
Chapter 409 Fate

Chapter 409 Fate
This battle is a battle of destiny.

Yang Zheng's fate is in this battle, and Deng Ai's fate is also in this battle.

If the Western Army wins, Yang Zheng will completely break free from the shackles of the Sima family in Yongliang. Liangzhou is not just Liangzhou, it is a powerful force that combines all the advantages of the Northwest.

If the Eastern Army wins, Deng Ai will shine brightly as recorded in the history books, and Liangzhou's strong upward trend will be cut off in the middle. At the same time, it will also pave the way for the summit of Sima Zhaotai Mountain.

This battle is not just for Longyou.

Outside the battlefield, countless people were also looking at Xiao Guan's direction.

In Xiping City, the gray-haired Lu Zhi stood on the city wall with the support of his guards, looking east.

In Guzang City, Du Yu took some time out of his busy schedule to stand on the attic and look towards the eastern sky.

In Bindao City, Wei Guan was on the tower of the North City, with his beard twisted, half-closed eyes looking north.

At the same time, in the Manshui camp, more than ten thousand Shu troops had assembled. Many of them were wounded, but their eyes were still firm.

The Northern Expedition has become their obsession, and the Xingfu Dahan is burning like a flame in their chests.

"Rise up the army!" Jiang Wei coughed lightly, and his thinning face also turned a little rosy at this moment.

The soldiers of the Shu army turned around silently, stepped forward, and marched northward with their swords and spears tightly grasped.

Jiang Wei put his hand on the handle of the knife and looked to the west with complicated and regretful eyes.

In the city of Chang'an, those old and deep eyes were also looking towards the direction of Xiaoguan in the west, "Deng Ai is really a good man in my family, it's a pity that he acted too hastily, but if he can seriously hurt Yang Zheng, he will die well!"

"Deng Ai will lose?" Sima Fu asked in surprise.

The Sima family had a prosperous population, and Sima Fang had eight sons, known as Sima Bada, and Sima Bada gave birth to more.

Except for Sima Lang who had few births, the others had many births.

Sima Yi had nine sons and two daughters, and Sima Fu also had nine sons and one daughter...

Sima Fu is the third son of Sima Fu.

"Deng Ai's invincibility is naturally the best." Sima Fu's old eyes became deep, "From today onwards, there will be a complete martial law, and all young and strong defenders in the south of the Wei River will withdraw to Chang'an, and the walls will be cleared. As long as Chang'an is in hand, everything can be done." Redeem!"

Sima Fu was stunned, it was clear that he was not optimistic about the battle of Xiaoguan.

Even the Battle of the Great Wall in the south is not optimistic, "Longyou..."

"The general chooses Huainan, so Longyou has no choice but to give up." Sima Fu said calmly.

"It's a pity for Deng Ai." Sima Fu sighed.

"What's the pity to die for the great cause of our Sima family?" Father and son were present, and it was rare for Sima Fu not to play Cao Wei's Zhongliang.

Under Xiaoguan, soldiers fought hand in hand.

Bounded by antlers and fences, the spears on both sides came and went, tearing countless flesh and blood.

According to the usual practice, there is always a line of supervisors behind Deng Aijun, holding a sharp long knife, and all those who retreat, regardless of the reason, regardless of their height, will be killed!
Therefore, the soldiers in front can only be brave and not afraid of death, either you die or I die. Only by tearing up the enemy in front of you can you have a chance of survival.

"Kill!" Everyone's eyes were red.

In the blood-red tide, even a coward will become a brave man in the killing field.

Individual lives are insignificant, and even physical pain is ignored.

There were six or seven arrows in the body, the blood flowed profusely, and the knife was still moving forward.

Someone's lower abdomen was torn apart by a knife and spear, still screaming and rushing towards the antler fence, trying to shake this layer of defense with his body.

Someone had a broken arm and a broken leg, but they still roared forward...

And their cavalry galloped back and forth on the periphery, trying to find flaws, and then drove straight in as usual, expecting the enemy to be defeated like a mountain.

Deng Aijun can't be said to be brave, crazy, or elite.

However, no matter how crazy they are, the Liangzhou army camp will never fall down, like a mountain, motionless in the wind and waves.

No matter how small a mountain is, it cannot be shaken by wind and waves.

Deng Ai's army is brave, and the Liangzhou army is even more brave, and it is brave with ease.

Under the command of the superior officer, the soldiers raised their spears and pierced steadily and powerfully, piercing through the enemy's body.

It is difficult for the enemy's spears to penetrate their armor, and it is even more difficult to injure their bodies.

Yang Zheng's army is real soldiers, not farmers, not young and strong, but composed of the bravest people in Liangzhou. They don't need farming or herding horses, they just need to train the skills of formation and fighting.

When Deng Aijun fell, he would soon be trampled into a pulp by Pao Ze, and when the Liangzhou army fell, Xuan Yizhen in Shiwuzhong would drag them away as quickly as possible and hand them over to the rear for treatment.

Above Xuan Yilang are Xuan Yi Ling and Xuan Yi Envoy, and below Xuan Yi Lang.

No need to be born in the youth battalion, just choose the loyal ones from the army or the people.

Therefore, Yang Zheng's will can extend to every corner of the army.

The fierce fighting continued to devour the lives of the warriors, and the battlefield gradually boiled up.

The wind in early spring was still biting and cold, and when it brushed over the battlefield, it was quickly infected with a murderous spirit, sweeping towards the Longshan Mountains in the south and the Qinling Mountains in the southeast with a mighty whimper.

It was as if the blue sky had been stained with blood.

On the mountain ridge in the distance, the wolves were attracted by the huge bloody aura, and they were exaggerated by the murderous aura all over the sky, and they kept raising their heads and howling towards the sky.

As a result, the world is even more desolate.

Yang Zheng was sitting in the large tent of the Chinese army, the sound of fighting outside was like a landslide and tsunami.

It was as if countless undead were crying and howling in their ears.

It's just that Yang Zheng's heart is as hard as a stone now.

The rise of a power and the collapse of a dynasty are bound to be accompanied by bloody storms.

Once you succeed, you will be dead.

The rise of a king is bound to be even more tragic.

At this moment, Yang Zheng's mentality gradually changed.

The strong, the first strong is the heart!
Cao Shuangkong has the military power in the world and the emperor in his hands. He has all the advantages, but he dare not give Sima Yi a go.

Wang Ling holds the high hopes of the world, and when he encounters a slight setback, he binds himself and begs to surrender, begging Sima Yi to spare his life...

"Report, the third base on the left wing was broken by Duan Zhuo's team!"

"Report, the sixth base on the right wing is harassing the enemy!"

"Report, lead Hongbu to smash our army's triple antlers!"


All kinds of information kept coming, and the shouts of killing were getting closer and closer. It seemed that the situation on the battlefield was tilting towards Deng Aijun.

"General!" Liu Heng's neck turned red again, his face full of uncontrollable mania.

Stimulated by the war, the generals and personal guards in the tent were all blushing.

Yang Zheng glanced over, and the mania on Liu Heng's face suddenly subsided by half, and the others fell silent.

"Has Deng Ai moved?"

"Not yet." Pang Qing answered honestly.

Yang Zheng said calmly, "Then wait!"


Usually Yang Zheng is approachable, but at this time, Yang Zheng is like a tiger that wants to eat people, exuding a dangerous aura all over his body.

The people around will never forget that under his orders, the bones of Xihai and Xitao were scattered all over the place, and there were many seats in Beijing.

It was also this person who walked out of Luogu's mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, and made his way to a world in the bitter cold northwest...

(End of this chapter)

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