
Chapter 413

Chapter 413
The phrase "Jiang Wei worships me" made Yang Zheng's mood complicated.

Throughout the letter, one could vaguely hear Jiang Wei's humble tone, just like the state of Shu.

Now, the Kingdom of Shu needs itself more than it needs itself.

In fact, in the first Northern Expedition of Zhuge Wuhou, the tyrants of Longyou also gave the Shu Kingdom a chance. The three counties of Nan'an, Tianshui, and Anding took the initiative to open the city gates and surrendered to the Kingdom of Shu one after another. Longxi County closed the city and guarded it. Longyou has become the Kingdom of Shu The food in his mouth, but the defeat of Jieting made Zhuge Wuhou's long-cherished wish of conquering the Central Plains vanish in smoke.

It also made the powerful people in Longyou see the weakness of Shu.

But Liangzhou is different. Longyou is geographically closer to Liangzhou because of the barrier of Longshan.

Geography can determine many things, including national luck.

When Yang Zheng rises strongly, Longyou Haoqiang is naturally closer.

Just as the Yingchuan gentry were born closer to Cao Cao, who rose from Qiao Pei.

On the other hand, with Liangzhou and Longyou, most of the land in Yongliang has fallen into the hands of Yang Zheng, and Sima Zhao is left with only the Guanzhong Plain that is leaking from all sides.

For Yang Zheng, after beheading Deng Ai, the battle was actually over.

When the soldiers came to Chang'an, they just completed a political alliance with the Shu army.

In order to give Jiang Wei enough impact, Yang Zheng selected ten thousand strong men from the Kansai region, stepped on strong horses, and crossed the Weishui mightily.

The other steppers followed slowly behind.

The cold wind is bleak, the flags of the Ma family, the boss of Chang'an City, are flying, and the camp of the Shu army is lying on the ground below the city.

Compared with the huge city of Chang'an, the camp of the Shu army seemed a bit thin and thin.

This team is not enough to swallow Chang'an.

Fufeng County may not be able to eat it either.

However, the momentum of the Shu army is still quite magnificent. Hundreds of "Han" banners are waving in the cold wind.

Coming to the city of Chang'an is a victory in itself for them.

The capture of the Great Wall this time opened up the passage into Guanzhong. If it doesn’t work this time, you can come again next time. The Kingdom of Shu really has the determination to conquer the Central Plains and restore the Han Dynasty. Thousands of elites come out in full force, and they may be able to shake Chang'an.

Just "maybe".

The weakness of a country begins with the decline of the people's hearts...

The mighty war horse stood majestically in the north wind, and the blue-black armor was like a tide that was eager to try. Since the cavalry appeared on the northern land, the cold wind suddenly became more bitter, and the world became more chilling.

Like a group of wolves howling proudly in the wilderness, their fierce eyes were fixed on Chang'an in the southeast, and also on the camp of the Shu army in the south.

A banner of "Zhenxi General Yang" was erected high among thousands of troops, as if it was looking at everything.

Since the appearance of the cavalry, the walls of Chang'an City suddenly fell silent.

Countless people looked at this dazzling cavalry.

Yang Zheng waved his hand, thousands of troops moved slowly, and the blue-black tide swept south.

The ground shook slowly and steadily.

An infantry formation also emerged from the camp of the Shu army, with swords and spears standing in clusters, and a large shield like a wall, which was also quite mighty.

Yang Zheng led more than a hundred bodyguards and rode forward.

The Shu army's formation split into two columns in an instant, and more than a hundred cavalry walked out of it.

The front man was in silver bright armor, with red tassels on his helmet and a long sword on his waist. He stood upright and walked slowly to the front of the two armies. He bowed his hands to Yang Zheng first, "The great man Jiang Wei has seen the prince."

This year, Jiang Wei was fifty-six, nearly seventy years old, while Yang Zheng was in his early thirties.

Just like the forces behind the two.

The Kingdom of Shu is late, but Liangzhou is full of vigor.

"Big Wei Yang Zheng has met the general."

In fact, Yang Zheng has already steadily surpassed Jiang Wei in terms of momentum.

Momentum is actually the display of strength. No matter how much you put on airs without strength, you will be empty-hearted, let alone gain the respect of others.

Behind Yang Zheng is the entire Liangzhou, half of Yongzhou, but behind Jiang Wei is not the entire Shu Kingdom...

"The princes have more than [-] armored troops, with an area of ​​thousands of miles, and the dangers of the mountains and rivers, why should they be inferior to the Sima family?" Jiang Wei was a strong medicine when he came up.

From the point of view of the Kingdom of Shu, only after Yang Zheng became self-reliant could he truly form an alliance with them to fight against the Sima clan in the Kanto region.

It can also make Yang Zheng more attractive to Kanto's hatred.

But this trick has long since failed for Yang Zheng.

To be self-reliant now is to cut yourself off from Cao Wei and the Central Plains, and lose the political legacy endowed by Cao Shuang and Xia Houxuan.

Accumulate grain widely, build walls high, and become king slowly, which can be used as a reference for any era.

"Haha, the general is worrying too much. My family has received the kindness of the Cao family, and I am also the son-in-law of the Xiahou family. I have not repaid my family's enmity, but I stand on my own in Xiliang. How is it different from the Sima family? What will the people of the world think of me? ?” Yang Zheng laughed.

Sima Zhao didn't even claim the title of king, but he himself became the king. How can he scold him in the future?

There will only be more and more scandals in the cauldron of the Sima family. Yang Zheng is going to eat it for the rest of his life, but if Sima Zhao does something immoral, Yang Zheng can point at the Sima family's forehead and scold him.

Jiang Wei also laughed, "Your Majesty is so loyal to Cao Wei Chi, it's really admirable."

Yang Zheng blushed slightly, "The general's loyalty to the Liu family is also admired by the world."

To be honest, without the support of Liu Chan, the lord of Shu, Jiang Wei would have been marginalized long ago between the scholars of Yizhou and the scholars of Jingzhou.

Comparing himself with Jiang Wei's loyalty made Jiang Wei slightly displeased. Fortunately, neither of them had the heart to entangle in this issue, and this was not the core interest of both parties.

"Chang'an is an isolated city today. Sima Fu is the pillar of the Sima family. If you can kill this man, the Sima family's fall will not be far away. Do you have any intentions?" Jiang Wei obviously didn't want to let Chang'an go.

Even if you can't keep it, you can run away if you touch it, which is a great encouragement to Shu.

Yang Zheng turned his head to look at the towering city walls of Chang'an and the defenders standing on the walls, and suddenly thought of Zhuge Ke.

Zhuge Ke's situation back then was many times greater than his own, with an army of 20, but he rushed to the streets in a new city defended by 3000 people.

One of the ancestral skills of the Sima family is shrinking.

"That's exactly what I mean! Chang'an is the imperial capital of the great Han Dynasty, and the revival of the Han Dynasty. Does the general have any intention of doing this?"

Jiang Wei was coaxing Yang Zheng into the fire, and Yang Zheng was coaxing Jiang Wei into the pit.

Besides, how to divide Chang'an?
If there is no agreement on this issue, there is no possibility of cooperation at all.

Jiang Wei laughed again, "Yang Xingyun, Yang Xingyun, after so many years, you are still so cunning."

This sentence not only did not arouse Yang Zheng's disgust, but made Yang Zheng feel more cordial.

Jiang Wei has been famous for a long time, and he is also a hero who attracts the attention of the world. He made his debut more than 30 years earlier than Yang Zheng. This sentence is not too rude.

"The general is absurd." Yang Zheng said cheekily.

At this moment, the atmosphere is much closer.

"Xingyun brought tens of thousands of people here, wouldn't it be a pity not to try Chang'an's fineness?" Abandoning those hypocritical nonsense, this sentence is the most useful.

Yang Zheng nodded, "What the general said is true."

If Jiang Wei is willing to work together, Yang Zheng is naturally willing to try. If he just wants to coax himself to contribute, he will stand by and watch, so there is no need to mention this matter.

Although Chang'an cannot be defended, the political significance of breaking Chang'an is great.

It's all here, if you don't touch it, wouldn't Sima Fu in the city laugh his teeth out?

Even if you can't beat him, you should teach Sima Fu a profound lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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