
Chapter 454 Trapped Beast

Chapter 454 Trapped Beast
Compared with the battlefield in the east, the battle in the south of Jiacheng was more tragic.

Both Sima Fu and Wang Ji knew exactly what this battle meant.

If the blockade of Chang'an is not broken, the city will be trapped to death sooner or later.

In fact, since the beginning of this year, this trend has already appeared in Changan.

Food is in short supply, and people's hearts are unstable.

The Liangzhou army swaggered and looted again and again, which greatly shocked the hearts of the army and the people in the city.

If you dare not go out of the city, you cannot farm.

For the 10,000+ people in Chang'an City, it is absolutely fatal.

The soldiers want to eat, the young and strong want to eat, and the common people also want to eat.

It was only thanks to Sima Fu's countless promises as a Taiwei that the city of Chang'an was stabilized.

In fact, Wang Ji did not advocate launching a fierce attack now. He tried to use Chang'an City to consume the Liangzhou Army for a few months, and then waited for them to be exhausted. It's all done in one battle!
But after the Jiacheng was erected, the city of Chang'an was in panic.

The common people and soldiers could not see the general trend of the world, nor could they see Wang Ji's [-] army, but they only saw the endless Liangzhou army showing off their might, and the three-sided "Yang" tooth banner on the high earth hill outside the city.

The morale of the people has been low again and again.

After such a long period of contact, the defenders became more and more afraid of the Liangzhou Army.

Sima Fu knew that Chang'an City would not last for a few months.

That's why I had to contact Wang Ji to launch a fierce attack in advance.

However, it is clear that the Liangzhou army was transferred to the east battlefield by Wang Ji's ingenious plan, but the Nanwei, which is empty of troops, is still as solid as gold.

On the earth barrier, dozens of bed crossbows gave the Wei army a huge impact.

The shield and armor lost their effect, and a single arrow could nail two soldiers to the ground.

This is just the first blow.

The second is the antlers, half buried in the soil, with the front ends facing outward like fangs.

The third is the gully on both sides of the earth barrier, and the drop from the earth barrier is close to one foot. As long as the Wei army rushes into it, rocks, arrows, and kerosene will roll down the earth barrier.

Zhang Te turned this place into a flesh and blood mill.

Since ancient times, the besieged city has been surrounded by three ques and one.

Of course, Wang Ji could choose not to attack Nanwei, and choose to cross the river of water and go around to the west of Chang'an.

But this was exactly Yang Zheng's intention.

It's easy to go around, but hard to go back.

In the north, the Weishui River runs from west to east. If the grain from the Kanto wants to be transported in, it is a boat against the current, which requires the pull of trackers on both sides of the strait.

These grains will only become new looting targets for Liangzhou cavalry.

As long as the sandwich cities on both sides of the southeast exist, Chang'an's predicament will be insoluble.

So even though they knew that there was a sea of ​​swords and fire ahead, Wang Ji and Sima Fu had to level it.

There has already been blood flowing under the city.

In the north, Sima Fu moved first, knocking down the antlers and filling the gully with his life.

In the south, Wang Ji attacked later, and his soldiers felled trees to form a bridge over the gully, and the casualties were less than those in the north.

It's just that they tried their best, but it was still in vain.

Zhang Teshou was impeccable. Although the government soldiers were slightly weaker than the pro-army, they were also warriors selected from various ethnic groups and had experienced many tragic fights.

Spears and short crossbows, leather armor ring knives.

Several Qiang soldiers habitually cut off their buns, and their messy hair was flying in the blood.

There were also several Han soldiers who tore off their leather armor, sweating profusely from their muscular bodies.

Brave and wild, bloody and brave.

In front of the twelve ranks of military merit, there is no distinction between government soldiers and pro-army.

"Defend Jiacheng and break Chang'an!" Xuanyi Envoy kept encouraging the morale of the crowd.


That was Chang'an, the imperial capital that countless people looked up to.

In Yongliang, no city can be more glorious than it.

Like the Northern Expedition of the Shu Army, Chang'an gradually became the spiritual belief of the Liangzhou Army.

Many people vaguely know that if they take Chang'an, their princes may be more than just princes.

Even if they die in battle, they can win many substantial things for their families.

The attacks of Sima Fu and Wang Ji were blocked one after another, and they suffered huge casualties.

The tawny earthen walls were stained blood red.

The gully that the corpse had already filled.

Corpses hung on the tips of the antlers that stretched like canine teeth. Crows hovering in the sky kept landing, pecked off an eyeball, and then were disturbed by the sound of fighting, and flew into the sky.

Corpses were continuously nailed to the ground by spear-like crossbow bolts. The corpses twisted and struggled in various extremes, and finally bled dry, dying in an extremely strange posture...

Zhang Te patrolled the Jiacheng with his sword, as if there was no battlefield in his eyes, he only looked at his own soldiers, "Today's battle, let the world know the benefits of our army!"

One sentence entered the hearts of the soldiers.

How can a soldier have the heart not to be competitive?
This sentence is not only an affirmation to the soldiers, but also a boost to their confidence.

If this battle is won, the advantage of the government soldiers will not be inferior to that of the pro-army!
The soldiers became more excited because of this...

Under the city, Wang Ji frowned, "Zhang Te?"

Good fighters have no illustrious feats.

The more unknown such a person is, the more dangerous he is.

The enemy knows me but I don't know the enemy!
Back then, Liu Xuande was burned for eight hundred miles by the fledgling Lu Boyan.

Nine out of sixty Wang Ji this year, how similar is it to Liu Bei back then?

Liangzhou can become what it is today, of course Yang Zheng is not the only one!

He tried his best to attract the main force of the Liangzhou army to the east battlefield at the cost of [-] Chinese troops, but he didn't expect that the city would still be unable to take it.

The tragic battlefield shook his heart.

This situation can't help but remind him of the time when Shouchun was besieged a few months ago.

Wen Qin and Zhu Yi also attacked Nanwei from north to south, causing heavy casualties.

It's just a turn of events.

Although today's battle is not as large as the battle of Shouchun, it is even more tragic.

He knew very well that his subordinates had reached their limit, while the defenders on the city wall seemed to be able to handle it with ease!
Several Qiang people with disheveled hair laughed wildly on the Tucheng, while the soldiers who took off their upper body armor directly insulted Sima Yi and Sima Shi...

Wang Ji secretly sighed in his heart, the general still underestimated the thief!
"Report to the general, there are heavy casualties in the north, and they have already retreated. The Taiwei ordered the general to rest for a day and make a surprise attack tomorrow night." The scouts came to report.

"Ming Ye?" Wang Ji's expression changed.

If this city defense army is not the main force of Liangzhou, then one can imagine how strong the main force of the Liang army is.

It is likely that his 1 horses were eaten!
Years of battlefield intuition made him sweat coldly.

If the eastern battlefield collapses, he will not be able to support in the south, and he will not even be able to retreat.

There is Jushui in the west, Bashui in the east, Jiacheng in the north and Qinling Mountains in the south.

What's even more frightening is that most of the Liang army's main force is cavalry!
How can two legs outrun four?

Wang Ji's face sank, there was only one chance for him, and he would lose again after a vigorous effort.

It's impossible to win Nanwei now, and it's even more impossible tomorrow night.

And it is very likely that before tomorrow night, the main cavalry of the Liang army will copy behind him...

"Order all the troops to cross the river and retreat to Chang'an!" Wang Ji was extremely decisive.

What battles can be fought and what battles cannot be fought, he is more sober than anyone else.


All the generals around him looked at him in surprise.

Immediately, he cupped his hands in relief and said, "Follow the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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