Chapter 169 Master Jin

After eating and drinking, Qin Jinyang is going to go to the brothel... the teahouse opposite.

The province saves the flowers.

Although Qin Jinyang has a lot of gold leaves hidden in his arms, it is not difficult to buy three brothels.

But he still likes to save money from some details.

not picking...

It is to examine this special culture from the objective perspective of an outsider.


There are also people getting married, which seems to be a good day.

I rely on...

The bride is actually a girl from a brothel.

No wonder... The brothel was extremely lively today, and even the teahouse opposite was full of people. Qin Jinyang paid a few taels more to find a seat.

It is really rare for a brothel girl to get married.

The old bustard had a runny nose and tears, playing the role of the girl's mother. Just seeing the tears was enough to make her sad.

As for whether it is sad that the cash cow has run away, or the heartfelt relief, it is not known.

The groom is a tall man, even though he is marrying a brothel girl, but he doesn't have the slightest bit of aggrieved look on his face, instead, his face is full of sincerity, and his eyes are full of sincere love.

Qin Jinyang looked at the bridegroom, and he could tell at a glance that the groom was not rich. Although the outside was a brand new big red robe, the collar under the red robe showed some wear and tear.


"The groom is a juren. Although he is a bit poor, but with this status, he can marry a lady from a rich family casually. Why would he marry a woman from a brothel who can be a husband... Strange! Strange!"

In the teahouse, everyone was talking about this wonderful marriage.

It turned out to be Juren?
Sure enough, he has the temperament of a scholar.

But lift a man to a brothel woman?


Qin Jinyang also became curious.

Before he crossed over, he was free to browse the forum, and there was a post comparing the diplomas of ancient and modern scholars.

According to the comparison of the number of recruits, Juren is equivalent to a Ph.D.

Of course, there were some people who argued in the comment section of the post. After all, it is not a one-dimensional diploma, but just a general reference.

A doctor who blatantly married a brothel woman?
It's kind of magical.

Although there were also doctors who made mistakes in their previous lives, it is always an anecdote that a nightclub picks up a kiss.

"Hehe, what do you know... If it wasn't for this brothel lady, Zhang Juren would have starved to death..."

Someone stepped forward and seemed to know some inside information.

"As the saying goes, an actor is not righteous, and a watch is ruthless... Zhang Juren spent so much money on her in the past, and then he will pay her back when he makes money. It is simply absurd that Mingmei is marrying a woman from a brothel."

"What's more, Bai Yuanwai wanted to marry a daughter to Zhang Juren more than once, and Bai Yuanwai can pay off this money with a wave of his hand... In my opinion, Zhang Juren is just stupid and doesn't know what to do."

Another young man dressed as a scholar cursed.

He does not have the status of a juren, but is just a scholar.

He thought Zhang Juren was humiliating scholars.

"At a young age, do you know what it means to be in love with each other? Do you know what love is?"

A young man stood up and refuted the little scholar.

Qin Jinyang shook his head.

Since ancient times, the story of the scholar and the brothel woman seems to have never ended.

"Hahaha... love?"

"You're not afraid of laughing your teeth out... The love you understand is that the girls in the brothel are single-minded, desperate for the little scholar, and give up everything... Actually? As long as the girls in the brothel are scholars, they can fall in love..."

"As for the woman Zhang Juren married, I don't know how many scholars he has sponsored. It's just that he was admitted to Juren... If someone else was admitted to Juren today, then the bride is still her, but the groom is someone else..."

"You tell me, this is love?"

The scholar smiled contemptuously.

"That's enough! That's enough... Why are you making noise on other people's happy days... I am Zhang Juren's good friend, and I know his affairs best! Of course Zhang Juren knows that this girl raised other scholars, but so what?"

"No matter how many men the girl has raised, it can't change the fact that she saved Zhang Juren's life."

"Could it be that after a brothel girl gets married, she can't abide by women's morals?"

"Could it be that girls from ordinary families don't have examples of red apricots cheating?"

"As a human being, one must be worthy of one's own conscience..."

"Bai Yuanwai has ulterior motives to marry a girl, and it's just because Zhang Juren is young, and he may make a fortune in the future. Although the body of his Bai family is not dirty, his heart is not clean."

"When Zhang Juren was hungry, Bai Yuanwai never offered a steamed bun. When Zhang Juren buried his old mother, Bai Yuanwai didn't send a straw mat. Instead, it was a coffin that you despised prostitutes."

Another scholar stood up and stopped the quarrel in the teahouse.

"Hmph, it's not like she's only helped one scholar... a prostitute, she really has a vicious heart... stay away!"

The scholar muttered, but he still felt uncomfortable!


"Happy candy!"

A few boys from the brothel ran out and threw candies around.

There was a girl in the building who was being married by a dignified matchmaker, it was a good story, and everyone in the building was very happy.

In fact, the girl didn't save enough money for her redemption, but the old bustard showed kindness on purpose this time, and asked the girl to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

The candies were scattered and the crowd followed suit.

Qin Jinyang didn't fight for it. It was strange to say that there was a candy that fell on the table in front of him.

Holding the candy in his hand, Qin Jinyang had a figure in his mind that he couldn't get rid of.

Jin Qingyun.

Su Zhannan exchanged his body back, and it has been shipped home now!
Speaking of it, if it weren't for the turmoil in Qiyi City, Jin Qingyun would also be a bridegroom official.


Qin Jinyang stood up and sighed.

The town where Jin Qingyun is located is not far from here, so Qin Jinyang decided to go there.

Although he is not familiar with Jin Qingyun, they only met once.

But this young man's spiritual impact on Qin Jinyang was greater than that of many others.

The first time I saw him, the young man was in high spirits.

The second time I saw him, he had already been hung on the wall of Qiyi City, and there was not a piece of complete skin on his body.

The third time I saw him, the boy was already a cold corpse.

After leaving the teahouse, Qin Jinyang directly bought a fast horse.

Afterwards, he ran towards another small town without looking back.

Xu Wenqing is in seclusion, and it will take several days to leave, and she still has a lot of vacation balance.

In fact, Qin Jinyang himself couldn't tell why he went to Jin Qingyun.

Or maybe, nothing can be done.

But he just wanted to see it.

If there is a mourning hall, burn a stick of incense far away.


This small town is relatively prosperous, and the previous horse grabbing with Jin Qingyun also happened here.

Qin Jinyang felt uncomfortable when he revisited the old place.

At the entrance of the town, a boy was hitting a willow tree with his fist, just like a madman.

Qin Jinyang took a few more subconscious glances.

There was a hunter at the door, and Qin Jinyang stopped him: "Brother, let me know, in which direction is Master Jin's home?"

While speaking, Qin Jinyang gave Orion a bag of wine.

Orion was still a little impatient, but when he asked about the aroma of the wine, he immediately smiled.

"Little brother, are you also here to mourn?"

Orion asked.

"Uh... yes..."

Qin Jinyang nodded.

It seemed that Jin Qingyun's body had been transported back, and many people had come to pay their respects.

"Sigh... Mr. Jin is really unlucky. He managed to raise a good grandson, but he died in Qiyi City... From now on, what will the Jin family do..."

Orion sighed.

I think back when the Jin family was prosperous, Mr. Jin was generous, and his prey could be sold for a good price.

"The Jin family... what's wrong?"

Qin Jinyang frowned and asked.

"Jin Qingyun died in battle, and the body was transported back. It's too horrible to look at."

"Mr. Jin was so sad that he fell into a coma. According to the doctor, although Mr. Jin is still breathing, he may not be able to recover from the illness. Maybe he will only have a few months to live."

"When Mr. Jin dies, the remaining family property of the Jin family will soon be gone."

Orion sighed.

"Brother, it seems that you know the Jin family very well...can you tell me in detail?"

Qin Jinyang became interested.

"About the Jin family, little brother, you are asking the right person. I was a frequent visitor to the Jin family a few years ago."

"Actually, several years ago, the Jin family was already an empty shell. Although it looked magnificent on the outside, but the sheep dung balls were shiny on the outside, and the inside was already riddled with holes..."

Orion found a rock and sat down.

Qin Jinyang also sat down.

"Little brother, you are young. If I guess correctly, you should be here to mourn for your parents... It can be seen that your parents don't pay much attention to the Jin family."

"Back then, Mr. Jin was also number one in the imperial city, but unfortunately, he gave birth to a few worthless sons... The eldest died early, but after all, he left behind two normal sons... The second and the second son The third is the two prodigal sons, ignorant and incompetent, causing trouble everywhere, and doing all bad things."

"Maybe you have heard from your parents that Lord Jin's two sons provoked big shots in the imperial city, were framed by schemes, and committed the heinous crime of beheading...Although Lord Jin saved the lives of the whole family, but as a price , he gave up his official position in the capital."

"Lord Jin is not willing to resign and return to his hometown. He is completely implicated by the two prodigal sons."

Orion opened the wine bag and took a sip of the spirits, as if this would calm the anger in his heart.

"and after?"

Qin Jinyang asked.

"Later, I went back to the town... In fact, Mr. Jin has a very high prestige. Although he has no official position, he has accumulated a lot of money. It is not a big problem to be a wanderer."

"But the two sons are really disappointing. Even if they come to the remote and remote province of Yundong Province, they still don't delay the drunken and rich... The two bastards secretly sold their properties several times, and owed a lot of gambling debts. Hurts."

Orion cursed again.

"Master Jin doesn't care?"

Qin Jinyang asked curiously.

"'s the fault of the son for not teaching his father. When he was young, Mr. Jin was busy with state affairs and neglected management. After he resigned, he was disheartened and didn't value money...Moreover, in Mr. Jin's heart, money has nothing to do with it. concept."

"Jin Qingyun is the eldest son and the eldest grandson of Mr. Jin. He has amazing talent since he was a child. Mr. Jin also spent a lot of money on Jin Qingyun."

"Unfortunately, God's will tricks people, the hope of the Jin family has died."

"Lord Jin still has some old relationships in the imperial capital. If Jin Qingyun is alive, he can use these old relationships to pave the way and take care of everything... If everything goes well, the Jin family may be brought back to life! Although it will not recover to its original glory , but with Jin Qingyun in charge, it will not be a big problem if it is prosperous for decades."

"But now that Jin Qingyun is dead, Mr. Jin's relationship in the imperial city is gone... why don't you leave the tea, the two sons of the Jin family can't support the wall with mud, and others can't avoid it, no matter how good it is relationship, at most sending someone to visit the grave would be the best of benevolence..."

In the middle of speaking, Orion looked at Qin Jinyang with an expression that seemed to say: Isn't this the case with your parents?

Qin Jinyang shook his head.


People take tea to cool off.

If there is a rising star in the Jin family, perhaps someone who has been helped by Lord Jin before, can help.

But once the up-and-coming star dies, those two weirdos will hurt him instead.

Going to the grave is really the best of benevolence.

Favor, kindness, friendship... nothing less than that.

"Right now, Mr. Jin still has his breath. When Mr. Jin dies completely, there should be a group of creditors coming to the door... The ancestral house that Mr. Jin worked so hard to build may not be able to keep it..."

"In the past, these creditors didn't come to Jin's house to commit murder because of the face of the farmer..."

"Now that Jin Qingyun is dead, Zhuang Yuanwai has canceled the engagement. It must be to draw a line with the Jin family."

Orion sneered, and asked again: "Brother, do you know the dealer? The daughter of the farmer's wife is married to Jin Qingyun. In fact, they are going to marry each other in the next few days, but the groom died in the end."

"The Jin family really suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck."

Orion Road.

"The banker..."

Qin Jinyang nodded.

When the fiancé dies, the engagement must be canceled, which is actually normal.

"The farmer has the backing of a big official in the capital, and the group of creditors in the past paid the Jin family some favors, and the interest on the debt was not collected... Just wait, when Mr. Jin dies, the excitement will still be behind... There is no dealer Protect, those butchers can demolish the Jin family's ancestral home!"

"I hope these bandits don't make trouble at the funeral. The drums are broken and everyone beats them. Mr. Jin is so pitiful."

Orion sighed again.

"This... is really pitiful..."

Qin Jinyang also shook his head.

In this world, every organization that dares to lend usury has a deep background.

Since they dared to send money to Mr. Jin, they were sure to get it back.

For ordinary people, Mr. Jin has a big background.

But for this group of bandits, their backer must also be in the imperial city, and even the depth of their backs is unimaginable.

"Little brother, if you go west along this road, you will soon see a group of people wearing sackcloth and filial piety. That place is the Jin family... Forget it, I'll go with you, and the old man also kowtows quietly. .”

Orion stood up and signaled Qin Jinyang to go with him.

"it is good!"

Qin Jinyang nodded.

Before leaving, he took another look at the willow trees at the entrance of the town.

The boy punched and punched, making a deep hole in the tree waist, dripping with blood.

"He is Jin Qingyun's younger brother and the youngest grandson of Mr. Jin. When he saw his elder brother's body, his whole body collapsed. You must not provoke him, this kid bites people."

Orion followed Qin Jinyang's gaze and also looked at the young man.

"Lord Jin's most promising eldest son died early! The boss left behind two orphans, both of whom were more competitive... It's a pity that Jin Qingyun also died early. Although Jin Xiaoyun's talent is not bad, the Jin family is no longer capable Cultivation, the future path... Forget it, this is not something that poor people like me worry about."

Orion likes to chat, and chatted about Mr. Jin's grandson.

"I see!"

Qin Jinyang nodded.

As if sensing that two people were talking about him, Jin Xiaoyun gave him a far-away look, and then ran away without looking back.

Qin Jinyang also has some eyesight now.

Jin Xiaoyun has just broken through to the first rank, so he is really talented.


The Jin Family Courtyard.

When Qin Jinyang and Orion arrived, the creditor had already arrived.

The mourning hall calls for debts.

What Orion was most worried about finally happened.

"Damn it, these bandits!"

Orion gritted his teeth and cursed.

Qin Jinyang frowned and observed. Indeed, there was a group of people with bad expressions. Although there was a white cloth on their arms, their expressions were ferocious.

In front of the mourning hall, there were also a group of well-dressed people.

It is because of the existence of this group of people that the debt collectors dare not come forward.

"That group of people were Lord Jin's former subordinates or disciples... In fact, they have been helping the Jin family wipe their butts, but after all, they have their own family to support, and now they are struggling... They can't afford it."

Seeing that Qin Jinyang was curious, Orion explained in detail out of his responsibility for a pot of wine.


"My lord Jin hasn't died yet, why are you so anxious to get the ancestral house of the Jin family? Can't you wait any longer? You are only in a hurry for a day or two?"

"What's more, Jin Qingyun died for the imperial court, and the pension will come back soon, and it will be given to you at that time...Why do you have to be aggressive in front of the mourning hall?"

An old man stood up and scolded.

He used to be a county magistrate. Although he has retired and returned to his hometown, his words still have some deterrent power.

Qin Jinyang noticed that there were two people in sackcloth and filial piety, trembling all over.

After being pointed out by Orion, these two are Jin Qingyun's two prodigal uncles.

Sallow and thin, with a dejected appearance of being hollowed out.

"Lord Du, it's only natural to pay back the debts, and we are also obeying orders!"

"We are all businessmen. If the money comes back one day earlier, it will be useful one day earlier. For us, the money is like a laying hen... How much money will we lose if we come back one day later? Who will pay for the money?"

The leading bully stood up and said.

Although he was vicious, he was still somewhat afraid of these people.

"Actually, we don't want the mourning hall to call for debts. If we don't want to part with the ancestral house, we can give it some time... But the Jin family's Liu Yun Zhenqi can be put up for auction in advance... The highest bidder has to... pay some interest first."

Another debt collector stepped forward.


An old man scolded angrily.

"Master Zhang, this is the family martial art of the Jin family. The heirs of the Jin family haven't spoken yet. What are you interrupting?"

The debt collectors are getting impatient.


"Is Liu Yun really angry?"

Qin Jinyang muttered.

"It's Master Jin's family martial arts!"

Orion doesn't know much about martial arts, he only knows a name, which is also from hearsay.


The second child and the third child are worthless.

Although outsiders were yelling at the debt collectors, the two of them had already been scared out of their wits.

When Jin Qingyun was alive before, Liu Yun's zhenqi was a treasure, but now that Jin Qingyun is dead, who in the Jin family can learn this martial art?

It's good to have an auction.

Let's solve the urgent need first.


A group of creditors smiled sinisterly.

People who joined in the fun nearby also began to commotion.

Although the Jin family's inherited martial arts is not a profound art, it is also a first-class powerful mental method, which was impossible to buy with money before.

Suddenly, many people began to gear up.


[Reminder: In front of the deceased's mourning hall, are you willing to buy Liu Yun's true energy? 】

(End of this chapter)

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