sima walked slowly in front of the three of them, without looking at any of them, pointing to Xu Shu who had a severed hand in the middle and said, "It's you."

Xu Shu was startled and said in great surprise: "General, general, army..."

"There is no need to quibble, as long as you tell what Taichang is, I will spare your life." There was a kind of majesty in Sima Shi's faint voice.

"Villains and people don't know anything." Xu Shu said with a face of cold sweat.

Sima Shi sneered and said: "The fear of the two of them is real. You are faking it. You are a smart person, and a certain person also appreciates smart people. In fact, no matter what you say or not, if you follow you, you can always find clues. .”

Xu Shu turned his head, and sure enough, the lips of the two men were trembling, and there were puddles of water on their crotches.

It is good for ordinary people to stand still in front of the great general of the dynasty, but how can they speak clearly?

Xu Shu chopped off his arm just now, but it was useless.

Master Sima's eyes suddenly turned around, like two will-o'-the-wisps, flickering on and off, as if trying to frighten away the soul of a person.

Everyone in the mansion held their breath.

Xu Shu gritted his teeth and said, "The villain doesn't know anything!"

Master Sima sighed, "Oh, why are you asking for trouble? You will definitely tell me, come and take it down."

"General, Taichang and grandson Xiahouxu are missing in the mansion."

Sima Shi's eyelids twitched, "Everyone in Xiahou's mansion, torture them!"

At this time, people outside the house suddenly shouted and neighed.

"Too often, too often come back!"

There was a hint of excitement in the voice.

Master Sima and the guards walked out of the mansion.

However, amidst the bright lights of the torches, Xia Houxuan was staring calmly at Master Sima on the steps.

When Xiahouxuan didn't show up, Master Sima's aura overwhelmed everyone, but when Xiahouxuan appeared, Master Sima's aura was invisibly weakened by three points.

One is the high vessel in the temple, and the other is the person in power in the temple.

All the soldiers around were from the Sima family.

Xia Houxuan was alone, but his mood was calm, "Why is the general disturbing you?"

Master Sima looked Xia Houxuan up and down, and suddenly smiled, "I asked my brother about the fire in the mansion. I was worried about my brother's safety, so I came here in person."

"It's time to work." Xia Houxuan cupped his hands, "If there is nothing else, the general should go back to rest earlier, the battle in Huainan is coming soon, the general must work hard, take care of your health."

The gentle voice makes everyone present feel like they are in the spring breeze.

All the urgency just now was swept away.

Such a warm and moist person made Master Sima helpless.

Even though there were still many suspicious points, Master Sima couldn't open his mouth at this time, and bowed his hands in return, "Taichang also needs to take care of your health."

The two of you come and go, as if they are really affectionate.

Master Sima led the cavalry back to the mansion, and Zhong Hui greeted him at the door.

"So, Xiahou Taichu has been missing for an hour and a half!"

I can meet many people and do many things in an hour and a half.

"He sent away his eldest grandson, could it be that he wants to give it a go?" Sima Shi sneered.

Zhong Hui shook his head, "Xiahou Xuan's nature is like warm water, he will never fight to the death."

"Water is good for all things and does not fight, and the husband does not fight, so no one in the world can compete with it!" Master Sima said in a deep voice.

With the support of this beam and pillar, Cao Wei will never fall down.

And Xia Houxuan's reputation is also a huge threat to Master Sima.

The more uncontested he is, the more he can arouse the admiration inside and outside the field.

Zhong Hui brought a cup of tea to his mouth, "It's actually very simple to find out what Xiahou Taichu did for an hour and a half."

"Oh?" Master Sima smiled.

"Just find out which members of the court are missing!" Zhong Hui took a sip of tea.

Sima Shi had [-] dead men. It was difficult to monitor the whole of Luoyang, but it was not difficult to monitor some key figures.

Two hours later, the names of two people were sent.

Zhongshu Ling Li Feng, and Doctor Guanglu Zhang Ji.

Li Feng's son Li Tao married Princess Qi, and Zhang Ji's daughter had just been canonized as queen.

Both are royal relatives.

"It seems that the emperor can't wait any longer." Master Sima crushed the ball of paper.

The defeat of Dongxing made many people think that the time had come.

"Major general, you might as well wait for a while, more people will jump out, and then they will be wiped out!" Zhong Huiyin said flatly.

(End of this chapter)

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