
Chapter 459

Chapter 459

After attacking for three days in a row, Chang'an remained motionless.

Yang Zheng couldn't help feeling a little depressed. Could it be that he couldn't attack again this time?
"Wang Ji went up to the city himself and commanded the defenders between swords and spears. Once the battle fell into a bitter battle, Sima Fu gathered the young and strong in the city and advanced with spears. No matter the enemy or us, he would assassinate them..." Pang Qing read the report of Xuanyi envoy.

Wang Ji is so old, why is he still so fierce?

Sima Fu has played out the nature of the Sima family.

Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, since yesterday, it has been covered with dense clouds. If it rains and snows, it will be bad for the attacking side.

"Food! Where does the food in the city come from?" Yang Zheng asked.

"According to the detailed report, Sima Fu killed the last batch of war horses, and the defenders are grateful for that."

"What do the people in the city eat?" Yang Zheng asked the sharpest question.

If the people were starving to death, Chang'an would be useless if it was defeated.

With a low face, Pang Qing spit out four words slowly, "Dig the ground to eat, withered grass, bark, rat ants... Besides, Sima Fu is also hunting women and children..."

There was a bang, and there was a muffled sound in the clouds.

The ground trembled, and the ears and heart felt extremely uncomfortable.

The whistling of the cold wind became louder and louder, as if countless dead souls were howling.

Retreat or attack?
Yang Zheng couldn't help but fell into a dilemma.

What's the use of Chang'an without a population?

But if you retreat this time, you won't have such a good chance next time.

Sima Fu and Wang Ji took a breath, Guanzhong will become an iron plate again!
Everyone is tough these days.

In fact, Yang Zheng wouldn't have had this chance at all if it wasn't for the lack of food in Chang'an this time.

With each passing day, Sima Zhao's power recovered by one point.

It is difficult now, and it will only be more difficult in the future.

The current situation, one step further, the sea and the sky will open up, and one step back will be irreversible!
"Send an order to intensify the siege of the city without stopping for a moment, and then order Zhang Te to guard the city, so I will go to battle in person! Chang'an, I will take it." Yang Zheng jumped up against the case.

Chang'an is made of iron, and it must be melted.

All the generals in the tent knelt down on one knee, "I wish to die!"

There is no shortage of desperate people in the Northwest.

Back then, the Qiang people rose up barefoot and brought down the Eastern Han Empire.

The sound of war drums grew louder.

A "Yang" tooth banner was erected under the east city, and occasionally a rain of arrows was scattered and nailed in front of the tooth banner.

The trebuchets on the city had already been destroyed by cannon stones and kerosene fired from the earth hills.

The cold wind howled, and drops of ice rain fell.

It can be clearly seen that the defenders on the city wall looked a lot more relaxed. They probably thought that the city had been defended.

Yang Zheng stood in the cold wind and rain, wearing armor and holding a sword, "Chang'an is my Chang'an, and all the troops should take it for me!"

"Take it! Take it!" The soldiers were the first to shout.

Then all the soldiers shouted frantically.

Liu Heng and Lin Sen led five hundred of the most valiant personal guards, all wearing double armor, except for Liu Heng, everyone had a short spear, "If you don't break Chang'an, I, Liu Heng, will die on the city wall first!"

Or call it a long gun.

This thing has already existed, about eight feet, more flexible than a spear, less labor-intensive than a ring knife, and more suitable for the narrow terrain on the city wall.

Soldiers only need to thrust forward, one movement.

There are only a few of them installed, and they have never been through a war, and now they have to be taken out.

Meng Guan led five hundred crossbowmen and followed closely behind.

The rest of Ma Xun, Meng Yu and others also all looked dead.

Wen Yang looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

If Zhuge Dan had such a mortal intention back then, how could Sima Zhao succeed?

Shouchun City was broken, not because Sima Zhao was so powerful, but because Zhuge Dan made repeated mistakes, and even his cronies left him.

People are forced out.

Yang Zheng had seen Sima Fu's insidiousness.

I would rather the whole city be buried with Mrs. Sima than to make myself cheaper.

"Siege!" Yang Zheng pulled out the long sword from his waist and roared angrily.

Boom, boom, boom...

The mighty drumbeat and footsteps are superimposed together.

This time there were no shouts.

In the cold wind and rain, the Liangzhou soldiers moved forward one by one in silence.

The icy rain was getting bigger and bigger, mixed with snow, hitting people's faces like knives, but the soldiers did not hesitate in their steps.

The defenders on the city wall looked at everything below the city in disbelief.

In this kind of weather, they still have to attack the city.

The cold wind and rain on the city wall were stronger than those below the city, and many people's hands holding knives were numb from the cold.

But with a shrill cry, "Defend the city!"

Only then did the defenders come to their senses, bowed their bows and set up arrows, and raised their spears.

God is fair.

It's cold under the city, and it's even colder above the city.

Those who have not experienced the bitter cold in the Northwest will not know how cold this era is.

The defenders couldn't even pull their bows and crossbows, and couldn't hold many spears, so they fell directly to the city.

They also fought fiercely for several days, lacking clothes and being exhausted.

In terms of logistics, the Liangzhou Army has a certain advantage.

The sheepskin jacket and leather shoes were sent over by Du Yu as early as a month ago.

This freezing rain has instead become one of the advantages of the Liangzhou army.


Holding the mace, Liu Heng was carried by two soldiers on the long ladder, jumped up, and took the lead on the city wall.

Swipe the mace, within five steps, you will be injured if you rub it, and you will die if you touch it.

A gap was opened in the city wall, and the soldiers behind him took the opportunity to rush forward.

At this time, the defenders also found that this Liang army was unusual. A dozen spears were pushed towards him, and the machine spring rang, and the young man who didn't even have leather armor fell down in response.

Meng Guan's crossbowmen saved his life.

Liu Heng's eyes were red, and he raised his mace to kill the enemy.

In terms of martial arts, Liu Heng may only be regarded as a second-rate guy, but with his supernatural power, paired with a mace, and wearing heavy armor, he is like a killing god in front of pawns.

After opening and closing, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

It seemed as if his strength would never run out.

Five hundred armored soldiers guarded the left and right, and the long spears stabbed out like lightning and retracted like lightning, which was flexible and full of lethality.

Many times, a small change is enough to overturn many things.

Just as the sword replaced the sword on the battlefield, such as the emergence of stirrups, saddles, and horseshoes...

Wherever this group of people went, there was a bloodbath.

"Old Sima, come and die!" Liu Heng yelled violently, his voice was like thunder.

There was a brief silence on the city wall, as if all the fighting was overwhelmed by his evil and murderous aura.

But it also attracted powerful enemies.

Under the city, Yang Zheng only saw Liu Heng roaring and then submerged in the enemy soldiers.

A gray-haired veteran stood on the city wall, looking at him sharply.

"Wang Ji!" Yang Zheng shouted, without this person, Chang'an City would have been destroyed long ago.

There was a hint of complexity in Wang Ji's sharp eyes.

But immediately behind him was a cloud of blood mist.

"Old Sima, come and die!" Liu Heng and Lin Sen's five hundred soldiers suppressed Wang Ji's soldiers in a flash.

But this guy is red-eyed now, only looking for Sima Fu, but he didn't see Wang Ji who was within twenty steps.

Yang Zheng just wanted to remind loudly.

Liu Heng shouted first, "Old Sima, I will kill your whole family!"

Holding the mace, he headed towards the opposite city gate...

Wang Ji glanced at the direction Liu Heng was killing, and retreated into the city wall.

Bystanders clear, the authorities are fascinated.

There was a mess on the city wall, and Liu Heng couldn't help it if he didn't see it.

Not long after, creaking and creaking, the gate of Chang'an City slowly opened.

Outside the city, cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami finally erupted.

(End of this chapter)

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