
Chapter 471 Intention

Chapter 471 Intention
Swords, stones, women's clothing of the former Han Dynasty, what would Zhong Hui want to do?

Yang Zheng is most annoyed by this kind of pretender.

Could it be that you want to meet your own swordsman?
What about stones and women's clothing?
The more he couldn't figure it out, the more he felt that Zhong Hui's brain circuit was different from ordinary people.

Yang Zheng didn't bother to talk to him, this guy would come to him by himself.

After taking a concubine, Yang Zheng enjoyed the warmth of his family for a few days.

After Tuoba Jiarong married, the Xianbei people in Liangzhou also became docile.

This is what this era cares about.

There are ten thousand words about Zhubu's family, but none of them are convincing enough to marry Tuoba Jiarong.

Since the Han and Wei dynasties, the rise of the gentry did not even treat the people of the Central Plains as human beings, let alone the surrounding barbarians, and intermarriage did not exist.

Yang Zheng's marriage to Tuoba Jiarong is of great political significance.

From this moment on, the Xianbei in the territory really integrated into Liangzhou.

"If there is anything you are not used to, you can directly tell me what you lack or need, just tell the servant, and it will be delivered." Yang Zheng said softly.

Although Tuoba Jiarong's appearance is ordinary, but after dressing up and washing up, he has a bit of aura, but his Chinese is a bit uneasy, "Yeah."

"If you are bored, you can often walk around with Ah Lian and Qing Chan."


"If you're homesick, your father is in Guzang City. Let Lan Pei know and he can visit you anytime."


"Besides um, can you speak other Chinese?" Yang Zheng laughed.

Tuoba Jiarong raised his head, his face was slightly rosy, "Yes."


Yang Zheng touched her forehead, feeling that his care made her a little nervous, so after staying with her for a while, she went out to the public office.

Intermarriage among various ethnic groups in Liangzhou has become a major trend.

In Yang Zheng's view, anyone with yellow skin is an ancestor.

After so many years of war, it has become a big trend that there are more boys and girls.

Du Yu formulated a series of decrees to encourage childbirth, such as reducing taxes, donating food, and receiving ten catties of mutton from the government every month.

The effect is not bad. At least in the past few years in Liangzhou, children playing in groups can be seen everywhere.

They spoke fluent Chinese, and they couldn't tell which ethnicity they were dressed in. They were all proud of the Han nationality.

Several sons also returned home from the youth camp. In a flash, the eldest, Yang Yi, and the second, Yang Wu, were both 13 years old.

In this era, at this age, some have married wives and had children, some have already worked in the fields, and some have gone to the battlefield with a knife.

"Father, my son wants to join the army!" the boss Yang Yi opened his mouth and came.

Yang Zheng looked him up and down. He was 13 years old, but he was as strong as a fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid. "How about waiting another two years?"

"Others were released as Xuanyi at the age of twelve or thirteen, and my son is not young this year. He is proficient in bow and horse, and he is ready to lead the charge for his father and sweep the world!" Yang Yi said, patting his chest.

Yang Zheng waved his hand, "You are good at bow and horse, but you are an enemy of a hundred people. If you really want to go to the battlefield, you should read more military books, so that you can be an enemy of ten thousand people."

At this age, it's time to play in the mud, just treat it as a child who is ignorant and messing around.

"The art of war is a dead thing, decisive victory on the battlefield, adapt to the situation, wolves are born to hunt, and those who know how to fight are born to fight." Yang Yi said the more excited he became.

Yang Zheng was taken aback for a moment. It was not a rare thing to be able to say such a thing.

Could it be that the heavens opened their eyes and sent a few talents to the old Yang family?
But then again, if I find the best master for him and cultivate him carefully for so many years, there is still a high possibility of enlightenment.

"Did you think of this yourself or someone else taught you?" Yang Zheng laughed.

Yang Yi blushed, "It was figured out by our brothers."

He became sworn brothers with Li Te's younger brother Li Xiang, Zhao Aqi's son Zhao Xiong, and Xia Houxu.

"Although the art of war is a dead thing, it can only be adapted to the situation after mastering it well. Let's say, in three months, if you can memorize the six military books of Sun Tzu, Sun Bin's Art of War, Wu Zi, Liu Tao, Wei Liao Zi, and Sima Fa, How about letting you join the army as a father?" Seeing Yang Yi's posture, Yang Zheng couldn't refuse directly, which would hurt his self-confidence, so he simply made a problem and let him retreat.

"It's hard to follow a gentleman's words." Yang Yi said very seriously.

Yang Zheng smiled and said, "You recite it first, then we'll talk about it."

It is a long-term and arduous task to fight against brothers, father and son, and rebel against the Sima family.

There are also more examples of father and son working together in history, such as Sun Jian and his son, Li Yuan and his son, Li Keyong and his son, Zhu Di and his son...

If he can really go into battle and kill the enemy, it can be regarded as a big help.

"Wu'er, what about you?" Yang Zheng glanced at the second child.

He has been watching the words and expressions without saying a word.

"Let father arrange."

"You are cunning, how about this, you are all fourteen years old, it's time to go out and practice, how about being a Xuanyi first?"

Yang Wu rolled his eyes, "I don't know where my father arranged for my son to be Xuanyi."

This question is very level.

The development of different places in Liangzhou is different.

Xiping and Wuwei are close to the center, Gaochang and Dunhuang are relatively prosperous but far away, while the three counties of Juyan, Jiuyuan and Shuofang are relatively bitter and cold.

"How about going to Shuofang?" Yang Zheng looked at the son carefully.

Yang Wu cupped his hands, "My son takes orders."

Yang Zheng was quite relieved that so many years of experience in the youth camp were not in vain, and the two sons had potential.

Just when he was feeling emotional, Pang Qing came to report, "Your Majesty, Zhonghui has sent another thing."

Yang Zheng waved his hand, "You guys go first."

The two sons bowed their hands politely and exited the door.

The personal guard came in with a palm-sized box, and Pang Qing slowly opened it, but inside were four silkworm chrysalis.

"Does Zhong Hui scratch his head every day? What kind of things are they giving away?" Yang Zheng vaguely knew what Zhong Hui meant.

Silkworm chrysalis, chrysalis, four in a box, isn't it just a word for Shu?

In this way, Zhong Hui is actually interested in the Kingdom of Shu.

But if you fight Shu, you will fight Shu. What are you doing with these silly things with yourself?
Make it clear that you are going to pull his hind legs?
Anything abnormal is a demon.

"Quickly summon Yuan Kai to discuss the matter."

A moment later, Du Yu came over, "Swordsman, soldier, bluestone, Qinling also, Hanfu is in the box, Hanzhong, Zhong Huiyu and the prince will hunt Hanzhong, and the women's clothing secretly ridiculed the prince for hesitating." Women, dare not send troops."

This explanation is the most reasonable.

Today, there are only a few bare cities left in Guanzhong, and there is oil and water in Hanzhong, and the Kingdom of Shu has been operating for decades.

If Yang Zheng wanted to expand Liangzhou, the next step could only be the Kingdom of Shu.

Similarly, Zhong Hui wanted to manage Guanzhong, so he naturally had to replenish the population. Liangzhou dared not provoke him, so it could only be the Kingdom of Shu.

Around Chang'an, Hanzhong is the most likely place.

The last time they regained Chang'an, Chen Cang rushed down, letting Zhonghui see that the Shu Kingdom was already a dying candle in the wind, and the persimmons were only picky and soft, and they attacked Liangzhou. Zhonghui probably didn't have the guts to do so. not enough.

"Zhong Huiding saw that our army had the intention of seeking Shu, so he deliberately attacked." Du Yu added.

(End of this chapter)

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