Chapter 103
Baifang Village used to be quite prosperous, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

The fight between the two big sects affected this area, and it became a no-regret zone.

Soon, the bandits came.

A few times ago, the elders of Baifang Village bought Ping An with money and grain.

But within a few days, another group of bandits came again, and the village had to offer food for peace.

In the end, bandits from all walks of life seemed to be mosquitoes smelling blood, and they all came!Even because of a batch of food, two groups of bandits fought and killed more than a dozen people.

At first, the bandits were polite, since they had food after all.


There is not much food in the village, nor is there much money.

Bandits began to rob.

Soon, the bandits robbed people and extorted food when they couldn't grab the food.

This method is not bad, it can make the unscrupulous people who secretly store food take the initiative to stand up.

After all, the child's mother was taken away, and the child had no one to support him.

By the time the village was set on fire, the hostages who had been taken away could no longer extort food.

In the end, the bandits killed people purely to vent their anger, to vent their grievances about being too busy.

There are more than a dozen other villages like Baifang Village.

Perhaps in other unknown places, there are hundreds, thousands...

Bandits all use exactly the same looting routine, becoming more and more cruel...

The common people also use the same method of resistance, cutting meat with blunt knives, begging grandpa to tell grandma everywhere, using that little grain to buy a safe, but often it is nothing to fetch water from a bamboo basket.

There was also a big knife society organized in the village, and fence nets were pulled up, but what was the use?It is nothing more than ushering in more cruel treatment.


Wu Shengshi found a broken room and lay down with all his clothes on.

Qin Jinyang and Feng Duoying were wandering around the village.

There are scorched ruins and broken walls everywhere, and there are skeletons crumbling here and there, including those of adults and children...

There are very few living people in the village, and Qin Jinyang does not have much dry food in his pocket, but as long as there are living people, he will share a bite... In fact, the abdomens of the people here are swollen, obviously because they have eaten too much dirt, and most of them will not survive much. sky.

He thought of Granny Liu's appearance in his mind. For ordinary people, if they can eat white flour buns, they will not live in vain.

"Young man, have you seen my two sons?"

Suddenly, a bony old woman came out from the side of the road, with disheveled hair, one eye was covered with scars, and she was already blind, and the other eye was also very cloudy... The old woman's abdomen was also swollen, and the stomach must also be dirt.

"Young man, my elder son has a birthmark on his neck, and my younger son is missing half of his left ear... If you see them, please tell me that the daughter-in-law I bought for them starved to death, so let them come back and bury her." Come on!"

After the old woman finished speaking, she knelt down and kowtowed tremblingly.

"I... If I see it, I will definitely tell it!"

Qin Jinyang hurried forward to help him up.

He opened the package, and the dry food inside had been distributed.

At this time, Feng Duoying took out a piece of white cake.

His mentality is different from Qin Jinyang's. He may have never been surprised since he was a child. He just couldn't bear it, but he was not as heavy as Qin Jinyang.

"Hold the cake, eat some!"

Qin Jinyang put the cake in the old woman's hand.

"Hey... this is white flour cake... I don't eat it, I want to keep it for my two sons... Thank you, Shaoxia, you are a good man!"

The old lady kowtowed again and again, and at the same time she looked around vigilantly, as if she was afraid that others would see that she had cake.

Before Qin Jinyang came back to his senses, the old woman limped and ran to a broken house next to her after kowtowing, and she wanted to hide the cake.


Feng Duoying sighed.

There were many system prompts in Qin Jinyang's mind, and his potential had increased a bit, but his heart was still heavy.

No wonder Wu Shengshi wanted to go around the village in advance, and Qin Jinyang wanted to kill someone right now... the kind of corpse that would be shredded into pieces.


[Reminder: The bandits are angry and resentful, are you willing to wipe out the Blue Gun Gang and avenge the unjustly killed people in Baifang Village? 】

[Hint: Bandits are lawless, are you willing to wipe out the Blue Gun Gang and bring peace to Baifang Village? 】

[Hint: Would you like to help your mother-in-law find her two sons? 】


A task reminder sounded in Qin Jinyang's mind.

It is reasonable to exterminate the Blue Gun Gang.

But the mother-in-law's two sons actually have tasks.

The system will not randomly prompt for no reason. If there is no accident, the two sons should be nearby.

'Bought daughter-in-law. '

'starving. '

'Come back for burial. '

'Two sons. '

'Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. '

In just one sentence, it is the tragedy experienced by the two women, and it is also a tragedy that runs through their lives.

The mother-in-law worked hard all her life and bought a poor daughter-in-law.

The scary thing is that the mother-in-law herself might have been bought by her mother-in-law.

Qin Jinyang turned around again and sent out some cakes. He also knew that his mother-in-law's eldest son was named Lu Dashan and the youngest son was named Lu Xiaoshan.

Before I knew it, it was dawn.

Wu Shengshi stood up and greeted the two of them to embark on the journey.


It's getting dark.

Qin Jinyang and the three passed through the mountains and peaks, and finally arrived at the outskirts of the Blue Gun Gang.

In fact, it's not that the government has never suppressed bandits. Unfortunately, such things are thankless.

The bandits are inextricably linked with the government's yamen, even if there is a master Qingtian who is determined to suppress the bandits, but the people below him are obedient, and deliberately lead the bandit suppression team in a wrong way. In the end, it is a waste of people and money.

But the mountain bandit's hiding place is remote and weird, without the locals to guide the way, it is impossible.

Even, the government wants the court to suppress the bandits the most.

As long as the bandits are suppressed, there will be money and rewards, and the money of the court is more nourishing than the common people.

At this time, the servants are all red-eyed...the opportunity to make a fortune has come!

This is a good deal for both ends.

As long as the imperial court rewards are raised a little bit, the lower-level yamen servants will come out in full force, and the bandits who are arrested and brought to justice overnight can fill the death row.

As for the bandits, they are nothing more than poor people, who would provoke the real bandits?
That's a fool!

They only want heads, silver, and meritorious service, but justice is the most ridiculous.

There are even more outrageous things. If the bandits are lazy and don't come to plunder, then the Yamen will be busy.

They arrest people during the day, and change their clothes to be bandits at night... The court must pay attention to the matter of banditry. If you don't pay attention, I will help you.


Lanterns are hung in the cottage, and the hustle and bustle can be heard from afar.

Smoke billowed from the kitchen, and the captured cook was probably cooking meat for a birthday banquet.

Qin Jinyang observed the stockade, and on the fence outside the wall, he saw many people fluttering in the wind... or rather, it was skin.

Those corpses had no flesh, and the skin was stuffed with straw.

Some of these skins have resisted copycats, and some cannot be blackmailed for money... Hanging them up is also a deterrent.

"Hey, those people... were they just arrested?"

Feng Duoying suddenly exclaimed.

Hearing this, Qin Jinyang turned his head to look.

Sure enough, there was a secret passage, and more than a dozen bandits with playful smiles drove away four women who were tied up.

The whip was whipped on the woman from time to time, and the bandits laughed even more sharply.

Qin Jinyang heard people tell that women would be worse off than dead if they were caught in the stockade.Judging by their clothes, these women should be maids or young ladies from wealthy households nearby.

They will not die, but will be held as hostages for ransom.

As for the others... Except not dying, everything you can think of will be fulfilled in women.

Bandits are bandits.

Ten thousand sentences, 1 million sentences green forest hero, can't wash away its brutal nature.


As the bandits approached, Qin Jinyang's pupils constricted and his throat hurt.

He saw the faces of the two bandits clearly.

One, a birthmark on the neck.

The other, half of the ear is missing.

They were torturing a young woman, and Lu Xiaoshan was actually pouring kerosene on the woman's head. What he was going to do was self-evident...

Lu Dashan didn't even put on his trousers.

Those two faces obviously haven't completely lost their simplicity, but at this moment, they are cruel and tyrannical that cannot be written in ten thousand words.

"Junior Brother Qin, those two people?"

Feng Duoying also remembered her mother-in-law, and said quietly beside Qin Jinyang.

"The victim becomes the perpetrator, perhaps a hundred times, ten thousand times crueler than the perpetrator..."

Qin Jinyang gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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