Chapter 186
It turned out to be a white jade root bone.

Qin Jinyang was amazed inwardly.

Indeed, one cannot be judged by one's appearance.

But it was obvious that Xu Yuansheng was obviously superior. He really took great pains for his precious daughter.

Xu Wenqing just broke through to the fourth rank, and she has already paved the way for the white jade roots.

Xu Wenqing is the true father-fighting family.

Good luck.


"Hehe, other people's white jade root bones are geniuses, but I'm just a cursed medicinal material. It's ridiculous."

Shi Yingnan laughed at himself.

"Brother Shi, is there no way to break the curse on you?"

Qin Jinyang asked again.

"Maybe... there will be! But Yundong Province belongs to the backcountry, and I can't get in touch with any top powerhouses, so I will treat it as a terminal illness... Life and death are fate, this is also my destiny."

Shi Yingnan remained calm, as if he had already gotten used to life and death.

"As far as I know, the West Moon Sect is not short of money. Your father can spend the money and hire some genius doctors from the capital to see patients... As long as there is enough money, you should be able to do a lot of things. If you have money, you can make ghosts go away." Grind it."

Qin Jinyang frowned.

Before Xu Yuansheng had mastered Guiwuxin, the status of Xiyuezong and Helan Villa in Jianghu was almost equal.

Xu Yuansheng can help Xu Wenqing get so many precious resources, there is no reason why the West Moon Sect can't find a way.

There is no such thing as a simple character who can become one of the top ten forces in Yundong Province.

"Hahahaha... Brother Qin, your thinking is a little naive."

"What if... my father let me die on purpose?"

"To put it another way...the whole Xiyue Sect actually wants me to die."

Shi Yingnan smiled freely.

He was obviously talking about the cruelest thing in the world, but his expression didn't show any sadness.

Qin Jinyang frowned.

what's the situation?
Xiyuezong wants the young suzerain to die?

Hope that a genius with a white jade root will die?

You know, Shi Yingnan is the heir of the West Moon Sect. As long as he is strong enough, the West Moon Sect will continue to be brilliant for many years.

"Father gave my corpse to Xu Yuancheng, guess what he wants to take away from Xu Yuancheng?"

Shi Yingnan asked.


Qin Jinyang thought about it.

Dongshi Xiahuo Jue?


Xiyuezong has been able to fight against Helan Villa for so many years, the suzerain must have practiced Xuan Gong.

lay down the life of his own son.

There is still a chance of white jade roots... It is obviously not worth buying and selling for only one profound art.

"Among the ten suzerains in Yundong Province, my father is the oldest. He was injured when he was young, and now he is wounded to death. He has already run out of fuel and the lamp is dying, and the end is approaching."

"Xu Yuancheng has a life-extending pill in his hand. This is a treasure that the eunuchs risked their lives to steal from the palace. It is the imperial secret pill used by the empress dowager of the dynasty. It is priceless and can prolong life. Forcibly renew one's life."

"My father and Xu Yuancheng have the same strength, both of them are fifth-rank Dzogchen, and they are just a step away from sixth-rank... They are also the strongest group among the ten sects."

Shi Yingnan smiled a little, as if he was telling a legendary story that had nothing to do with him.

Even Shi Yingnan himself was not the same, since he met Qin Jinyang, he had a lot of words in his mouth.

In fact, when he was with Xue Bingbing, Shi Yingnan was also playing the role of a listener.

Qin Jinyang listened carefully.

The relationship between the ten sects is intricate. Although there are some gossip and bizarre legends in the teahouse, after all, most of them are exaggerations and fabrications.

Shi Yingnan was right.

In the ranking of the ten suzerains, the suzerain of Xiyuezong and the owner of Helan Villa are both the strongest ones.

There are rumors in the world that the weakest clan is Yi Lianqin of Yi Cangzong.

Of course, Yi Lianqin, the number one from the bottom, was not very stable, and there was also the Suzerain of the Shiwu Sect, who was also suspected of being the number one from the bottom.

The main reason is that the master of Shiwuzong is the youngest, although he is also in the fifth-rank realm, but because of his lack of outstanding achievements, and because Shiwuzong usually acts in a low-key manner, the disciples of the sect generally do not cause trouble, do not fight or grab, so others question it.

Qin Jinyang met Yi Lianqin in Qiyi City.

When he left the villa, the master of Shiwuzong was also in the Moon Banquet Hall.

Speaking of which, Shi Wuzong was the first person to support the Ten Sects Alliance and elect Xu Yuancheng as its leader.

In short, Shiwuzong and Helan Villa have a close relationship, and the two schools also have a lot of business cooperation.

"All suzerains are looking for opportunities to unlock the sixth rank. Xu Yuancheng is looking for it, and my father is also looking for it... There was no Huangyun faction before, everyone is safe and sound, you can fight slowly, find it slowly..."

"But now the situation has changed... The Huangyun faction is eyeing the tiger, and the chaotic princes are vassals. Opportunities and dangers coexist, but my father is exhausted!"

"The West Moon Sect has no successors, and there are no successors. My father must do everything possible to delay the time... As long as he finds a sixth-grade opportunity, my father will have a way to stabilize the West Moon Sect's foundation and extend his lifespan for many more years."

"So, I can't live... Even if a miracle doctor stands in front of me, my father will not allow others to save me."

"Besides Helan Villa, Xiyuezong also has another biggest enemy, Shiwuzong...the relationship between Xiyuezong and Helan Villa is nothing more than conflicts of interests, which can be settled with interests."

"And the enmity between us and Shiwuzong is a blood feud. My father killed the father of Wu Xinhai, the lord of Shiwuzong of this generation, and it is revenge for killing his father."

"Back when Wu Xinhai was the Young Sovereign, my father kidnapped Wu Xinhai's wife and ruined it for a long time! When the Young Sovereign's wife became a lunatic, he sent her back in an open and honest manner, embarrassing Shi Wuzong!"

"At that time, my father wanted to take revenge on Wu Xinhai's father, so he murdered his daughter-in-law...because Wu Xinhai's father killed my grandfather!"

"The hatred of killing one's father, the hatred of taking one's wife... is full!"

"Now my father still has the strength to fight, so Wu Xinhai swallowed his anger. When my father dies, it will not be uncommon for Wu Xinhai to slaughter the West Moon Sect."

"My father's biggest hobby in this life is to marry concubines. I have so many younger brothers and sisters that you can't even imagine."

"There is a family behind those concubines, and they all rely on their father to survive. Once the West Moon Sect collapses, the consequences will be disastrous... No one in the entire West Moon Sect wants me to live."

Shi Yingnan's wind was light and cloudless.

"Your circle is really messed up... When will the grievances be repaid?"

Qin Jinyang sighed with emotion: "Brother Shi, your life is really hard."

Through the grievances between Xiyuezong and Shiwuzong, the importance of cutting weeds and roots is highlighted.

Otherwise it's endless.

Qin Jinyang's mood suddenly became open-minded.

Qin Jinyang felt a little uncomfortable being wronged by the villa before.

But things in the world are most afraid of comparison.

After hearing Shi Yingnan's story, Qin Jinyang suddenly felt that Xu Yuansheng and his daughter were kind enough to him.

"Yeah, life is hard!"

"If I can survive, if I become the suzerain of the West Moon Sect, then none of my father's concubines will survive."

Shi Yingnan leaned on the carriage, staring into the distance with flickering eyes.

This time, Qin Jinyang finally saw some disappointment in him.

In his heart, there are actually regrets.

Judging from what he just said, Shi Yingnan is not a bad person.

In his heart, he was decisive.

He hated all the aunts and aunts of the Xiyue Sect, as well as the group of so-called brothers and sisters who were more disgusting than enemies.


As soon as they entered the village, Qin Jinyang and Shi Yingnan saw many newly dug graves.

The old man coaxed his daughter to sleep and poked his head out of the carriage.

"Those new graves are from families where children died recently."

The old man pointed to the grave.

At the same time, there was a stabbing pain in his heart.

The place I passed by just now actually has a corner, which is the cemetery I chose for my daughter.

Not far away, the mother of the child is buried.

When the girl died, the old man was ready to save a coffin for himself. He could go to the temple to donate some incense money, and finally asked the monks to help him bury him.

Of course, this incense money is not easy to save.

At this moment, a great benevolent person came to the village, and the old man finally had some hope in his eyes.

"A lot of people died...cough cough...!"

Shi Yingnan coughed suddenly, his forehead was covered with a layer of cold sweat.

Qin Jinyang turned his head suddenly, he sensed that the true energy in Shi Yingnan's body was very chaotic.

"It's okay, the pain relief talisman is no longer effective, I'll post another one!"

Shi Yingnan shook his fingers, and a talisman appeared on his fingertips.

Stimulating true energy, the talisman flickered, and a flame began to burn, but the strange thing was that the flame did not burn through the talisman, just like a candle.

Shi Yingnan lifted his clothes, and the talisman was tightly attached to his body.


The true energy in his body stabilized again.

"Amulets are quite expensive."

Qin Jinyang asked subconsciously, and then realized that he had asked a stupid question.

Others are the young suzerain of the Xiyue Sect, would they care about these two copper coins?

"Everyone in the West Moon Sect hopes that I can die sooner, but everyone is afraid that I will not want to die willingly, so the sect will do its best to satisfy any request I have."

"Doctors often say something to terminally ill patients, eat as much as you can if there is something delicious to drink... My situation is similar, the sect will not let me suffer."

Shi Yingnan let out a foul breath.

"Brother Qin still has problems in his stomach? Haha..."

Seeing Qin Jinyang's blank expression, Shi Yingnan saw Qin Jinyang's doubts at a glance: "Xu Wenqing wants to be promoted to Baiyu Gengu, but I must die willingly. Only in this way can the bones be effective."

"Brother Qin, you are wondering why I hate Xiyuezong, but I am willing to sacrifice myself?"

"You may think I'm stupid... Actually, you're thinking too much. I have a twin sister who has already married and moved to the capital. My father threatened me with my sister, so I have to be obedient... As long as I die obediently, my sister will be safe."

Shi Yingnan explained a few more sentences.

"I see!"

Qin Jinyang nodded.

He really wanted to ask just now, why Shi Yingnan was so stupid and filial, he lost his life, and sacrificed himself for a group of enemies.

It turned out there was another hostage.


Shi Yingnan's father is also really talented.

Threatening his son to commit suicide obediently with his daughter's life.

Born in this kind of family, even though he was well-clothed and well-fed, life was really worse than death.


They went directly to the old man's house.

This home is poor, but the simple furnishings are also in good order. The bed is very simple, but the bedding is very clean.

The old man hurriedly brought two bowls of water.

Along the way, Qin Jinyang and Shi Yingnan also asked the old man to find out some ins and outs.

The sickness of the children in the village did not come out of thin air.

According to the old man's memory, not long ago, a Taoist priest who made alchemy came to the village.

This Taoist priest was kind and amiable. He sent rice noodles to every household in the village. He also asked the children to help fan the wind in their spare time. He gave the children candy and some copper coins as a reward.

The fuel for Taoist alchemy is a bit strange, it is the feces of children.

Taoist priests even spent copper coins to buy the excrement.

On the way, Qin Jinyang and Shi Yingnan suspected that this Taoist priest was not normal, and might be performing a vicious sorcery.

These little children became victims.

Simply devoid of conscience.


"Brother Shi, how are you going to diagnose and treat?"

Qin Jinyang asked.

When passing by just now, a family just came out with the dead body of a child.

That was a thick-headed and thick-headed chubby man, it was a pity to die.

Qin Jinyang is helpless now.

Even if the little yellow bird went to call the genius doctor, it was too late.

When the miracle doctor arrived at Niujiagou, the day lily was cold.

The number of sick children also exceeded Qin Jinyang's imagination.

The only hope now is that Shi Yingnan has some real skills.

"My medical skills are a bit special. When I perform them, I have to unlock all the talisman seals, so I have to gather all the children and heal them all at once!"

Shi Yingnan Road.

"Engong, I'll go to every household to inform them...I'll go to the village chief first!"

The old man said hurriedly.

"Go and come back quickly... Remember, let all the sick children come over, don't miss a single one!"

Shi Yingnan urged again.


The old man ran out like flying.

The old man knew everything in the village better. Although Qin Jinyang was fast, his efficiency was not as high as that of the old man.

"Brother Qin, follow the old man out to have a look. Some villagers will definitely not believe that I can see a doctor. If necessary, you can forcefully arrest me."

Shi Yingnan looked at Qin Jin again and said.

"it is good!"

Qin Jinyang nodded.

At the same time, he admired Shi Yingnan in his heart as worthy of being a young master of the sect, and had a certain insight into people's hearts.

The Li people are indeed hardworking and simple, but ignorance is also true. Some people are stubborn and blindly accept death. Many families on the road are doing sacrifices.

There are also liars dancing to the gods.

This method is definitely cheating money, it's useless.

But the people believe.


It didn't take long.

Dozens of children were scattered in disorder, either sitting or lying down, all gathered in the old man's yard.

Some children are already in a deep coma and may die at any time.

Of course, there are also some children with milder symptoms, with candies bought by Qin Jinyang in their mouths.

Some parents waited anxiously outside the yard.

Shi Yingnan asked the village head to order that no one is allowed to approach the yard!When the village chief saw the two warriors, he was almost frightened out of his courage, how could he dare to be disobedient.

And those ignorant and disobedient parents have been knocked out by Qin Jinyang.

Apart from the children, only Qin Jinyang and Shi Yingnan were left in the yard.

Puff puff puff!

Shi Yingnan lifted his clothes, and all the talismans burned into fly ash at the same time.

And his expression was distorted, and he spat out mouthfuls of blood, obviously suffering great pain.

Shi Yingnan's fingers fluttered, and a mysterious qi spread out.

Another mouthful of blood was spat out, and Shi Yingnan slowly closed his eyes.

At this time, Qin Jinyang was dumbfounded.

The scene in the yard suffocated Qin Jinyang.

This is...Hundred Ghosts of the Night Walk?
Or... a feast of ghosts?
It's afternoon and the sun hasn't set yet.

All the children in the yard passed out, and above their heads, phantoms of human figures floated. At first glance, they seemed to be out of their bodies.

Qin Jinyang licked his lips.

Is this Shi Yingnan a necromancer?

"Brother Qin, don't panic, this is just my method of healing... My profound art is called the Plague Killing Curse, which can pull out the source of the plague in the human body, and then kill it with the fire of Xuanyang."

"The Plague Curse has miraculous effects on poisonous wounds and curse-like wounds, but it is useless against ordinary sword wounds and the natural corruption of internal organs."

Although his eyes were closed, Shi Yingnan seemed to sense Qin Jinyang's curiosity, so he explained a few words.


Groups of golden flames covered the ghost's body.

There was even a foul smell floating in the air.

"Very vicious alchemy method, giving poison to children, using the child's body as a furnace, using the child's intestines and stomach to filter medicinal materials, and finally get pure fuel."

Shi Yingnan cursed a few words.


Puff puff!

As the golden flames became more and more intense, many unconscious children began to vomit black blood.

Qin Jinyang sensed it with his true energy.

Although those children who vomited blood were weaker, all meridians in their bodies were unobstructed.



"This plague-killing curse was originally a secret technique of my mother's clan. My father lured my mother into the West Moon Sect with sweet words. My mother was unwilling to be a concubine, so she was about to leave the West Moon Sect, but she was imprisoned by her father and that regular wife."

"Unfortunately, my mother already has my sister and me in her womb. After giving birth to my sister, my mother is already very angry."

"In order to give birth to me, my mother paid a heavy price. Before she died, she tried to condense the pestilence curse in my body. She succeeded. I was born with profound skills, white jade root bones."

"But she didn't expect that the inborn profound art is also a curse, which made me suffer for half my life."


The rescue has come to an end.

Shi Yingnan explained the origin of the plague curse as if he was talking about tuberculosis.

Strange to say, even when facing Xue Bingbing, Shi Yingnan didn't talk as much as today, he is actually an introverted person.


Qin Jinyang didn't say much, but he quietly released the little yellow bird to find You Tongwen.

Just because Shi Yingnan selflessly saved the children in this yard, he deserves this opportunity for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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