This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 111 Junior Brother Qin, Do You Remember That Night Banquet?

Chapter 111 Junior Brother Qin, Do You Remember That Night Banquet?

"The Zhao family is here, will the people's life be better?"

Qin Jinyang changed the topic, and was about to leave, but suddenly asked a lot.

This laborer should belong to the type of inquisitor in the village. If you say he doesn’t understand anything, he still has some things, but not many. There is such a person squatting in the corner of every village, talking about the imperial court and people’s livelihood.

"Oh, this should I say it!"

The laborer sighed, with an expression of concern for the country and the people on his face.

"Zhao Yuanwai must have spent a lot of money to buy so much land. At the same time, the Zhao family also has to deal with bandits."

"The government, bandits, and Helan Villa need money everywhere."

"If the weather is good and Zhao Yuanwai earns a lot of money, then our group of long-term workers will definitely be able to eat a little bit. Even if it is raising livestock, the owner's family is rich, and the livestock can also be full."

"But if the wind and rain don't go well and everyone loses money, the long-term workers are lucky if they don't starve to death."

"How should I put it! Zhao Yuanwai is here to earn money, and if he earns it, he will be a great benevolent person! Even if he loses money, Yuanwai will also bite people. It may be worse than bandits... It mainly depends on the money."

The laborer added: "I am not from the village. I escaped from the famine. The last member I served was in a famine year. I bought land and owed a whole lot of debt. In the end, I was skinned and hung in the well. , I heard that there are ghosts nearby.”

After the words fell, there was still some regret on his face.

"To tell the truth, brother, in fact, I have served three other members, and all of them lost money. This is the fourth time I have escaped famine."

It is rare that someone is willing to listen to him, and the laborer has his heart and soul.

"They all owe usury?"

Qin Jinyang was even interested.

"Well, the last member of the staff has no debts, but when he traveled far away, his wife ran away with the housekeeper, and the land deeds, land deeds, and furniture in the house were all sold by the two of them at a low price."

"It's fine for the dogs and men to go far away. The housekeeper can read a few broken characters and wrote an anti-poetry on the wall. The officers and soldiers will arrive after entering the door."

"It was cut in half, and it took less than an hour from the entrance to the execution hall. Poor old man!"

"Oh, marriage, what exactly does it bring to a man?"

The laborer smiled contemptuously.

"Brother, your life is tough, you are more expensive than Master."

Qin Jinyang could only sigh with emotion.

The story about the last member of the staff may not be that simple.

Maybe someone other than the official was the county magistrate in the first place?

In this world, eating people doesn't spit out bones.

There is also a possibility that the pillars of the warriors in Yuanwai's family have collapsed.

Fang Yongli was so anxious to cut off the second rank at the beginning because the family did not have a backbone to support him.

As for the life of the common people, Qin Jinyang recalled the days when he was a social animal in the company.

In fact, the same.

When the general environment is good, the company's performance is booming, the boss lives in the nightclub every day, and the girl at the front desk recruits three.

As for being late and leaving early, it doesn't matter at all.

Later, say hello.

Want to leave early and say hello.

During the Chinese New Year and festivals, there are even more gift packages and red envelopes.

The boss at that time was the most benevolent person in the world, and some colleagues in the company vowed to follow him forever and be loyal forever, and he was short of kowtow.

But when the general environment is not good, the boss immediately becomes a villain.

Strict attendance checks, endless meetings forced to talk, overtime work is normal, and various benefits are all based on painting cakes.

If you arrive late and leave early even for 1 minute, you will be fined 100 yuan, which is even more vicious than Huang Shiren. His colleagues back then were the first to run away with a bucket.

man, still that man.

The environment has changed.


Saying goodbye to the laborers, Qin Yuanyang led the horse to find the one-eyed mother-in-law.

After some inquiries at the entrance of the village, he finally saw the one-eyed mother-in-law in front of a mound of dirt.

Sure enough, the leg was broken.

It was broken from the root of the thigh. Due to the age, the other leg was weak. The mother-in-law could only drag on the ground. She was so skinny that she looked like a skeleton crawling from a distance.

The mother-in-law gathered her hands together and was struggling to shovel the soil, as if she wanted to dig a hole.

She was... digging a grave!
"Old lady, it's me!"

Qin Jinyang ran over to help her mother-in-law.

He was like holding on to a few rotten logs. The mother-in-law had an unpleasant smell on her body, and her face was covered with mud, but a line of tears pierced her heart, and the other eye could no longer shed tears.

"Hero, can you help me find my two sons? Tell me that their wives have been robbed..."

"The eldest has a birthmark on his neck, and the second is missing half of his ear."

The mother-in-law's eyes looked at Qin Jinyang's side. Only then did Qin Jinyang see clearly. It turned out that the mother-in-law was completely blind.

She is delirious and has no memory of who she is.

"Hero, my daughter-in-law's body was snatched for a yin marriage, can you help me steal a handful of soil from my daughter-in-law's grave?"

"My two sons may be dead. I'm sorry for them! Unfortunately, I can't be buried with my wife. If I can have a handful of soil, I will be satisfied."

When the mother-in-law spoke, she was already very angry. Qin Jinyang opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak for a while.

"Hero, the old woman has no money, but she has a piece of cake... The old woman can't let the hero work in vain, this piece of cake can be used as a reward, can it be? Hero... hero...Can the cake be made? Flour cake!"

The old woman raised her hand and fumbled around, like a person about to fall off a cliff, trying to grab a straw.

Qin Jinyang stretched out his hand, and her mother-in-law grabbed it immediately.

She stretched her other hand into her bosom, and took out a piece of white bread.

Half of it is still intact, and the other half is broken, with shoe prints on it, which should have been trampled on.

A picture appeared in Qin Jinyang's mind.

The old woman knelt in front of the door and held up the piece of cake, which was her most precious and the only property she could afford. She begged the servants to spare the body of her daughter-in-law.

The servant slapped the cake and even stepped on it.

The old woman was thrown aside, and she crawled over to try to stop her, but her leg was broken by a few sticks.

She watched her daughter-in-law being carried away, so she could only pick up the piece of cake, praying for a kind person to come and steal a handful of soil back.

"Hero... hero..."

The mother-in-law's body began to stiffen, and her speech became weaker and weaker.


[Hint: Are you willing to fulfill the old woman's dying wish and help her be buried with her daughter-in-law? 】


"Okay, I promise you!"

Qin Jinyang nodded.

He broke the cake a little and put it in the old woman's mouth.

"Bai, white noodles!"

The old woman moved her mouth, she couldn't chew the pancake anymore, but the sweetness of the flour reminded her of the day she got married.

Forgot how many years.

When I was sold here, there was a lame man who made two cakes and pulled a piece of red cloth, which was the red hijab for my worship.


Qin Jinyang asked someone again.

Chongshang Town!
The Zhao family clan lives in the town.

The Zhao family did indeed have a son who died. The first seven years have not yet passed, the man has not been buried, and the funeral is in progress.

Qin Jinyang distributed the food to the children and the elderly, and rode to Chongshang Town on horseback.

As for the big house in the village, it is not the head of the Zhao family who lives there, but the housekeeper who is in charge of the property in this area.

Qin Jinyang's figure gradually faded away.

He didn't notice that there was a middle-aged fat man standing on the top of the hill with cold eyes.

"Steward Wu, I found out... The young man is a warrior, and he may know the one-eyed woman. His subordinates speculate that he may be going to grab the corpse."

The servant ran over to report.

"Hmph, at this age, a first-rank martial artist dares to come out to fight for righteousness. It's ridiculous. Do you think my Zhao family is a face!"

"Hurry up and tell Madam what happened here, and let Madam send someone to capture this lunatic alive on the road."

"Remember, the other party is a first-rank martial artist, let Madam send more enshrinements!"

Butler Wu exhorted.

"Little understand!"

The servant nodded.

"Remember, let Madam not take it lightly."

"The eldest son is going to be buried, and the Zhao family will hold a big funeral. At that time, the second son will also come back, and there may be some talented people from Helan Villa to attend the funeral, but there must be no accidents... It doesn't matter if the Zhao family loses face, you can't let the second son lose face." .”

Butler Wu threw 2 taels of silver to the servant.

The entire Zhao family will have to rely on the support of the second son in the future.

Of course, the second son is absolutely up to the mark, he is already a disciple of Zhongning Hall at a young age, and I heard that he will be assessed for the Shangdan Hall soon.

If he can enter the Shangdan hall, it will be a great event for Guangzong Yaozu.

When Butler Wu was in the present, he always heard the master say that if he could enter the Shangdan hall, he would probably be able to break the third rank, and even try the fourth rank in this life.

Although the master is also a third-rank, he was seriously injured when he was young, so he didn't have the strength of a third-rank at all.

The second son is different, with a bright future, and may even lead the Zhao family to expand again.

The Zhao family has to give the second son a good face. If the concubine is taken away during the funeral, the second son will definitely become the laughing stock of the villa.

"The little one understands, the little one understands!"

The servant got the silver, his eyes were shining, he turned and ran, faster than a mad dog.


Qin Jinyang's speed is not considered fast, because he doesn't know the way, so he has to ask for directions.

It should be fast, there is a three-way intersection ahead, which is also a landmark nearby.

"Junior Brother Qin, Junior Brother Qin!"

Qin Jinyang had just passed the three-way intersection when he heard someone calling him behind him.

who is it?

Qin Jinyang turned his head.

It's a young man with a familiar face... He's from Helan Villa, but he can't remember his name.

"Ah, you're passing by too."

Qin Jinyang was embarrassed, so he could only exchange pleasantries to resolve the embarrassment.

"Junior Brother Qin, long time no see. You have been in a good mood recently, and many senior brothers are envious."

The young disciple looked familiar.

"Ashamed! Ashamed!"

Qin Jinyang smiled politely.

"Junior Brother Qin, do you not remember my name, haha... I have soaked in your Wuchi before, twice, haha... To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for Wuchi, I wouldn't be so fast Break through the second grade."

"My name is Zhao Liangzhuo, from Zhongning Hall!"

"Do you still remember that night banquet? Shi Pingying of Wu Ningtang kept making troubles for you, Yaoxingtang, and then your elder brothers of Yaoxingtang went crazy, and finally there was chaos. The next three halls helped you, and Zhongshuangtang helped Shi Pingying, and they all fought It's are playing chess with the owner, haha..."

"In the end, the deputy owner rewarded you with the opportunity to open Wuchi. In fact, I was helping Shi Pingying at first, but I was thick-skinned, so I followed Fang Yongli to take a bath. I have to thank my junior brother for not forgetting the past."

Zhao Liangzhuo clasped his fists together: "When you broke through, I was also in the Houshengtang! But junior brother, you have amazing talent, and you rang the Dantian bell before you finished the eight-step formation! Fang Yongli and I stood at the last step, and it was useless , ended up messing with Wuchi was also embarrassing." He added.

"Uh... remember, of course I remember Brother Zhao, how can I forget, hahaha!"

Qin Jinyang hurriedly cupped his fists and exchanged pleasantries.

Speaking of it, the moon banquet seems to be a long time ago.

"Junior Brother Qin, where are you going?"

Zhao Liangzhuo asked.

"Go to the town ahead, there is something to do!"

Qin Jinyang pointed to the front.

"Chongshang Town?" Zhao Liangzhuo asked again.


Qin Jinyang nodded.

"That's just a coincidence! My family is in Chongshang Town, junior brother, do you have the mission of the Hall of Merit? Dissatisfied with junior brother, my father can speak something in Chongshang Town, if you need something, you must not be polite! "

"Take advantage of Junior Brother Qin twice for no reason, if you are polite, then you will look down on me, Zhao Liangzhuo."

Zhao Liangzhuo put Qin Jinyang's shoulders on his shoulders.

Regarding Qin Jinyang, there are actually many rumors in the villa.

Whether it was Xue Bingbing, Ding Luchun, or Ao Xuanyi, they were all well-known figures, and they were inextricably related to Qin Jinyang.

Anyone who is not stupid knows that this person should make friends.

What's more, Qin Jinyang is really able to deal with it. The scene of helping Fang Yongli at the beginning really shocked many people. He was really desperate and affectionate when things happened.

"Brother Zhao, you are going to Chongshang Town, it is..."

Qin Jinyang suddenly realized something and asked back.

Zhao family, Zhao Yuanwai.

Zhao Liangzhuo.

Can I boldly guess that Zhao Yuanwai's second genius son in Helan Villa is the handsome brother in front of him.

"Oh, it's a long story!"

"I have been studying with a teacher since I was a child, and I seldom go home on weekdays. I just got the news that my eldest brother died."

"My mother passed away when she gave birth to me. My aunt treated me well as a concubine. I have not been filial to my father for many years. It is all due to the fatigue of my elder brother. I went home to mourn the funeral..."

"By the way, there will be a banquet at home tomorrow. There are still a few senior brothers in the villa who will come, and Fang Yongli will also come. If the junior brother has nothing important to do and can give me a face, then I am grateful to the senior brother! Thank you!!"

Zhao Liangzhuo took advantage of the opportunity to invite.

If there are big people participating in the wedding banquet, it can add great glory to the family.

In fact, no matter who has a happy event or a funeral in the villa, they will invite the senior brothers to show their face. The happy event is nothing more than that. The funeral is generally more grand, and the senior brothers will also go to attend to save each other's face.

A disciple of Helan Villa, he is an absolute arrogance outside.

If you can invite the disciples of Shangdantang, it will be even more prosperous, and the Patriarch can play for three months.

"A concubine?"

Qin Jinyang froze for a moment.

"Well, I'm ashamed to say that my mother is just an ordinary maid. Maybe it's because of her good looks that she became my father's concubine. My eldest brother and I have the same father and half mother. The eldest brother was born directly. My aunt also has three sons. Entering the imperial family, it's still my aunt who doesn't avoid suspicion, and adopts me, and I will become the second child!"

"Everyone in the Zhao family knows that there is a second son who is practicing in the villa, but most of them have never seen me. Due to my status, I am also used to cultivating alone, so I haven't been back for a long time. Usually it is my father and aunt. Go to the villa and give me money."

"Junior brother, you also know that the selection of Shangdantang is about to start again. I have accumulated some merits and signed up, but there is a high probability that there is no hope. I still have to practice hard. If I don't advance, I will retreat!"

The two chatted while walking, walking a certain distance unconsciously.

The second young master in front of him turned out to be a cultivating maniac, a super nerd, as long as he retreated, it would be as if he died, and the hall master drove him out several times to get some air.

There are people in the Zhao family, so this matter is easy to handle, so that you don't have to do it.

After all, Zhao's family is a big beneficiary of the villa, so he can't just rush in and kill people just because of a dead body, even the master can't handle it.

Even if the mother-in-law has her leg broken, she should seek revenge from the murderer. Even if the Zhao family surrenders the murderer, it will definitely be a mess.

What's more, if you rush around by yourself, you may die in someone else's house. This time, there is no master to hold the battle.

"Brother Zhao, there is really something..."

With a sullen face, Qin Jinyang explained in detail about the marriage with a yin marriage.

There is also the matter of the mother-in-law being broken.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Junior Brother Qin, don't worry, when I return to Zhao's house, I will immediately ask my servants to return the body, and I will also ask people to find out the murderous servant... It is unreasonable to commit murder in the street!"

"It doesn't matter if you have a yin marriage and buy a corpse! But they dare to snatch the corpse, it's lawless."

"Junior brother, I'm really sorry. I haven't lived in the Zhao family, and I don't understand the way people behave. I made my junior laugh!"

Zhao Liangzhuo cupped his fists and sincerely apologized.

"Thank you, Brother Zhao."

Qin Jinyang also cupped his fists.

In fact, Zhao Liangzhuo was giving himself face, after all, the other party was also the second rank of Zhongshuangtang.

If you have to tear your face apart, what can you do?
Single-handedly entered the Zhao family?
It's not impossible, but the road to the villa may be cut off.


"The young people in front stop, the Zhao family invites you to come! It's best to be obedient, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to Chongshang Town, a group of masked men rushed out and surrounded Qin Jinyang and Zhao Liangzhuo.

It is seven or eight warriors.

They are all first-class, not young, with fierce eyes, and the visitors are not kind.

"The Zhao family invited us? Which Zhao family?"

Zhao Liangzhuo frowned and asked.

"Nonsense, which Zhao family can there be? Of course it is the Zhao family in Chongshang Town!"

Another masked man sneered.

"You... don't know me?"

Zhao Liangzhuo asked with a sullen face.

"Take a pee and take a picture of yourself, with a sharp mouth and a cheeky face, what kind of thing are you, and you deserve to be known by others?"

The masked people laughed angrily.

Qin Jinyang was expressionless, with strange eyes.

These two young masters are a bit weak.

Zhao Liangzhuo was so angry that he had a headache for a moment. This kind of insult was unprecedented.

"Since the Zhao family invited us, then we... will follow you...

"Take a trip!"

Qin Jinyang was ready to make a move, but Zhao Liangzhuo suddenly nodded and said through gritted teeth.

At the same time, he dropped the knife in his hand.

"Junior brother Qin, if you don't have anything urgent, just come and see with me! How deep is the water in Zhao's house!" Zhao Liangzhuo turned his head and said.

"I... uh... nothing urgent!" Qin Jinyang nodded, he was also curious.

The knife was disarmed.

Chain upper body.

The two were taken away by a group of men in black, with black cloth covers on their heads, and the service was considerate.

The people in black are all happy, and it is flattering to be an offering to the big family.

This money is so easy to earn.


PS [Large chapter, too lazy to divide it, almost [-] words, the author is not lying. 】

(End of this chapter)

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