
Chapter 457 Variables

Chapter 457 Variables
In the south of the Bashui River, the barriers are heavily fortified.

When Wang Ji set up camp, he occupied all the nearby highlands.

Backed by a pontoon bridge, deep ditches and high forts, double antlers, mixed with pits and ravines, are enough to deal with Liang army cavalry.

In the battle of Shouchun, Wang Ji was in command at the front line.

Therefore, the fortifications are extremely tight.

A few Rangers from Liangzhou came to test it out, and when they saw this battle, they turned around and left.

Now that Wang Ji is trapped in Chang'an, the top general of the Bashui and Lishan Second Battalions is Pang Hui.

During the Shouchun War, Pang Hui and Lu Fan raided Zhu Yi's rear grain and grass, causing Zhu Yi's [-] army to retreat, laying the foundation for the victory of the Wei army, and was promoted to the rear general for his meritorious service.

It can also be regarded as a reward for Pang Hui's efforts to keep the Sima family stinky for so many years.

Several other civil officials such as chief bookkeeper, Sima, and Cao Cao were not convincing in front of Pang Hui.

Including the gatekeeper Xu Yi.

"Your Majesty has an order to dispatch reinforcements as soon as possible to protect food from the north of the Weishui River and enter Chang'an. There must be no mistakes!" A young general covered in blood stood in front of Pang Hui.

This person, Pang Hui, was Wang Ji's distant nephew Wang Tan, who served as a general of hundreds of soldiers, and was quite brave.

When Pang met him before, he would bend over to say hello.

Now, he is still so arrogant, he has no scruples about General Pang Hui's face at all.

Pang Hui took two steps with his hands behind his back, his eyes flickering.

But Wang Tan became impatient, "It's not too late, send reinforcements and food as soon as possible!"

The captains and captains in the tent all looked at Pang Hui.

Pang Hui stopped in his tracks and looked at Wang Tan fixedly, "You don't have a horse, how can you escape from Yang Er's cavalry?"

"What do you mean?" Wang Tan didn't react for a while.

Pang Hui sneered, "Yang Er must have let you come here on purpose to lure our army into the shortlist, so that we can destroy them all in one fell swoop!"

Wang Tan stood there dumbfounded, and finally understood what Pang Hui meant, "Pang Hui, you're spitting blood!"

Pang Hui put on a straight face, showing the majesty of the empress general of the Wei Dynasty, "Hmph, I am the empress general of the imperial court, but I am only a small governor of a hundred people, but I am so presumptuous, do I still have this general in my eyes? Is there any military law in the Wei Dynasty?" ? This person must be Yang Er's meticulous work, come here, pull it down, and cut it off!"

Two soldiers immediately went inside to take people.

"Pang, General Hou, you can kill or cut at will, but the emperor really has orders." He thought that Pang Hui just hated him for being rude.

"Where is the military order?" Pang Hui stared at him and asked.

There is a military order that has been drawn out long ago, so there is no need to talk so much nonsense.

"Army, military order..." Wang Tan panicked.

"What are you waiting for, pull it down and cut it!"

The soldiers picked up the men and left, leaving only Wang Tan crying all the way, "Pang Hui, kill as much as you want, and you must go to rescue Chang'an!"

"General!" Several generals begged for mercy.

But when Pang Hui Senran's eyes turned, the few people couldn't say anything.

"The following offends the superior and disturbs our army's morale. This general is correcting the military law. Do you have any objections?"

"Don't dare!"

After a while, several bloody heads were sent into the hall.

Pang Hui has always been clean in his work, and the seven people who broke out were all beheaded.

Everyone was in awe, and looked at Pang Hui with awe.

No one mentioned supporting Chang'an anymore.

"Yang'er's nature as a tiger and a wolf, I have always known. The Taiwei and the tens of thousands of elite princes and princes can't defeat this thief, let alone our mere remnant soldiers? If the Bashui and Lishan battalions are wiped out, the western thief Chen Bing will be under Tongguan. , Guan Zhongfei is owned by the state!" Pang Hui said with reason and evidence.

The 10,000+ people in Chang'an can't break through, so what can he do with the [-]+ people?

The more than ten thousand elites brought by Wang Ji are old subordinates who have followed him for many years. They once defeated in Yiling and captured General Tan Zheng of the Anbei of the Eastern Wu. .

Later, he was included in the Chinese army by Sima Zhao, and sent to the front line of Guanzhong with high expectations.

Wang Ji has been famous for decades and has great prestige. If he can't beat Yang Zheng, others don't have to think about it.

In the battle of Tushan, Xiliang iron cavalry rushed in like a flood, and the scene of the earth shaking and mountain shaking deeply shocked everyone in the hall.

Once there is fear in people's hearts, various reasons will arise.

If Pang Hui raised his arms and shouted, it is entirely possible to send food and grass into Chang'an City after the more than [-] fresh troops have suffered certain casualties.

But Pang Hui has a rough appearance, but actually has a lot of ideas.

The lessons learned over the years have taught him a truth, that only by surviving can he have the last laugh.

Isn't the Sima family the same?
In troubled times, everyone is making the choice they think is the most correct...

... After waiting for several days, there was no movement from the Chinese army in the Bashui camp.

Meng Guan asked suspiciously, "Could it be that Pang Hui saw through it?"

The Bashui camp still has the power to fight.

If it cooperates with Chang'an Sima Fu and Wang Ji, there will be a big battle.

Pang Hui became the only variable in this war.

Yang Zheng knew about this person, he was ruthless and unscrupulous, it was difficult to judge whether he would suddenly bite like a mad dog.

"This guy Pang Hui is also like old man Sima and became a turtle? If he had known that he would have been smashed to death that day!" Liu Heng said disdainfully.

Yang Zheng didn't hear his nonsense, it's fine if Wen Yang couldn't stay, and Pang Hui also ran away...

This guy fought very well in Bingzhou, attacking cities and conquering land all the way, burning, killing and looting, opening up another strategic direction for Liangzhou.

How come this kind of virtue is around me all of a sudden?
But then again, the Battle of Bingzhou was not all due to Liu Heng, Pang Qing, Ma Xun and others also contributed a lot.

Yang Zheng shook his head secretly, his eyes fell on the sand table.

From the perspective of the overall situation in Guanzhong, there is some reason for Pang Hui to stick to Bashui.

At least the land east of Bashui was held, and it became the barrier of Linjin, Tongguan and Wuguan.

Secondly, with such a thorn in his back, Yang Zheng didn't dare to attack Chang'an with all his strength.

The more victory is in sight, the more cautious you must be.

Pang Hui had a lot of outstanding performances in the Huainan Three Rebellions.

"What's the latest move in Chang'an?" Yang Zheng asked.

"Recently, there are more and more deserters. Some have surrendered to our army, and some have surrendered to the west of the Shu army. However, they are all small groups of people, ranging from dozens to seven or eight. They are too scattered, and some are caught. Some slipped through the net, but no people were coerced into them." Meng Guan replied.

With the status of Sima Fu and Wang Ji, they should not run away with buckets.

As long as one of them ran away, Chang'an should collapse immediately.

In a battle involving 10,000+ people between the two sides, Yang Zheng couldn't care less about everything, so he nodded, "The western scouts must not relax."

"Follow the order." Meng Guan cupped his hands respectfully.

"Since Pang Hui doesn't dare to rescue, we can take the opportunity to take Chang'an in one fell swoop!" Meng Yu suggested.

Sima Fu and Wang Ji will definitely not surrender. Without some pressure, Chang'an doesn't know how long it will take.

The whole city is really starved to death, what is a bare Chang'an going to do?
Land and cities are not important to Liangzhou now, what matters is the population!
Especially the Han people!
"Let Zhang Te attack the south city, and Meng Yu attack the east city! I will lead ten thousand riders and wait for Pang Hui." Yang Zheng decided to defend Pang Hui.


(End of this chapter)

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