
Chapter 406 Missed

Chapter 406 Missed
The wind and snow are big and small.

Outside Xiaoguan, the cold wind howled, the dripping water turned into ice, and no one could stand on the city wall.

"In this weather, it's really freezing to kill people." The newly promoted Captain Jiang Rong cursed.

He is Jiang Faye's confidant, and he has been by Jiang Faye's side since the battle of Jianzhong ten years ago, and has gone through many bloody battles.

"We Qiang people are never afraid of severe cold!" Jiang Faye said in a deep voice.

Several people patrolled the city defense together, and wherever they went, the soldiers there straightened their backs.

But after Jiang Faye passed by, the soldiers became slack and hid behind the battlement.

The Qiang people in the past were naturally not afraid of the wind and snow and the severe cold, and women gave birth to children, and they did not avoid the wind and snow. But these years, the Qiang people have enough food and clothing, and their lives are better, and they are delicate.

Jiang Faye looked around and felt a little cold, so he walked into the turret.

The charcoal fire in the building is booming, and there are clay pots on the fire, gurgling in the pot, and the smell of meat is overflowing.

There was boiling wine in the jug next to it.

Grain, grass, ordnance and other things are also piled here to avoid freezing.

When the aroma of wine and meat meet, they will win the countless worlds.

"How can you drink while on duty?" Jiang Faye asked with a cold face.

The next moment, the ice on his face melted, "In such a cold day, it's okay to have a few drinks, but not too much!"

"Yes, yes." The surrounding soldiers also flattered.

"My subordinates are looking forward to having thieves come and earn some military merits, but it's freezing cold, where are the thieves?" Jiang Rong poured a big bowl full for Jiang Faye.

The smell of alcohol rushed to my face, and the glutton in my stomach immediately started to move...

...Yang Zheng led the army and came straight to Xiaoguan.

The road was blocked by wind and snow, and the marching speed was greatly affected.

In order to kill Deng Ai, Yang Zheng dispatched 3 cavalry from Guzang, gathered more than [-] soldiers from Fuyin and Anding, and sent a letter to Wei Guan in Yuzhong to surround Deng Ai together. It cannot be ordered to return to Nan'an.

Unexpectedly, just after crossing the Yellow River, the report of defeat ahead has already come.

Xiao Guan lost...

Deng Ai's eight thousand elites attacked Xiaoguan in the wind and snow, just as Jiang Faye was in a daze from drinking, and when the soldiers were relaxing, they broke through Xiaoguan in one fell swoop.

Although he was mentally prepared, Yang Zheng was a little surprised that Xiao Guan was lost so quickly.

"How is Jiang Zhonglang?" After all, it was his father-in-law, and if it fell into Deng Ai's hands, it would be a bit bad.

Thinking of his three father-in-laws, Xia Houxuan, Jiang Faye, and Peng Hu, they were more or less unreliable.

"Fortunately, his subordinates fought to the death, and with the help of Qiang cavalry, Jiang Zhonglang broke out of the encirclement, and Deng Ai's infantry couldn't catch up."

People safe is good.

There is no doubt that even if Jiang Faye does not drink, he is not Deng Ai's opponent.

Only a ruthless person like Deng Ai dared to cross Longshan Mountain to attack Xiaoguan in this kind of weather.

Just know where Deng Ai is.

"Before Jiang Zhonglang withdrew, the fire broke out and burned the food and supplies!" the scout added.

This scout was relatively young, so it looked like he had been promoted recently, and the report missed the point.

The last sentence is the most important!
Yang Zheng opened his eyes wide, and suddenly burst out laughing, "God help me too!"

Jiang Faye's father-in-law is unreliable but also somewhat reliable.

"March at full speed and take back Xiaoguan!" Yang Zheng ordered.

"The general has an order, march at full speed, and take back Xiaoguan!"

The order is conveyed layer by layer.

The soldiers speeded up and started running in the wind and snow.

As a pro-military, each person has a sheepskin jacket, a layer of leather armor, and a layer of iron armor on top of the leather armor. Not to mention the defense, the effect of keeping out the cold is definitely full.

Marching with heavy loads in wind and snow is also an essential subject in military training, and soldiers have long been accustomed to it.

Hehuang Jianma has always been cold-resistant and treats wind and snow as nothing.

The war horses were not greatly affected. There were small towns along the way for sheltering from the wind and snow for rest, and Du Yu mobilized the young and strong to transport grain and grass behind him.

Yang Zheng is bound to win this battle.

The scouts kept going back and forth between Dajun and Xiaoguan, bringing the latest information.

"Deng Ai is actively deploying defenses."

"Huangfu's family and Zhang's family tangled up their steps and arrived at the city."

"Nanan Qiuben, Di Dao Duanzhuo, and Guangwei Qianhong each led five or six thousand people to surround Anding!"


The news came one by one.

It seems that Deng Ai is going to play a big game with himself in Xiaoguan.

This is also good, if Longyou's troops are spared, the pressure on Yuzhong Weiguan will be much less.

"What's the news about Chang'an?" This was what Yang Zheng was most concerned about.

If Sima Fu sent troops from Chang'an to support Xiaoguan, the battle would repeat itself.

"General, Jiang Wei's troops are storming the Great Wall, and Sima Fu hastened to rescue two thousand infantry," said the scout.

This time the Shu army finally did not have diarrhea.

Sima Fu is a shrewd politician, and it is still clear which is more important.

Xiao Guan was just icing on the cake, but if the Shu army came to the city of Chang'an, it would shake the world.

Even in the Northern Expedition of Zhuge Wuhou, no soldiers came to the city of Chang'an.

"Then the time to encircle and annihilate Deng Ai has come!" Yang Zheng, who was riding a black feather, said in a deep voice.

Xiao Guan seems to be Deng Ai's opportunity, but it is actually Deng Ai's cage.

Yang Zheng's desire to kill Deng Ai became stronger and stronger.

Only by killing him can Du Yu's grand strategy really come to fruition.

Otherwise, with Deng Ai's virtue, Xiao Guan would definitely be turned into another iron bucket.

This is also the worst part of him.

After walking for five days in the wind and snow, they finally arrived at Xiaoguan. The wall of the pass had already been replaced with a banner with the word "Deng".

A flag of Anxi General Deng was planted on the tower.

The white mountain, the white city wall, and the white land extend infinitely into the distance.

The long sound of the horn whimpered along with the wind and snow.

It is often said that the autumn wind is bleak, but the winter snow is even more chilling.

There is only ice and cold between heaven and earth.

"This subordinate is ashamed of the general!" Jiang Faye knelt directly in the snow with a guilty expression on his face.

It was somewhat inappropriate to let his nominal father-in-law kneel in front of him, Yang Zheng hurriedly helped him up, "Deng Ai attacked at night while taking advantage of the wind and snow, it is inevitable that you will be no match for it, according to the military law, this general will cut off your chest now." Do you have any objections to the position of General Lang?"

In any case, the crime of losing the city and land cannot be solved anyway.

In the way of generals, rewards and punishments must be trusted, and the same is true for the way of being a king.

If even a person of Jiang Faye's status could be punished, needless to say, other people in the army would indirectly enforce the military law.

"This subordinate accepts the crime!" Jiang Faye was also calm.

Yang Zheng was quite relieved, it seemed that this father-in-law did not suffer in vain.

Take a fall and gain a wisdom. If you fall now, you will still rise again in the future.

"Report to the general, Huangfu, Zhang, and Wu, when will they attack the city?" In the ice and snow, scouts rushed to report.

"The inside and outside of Xiaoguan are besieged by our army, and Deng Ai has fallen to death!" Pang Qing said.

Yang Zheng looked at Xiaoguan City Wall.

A layer of shiny ice had already been laid on it. Since it was a dead city, there was no need to attack the city in this weather, and there was not much food in the city.

Rather than siege the city thanklessly, it is better to encircle and fight for reinforcements and eat up the three reinforcements in Longyou!

"Set up camp, it's Deng Ai who should be worried now, not us!" Yang Zheng said, rubbing his hands.

How long can Deng Ai last in this kind of weather without food and clothing?

(End of this chapter)

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