
Chapter 478 Lessons

Chapter 478 Lessons
One hundred thousand Chinese troops entered Guanzhong one after another.

Within two months, Zhong Hui followed Chen Tai's strategy and built a defense line against the Weishui River.

In the northern part of Weibei, camps and docks are connected one by one.

Weinan opened up farmland widely.

Although Zhong Hui was frivolous, he was very strict in managing the army. Anyone who neglected his duties in the army would be severely punished, ranging from whipping in public to beheading.

There are specific requirements for how much land is reclaimed and how many canals are dug every day.

Those who have finished will be rewarded with meat, and those who have not finished will be punished by the generals and soldiers in public.

Zhong Hui often leads more than a thousand soldiers to patrol various places for defense.

Those who are loyal to their duties will be rewarded on the spot, and those who neglect their duties will be demoted.

Under the clear rewards and punishments, the soldiers will use their lives, and the army will respect them.

In just two or three months, Guanzhong was another scene.

A group of rangers wandered in the north of the Wei River, tried several times to break through the Wei River, and as soon as they approached, the flames ignited, and within an hour, thousands of infantry from the left and the right came.

Yang Dalang was riding on his horse, looking at the enemy formation in the distance.

Followed by his three sworn brothers, Zhao Aher, Li Asan, and Xia Housi.

Under normal circumstances, a thousand Liangzhou cavalry can easily defeat three thousand infantry.

For Qianghu, Xianbei and other foreign races, this number will increase a lot.

But the infantry of the Chinese army is not a mob, they also came out of the bloody battle in Huainan battlefield.

It can be seen from its momentum that facing the cavalry, they formed an formation calmly, occupying the high ground, with the big shield in front, the spear in the middle, and the bow and crossbow in the back.

In a very short period of time, the array was completed, with swords drawn and no fear.

"Don't be reckless in a majestic formation." Xia Housi reminded.

Yang Dalang turned his horse's head and laughed, "Let's go."

More than two hundred riders followed closely behind.

Back at the camp, the general stood in front of the camp, and the silver was cast into a beast mask, which was delicate yet mighty, covering half of his face. Although he didn't make any movements, Yang Dalang's horse neighed inexplicably, and he stepped back a few steps .

"General Wen." Yang Dalang and the three brothers hurriedly bowed their hands together.

"The general ordered you to spy on Xianyang. Why did you go deep into the Wei River? If the defenders of Changling and Anling come out and intercept them from left and right, can you come back?" Wen Yang's voice was tepid, but full of oppression.

Zhao Dalang stood at the front and received the most pressure, but he didn't take a step back.

"The general is too worried. What can I do with just a few thousand infantry? If we have a thousand cavalry, we can defeat the reinforcements from Changling and Anling!" Li Asan, who was behind Yang Dalang, said dissatisfied.

Among the four brothers, Li Asan is actually the one with the highest martial arts skills, no one in the youth camp can match him.

Of course, Li Asan's original name was Li Xiang.

"Third Brother, shut up! General, please forgive me." Zhao Dalang cupped his hands and pleaded.

Others don't know who the beast-faced general in front of him is, but he knows it all too well.

The Wenyang who shakes the world.

Isn't it asking for trouble for Li Xiang to push himself up in front of him?

"So, you are quite brave?" Wen Yang's eyes flickered.

Li Xiang stood up, only fourteen years old, but he was stronger than an adult soldier, his eyes were piercing, although he didn't speak, his eyes said everything.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

The corner of Wen Yang's mouth curled up into a smile, "Very well, I am not afraid of anything at your age, and I won't accept anyone, so let's go together, four of you!"

"Okay!" Li Xiang and Zhao Xiong were overjoyed when they heard the words.

Xia Houxu glanced at Yang Yi.

"I have absolutely no intention of contradicting the general."

"If you don't want to contradict me, let's fight first. If you win, you won't be held accountable for the crime of advancing alone. If you lose..." Wen Yang picked up a wooden stick casually.

Li Xiang and Zhao Xiong didn't know that standing in front of them was the world-renowned Wen Yang, and they thought they could take advantage of it.

Xia Houxu had already seen the extraordinaryness of this beast-faced general, and none of the people who could lead the army alone in Liangzhou was an ordinary person.

Yang Yi's face was sullen.

Wen Yang knew that he was Yang Zheng's eldest son, but he still kept prodding him, "If you don't have the guts, give each person fifty army sticks, and this matter will be over."

The soldiers in the camp came to watch one after another.

If he admits to being cowardly at this time, Yang Yi will not only lose his status in the eyes of the three brothers, but he will also be unable to hold his head up in front of the soldiers. The army respects the strong. What happened, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and pick up a long stick on the ground, "Please enlighten me, General!"

There happened to be five long sticks on the ground, as if they had been prepared long ago.

Yang Yi raised the army stick, and Xia Houxu could only join him.

The four of them cooperated seamlessly and scattered to all directions.

There was a sneer on the corner of Wen Yang's mouth.

"Hey!" Li Xiang roared, and rushed forward first.

Zhao Xiong followed closely behind.

Both of them are powerful, and a stick can smash the head of a wolf.

Wen Yang avoided it easily, took two steps back, threw away the stick in his hand, and waved at Yang Yi.

No matter how good-tempered he was, he was irritated.

Yang Yi and Xia Houxu rushed up together.

The four besieged the unarmed Wen Yang. At first, they felt they had taken advantage of it, but they didn't use all their strength.

But if he was not careful, he was either slapped on the face or kicked in the buttocks.

Those around did not know Yang Yi's identity, and all laughed.

The four of them became more and more angry, and they didn't hold back any more, and tried their best. However, there was a huge difference between the things from Qingying Middle School and the things that were fought on the battlefield. In the blink of an eye, the four of them were beaten Nose and face are swollen.

With a thud, Li Xiang, the bravest, was the worst. He was kicked to the ground by Wen Yang, unable to get up again.

Then came Zhao Xiong and Xia Houxu.

When it was Yang Yi's turn, Wen Yang's tone was even harsher, "You are too far away, don't embarrass your father, go back to Guzang."

This sentence is more effective than anything else, and Yang Yi's eyes instantly turned red.

His father is the person he admires the most, and he has always been proud to be his son.

Now it is ridiculed.

"Ah!" Yang Yi shook his stick and rushed forward again.

He was punched a few more times, but he persisted and did not fall down.

"It's still a bit of a bone." Wen Yang praised, and punched the long stick in two with one hand, and then lifted Yang Yi with one hand, "The courage of the blood can only be a general, and each person has thirty army sticks. Starting today, all four of you will be reduced to cavalry pawns."

Yang Zheng took good care of his son, appointed a village head, and got more than 50 experts from the nine camps to secretly protect him.

But now, all that is gone.

Yang Yi was thrown to the ground.

Wen Yang stood with his hands behind his back, "Heroes don't care about their backgrounds, they rely on their parents' shade to act mischievously, and they are not considered capable. If you join our army, you must abide by military orders. This time, you will be given a small punishment. If you dare to violate the orders next time, don't blame the military law for being ruthless." !"

Yang Yi cupped his hands and said: "This subordinate obeys the order!"

Wen Yang is only 22 this year, but he has already experienced many battles and hardships, "Since you are their elder brother, you must take care of them and not be dragged down by them, remember?"

"Subordinates remember!"

(End of this chapter)

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