
Chapter 858

Civil strife in Wu is inevitable.

Sun Hao can't tolerate Zhong Hui, and Zhong Hui can't tolerate Sun Hao.

When the news reached Daxing, Yang Zheng marveled at how quickly the chaos happened.

Of course, with the current situation in the world, it cannot be delayed any longer.

Only by cutting through the mess quickly can Zhong Hui quickly integrate Jiangdong and meet the next big battle.

"Zhong Huiyin sent Jiang Bin to kill Sun Hao in front of the battle. The soldiers were in a state of confusion and trampled on each other. The city was on fire, and the people fled one after another. Six out of ten Jiangdong tyrants..." Zhao Aqi reported Jianye's information.

"What's Lu Kang's reaction?" Yang Zheng asked.

Zhao Aqi said: "Lu Kang made a statement to support Sun Jin and Zhong Hui, and advised Zhong Hui to stop."


" more." Zhao Aqi said.

"I'm too worried." Lu Zhi is not against the prince leading the army, but against the prince's military power. "Since ancient times, if the name is not right, the words are not going well. Jiangdong's people are in chaos. Your Majesty can issue a message to promote the prestige of the Great Qin State." , to deter the people of Jiangdong, will surely get twice the result with half the effort."

When the Sima family was alive back then, Yang Zheng would get up early to scold and scold at every turn, but now he forgot about it.

Yang Zheng polished it up a bit, added a few strokes, and the call to action came out, called "Ping Jiang Nan Calligraphy":
"The general trend of the world, divided for a long time, must be united. Since the overthrow of the Han Dynasty, China has fallen, and the four seas have been fighting. , whipping the Central Plains, Sima Qun's ugliness swept away, the world is not peaceful, only a corner of the east of the river, today millions of elite soldiers, looking across the river, slandering the people and punishing crimes, confused with the rivers and mountains. Wang Shi crossed the river with a drum, and the generals lined up Come down and offer the earth, Juejiao Jishou, meet my front spear, and the back is the first voice, easy as a broken bamboo. With the help of Zhaotian Shunren's trust, I have achieved my feat of popularizing grass. Unite the world with Qingning, and Su Wanmin will be pacified. Grace Below the Young Lord, crimes will be stopped against those who resist. From now on, you should obey the order and worship in the land. Those who make meritorious deeds will be rewarded, and those who resist stubbornly will be destroyed!"

The next few little guys may be ambitious in the future.

The Lu family has lived comfortably in Jiangdong for so many years, so they definitely don't want to come to Guanzhong to drink the northwest wind.

The last battle between Jingxiang and Lu Kang had already hurt his vitality. This time, Jiangdong was hurt by the chaos in Jianye. What can we do to resist the four-way army of Daqin?

Zhong Hui wants to reintegrate, it is not a simple matter.

Li Mi, Chen Shou, Zuo Si, Xiang Xiu, Ruan Ji, Liu Ling and so on.

Xiangyang on the center line and Yongan on the west line are false attacks, while Shouchun on the east line and Nanzhong on the south line are the main attacks.

Besides, the members of Old Yang's family don't know the ancestral skills of cutting people with knives, so it's a bit embarrassing to say it.

"It seems that it is possible to count on Lu Kang to return to Great Qin?" Yang Zheng felt a little regretful.

"Back when Sun Hao was betrayed, he had a share in the Lu family. Sun Hao acted against the law, and the one who didn't want him to return the most must be Lu Kang." Wei Guan analyzed.

As long as you cross the Yangtze River, Jiangdong will be gone.

It's not a bad idea to let him increase his influence in the army.

Therefore, the successor is required to have certain martial arts, not to be a famous general, but at least to have a military strategy.

Lu Kang is also the essence of China, if it is used by Daqin, he must be a famous minister of a generation.

However, the Lu family has deep roots in Jiangdong, even if Lu Kang wants to surrender, the Lu family may not be willing.

Jiangdong has just experienced great chaos, and the four armies of the Great Qin Dynasty have come out together, and the call for action will have a miraculous effect.

Yang Zheng also has this intention, there is no need to wait any longer.

Failing to stop this chaos from happening, Zhonghui will fail.

"Uncle's meaning, I already know, but although Great Qin is strong, there are still internal and external troubles, the Taiping emperor may not be able to sit firmly on the throne, and this battle will be Du Yu as the main general, with the crown prince as the assistant, so there is no need to worry."

Not to mention Yang Yi of Xia Guo, the sixth son, Yang Zhao, is famous for his military strategy and martial arts in the youth camp.

"People in Jiangdong are in great turmoil. I suggest sending troops immediately. Xiangyang and Yong'an will contain Lu Kang. Shouchun will attack the north, and South China will attack the south. We will join forces and build a business." Wei Guan clasped his hands.

There are many things in the world that do not depend on individual will.

A knife is only safe if you hold it in your own hands.

In history, Deng Ai destroyed Shu on the front foot, and wrote a letter on the back foot to send troops to attack Soochow.

In other words, if you open the situation in any of the four directions, Jiangdong will be finished.

Competition is everywhere, raising children like sheep is worse than raising children like wolves.

The Yangtze River's natural moat can't stop the collapse of people's hearts.

Yang Zheng also knew that he was doing it for his own good, and what he said was to remind himself that it was not a good thing for the prince to lead the army.

As for Lu Zhi's worry, Yang Zheng didn't take it to heart, because the strength in the hands of the crown prince was no match for him at all.

He could afford to wait, but Yang Zheng couldn't.

Lu Qin also built a lot of warships on the Huai River, how to cross the river is Du Yu's business, Yang Zheng only needs the result.

The call to action is written in a domineering way.

Lu Zhi also returned the gift.

On the other hand, Zhong Hui's structure is just that big, he is good at intrigue, and he is also defeated in intrigue.

In order to compile the Daqin version of "Yongle Dadian", Yang Zheng set up a literature museum to collect classics from all over the world, recruiting talented scholars from all over the world, and even bought a lot of books from countries in the Western Regions.

Zhong Hui's opponents fell one by one, and Lu Kang didn't want to raise an army, so Zhong Hui might be able to fight for more than ten years.

However, Yang Zheng has his own ideas. The foundation of Daqin's rule is not the powerful gentry, but the support from the low-level soldiers and the people. This generation of Yang Zheng can suppress the tyrants, but what about the next generation?

Zhong Hui won Jiangdong's internal struggle and lost the overall situation.

No one is willing to give up their own interests. How Daqin is so powerful to the gentry is obvious to all.

Tyranny is also Jiangdong's strength.

Prince is not without competitors.

Only Lu Zhi dared to say this.

If Jianye wins, Jingzhou Lu Kang will have to surrender if he does not surrender.

After everyone retreated, Lu Zhi stayed behind, "The crown prince is still young, why should His Majesty order him to lead the army outside, where the soldiers are in danger..."

Isn't a call to arms at hand?

Miss this opportunity, don't know when to wait.

The greed of the powerful clan in Jiangdong is even worse than that in the Central Plains.

"I'll put more pressure on Zhonghui and order the crown prince to lead [-] cavalry to reinforce Shouchun." Yang Zheng didn't want to go to this battle.

Having been together for so many years, Yang Zheng is still clear about Yang Xu's personality, and he will never be stupid to challenge himself.

Yang Xu lacked nothing, except military merit.

"Thank you uncle for the reminder." Yang Zheng cupped his hands.

No matter how unbearable Sun Hao was, he was still the Supreme Emperor of Jiangdong, and he would kill him if he wanted to, but Lu Kang just let it go...

After the unification of the Central Plains, there are a lot of talents in the court, and many of them can write articles.

But the virtues of literati are like this, the flattery in it, even Yang Zheng couldn't help but blush after seeing it.

With Du Yu at the helm, it shouldn't be a big problem to defeat Wu.

"The talent of the gods and martial arts" makes sense, "the posture of heaven and man"...

There are actually four versions of the Calligraphy, and the other three are too literary and eloquent, scattered with thousands of words, without this simplicity.

The proclamation was first posted in Daxing City, and the people immediately erupted.

People also look forward to this day.

The long-term must be united, which is the general trend of the world and the aspiration of the people.

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